What happens when shelter employees complain about a dog being euthanized


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Shy Baby was a one year old 37 lb Pit Bull mix. Shelter management decided to euthanize her not because she was viscious but because she was too timid. When one employee spoke up as an advocate for Shy Baby, he was called into management the next morning.

Sit down," Licitra starts off the meeting. "I understand yesterday with animal care there was a discussion in regards to an animal that was being euthanized. I understand you had some tough words to say. OK, tough guy let's hear 'em now."
The employee starts to speak: "I do believe that —"
Licitra then interrupts, and says "Let me just straighten you out right here. I don't give a s— what you believe. This organization is run by a set of directors that are hired by a board of trustees and appointed by me. Do you think for one second you have any right whatsoever to question any director of this place, or any decisions that are made out of this office?"
"Do you think you have that right?" Licitra shouts. "Yes or no?"
"Yes. To some extent — ," the employee responds, but is again cut off by Licitra.
"Get out of here, you're done," Licitra snaps. "You have no right."
"Can I speak? Please," the employee says. "Let me make a case for myself."
"No!" Licitra replies. "You have no right to make any case. I don't give a f— how long you worked here. You're lucky you got a job here. You're lucky. You're a subpar employee that I fought to keep you here. And how dare you — how dare you — challenge one of my directors or any decision that's made in this organization. You're fired. Go pack your bags, you're out of here. You got it? Go!"

If I may, I believe I was doing the right thing," replied the employee. "I believe the dogs need advocates. They need more direct advocates."
Licitra then returns.
"From my world, you have zero right to question anything," Licitra berates him. "You've earned nothing. Nothing. You're nobody. You got it? Nobody compared to everyone who's earned the right to be here, and worked for years and years in animal welfare. Who do you think you are to question someone?"
"You're disposable," Licitra tells him, telling him again he should never "question the directors. Start learning stuff before you open your stupid mouth."
Ah, so the reps don't have the right to look down their noses at lesser creatures winger......? ~S~

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