What has 4 years of Drunk Nancy Pelosi's house accomplished for America

A lot. Her bills are piled on McConnell's desk. BTW, Speaker Pelosi doesn't drink alcohol.
That is another ecus the Senate Who Controls th old Drunk is looking out for America not her pet projects ANSWER THE QUESTION

The question has been answered. Just because your OP has been destroyed as a lie, doesn’t mean you get to reject the truth.

The more important issue is what has Trump done since Mrs. Pelosi was elected Speaker

He shut down the federal government costing the US economy $50 billion and reducing the first quarter GDP by more than 1%.

Diverted billions from important military infrastructure, to build a wall that no one wants, even Republicans. That money was supposed to build hospitals schools and day cares on military bases.

Tried to extort the Ukraine to help in his re-election. Looted the public Treasury by spending 3 days a week at his golf resorts with Secret Service and White House staffers, billing taxpayers for their rooms, meals and amenities.

Locking up tens of thousands of undocumented immigrants without trial, without due process, and without deporting them in for-profit internment camps at $700 per day per prisoner paid to Trump’s Inauguration fund donors.

Tried to sell nuclear technologies to the Saudi’s. Tried to eliminate DACA. Tried to start a war with Iran to detract from his bad press.


Ok moron lets go by line item Pelosi and Chuccky shut down the Federal Goverment costing 189 Billion Dollars What infrastruture improments are you refering to the ones OPbama and Joe Biden spent 1 trillion dollars on and did none, gave that money To Iran and Obamams Home town in Africa feeding Monkeys Ukrian Joe Bidens Scandel that will be exposed soon Daca keep the Centarl Americans in thier own Country or Like I told Drunk Nancy Pelosi what is your address I sure you will take care of them Free for 100 years and pay all thiere medical, illegal Drugs and court cost The Saudis the ones that along with The Democrates created 911 and also The Chinees and Democrates that created the Conaravirus and the last one is comical Who is Impeached The current POTUS Trump and the one who wins the 2020 electin, How about Obama/Biden/Pelosi crae killed 458,000 Americans , 58 million Jobs Lost 18,000 small business closed an cost 1 Trillion dolars in its 1st year and we still do not have a healthcare syst4m in this Country, here is y Pic were is yours/? I will send the Milwaukee Hells Angels to your place to do what the Blacks that riot due Bun and d4estroy

Pelosi wasn’t even Speaker when trump shut down the government. December 2017. Trump proudly told Chuck and Nancy he would “own” the shut down. The government shut down BEFORE the Christmas recess.

Pelosi was sworn in late January. She then immediately forced the President to end the shut down getting which he meekly did so he could have a televised State of the Union address on national TV.

NANCY PELOSI ENDED THE SHUT DOWN as soon as she was sworn in. And sat behind Trump at the SOTU wearing two red balls on a blue chain around her neck, seal clapping Trump’s bullshit speech.
Kept Trump from cutting more aid to the middle class for educ and healthcare. And no new tax cuts for him and his "ilk."
A lot. Her bills are piled on McConnell's desk. BTW, Speaker Pelosi doesn't drink alcohol.
That is another ecus the Senate Who Controls th old Drunk is looking out for America not her pet projects ANSWER THE QUESTION

The question has been answered. Just because your OP has been destroyed as a lie, doesn’t mean you get to reject the truth.

The more important issue is what has Trump done since Mrs. Pelosi was elected Speaker

He shut down the federal government costing the US economy $50 billion and reducing the first quarter GDP by more than 1%.

Diverted billions from important military infrastructure, to build a wall that no one wants, even Republicans. That money was supposed to build hospitals schools and day cares on military bases.

Tried to extort the Ukraine to help in his re-election. Looted the public Treasury by spending 3 days a week at his golf resorts with Secret Service and White House staffers, billing taxpayers for their rooms, meals and amenities.

Locking up tens of thousands of undocumented immigrants without trial, without due process, and without deporting them in for-profit internment camps at $700 per day per prisoner paid to Trump’s Inauguration fund donors.

Tried to sell nuclear technologies to the Saudi’s. Tried to eliminate DACA. Tried to start a war with Iran to detract from his bad press.


Ok moron lets go by line item Pelosi and Chuccky shut down the Federal Goverment costing 189 Billion Dollars What infrastruture improments are you refering to the ones OPbama and Joe Biden spent 1 trillion dollars on and did none, gave that money To Iran and Obamams Home town in Africa feeding Monkeys Ukrian Joe Bidens Scandel that will be exposed soon Daca keep the Centarl Americans in thier own Country or Like I told Drunk Nancy Pelosi what is your address I sure you will take care of them Free for 100 years and pay all thiere medical, illegal Drugs and court cost The Saudis the ones that along with The Democrates created 911 and also The Chinees and Democrates that created the Conaravirus and the last one is comical Who is Impeached The current POTUS Trump and the one who wins the 2020 electin, How about Obama/Biden/Pelosi crae killed 458,000 Americans , 58 million Jobs Lost 18,000 small business closed an cost 1 Trillion dolars in its 1st year and we still do not have a healthcare syst4m in this Country, here is y Pic were is yours/? I will send the Milwaukee Hells Angels to your place to do what the Blacks that riot due Bun and d4estroy

Pelosi wasn’t even Speaker when trump shut down the government. December 2017. Trump proudly told Chuck and Nancy he would “own” the shut down. The government shut down BEFORE the Christmas recess.

Pelosi was sworn in late January. She then immediately forced the President to end the shut down getting which he meekly did so he could have a televised State of the Union address on national TV.

NANCY PELOSI ENDED THE SHUT DOWN as soon as she was sworn in. And sat behind Trump at the SOTU wearing two red balls on a blue chain around her neck, seal clapping Trump’s bullshit speech.
a lie just like Drunk Nancy Pelosi Ryan was a Drunk Nancy Pelsi substirtue until she was given the position be other disgruntle Democrat Pelosi ended nothing, Leader McDonnell approves every the HE Polise dose notice HE , His balls were hanging on a chine after POTUS Trump riped them OFF Pelosi and I hope it hurt like hell

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