What happens when you have a lower corporate tax rate?

You incorporate so you have legal separation of the people who own the business and the business itself. it helps prevent being sued for your personal assets

You incorporate so you can sell shares on the public market so as to raise revenue

You do not incorporate as a tax dodge

You most certainly incorporate as a tax dodge. Most incorporations are small private companies. Very few businesses are incorporated with millions of dollars, and those that are, are subsidiaries of other businesses or corporations.

Incorporation is done for the following reasons:

1. To limit liability. This is the number one reason why a business incorporates. It limits the reach of banks and other lenders in the event the business fails, and protects the personal assets of the business owners.

2. To decrease taxes. The number two reason why businesses incorporate. You can then write off a portion of your house, your car, tack business meetings onto a family vacation and write off the vacation. A shareholder can lend money to the corporation and get repaid, tax free. Dividends are taxed at a lower rate than wages or salaries, so rather than taking a salary, the owner can declare dividends. There are so many ways that a small business owner can save on taxes, while limiting his/her liability that you're a fool not to incorporate. If not for protecting the family home, farm or other family assets, decreasing taxes would be the #1 reason for incorporating.

3. To form a partnership/business arrangment with others.

Non-public corporations cannot offer shares for sale, so there is little to no opportunity to raise capital. Those corporations which do go public, are already incorporated, successful, and quite large, . You don't incorporate so you can raise capital on the public market. You take your private corporation public.
Taxes are for the poor working stiff! The great and powerful companies should pay nothing !!!!

Every dollar of profit a corporation earns will be taxed because eventually every dollar that a corporation earns ends up as income to someone. Why do you want to tax it twice?

No corp. keeps all the profit it makes under a mattress

And every dollar earned by workers is also taxed multiple times . What's your point ?

Why should the company be exempt from taxation while the working stiff gets the tax burden ?

And every dollar the company gets in revenue is TAXED MULTIPLE TIMES! More times the the average worker in fact.
A) You are aware aren't you that the company matches the employees' SS/Medicare payments? I am confident you don't know
that because most Americans don't!
B) You are aware that the "dividends" paid out to the evil companies' shareholders are considered income and are TAXED again?
In other words the company pays a corporate income tax to the Feds and many states the states...all before paying out an evil dividend!
C) You are aware that companies' also pay sales taxes, property taxes...just like the worker???

So in retort to your comment, the evil companies pay MORE in taxes then the worker.
How much tax do we really pay?
View attachment 84857

The worker also pays those same things and more . the worker also helps the company earn it's income . A company is just a piece of paper , a legal entity . So yeah , I'm more concerned about the human working off the sweat of his brow.

If you are So concerned with the worker why does your ilk continue to force them out of a job and onto the welfare roles?

Ya know like hillary said to those coal miners asshole?

Or when Obama's henchmen tried to stop Boeing from opening a plant in south Carolina that employed 1,000s of people?

Or when the Union boss said he was glad he closed down hostess and put 1,000s of people out of work?

Don't give me that carp that democrats care about the workers.
If you are So concerned with the worker why does your ilk continue to force them out of a job and onto the welfare roles?

Ya know like hillary said to those coal miners asshole?

Or when Obama's henchmen tried to stop Boeing from opening a plant in south Carolina that employed 1,000s of people?

Or when the Union boss said he was glad he closed down hostess and put 1,000s of people out of work?

Don't give me that carp that democrats care about the workers.[/QUOTE]

Very typical of liberals their dumb ass policies assume business has a bottomless well of money they are hoarding so the liberals just keep sucking like vampires until the business finally says fuck you liberals packs up and leaves. Liberals are a parasite that's so dumb it kills its host killing itself in the process.

No, it is your corporate masters who are usually neocons who have fucked over America. Hate to tell you pal, but it's not the unions or working class that forced your corporate masters to move your factories overseas. Low labour costs in third-world countries did. You happy to work on the Ford production line for $1 an hour? Only a retard would blame the working classes (and trust me, most working class are Dem voters) for corporate greed.

I grew up during the time unions were really in power and demanded very stupid concessions because of one reason. Management didn't want a strike.
Here are some examples of why companies got tired of dealing with unions and coupled with high tax rates move off shore.
Personal experience.
I had a summer job while going to college in a union factory. I was a "utility" meaning I floated around and helped out. I had a great job of rebuilding pallets that were broken,etc. I'd replace with new lumber and worked at my own pace and it was great. One a load of NEW pallets arrived and the foreman told me to attach a couple of pieces to complete the pallet. Great! Fresh lumber. No dirty pallets. I was working away when the foreman came by and told me
to stop. When asked why he said.."union contract requires only carpenters work on new lumber like this job. You are not a carpenter."
This is a personal experience but what about examples of union contracts that caused management to say screw it... going off shore!

Unions have also displayed a territorial bent that borders on absurdity.
A Wausau, Wis., public employee union stopped an 86-year-old resident from being a volunteer crossing guard. WAOW-TV reported that union representatives didn’t want the man volunteering because it weakened their case to hire a unionized worker instead.

In another case, a Racine, Wis., public employee filed a grievance because inmates were cutting the grass free of charge.
The union worker claimed it was the “right” for government workers to cut the grass, according to the Racine Journal Times.
Wisconsin's Most Outrageous Examples of Union Collective Bargaining

View attachment 84973
Union Rules were Harder to Digest than Twinkies | Zero Hedge
As most people know by now, Hostess Brands - the maker of such American junk food staples as Twinkies, Ding Dongs and Wonderbread - announced last week that it had failed to come to terms with the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union and its 5000 striking members, and thus would enter Chapter 11 bankruptcy to unwind the company, sell off its assets and eliminate 18,500 US jobs.
The latest news is that Hostess and the union have agreed to enter into mediation in an attempt to prevent the company's dissolution, but Hostess Brands' story remains a very useful example of how government regulations can impose huge costs on US businesses and either drive them offshore or out of business entirely.
Scott Lincicome: Hostess Brands: A Case Study in Government Burdens and Global (Un)competitiveness

First off, I don't see the loss of a corporation which contributes to epidemics of obesity and diabetes, while contribution nothing in the way of nutrition, as any great loss, but that's just me thinking these people don't deserve to be in business in the first place.

I can't help but notice that the company had $52 million in Workers' Compensation claims in one year. This indicates to me a very unsafe work environment, older equipment, poor safety standards, or all of the above. The amount of workers' comp claims also speaks to bad management. Very bad management. It means that health and safety issues are being ignored systemically. Good management controls the costs it can control, and one of those costs controls is to ensure there are as few workers comp claims as possible.

When I look at the patchwork of health care and retirement plans, that looks like bad management. They also had 300 + different union contracts. Companies used to think that you let small unions in so come contract time, you didn't have a big national union to deal with, and if one plant got shut down, it was only one plant. But then you end up with 300+ contract negotiations, with less experience negotiators. To what extend the 300+ union contracts are driving the multiple health and pension plans, one can't know from the information given.

So yes, the union rules were stupefyingly stupid, but the cost of compliance is peanuts compared to effects of bad management and changing eating habits.
You incorporate so you have legal separation of the people who own the business and the business itself. it helps prevent being sued for your personal assets

You incorporate so you can sell shares on the public market so as to raise revenue

You do not incorporate as a tax dodge

You most certainly incorporate as a tax dodge. Most incorporations are small private companies. Very few businesses are incorporated with millions of dollars, and those that are, are subsidiaries of other businesses or corporations.

Incorporation is done for the following reasons:

1. To limit liability. This is the number one reason why a business incorporates. It limits the reach of banks and other lenders in the event the business fails, and protects the personal assets of the business owners.

2. To decrease taxes. The number two reason why businesses incorporate. You can then write off a portion of your house, your car, tack business meetings onto a family vacation and write off the vacation. A shareholder can lend money to the corporation and get repaid, tax free. Dividends are taxed at a lower rate than wages or salaries, so rather than taking a salary, the owner can declare dividends. There are so many ways that a small business owner can save on taxes, while limiting his/her liability that you're a fool not to incorporate. If not for protecting the family home, farm or other family assets, decreasing taxes would be the #1 reason for incorporating.

3. To form a partnership/business arrangment with others.

Non-public corporations cannot offer shares for sale, so there is little to no opportunity to raise capital. Those corporations which do go public, are already incorporated, successful, and quite large, . You don't incorporate so you can raise capital on the public market. You take your private corporation public.

You cannot write off a family vacation. You can write off business related travel only. If you are flying to a convention you can write off your travel expenses but not your wife's and kids

You can write off some of the expenses for a home office but it's very very little and based on the percentage of the area of the house.

You can loan money to anyone and get repaid tax free. the only thing you have to claim as income is the interest you charged. If you loan money to your business at no interest you don't have to claim anything.

You cannot pay yourself solely with dividends if you own an S corp which is what most family businesses are. If you pay yourself no W2 reported salary or a salary deemed to be too low for your position in the company you will get boned by the IRS

You don't seem to know much about the tax laws
If you are So concerned with the worker why does your ilk continue to force them out of a job and onto the welfare roles?

Ya know like hillary said to those coal miners asshole?

Or when Obama's henchmen tried to stop Boeing from opening a plant in south Carolina that employed 1,000s of people?

Or when the Union boss said he was glad he closed down hostess and put 1,000s of people out of work?

Don't give me that carp that democrats care about the workers.

Very typical of liberals their dumb ass policies assume business has a bottomless well of money they are hoarding so the liberals just keep sucking like vampires until the business finally says fuck you liberals packs up and leaves. Liberals are a parasite that's so dumb it kills its host killing itself in the process.

No, it is your corporate masters who are usually neocons who have fucked over America. Hate to tell you pal, but it's not the unions or working class that forced your corporate masters to move your factories overseas. Low labour costs in third-world countries did. You happy to work on the Ford production line for $1 an hour? Only a retard would blame the working classes (and trust me, most working class are Dem voters) for corporate greed.

I grew up during the time unions were really in power and demanded very stupid concessions because of one reason. Management didn't want a strike.
Here are some examples of why companies got tired of dealing with unions and coupled with high tax rates move off shore.
Personal experience.
I had a summer job while going to college in a union factory. I was a "utility" meaning I floated around and helped out. I had a great job of rebuilding pallets that were broken,etc. I'd replace with new lumber and worked at my own pace and it was great. One a load of NEW pallets arrived and the foreman told me to attach a couple of pieces to complete the pallet. Great! Fresh lumber. No dirty pallets. I was working away when the foreman came by and told me
to stop. When asked why he said.."union contract requires only carpenters work on new lumber like this job. You are not a carpenter."
This is a personal experience but what about examples of union contracts that caused management to say screw it... going off shore!

Unions have also displayed a territorial bent that borders on absurdity.
A Wausau, Wis., public employee union stopped an 86-year-old resident from being a volunteer crossing guard. WAOW-TV reported that union representatives didn’t want the man volunteering because it weakened their case to hire a unionized worker instead.

In another case, a Racine, Wis., public employee filed a grievance because inmates were cutting the grass free of charge.
The union worker claimed it was the “right” for government workers to cut the grass, according to the Racine Journal Times.
Wisconsin's Most Outrageous Examples of Union Collective Bargaining

View attachment 84973
Union Rules were Harder to Digest than Twinkies | Zero Hedge
As most people know by now, Hostess Brands - the maker of such American junk food staples as Twinkies, Ding Dongs and Wonderbread - announced last week that it had failed to come to terms with the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union and its 5000 striking members, and thus would enter Chapter 11 bankruptcy to unwind the company, sell off its assets and eliminate 18,500 US jobs.
The latest news is that Hostess and the union have agreed to enter into mediation in an attempt to prevent the company's dissolution, but Hostess Brands' story remains a very useful example of how government regulations can impose huge costs on US businesses and either drive them offshore or out of business entirely.
Scott Lincicome: Hostess Brands: A Case Study in Government Burdens and Global (Un)competitiveness

First off, I don't see the loss of a corporation which contributes to epidemics of obesity and diabetes, while contribution nothing in the way of nutrition, as any great loss, but that's just me thinking these people don't deserve to be in business in the first place.

I can't help but notice that the company had $52 million in Workers' Compensation claims in one year. This indicates to me a very unsafe work environment, older equipment, poor safety standards, or all of the above. The amount of workers' comp claims also speaks to bad management. Very bad management. It means that health and safety issues are being ignored systemically. Good management controls the costs it can control, and one of those costs controls is to ensure there are as few workers comp claims as possible.

When I look at the patchwork of health care and retirement plans, that looks like bad management. They also had 300 + different union contracts. Companies used to think that you let small unions in so come contract time, you didn't have a big national union to deal with, and if one plant got shut down, it was only one plant. But then you end up with 300+ contract negotiations, with less experience negotiators. To what extend the 300+ union contracts are driving the multiple health and pension plans, one can't know from the information given.

So yes, the union rules were stupefyingly stupid, but the cost of compliance is peanuts compared to to effects of bad management and changing eating habits.[/QUOTE]

You have to be kidding! Pretty gigantic jump in linking Twinkies eating habits with their $52 million workers Compensation claims!
Only someone who doesn't provide any validation i.e. studies that showed more Twinkies' employees had bad eating habits then the average American
would come up with that linkage!

In 2013 workers comp medical spend totaled $31.5 billion. Source – NASI’s Workers’ Compensation 2013 Report. NASI is the definitive source for this data; their primary sources are NCCI for the 38 states where NCCI is the rating agency and state rating agencies/bureaus for the other 13.
Work comp medical spend and other fun facts - Managed Care Matters

Using this article from Fortune regarding Uber having full time employees the ratio they used was
$5,600 per each full time employee... that is if Uber had full time employees!
The Cost Of Turning Uber Drivers Into Employees: $4.1 Billion

How many Full-time employees at Hostess?
Hostess Brands, Inc. is one of the largest wholesale bakers and distributors of fresh-baked bread and sweet goods in the U.S. Our 19,000 employees operate 36 bakeries and 570 Bakery Retail Outlets and run approximately 5,500 delivery routes from 565 Distribution Centers nationwide.
Hostess Brands

Using the Fortune Uber value $5,600 per employee times 19,000 Hostess employees equals $106,400,000 !
But Hostess was $52 million which twice as less as the Fortune formula and CERTAINLY not something that can take that wild ass link that
Hostess employees had bad eating habits!
If you are So concerned with the worker why does your ilk continue to force them out of a job and onto the welfare roles?

Ya know like hillary said to those coal miners asshole?

Or when Obama's henchmen tried to stop Boeing from opening a plant in south Carolina that employed 1,000s of people?

Or when the Union boss said he was glad he closed down hostess and put 1,000s of people out of work?

Don't give me that carp that democrats care about the workers.

Very typical of liberals their dumb ass policies assume business has a bottomless well of money they are hoarding so the liberals just keep sucking like vampires until the business finally says fuck you liberals packs up and leaves. Liberals are a parasite that's so dumb it kills its host killing itself in the process.

No, it is your corporate masters who are usually neocons who have fucked over America. Hate to tell you pal, but it's not the unions or working class that forced your corporate masters to move your factories overseas. Low labour costs in third-world countries did. You happy to work on the Ford production line for $1 an hour? Only a retard would blame the working classes (and trust me, most working class are Dem voters) for corporate greed.

I grew up during the time unions were really in power and demanded very stupid concessions because of one reason. Management didn't want a strike.
Here are some examples of why companies got tired of dealing with unions and coupled with high tax rates move off shore.
Personal experience.
I had a summer job while going to college in a union factory. I was a "utility" meaning I floated around and helped out. I had a great job of rebuilding pallets that were broken,etc. I'd replace with new lumber and worked at my own pace and it was great. One a load of NEW pallets arrived and the foreman told me to attach a couple of pieces to complete the pallet. Great! Fresh lumber. No dirty pallets. I was working away when the foreman came by and told me
to stop. When asked why he said.."union contract requires only carpenters work on new lumber like this job. You are not a carpenter."
This is a personal experience but what about examples of union contracts that caused management to say screw it... going off shore!

Unions have also displayed a territorial bent that borders on absurdity.
A Wausau, Wis., public employee union stopped an 86-year-old resident from being a volunteer crossing guard. WAOW-TV reported that union representatives didn’t want the man volunteering because it weakened their case to hire a unionized worker instead.

In another case, a Racine, Wis., public employee filed a grievance because inmates were cutting the grass free of charge.
The union worker claimed it was the “right” for government workers to cut the grass, according to the Racine Journal Times.
Wisconsin's Most Outrageous Examples of Union Collective Bargaining

View attachment 84973
Union Rules were Harder to Digest than Twinkies | Zero Hedge
As most people know by now, Hostess Brands - the maker of such American junk food staples as Twinkies, Ding Dongs and Wonderbread - announced last week that it had failed to come to terms with the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union and its 5000 striking members, and thus would enter Chapter 11 bankruptcy to unwind the company, sell off its assets and eliminate 18,500 US jobs.
The latest news is that Hostess and the union have agreed to enter into mediation in an attempt to prevent the company's dissolution, but Hostess Brands' story remains a very useful example of how government regulations can impose huge costs on US businesses and either drive them offshore or out of business entirely.
Scott Lincicome: Hostess Brands: A Case Study in Government Burdens and Global (Un)competitiveness

First off, I don't see the loss of a corporation which contributes to epidemics of obesity and diabetes, while contribution nothing in the way of nutrition, as any great loss, but that's just me thinking these people don't deserve to be in business in the first place.

I can't help but notice that the company had $52 million in Workers' Compensation claims in one year. This indicates to me a very unsafe work environment, older equipment, poor safety standards, or all of the above. The amount of workers' comp claims also speaks to bad management. Very bad management. It means that health and safety issues are being ignored systemically. Good management controls the costs it can control, and one of those costs controls is to ensure there are as few workers comp claims as possible.

When I look at the patchwork of health care and retirement plans, that looks like bad management. They also had 300 + different union contracts. Companies used to think that you let small unions in so come contract time, you didn't have a big national union to deal with, and if one plant got shut down, it was only one plant. But then you end up with 300+ contract negotiations, with less experience negotiators. To what extend the 300+ union contracts are driving the multiple health and pension plans, one can't know from the information given.

So yes, the union rules were stupefyingly stupid, but the cost of compliance is peanuts compared to effects of bad management and changing eating habits.[/QUOTE]

Also your moralistic high ground position that Twinkles contributed to epidemic of obesity????

Do a little research OK???

Nutritionist Mark Haub once went on a “Twinkie Diet” in order to see if one could eat almost nothing but junk food and still lose weight (testing his theory that weight loss is primarily tied to calorie intake, rather than what foods you eat).
He stuck to an 1,800 calorie per day diet of mostly Twinkies, Donuts, Doritos, Oreos, and sugary cereals (though did drink a protein shake and took a multivitamin).
In the end, his body mass index dropped from 28.8 to 24.9 and he lost 27 pounds in the 2 months he stuck to the diet, dropping from 201 pounds to 174 pounds. What surprised him, as he’d expected the weight loss from his theory, was that his “bad” cholesterol levels dropped 20% over his normal healthy diet and his “good” cholesterol levels increased by 20%. He even dropped 39% on his “bad” fat levels, such as triglycerides.
18 Interesting Twinkie Facts

Pompous people pontificating as to what is "good or bad" really show their ignorance when they do their pontificating without any data to support their

Very typical of liberals their dumb ass policies assume business has a bottomless well of money they are hoarding so the liberals just keep sucking like vampires until the business finally says fuck you liberals packs up and leaves. Liberals are a parasite that's so dumb it kills its host killing itself in the process.

No, it is your corporate masters who are usually neocons who have fucked over America. Hate to tell you pal, but it's not the unions or working class that forced your corporate masters to move your factories overseas. Low labour costs in third-world countries did. You happy to work on the Ford production line for $1 an hour? Only a retard would blame the working classes (and trust me, most working class are Dem voters) for corporate greed.

^^^ liberal denial

Neocon Whackjob no nothings....
I grew up during the time unions were really in power and demanded very stupid concessions because of one reason. Management didn't want a strike.
Here are some examples of why companies got tired of dealing with unions and coupled with high tax rates move off shore.
Personal experience.
I had a summer job while going to college in a union factory. I was a "utility" meaning I floated around and helped out. I had a great job of rebuilding pallets that were broken,etc. I'd replace with new lumber and worked at my own pace and it was great. One a load of NEW pallets arrived and the foreman told me to attach a couple of pieces to complete the pallet. Great! Fresh lumber. No dirty pallets. I was working away when the foreman came by and told me
to stop. When asked why he said.."union contract requires only carpenters work on new lumber like this job. You are not a carpenter."
This is a personal experience but what about examples of union contracts that caused management to say screw it... going off shore

Still, that is not the reason they moved off shore. They moved off shore because labour was cheaper. And there would never have to be unions in the first place if corporations acted properly from the outset.
Last edited:

Very typical of liberals their dumb ass policies assume business has a bottomless well of money they are hoarding so the liberals just keep sucking like vampires until the business finally says fuck you liberals packs up and leaves. Liberals are a parasite that's so dumb it kills its host killing itself in the process.

No, it is your corporate masters who are usually neocons who have fucked over America. Hate to tell you pal, but it's not the unions or working class that forced your corporate masters to move your factories overseas. Low labour costs in third-world countries did. You happy to work on the Ford production line for $1 an hour? Only a retard would blame the working classes (and trust me, most working class are Dem voters) for corporate greed.

^^^ liberal denial

Neocon Whackjob no nothings....

You liberal fools live in a fantasy world where your suffocating jobs killing regulations and vampire like taxes have no impact on business, right so it must be that corporations are evil. Good grief pull your heads out of your ass.

Very typical of liberals their dumb ass policies assume business has a bottomless well of money they are hoarding so the liberals just keep sucking like vampires until the business finally says fuck you liberals packs up and leaves. Liberals are a parasite that's so dumb it kills its host killing itself in the process.

No, it is your corporate masters who are usually neocons who have fucked over America. Hate to tell you pal, but it's not the unions or working class that forced your corporate masters to move your factories overseas. Low labour costs in third-world countries did. You happy to work on the Ford production line for $1 an hour? Only a retard would blame the working classes (and trust me, most working class are Dem voters) for corporate greed.

^^^ liberal denial

Neocon Whackjob no nothings....
You liberal fools live in a fantasy world where your suffocating jobs killing regulations and vampire like taxes have no impact on business, right so it must be that corporations are evil. Good grief pull your heads out of your ass.

Here are some facts to back you up!
Small businesses harmed by Obamacare and Federal Rules and Regulations cost $2 Trillion.
Written into the Affordable Care Act legislation was a provision to establish the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) marketplace, which ACA proponents said would help small businesses compete with larger employers.
In November 2015, Kaiser Health Newsreported,
“Employers with fewer than 50 full-time workers are eligible to buy coverage on SHOP.
The federal government even offers businesses an incentive, a tax credit worth up to half of an employer’s share of their workers’ premiums. Among the conditions: The firm must employ fewer than 25 workers and their average salary cannot exceed $50,000.”

According to the Kaiser Health News story, only 85,000 people from 11,000 small businesses had coverage through SHOP.
This is significantly less than the 1 million people the Congressional Budget Office expected to be enrolled in SHOP by the end of 2015.

Susan Wilson Solovic, a New York Times bestselling author and former ABC News business analyst, says to avoid any potential penalties associated with the 50-employee rule, small businesses are choosing to outsource many of their jobs to online freelancers, rather than hiring more staff.
Prior to 2016, many of the time-consuming regulations for small businesses with fewer than 100 employees but more than 49 employees were not enforced in order to give businesses more time to prepare for the rules.
Now that many small businesses are going to be forced to comply with myriad health care rules and regulations they have been able to avoid in the past, many experts are expecting the number of Department of Labor audits to increase, adding to the growing confusion and costs being imposed on small businesses.

Justin Haskins - Survey Shows Small Businesses Suffering Under Obamacare

The survey report, 2015 Employer-Sponsored Health Care: ACA’s Impact, notes:
• One-third of employers (33 percent) expect the greatest cost increase from ACA implementation to take place in 2016,
as new reporting, disclosure and notification requirements take effect.

• Over one-quarter (27 percent) expect the largest cost increase in 2018, when the impending excise tax on high-value plans
(the “Cadillac tax") kicks in.
The nondeductible 40 percent excise tax will be levied on plans that cost in excess of statutory thresholds
(in 2018, $10,200 for self-only and $27,500 for family coverage), regardless of whether premiums are paid by employers
or employees.

The survey also asked employers what they think will be the top compliance-related cost-drivers going forward. They responded:
• The excise tax on high-value plans (20 percent of employers).
• General administrative costs (19 percent).
• Costs associated with reporting, disclosure and notification requirements (13 percent).
Employers need to devote significant time and energy to maintain compliance with the law,” explained Julie Stich, CEBS, director of research at the foundation, in a news release. “The extensive amounts of data that employers are required to collect can take hours [of labor] and even require complex IT infrastructures. The process has meant a cost increase for many, especially smaller organizations.”

Most employers (71 percent) think the costliest years are yet to come, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t already feeling a financial impact. Eighty-two percent say the law is increasing their organization’s costs this year, with most projecting a 1 percent to 6 percent increase in compliance expenses.
2016 Will Be Costly Year for ACA Compliance, Employers Say

AND GUESS WHAT??? OBAMA won't be around to accept the BLAME!!!

Very typical of liberals their dumb ass policies assume business has a bottomless well of money they are hoarding so the liberals just keep sucking like vampires until the business finally says fuck you liberals packs up and leaves. Liberals are a parasite that's so dumb it kills its host killing itself in the process.

No, it is your corporate masters who are usually neocons who have fucked over America. Hate to tell you pal, but it's not the unions or working class that forced your corporate masters to move your factories overseas. Low labour costs in third-world countries did. You happy to work on the Ford production line for $1 an hour? Only a retard would blame the working classes (and trust me, most working class are Dem voters) for corporate greed.

^^^ liberal denial

Neocon Whackjob no nothings....
You liberal fools live in a fantasy world where your suffocating jobs killing regulations and vampire like taxes have no impact on business, right so it must be that corporations are evil. Good grief pull your heads out of your ass.

Here are some facts to back you up!
Small businesses harmed by Obamacare and Federal Rules and Regulations cost $2 Trillion.
Written into the Affordable Care Act legislation was a provision to establish the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) marketplace, which ACA proponents said would help small businesses compete with larger employers.
In November 2015, Kaiser Health Newsreported,
“Employers with fewer than 50 full-time workers are eligible to buy coverage on SHOP.
The federal government even offers businesses an incentive, a tax credit worth up to half of an employer’s share of their workers’ premiums. Among the conditions: The firm must employ fewer than 25 workers and their average salary cannot exceed $50,000.”

According to the Kaiser Health News story, only 85,000 people from 11,000 small businesses had coverage through SHOP.
This is significantly less than the 1 million people the Congressional Budget Office expected to be enrolled in SHOP by the end of 2015.

Susan Wilson Solovic, a New York Times bestselling author and former ABC News business analyst, says to avoid any potential penalties associated with the 50-employee rule, small businesses are choosing to outsource many of their jobs to online freelancers, rather than hiring more staff.
Prior to 2016, many of the time-consuming regulations for small businesses with fewer than 100 employees but more than 49 employees were not enforced in order to give businesses more time to prepare for the rules.
Now that many small businesses are going to be forced to comply with myriad health care rules and regulations they have been able to avoid in the past, many experts are expecting the number of Department of Labor audits to increase, adding to the growing confusion and costs being imposed on small businesses.

Justin Haskins - Survey Shows Small Businesses Suffering Under Obamacare

The survey report, 2015 Employer-Sponsored Health Care: ACA’s Impact, notes:
• One-third of employers (33 percent) expect the greatest cost increase from ACA implementation to take place in 2016,
as new reporting, disclosure and notification requirements take effect.

• Over one-quarter (27 percent) expect the largest cost increase in 2018, when the impending excise tax on high-value plans
(the “Cadillac tax") kicks in.
The nondeductible 40 percent excise tax will be levied on plans that cost in excess of statutory thresholds
(in 2018, $10,200 for self-only and $27,500 for family coverage), regardless of whether premiums are paid by employers
or employees.

The survey also asked employers what they think will be the top compliance-related cost-drivers going forward. They responded:
• The excise tax on high-value plans (20 percent of employers).
• General administrative costs (19 percent).
• Costs associated with reporting, disclosure and notification requirements (13 percent).
Employers need to devote significant time and energy to maintain compliance with the law,” explained Julie Stich, CEBS, director of research at the foundation, in a news release. “The extensive amounts of data that employers are required to collect can take hours [of labor] and even require complex IT infrastructures. The process has meant a cost increase for many, especially smaller organizations.”

Most employers (71 percent) think the costliest years are yet to come, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t already feeling a financial impact. Eighty-two percent say the law is increasing their organization’s costs this year, with most projecting a 1 percent to 6 percent increase in compliance expenses.
2016 Will Be Costly Year for ACA Compliance, Employers Say

AND GUESS WHAT??? OBAMA won't be around to accept the BLAME!!!

Congress dumb asses pass these 3,000 page bills they don't even read, that you need lawyers to even make sense of. This 'legislation' then generates 30,000 pages of regulations from various government agencies that's even more half baked and confusing. Businesses then have to hire experts at great expense just to advise them on how to comply with this ridiculous monstrosity. Now multiply that by hundreds of bills that spew out of congress, some estimates are over 400,000 pages of regulations just in Obama's term. How is a fucking small business supposed to deal with that? Fucking retards.
You liberal fools live in a fantasy world where your suffocating jobs killing regulations and vampire like taxes have no impact on business, right so it must be that corporations are evil. Good grief pull your heads out of your ass.

I agree there is regulation over kill. It's a pity any regulations are needed. Unfortunately human nature - when it comes to the almighty dollar - is what it is. There would be no need for the Erin Brockovich's of the world if corporations did the right thing by the environment - or whatever - in the first place. Taxes?? LOL..the US is one of the least taxed western countries in the world. Pull your own head of your arse. The US has more billionaires and millionaires than any country on Earth.

Very typical of liberals their dumb ass policies assume business has a bottomless well of money they are hoarding so the liberals just keep sucking like vampires until the business finally says fuck you liberals packs up and leaves. Liberals are a parasite that's so dumb it kills its host killing itself in the process.

No, it is your corporate masters who are usually neocons who have fucked over America. Hate to tell you pal, but it's not the unions or working class that forced your corporate masters to move your factories overseas. Low labour costs in third-world countries did. You happy to work on the Ford production line for $1 an hour? Only a retard would blame the working classes (and trust me, most working class are Dem voters) for corporate greed.

^^^ liberal denial

Neocon Whackjob no nothings....
Fascist left wing nut jobs.....
You liberal fools live in a fantasy world where your suffocating jobs killing regulations and vampire like taxes have no impact on business, right so it must be that corporations are evil. Good grief pull your heads out of your ass.

I agree there is regulation over kill. It's a pity any regulations are needed. Unfortunately human nature - when it comes to the almighty dollar - is what it is. There would be no need for the Erin Brockovich's of the world if corporations did the right thing by the environment - or whatever - in the first place. Taxes?? LOL..the US is one of the least taxed western countries in the world. Pull your own head of your arse. The US has more billionaires and millionaires than any country on Earth.[/QUOTE

A) Who is asking for elimination of ALL regulations? I've not heard that before? Where is your link? What most intelligent people are saying is it is simply silly to
write legislation that THWARTS creating jobs. This classic piece of idiocy in Obamacare for example:
The federal government even offers businesses an incentive, a tax credit worth up to half of an employer’s share of their workers’ premiums.
Among the conditions: The firm must employ fewer than 25 workers and their average salary cannot exceed $50,000.”
GEEZ what a brilliant way to keep businesses from hiring more people and paying higher salaries!
Obamacare is replete with this kind of idiocy and for what reason? To insure 10 million illegals? To tell 14 million people something they didn't know BEFORE Obamacare i.e. THAT THEY WERE ELIGIBLE for Medicaid except Obama's administration was so inept. Or finally forcing 18 million people to buy something they don't WANT or need...i.e. health insurance! All of these lies were justifications for Obamacare and even then Obama had to hire a guy who finally admits "Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage,” Gruber said. "And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."
Gruber made the comment while discussing how the law was "written in a tortured way" to avoid a bad score from the Congressional Budget Office. He suggested that voters would have rejected ObamaCare if the penalties for going without health insurance were interpreted as taxes, either by budget analysts or the public.
This is a perfect example of why it is necessary to reduce the job killing regulations!

B) Define "least taxed" I mean how nebulous!
C) And you are one pompous ASS! Trying to impress people? "arse"???

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