What has an illegal immigrant done to deprive you of something?

Currently husband was denied construction work due to the fact that "illegals work for nothing". In that he cannot finish the quarters needed to collect his SS in a few years when it is time for him to retire. That has been an ongoing issue for years and it is getting worse.

If you live in communities where farms are it is most likely you have came across illegals and they are distinct. You can generally tell them apart from legal immigrants. I worked for large farm operations driving trucks years ago when the children were babes. I also worked as a waitress in those years. One of those local farms imported herds of illegals every year. Their illegals attempted to corner me in a remote area of the restaurant as it was time to close. Close call and very scary. They stole my sense of being secure in a small community where I should have felt perfectly safe. As the years went by they also became gangs in the larger cities of that area which created an even more less secure area to go near.

I personally saw a group of them in a pickup with a camper shell stopped at one of my job sites which allowed me to see first hand who was creating the most putrid and vile messes a person can imagine during the seasons when these illegals were coming and going. Until I came across those messes I had no clue any human could actually shit four feet up onto a wall. In your mind times that mess by thirty or more humans doing the same or similar acts in your mind and imagine being the one contracted to clean up any mess that travelers may leave. They stole my time. Time is in fact money when you work for a living.

They have affected my family negatively which in turn affects me. My baby grandson was in a wreck when a van full of them ran into my daughter-in-law's Range Rover (grandson's mom is Hispanic). Again you can pretty much tell when it is illegals. They do not drive well on a whole and they generally hit and run without ever stopping to see what or who they ran off of the road.

They have degraded the contracting business which is giving employers that are willing to hire them and stuff their own pockets an upper hand. That includes businesses that I may have consider going into again. So they have again damaged me personally financially.
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I can't believe this thread is still ongoing. First the standard that OP has set is asinine. When I am called to Jury Duty the standard isn't what has the accused done to me personally. We don't decide things based strictly upon the individual harm, but upon the needs of the collective.

I believe in legalizing marijuana. But by the standard of the OP I guess I shouldn't, because it won't benefit me personally. I am allergic to Marijuana and since I personally will not benefit or suffer either way then I should have no opinion.

If I sit in judgement of a bank robber, by the standards of the OP I should find the defendant not guilty because it wasn't my bank that he robbed.

But all of these things do affect us collectively. Illegal Immigrants affect us collectively. The illegal immigrant in order to get the paperwork needed for a job has to commit felony identity theft. Even if it is not my identity that is stolen, the protections for the rest of us cost money. Further the need to determine the truth cost money. IRS and Social Security have to spend time and money to determine which job the victim actually worked. The victim also has to spend time and money to set the record straight.

Illegal Immigrants also increase the risk and incidence of disease. Many diseases that are eradicated here run rampant in the second and third world nations.

U.S. – Mexico Cross-Border Health | Gateway to Health Communication | CDC

So while I personally haven't gotten sick, we collectively are at greater risk.


We as a society often take action on issues that do not affect us personally. The risk to the Oroville Dam in California does not affect me personally, but it is an issue for all of us that needs to be addressed.

We've all just played along with the OP and laughed while reading the clever word play. The motive was clear right from the beginning. In the spirit of total transparency I called him out on it just to let him know he wasn't as smart as he thought he was. He busted his ass trying to steer and compartmentalize the topic...
Haha...He played the weird I'm a college professor seeking real world data bullshit role. I give him an A+ for effort. He stuck with his story all the way through.
What's the real motive again?
I can't believe this thread is still ongoing. First the standard that OP has set is asinine. When I am called to Jury Duty the standard isn't what has the accused done to me personally. We don't decide things based strictly upon the individual harm, but upon the needs of the collective.

I believe in legalizing marijuana. But by the standard of the OP I guess I shouldn't, because it won't benefit me personally. I am allergic to Marijuana and since I personally will not benefit or suffer either way then I should have no opinion.

If I sit in judgement of a bank robber, by the standards of the OP I should find the defendant not guilty because it wasn't my bank that he robbed.

But all of these things do affect us collectively. Illegal Immigrants affect us collectively. The illegal immigrant in order to get the paperwork needed for a job has to commit felony identity theft. Even if it is not my identity that is stolen, the protections for the rest of us cost money. Further the need to determine the truth cost money. IRS and Social Security have to spend time and money to determine which job the victim actually worked. The victim also has to spend time and money to set the record straight.

Illegal Immigrants also increase the risk and incidence of disease. Many diseases that are eradicated here run rampant in the second and third world nations.

U.S. – Mexico Cross-Border Health | Gateway to Health Communication | CDC

So while I personally haven't gotten sick, we collectively are at greater risk.


We as a society often take action on issues that do not affect us personally. The risk to the Oroville Dam in California does not affect me personally, but it is an issue for all of us that needs to be addressed.

We've all just played along with the OP and laughed while reading the clever word play. The motive was clear right from the beginning. In the spirit of total transparency I called him out on it just to let him know he wasn't as smart as he thought he was. He busted his ass trying to steer and compartmentalize the topic...
Haha...He played the weird I'm a college professor seeking real world data bullshit role. I give him an A+ for effort. He stuck with his story all the way through.
What's the real motive again?

Let me answer a question with a question.
What is your best guess as to what the motive is / was?
Tally so far:
Posters personally affected by illegal immigrant/s: 5
Broke Loser
Posters claiming to be personally affected but ? directly: 4
Marion Morrison
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I can't believe this thread is still ongoing. First the standard that OP has set is asinine. When I am called to Jury Duty the standard isn't what has the accused done to me personally. We don't decide things based strictly upon the individual harm, but upon the needs of the collective.

I believe in legalizing marijuana. But by the standard of the OP I guess I shouldn't, because it won't benefit me personally. I am allergic to Marijuana and since I personally will not benefit or suffer either way then I should have no opinion.

If I sit in judgement of a bank robber, by the standards of the OP I should find the defendant not guilty because it wasn't my bank that he robbed.

But all of these things do affect us collectively. Illegal Immigrants affect us collectively. The illegal immigrant in order to get the paperwork needed for a job has to commit felony identity theft. Even if it is not my identity that is stolen, the protections for the rest of us cost money. Further the need to determine the truth cost money. IRS and Social Security have to spend time and money to determine which job the victim actually worked. The victim also has to spend time and money to set the record straight.

Illegal Immigrants also increase the risk and incidence of disease. Many diseases that are eradicated here run rampant in the second and third world nations.

U.S. – Mexico Cross-Border Health | Gateway to Health Communication | CDC

So while I personally haven't gotten sick, we collectively are at greater risk.


We as a society often take action on issues that do not affect us personally. The risk to the Oroville Dam in California does not affect me personally, but it is an issue for all of us that needs to be addressed.

We've all just played along with the OP and laughed while reading the clever word play. The motive was clear right from the beginning. In the spirit of total transparency I called him out on it just to let him know he wasn't as smart as he thought he was. He busted his ass trying to steer and compartmentalize the topic...
Haha...He played the weird I'm a college professor seeking real world data bullshit role. I give him an A+ for effort. He stuck with his story all the way through.
What's the real motive again?

Let me answer a question with a question.
What is your best guess as to what the motive is / was?
I asked you because I don't know. I'm not at all good at being devious or thinking of clever criminal stuff, either, and I'm usually the last one to work out a dirty joke. So I'm ASKING.
What has an illegal immigrant done to deprive you of something?

a Mexican in front of me at the taco truck got the last order of refried beans ... deport her!
My best guess is that it that you don't give a damn about illegal aliens. you just hate anyone who is not white.
Oh wow....a hatriot falsely accusing someone of being racist. Gee...we haven't seen that since 10 - 15....seconds ago. :eusa_doh:

My guess is you are a typical ignorant, hatriot who mooches off of society like a parasite and who doesn't want laws enforced so he can engage in his typical hatriot behaviors (raping women, stealing, doing drugs, assaulting anyone who doesn't bow down to left-wing hatriot fascism, etc.).

You are dismissed, snowflake.
Tally so far:
Posters personally affected by illegal immigrant/s: 4

Posters claiming to be personally affected but ? directly: 4
Marion Morrison
As a teacher I suppose that it will not affect you personally when your retirement funds crash.

May you receive what you put out for others to endure due to your own ignorance.
Where did that come from? From that post?
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

I could write a novel about how illegals have negatively affected me. Honestly, I find it very hard to believe you haven't been negatively affected; I'm pretty sure you're self-manipulating.
I'll give it to you in short without nitpicking the smaller stuff:
Higher taxes
Crowded emergency rooms
Extreme traffic on roadways
Slower response times from fire and police
Trash and Bud Light cans thrown out on roadways
Trash and dirty diapers left on our beaches
Old couches and mattresses thrown out in vacant lots
Graffiti all over the place
Degenerate filth loitering at every Home Depot and pissing in public
Abandoned stray pit bulls and chihuahua's run the streets of ghettos
I've had to send my three kids to private schools their whole lives to keep them from the filth at $2,000 per month
Uninsured and underinsured drivers on roadways. (Family has been hit three times by illegals without insurance)
Real American's who speak English in Southern California feel like foreigners on their own soil
My high school age kids can't get work experience or entry level high school age jobs because illegals have made burger flipping a career job

Again, I could go on and on...but hopefully you get the drift by now.

Tally so far:
Posters personally affected by illegal immigrant/s: 4

Posters claiming to be personally affected but ? directly: 4
Marion Morrison

You must have over-looked my post...LOL
see above
What has an illegal immigrant done to deprive you of something?
a Mexican in front of me at the taco truck got the last order of refried beans ... deport her!
Well I realize that this hard for hatriot parasites such as yourself to understand Siete since you don't pay taxes - but illegal aliens have deprived the rest of us of over $100 billion per year of our money. This may shock you as well since you are an ignorant hatriot communists - but they really aren't entitled to our money.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

I could write a novel about how illegals have negatively affected me. Honestly, I find it very hard to believe you haven't been negatively affected; I'm pretty sure you're self-manipulating.
I'll give it to you in short without nitpicking the smaller stuff:
Higher taxes
Crowded emergency rooms
Extreme traffic on roadways
Slower response times from fire and police
Trash and Bud Light cans thrown out on roadways
Trash and dirty diapers left on our beaches
Old couches and mattresses thrown out in vacant lots
Graffiti all over the place
Degenerate filth loitering at every Home Depot and pissing in public
Abandoned stray pit bulls and chihuahua's run the streets of ghettos
I've had to send my three kids to private schools their whole lives to keep them from the filth at $2,000 per month
Uninsured and underinsured drivers on roadways. (Family has been hit three times by illegals without insurance)
Real American's who speak English in Southern California feel like foreigners on their own soil
My high school age kids can't get work experience or entry level high school age jobs because illegals have made burger flipping a career job

Again, I could go on and on...but hopefully you get the drift by now.

Tally so far:
Posters personally affected by illegal immigrant/s: 4

Posters claiming to be personally affected but ? directly: 4
Marion Morrison

You must have over-looked my post...LOL
see above
Oops you're right--"family has been hit three times by illegals without insurance" I'll see if I can edit the post.
Tally so far:
Posters personally affected by illegal immigrant/s: 4

Posters claiming to be personally affected but ? directly: 4
Marion Morrison
As a teacher I suppose that it will not affect you personally when your retirement funds crash.

May you receive what you put out for others to endure due to your own ignorance.
Where did that come from? From that post?
My apology, retracted. Searching on another page and brain doesn't multitask very good. I should have posted a response to your post that stated it did not affect you. The winners in allowing this illegal immigration for all these years are one in the same trying to justify keeping the scam going to line their own pockets in a pyramid scheme with themselves at the top and it irritates the hell out of me when I think of all of the crap they have gotten away with.
Tally so far:
Posters personally affected by illegal immigrant/s: 4

Posters claiming to be personally affected but ? directly: 4
Marion Morrison
As a teacher I suppose that it will not affect you personally when your retirement funds crash.

May you receive what you put out for others to endure due to your own ignorance.
Where did that come from? From that post?
My apology, retracted. Searching on another page and brain doesn't multitask very good. I should have posted a response to your post that stated it did not affect you. The winners in allowing this illegal immigration for all these years are one in the same trying to justify keeping the scam going to line their own pockets in a pyramid scheme with themselves at the top and it irritates the hell out of me when I think of all of the crap they have gotten away with.
I'm not a good multi-tasker, either. I never said it didn't affect me, though. I said I missed the flan at the Mexican restaurant that went out of business because the owners were smuggling in illegals to work in the area. It is pretty hard, unless you're in a capacity to ask for proof of identity, to know if someone is legal or illegal, though, at least around here. I'm fortunate I've never been the victim of a crime by an illegal, and I see that the vast majority of posters here are in the same boat, apparently.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.
Path not taken. Who knows what the true cost to society is. No one.
It's not that. It's that I've been accused of doing something I did not do. I didn't even want to do it.

Marion did offer a direct answer to the thread question. I thanked him for it. I've asked him to clarify it for me. I explained clearly the nature of clarification I would like to receive. Expand the quote and see for yourself.

Apparently you don't understand how "getting the job" can mean whether or not you can afford to eat steak for the night.

Look, if you'd read my damn questions, you'd know what two things I didn't/don't understand. I expressly asked you for clarification on one of them and I have yet to see it.

I read your questions and gave a real-life example of how illegals hurt Americans economically.

Apparently you choose to ignore that and proceed to act as if I didn't provide you enough information.

Ask me to have my crew log in individually, that was you, right? Silliness personified.

I bid you good day sir! Good day!

I read your questions and gave a real-life example of how illegals hurt Americans economically.

Apparently you choose to ignore that and proceed to act as if I didn't provide you enough information.

Ask me to have my crew log in individually, that was you, right? Silliness personified.

I only have ever in this thread asked about individuals' own experiences. I have not asked anyone to remark upon the impact of illegal immigrants on Americans in any general sense.

You wrote:

The video is fun and all, but I have lost about 8 contracts over a period of 10 years to this guy that has a crew of illegals because he underbids me by a bit each time. He can do that because he pays them $7 an hour. They get the job done, but it's not done right, and it takes food directly off my and my crew's table.
I replied:

TY for your reply.

Just so I'm clear...
  • Are you saying the owner of the crew is an illegal immigrant and he is the person who deprived you of something?
It's not clear to me whom you think is the person(s) who deprived you of food.
It's a figure of speech. One apparently you've never heard.

It's goes like this: If I don't get the job,the people that work with me can't work, therefore there is no money for food.

After reading some of your other posts I realize that you are being an intentionally obtuse asshat that has probably never worked a day in his life. A pox upon you!

The video is fun and all, but I have lost about 8 contracts over a period of 10 years to this guy that has a crew of illegals because he underbids me by a bit each time. He can do that because he pays them $7 an hour. They get the job done, but it's not done right, and it takes food directly off my and my crew's table.

Are you saying the man whom you identify as "this guy that has a crew of illegals" is an illegal immigrant?
Tally so far:
Posters personally affected by illegal immigrant/s: 4

Posters claiming to be personally affected but ? directly: 4
Marion Morrison
As a teacher I suppose that it will not affect you personally when your retirement funds crash.

May you receive what you put out for others to endure due to your own ignorance.
Where did that come from? From that post?
My apology, retracted. Searching on another page and brain doesn't multitask very good. I should have posted a response to your post that stated it did not affect you. The winners in allowing this illegal immigration for all these years are one in the same trying to justify keeping the scam going to line their own pockets in a pyramid scheme with themselves at the top and it irritates the hell out of me when I think of all of the crap they have gotten away with.
I'm not a good multi-tasker, either. I never said it didn't affect me, though. I said I missed the flan at the Mexican restaurant that went out of business because the owners were smuggling in illegals to work in the area. It is pretty hard, unless you're in a capacity to ask for proof of identity, to know if someone is legal or illegal, though, at least around here. I'm fortunate I've never been the victim of a crime by an illegal, and I see that the vast majority of posters here are in the same boat, apparently.
A lot of people are not going to post personal experiences. I could make that post of mine longer with actual events but there really is no purpose to it as it is already well documented that it is degrading the society.
Tally so far:
Posters personally affected by illegal immigrant/s: 4

Posters claiming to be personally affected but ? directly: 4
Marion Morrison
As a teacher I suppose that it will not affect you personally when your retirement funds crash.

May you receive what you put out for others to endure due to your own ignorance.
Where did that come from? From that post?
My apology, retracted. Searching on another page and brain doesn't multitask very good. I should have posted a response to your post that stated it did not affect you. The winners in allowing this illegal immigration for all these years are one in the same trying to justify keeping the scam going to line their own pockets in a pyramid scheme with themselves at the top and it irritates the hell out of me when I think of all of the crap they have gotten away with.
I'm not a good multi-tasker, either. I never said it didn't affect me, though. I said I missed the flan at the Mexican restaurant that went out of business because the owners were smuggling in illegals to work in the area. It is pretty hard, unless you're in a capacity to ask for proof of identity, to know if someone is legal or illegal, though, at least around here. I'm fortunate I've never been the victim of a crime by an illegal, and I see that the vast majority of posters here are in the same boat, apparently.

Did you know Flan is not a Mexican dessert? Maybe sweet rice is.

Pero Flan es de España
Illegals are stealing BILLIONS of dollars from taxpayers each year via tax refund fraud alone. Easily over $30 billion just during Obama's 8 years. Its currently close to $8 billion a year now, it was $4 billion a year in 2010 when 1/3rd of all illegals were participating in this scam. Guess what we could do with $30 billion dollars, a lot.
Tally so far:
Posters personally affected by illegal immigrant/s: 4

Posters claiming to be personally affected but ? directly: 4
Marion Morrison
As a teacher I suppose that it will not affect you personally when your retirement funds crash.

May you receive what you put out for others to endure due to your own ignorance.
Where did that come from? From that post?
My apology, retracted. Searching on another page and brain doesn't multitask very good. I should have posted a response to your post that stated it did not affect you. The winners in allowing this illegal immigration for all these years are one in the same trying to justify keeping the scam going to line their own pockets in a pyramid scheme with themselves at the top and it irritates the hell out of me when I think of all of the crap they have gotten away with.
I'm not a good multi-tasker, either. I never said it didn't affect me, though. I said I missed the flan at the Mexican restaurant that went out of business because the owners were smuggling in illegals to work in the area. It is pretty hard, unless you're in a capacity to ask for proof of identity, to know if someone is legal or illegal, though, at least around here. I'm fortunate I've never been the victim of a crime by an illegal, and I see that the vast majority of posters here are in the same boat, apparently.
A lot of people are not going to post personal experiences. I could make that post of mine longer with actual events but there really is no purpose to it as it is already well documented that it is degrading the society.
I'm assuming if people had personal experiences they would have responded, as you did, or not have participated in the thread at all. It's a good thing, I think, that few of us, anyway, have been personally affected by mayhem or violence by illegal immigrants. The less the better, for our sakes, no one else's.

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