What happens to you when you die?

What Jewish church are you talking about?
A stupid question, as the Christian Church would also matter.

Again, you jave not a shred of evidence. I, on the other hand,have well documented history of the ignorance and superstitions of these people. Your claims are absurd and self serving pap, and I will leave you to them.
Matthew 16:26 And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul?

Not only is my life full now, it will be much fuller for eternity. Why on earth would you settle for less? This is merely basic training.

Without Christ you can gain the whole world. With Him, you can gain the whole world, all the other worlds our Father has created, and an eternal non-corruptible body that never fails, to enjoy them with.

There is meaningful, and then there is meaningful, never ending.
If you are right and I am wrong, you and I have lived meaningful lives and then we rot away. No harm, no foul...
If you are wrong and I am right, you have lost everything but a forgetful vapor of existence in linear time, and I have gain everything, forever. Yay me...

John 1:12 says, “To all who did receive him [Jesus], who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.”

Being a child of God is not for everyone. No one is forced to accept the gift of eternal life. Nothing arrogant about it. It's free and available to everyone. Those who never heard of Christ will be judged on the way they treated their fellow man. Those who refuse the gift of propitiation offed by God and His Son, will be judged at the White Throne Judgement.

Naive would be being so myopic that you don't even see the choice that has been offered you...

So, I'm guessing you will refuse to address why your gods didnt offer the heavenly rewards to all that portion of humanity which came and went before your gods were invented.

Couldn't the gods retroactively offer something?
What Jewish church are you talking about?
A stupid question, as the Christian Church would also matter.

Again, you jave not a shred of evidence. I, on the other hand,have well documented history of the ignorance and superstitions of these people. Your claims are absurd and self serving pap, and I will leave you to them.

You just provided the evidence that it was the gentile church of rome that took those stories literally from the beginning to this day.

Not the Jews.

If you need proof that the Jews rejected the claims of the Roman Church from the beginning, read the gospels. It might even be in a history book professor.
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And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul?

Not only is my life full now, it will be much fuller for eternity. Why on earth would you settle for less?
Without Christ you can gain the whole world. With Him, you can gain the whole world, all the other worlds our Father has created, and an eternal non-corruptible body that never fails, to enjoy them with.

There is meaningful, and then there is meaningful never ending.
If you are right and I am wrong, you have lived a meaningful life and then you rot away.
If you are wrong and I am right, you have lost everything but a forgetful vapor of existence in linear time.

John 1:12 says, “To all who did receive him. He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all,im [Jesus], who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.”

Being a child of God is not for everyone. No one is forced to accept the gift of eternal life. Nothing arrogant about it. It's free and available to everyone. Naive would be being so myopic that you don't even see the choice that has been offered you...

Gee whiz. What a shame that your gods didnt offer the rewards and benefits of heaven to all of humanity that lived and died before the invention of Jesus.

Well look. Screw those losers for being born too early.

Again, God < no s, offers rewards here and there to all of His children.
If even bad people know how to give good gifts. How much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!

And don't blame God, if you decide to go it alone:
Romans 8:32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, < as in, all of us. Every one of us, all inclusive, you, and me.

All of humanity:
1 Tim 2:4 God “desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth”

Knowing that, Christ paid for the sin of those past, present, future. How will they know that, those whom you consider, born too early losers?
Like this:
“O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! Thus says the Lord God to these bones: ‘Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live. I will put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you, cover you with skin and put breath in you; and you shall live. Then you shall know that I am the Lord".

Our Father isn't nearly as limited as we are when it comes to figuring out justice and mercy for all.
Christ took care of the justice part so that God could extend the mercy part.
Mercy: Undeserved favor. BC or AD

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If God (whatever or whoever that may be) is within all of us and God is infinite then maybe we are infinite. And this brief time walking around in a meat suit on Earth is perhaps a learning experience before returning to the infinite plain.
We are here for only a moment, visitors and strangers in the land as our ancestors were before us. ... "For we are sojourners before You, and tenants, as all our fathers were; our days on the earth are like a shadow, ...
If God (whatever or whoever that may be) is within all of us and God is infinite then maybe we are infinite. And this brief time walking around in a meat suit on Earth is perhaps a learning experience before returning to the infinite plain.
Maybe...too bad we will never know...
If God (whatever or whoever that may be) is within all of us and God is infinite then maybe we are infinite. And this brief time walking around in a meat suit on Earth is perhaps a learning experience before returning to the infinite plain.
Maybe...too bad we will never know...
Some say that life is a forgetting and death is a remembering, so maybe you will know.
What Jewish church are you talking about?
A stupid question, as the Christian Church would also matter.

Again, you jave not a shred of evidence. I, on the other hand,have well documented history of the ignorance and superstitions of these people. Your claims are absurd and self serving pap, and I will leave you to them.

You just provided the evidence that it was the gentile church of rome that took those stories literally from the beginning to this day.

Not the Jews.

If you need proof that the Jews rejected the claims of the Roman Church from the beginning, read the gospels. It might even be in a history book professor.
Indeependent is Jewish and he believes the account of Genesis is a literal account.

The Catholic Church does not. Read the Catechism.
What Jewish church are you talking about?
A stupid question, as the Christian Church would also matter.

Again, you jave not a shred of evidence. I, on the other hand,have well documented history of the ignorance and superstitions of these people. Your claims are absurd and self serving pap, and I will leave you to them.

You just provided the evidence that it was the gentile church of rome that took those stories literally from the beginning to this day.

Not the Jews.

If you need proof that the Jews rejected the claims of the Roman Church from the beginning, read the gospels. It might even be in a history book professor.
Indeependent is Jewish and he believes the account of Genesis is a literal account.

The Catholic Church does not. Read the Catechism.

Yeah, I know. Some otherwise rational people who accept the evidence of the nature of reality turn to a matzo for spiritual life.

Sounds a lot like cognitive dissonance. Or cowardice. A spiritual experience that people who want to remain sane can do without.

And I know about indeependent and his literal take on genesis. Almost as irrational as you claiming to understand that it is a metaphor for the beginning of the universe even though you wouldn't think it was about the beginning of the universe unless you took it literally.

Thats some messed up logic you have going on there in that malfunctioning brain of yours..
What Jewish church are you talking about?
A stupid question, as the Christian Church would also matter.

Again, you jave not a shred of evidence. I, on the other hand,have well documented history of the ignorance and superstitions of these people. Your claims are absurd and self serving pap, and I will leave you to them.

You just provided the evidence that it was the gentile church of rome that took those stories literally from the beginning to this day.

Not the Jews.

If you need proof that the Jews rejected the claims of the Roman Church from the beginning, read the gospels. It might even be in a history book professor.
Indeependent is Jewish and he believes the account of Genesis is a literal account.

The Catholic Church does not. Read the Catechism.

Yeah, I know. Some otherwise rational people who accept the evidence of the nature of reality turn to a matzo for spiritual life.

Sounds a lot like cognitive dissonance. A spiritual experience that people who want to remain sane can do without.

And I know about indeependent and his literal take on genesis. Almost as irrational as you claiming to understand that it is a metaphor for the beginning of the universe even though you wouldn't think it was about the beginning of the universe unless you took it literally.

Thats some messed up logic you have going on there in that malfunctioning brain of yours..
You are like a broken record.
What Jewish church are you talking about?
A stupid question, as the Christian Church would also matter.

Again, you jave not a shred of evidence. I, on the other hand,have well documented history of the ignorance and superstitions of these people. Your claims are absurd and self serving pap, and I will leave you to them.

You just provided the evidence that it was the gentile church of rome that took those stories literally from the beginning to this day.

Not the Jews.

If you need proof that the Jews rejected the claims of the Roman Church from the beginning, read the gospels. It might even be in a history book professor.
Indeependent is Jewish and he believes the account of Genesis is a literal account.

The Catholic Church does not. Read the Catechism.

Yeah, I know. Some otherwise rational people who accept the evidence of the nature of reality turn to a matzo for spiritual life.

Sounds a lot like cognitive dissonance. A spiritual experience that people who want to remain sane can do without.

And I know about indeependent and his literal take on genesis. Almost as irrational as you claiming to understand that it is a metaphor for the beginning of the universe even though you wouldn't think it was about the beginning of the universe unless you took it literally.

Thats some messed up logic you have going on there in that malfunctioning brain of yours..
You are like a broken record.

If you keep asking the same questions you are going to get the same answers.

I know you are desperately trying to discredit and trap me in a lie any way you can by asking the same stupid questions over and over again, (you said it openly dipshit) but that would only work if I was lying.

Guess you fucked up real good this time. You are messing with the wrong nut job.

Consider yourself defrocked.
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If God (whatever or whoever that may be) is within all of us and God is infinite then maybe we are infinite. And this brief time walking around in a meat suit on Earth is perhaps a learning experience before returning to the infinite plain.
Maybe...too bad we will never know...
How can you be sure of what can't be known?
A stupid question, as the Christian Church would also matter.

Again, you jave not a shred of evidence. I, on the other hand,have well documented history of the ignorance and superstitions of these people. Your claims are absurd and self serving pap, and I will leave you to them.

You just provided the evidence that it was the gentile church of rome that took those stories literally from the beginning to this day.

Not the Jews.

If you need proof that the Jews rejected the claims of the Roman Church from the beginning, read the gospels. It might even be in a history book professor.
Indeependent is Jewish and he believes the account of Genesis is a literal account.

The Catholic Church does not. Read the Catechism.

Yeah, I know. Some otherwise rational people who accept the evidence of the nature of reality turn to a matzo for spiritual life.

Sounds a lot like cognitive dissonance. A spiritual experience that people who want to remain sane can do without.

And I know about indeependent and his literal take on genesis. Almost as irrational as you claiming to understand that it is a metaphor for the beginning of the universe even though you wouldn't think it was about the beginning of the universe unless you took it literally.

Thats some messed up logic you have going on there in that malfunctioning brain of yours..
You are like a broken record.

If you keep asking the same questions you are going to get the same answers.

I know you are desperately trying to discredit and trap me in a lie any way you can by asking the same stupid questions over and over again, (you said it openly dipshit) but that would only work if I was lying.

Guess you fucked up real good this time. You are messing with the wrong nut job.

Consider yourself defrocked.
I didn't ask you a question just now.

You are doing a good job of discrediting yourself. You don't need any help.
What Jewish church are you talking about?
A stupid question, as the Christian Church would also matter.

Again, you jave not a shred of evidence. I, on the other hand,have well documented history of the ignorance and superstitions of these people. Your claims are absurd and self serving pap, and I will leave you to them.

You just provided the evidence that it was the gentile church of rome that took those stories literally from the beginning to this day.

Not the Jews.

If you need proof that the Jews rejected the claims of the Roman Church from the beginning, read the gospels. It might even be in a history book professor.
Indeependent is Jewish and he believes the account of Genesis is a literal account.

The Catholic Church does not. Read the Catechism.
The Catholic Church does not. Read the Catechism.

Read the Catechism ...

was that written in the 4th century as well or made up latter.
You just provided the evidence that it was the gentile church of rome that took those stories literally from the beginning to this day.

Not the Jews.

If you need proof that the Jews rejected the claims of the Roman Church from the beginning, read the gospels. It might even be in a history book professor.
Indeependent is Jewish and he believes the account of Genesis is a literal account.

The Catholic Church does not. Read the Catechism.

Yeah, I know. Some otherwise rational people who accept the evidence of the nature of reality turn to a matzo for spiritual life.

Sounds a lot like cognitive dissonance. A spiritual experience that people who want to remain sane can do without.

And I know about indeependent and his literal take on genesis. Almost as irrational as you claiming to understand that it is a metaphor for the beginning of the universe even though you wouldn't think it was about the beginning of the universe unless you took it literally.

Thats some messed up logic you have going on there in that malfunctioning brain of yours..
You are like a broken record.

If you keep asking the same questions you are going to get the same answers.

I know you are desperately trying to discredit and trap me in a lie any way you can by asking the same stupid questions over and over again, (you said it openly dipshit) but that would only work if I was lying.

Guess you fucked up real good this time. You are messing with the wrong nut job.

Consider yourself defrocked.
I didn't ask you a question just now.

You are doing a good job of discrediting yourself. You don't need any help.

You ask the same stupid questions over and over again and make the same stupid claims over and over again as if you didn't notice that you have been soundly refuted by almost everyone here.

Are you still wondering if I am a Jew? If I believe in God? If I think that a trinity created the material universe?

Are you still professing to believe that your triune edible mangod created the universe so he can experience the material world through us, (whoever us is)?

Like I said, consider yourself defrocked. If you want to continue your deranged performance, be my guest. But I should let you know that you suck at acting. Everyone else already knows.

Maybe you should try tap dancing for nickels and dimes?
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If God (whatever or whoever that may be) is within all of us and God is infinite then maybe we are infinite. And this brief time walking around in a meat suit on Earth is perhaps a learning experience before returning to the infinite plain.
Maybe...too bad we will never know...

He said "infinite plain." If there is a second life,then you should know.

I can't. It seems like a reasonable determination.

What about the mind/brain still working? What do you think -- that it eventually stop..p..p....p...........s?
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If God (whatever or whoever that may be) is within all of us and God is infinite then maybe we are infinite. And this brief time walking around in a meat suit on Earth is perhaps a learning experience before returning to the infinite plain.
Maybe...too bad we will never know...

You'll know the instant you pass. Your last breath here is your first breath elsewhere. Where depends on you. You never cease to exist. God wants His children with Him for eternity, not just a few years...

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