What has an illegal immigrant done to deprive you of something?

And I like that you mention the slaves. You know, they were the very first "illegal immigrants". And what did we do with them? Yeah, some wanted to send them back to Africa, including Lincoln. But we didn't. We made them all citizens instead. That seemed to have worked out pretty well. Why should we expect anything different with our current batch from the South? Reagan gave them amnesty. That turned out pretty well. Why not do it again?

And again...... and again.....and again.....and again until we are as crowded as China.

And what do you consider "worked out pretty well?" For whom besides them?
"Them" was you (according to your earlier story); you are now "us." Did you and your community growing up contribute nothing to their city and country? None of you, including you, made this country a better place? I don't agree with Winston's open borders policy, but it's pretty rich hearing you take the tack above.
Like I said, we don't subsidize illegal and legal immigrants, THEY SUBSIDIZE US.

Think about it. Someone comes here illegally. They use a fake Social Security number. They pay Social Security taxes and will never ever get to collect any benefits. And yet they don't bitch, not one little bit. Contrast that with ignorant redneck yahoos who bitch and moan that they are subsidizing those immigrants when they really aren't, and bitch and moan about how high their taxes are and need to be cut.

Thirteen years after welfare reform, the share of immigrant-headed households (legal and illegal) with a child (under age 18) using at least one welfare program continues to be very high. This is partly due to the large share of immigrants with low levels of education and their resulting low incomes — not their legal status or an unwillingness to work. The major welfare programs examined in this report include cash assistance, food assistance, Medicaid, and public and subsidized housing.

Among the findings:

  • In 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children.
Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children

You and Healthmyths have done it again. You are using the statistics for immigrant HOUSEHOLDS. That is inaccurate, dishonest, and misleading. Groups like FAIR and the Heritage foundation use those misleading statistics to perpetuate the very myth you are expounding. The education of citizen children CANNOT BE COUNTED. That spending is for CITIZENS, it is not for illegal immigrants. The health care of citizen children, especially infants, CANNOT BE COUNTED. That spending is for CITIZENS, it is not for illegal immigrants. From your very link,

A large share of the welfare used by immigrant households with children is received on behalf of their U.S.-born children, who are American citizens

Come on, of course households with children, headed by immigrants, would use welfare services at a higher rate than those headed by a native. These are the low wage workers, remember? Well, except for the doctors from India. Hell, in your study if a family with an immigrant present had a child that got free or reduced lunch, BOOM--they are on welfare. First, well the child is a legal resident CITIZEN. Second--you know how much money you can make and still get reduced lunch? With two kids it is almost fifty grand. The average household income is little more than that.

To sum it up. Your study, and it is often used by others, openly admits that a "large share" of the expenses they are attributing to immigrants is, in fact, spending on the children who are American citizens. And they have constructed the criteria to such an extent than a family making the median income with three children, or just one on the way, would qualify as "dependent" on social services.
And I like that you mention the slaves. You know, they were the very first "illegal immigrants". And what did we do with them? Yeah, some wanted to send them back to Africa, including Lincoln. But we didn't. We made them all citizens instead. That seemed to have worked out pretty well. Why should we expect anything different with our current batch from the South? Reagan gave them amnesty. That turned out pretty well. Why not do it again?

And again...... and again.....and again.....and again until we are as crowded as China.

And what do you consider "worked out pretty well?" For whom besides them?
"Them" was you (according to your earlier story); you are now "us." Did you and your community growing up contribute nothing to their city and country? None of you, including you, made this country a better place? I don't agree with Winston's open borders policy, but it's pretty rich hearing you take the tack above.

What I'm pointing out is the obvious. Not all is positive with immigration or minorities in this country. What Winston tried to say is it worked out just swell. Well........ it did for them, but not for everybody.

Now they come here illegally and treated like citizens. They get welfare for their children, they get drivers licenses, they get to send their kids to school, buy homes, and rent apartments. In the meantime, they keep wages lower because they are willing to work for next to nothing, and that effects the entire country. Then they send their earnings over the border by the billions of dollars per year taking that money out of our country.

As for the rest of us, our ancestors came here legally to become part of America, not expect the country to change for us. Look around and ask yourself if we are (or are not) slowly becoming a bilingual nation. They are even trying to change that for us. Never in my life was I asked what language I want my ballot in when I went to vote. Now they have to ask me.
Like I said, we don't subsidize illegal and legal immigrants, THEY SUBSIDIZE US.

Think about it. Someone comes here illegally. They use a fake Social Security number. They pay Social Security taxes and will never ever get to collect any benefits. And yet they don't bitch, not one little bit. Contrast that with ignorant redneck yahoos who bitch and moan that they are subsidizing those immigrants when they really aren't, and bitch and moan about how high their taxes are and need to be cut.

Thirteen years after welfare reform, the share of immigrant-headed households (legal and illegal) with a child (under age 18) using at least one welfare program continues to be very high. This is partly due to the large share of immigrants with low levels of education and their resulting low incomes — not their legal status or an unwillingness to work. The major welfare programs examined in this report include cash assistance, food assistance, Medicaid, and public and subsidized housing.

Among the findings:

  • In 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children.
Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children

You and Healthmyths have done it again. You are using the statistics for immigrant HOUSEHOLDS. That is inaccurate, dishonest, and misleading. Groups like FAIR and the Heritage foundation use those misleading statistics to perpetuate the very myth you are expounding. The education of citizen children CANNOT BE COUNTED. That spending is for CITIZENS, it is not for illegal immigrants. The health care of citizen children, especially infants, CANNOT BE COUNTED. That spending is for CITIZENS, it is not for illegal immigrants. From your very link,

A large share of the welfare used by immigrant households with children is received on behalf of their U.S.-born children, who are American citizens

Come on, of course households with children, headed by immigrants, would use welfare services at a higher rate than those headed by a native. These are the low wage workers, remember? Well, except for the doctors from India. Hell, in your study if a family with an immigrant present had a child that got free or reduced lunch, BOOM--they are on welfare. First, well the child is a legal resident CITIZEN. Second--you know how much money you can make and still get reduced lunch? With two kids it is almost fifty grand. The average household income is little more than that.

To sum it up. Your study, and it is often used by others, openly admits that a "large share" of the expenses they are attributing to immigrants is, in fact, spending on the children who are American citizens. And they have constructed the criteria to such an extent than a family making the median income with three children, or just one on the way, would qualify as "dependent" on social services.

I don't decipher between legal or illegal, they are all a problem as far as I'm concerned, and if it were up to me, I would be closing off that border to anybody but perhaps a select few.

If over half of the immigrants are using some sort of welfare, WTF do we need them for? We are not gaining if you look at the entire picture, we are actually losing.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

The video is fun and all, but I have lost about 8 contracts over a period of 10 years to this guy that has a crew of illegals because he underbids me by a bit each time. He can do that because he pays them $7 an hour. They get the job done, but it's not done right, and it takes food directly off my and my crew's table.

For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

The video is fun and all, but I have lost about 8 contracts over a period of 10 years to this guy that has a crew of illegals because he underbids me by a bit each time. He can do that because he pays them $7 an hour. They get the job done, but it's not done right, and it takes food directly off my and my crew's table.

Can't you report him to ICE? That's illegal, you know. GrampaMurked claims the same thing happens to him. Why can't you guys stop these ILLEGAL EMPLOYERS?
Like I said, we don't subsidize illegal and legal immigrants, THEY SUBSIDIZE US.

Think about it. Someone comes here illegally. They use a fake Social Security number. They pay Social Security taxes and will never ever get to collect any benefits. And yet they don't bitch, not one little bit. Contrast that with ignorant redneck yahoos who bitch and moan that they are subsidizing those immigrants when they really aren't, and bitch and moan about how high their taxes are and need to be cut.

Thirteen years after welfare reform, the share of immigrant-headed households (legal and illegal) with a child (under age 18) using at least one welfare program continues to be very high. This is partly due to the large share of immigrants with low levels of education and their resulting low incomes — not their legal status or an unwillingness to work. The major welfare programs examined in this report include cash assistance, food assistance, Medicaid, and public and subsidized housing.

Among the findings:

  • In 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children.
Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children

You and Healthmyths have done it again. You are using the statistics for immigrant HOUSEHOLDS. That is inaccurate, dishonest, and misleading. Groups like FAIR and the Heritage foundation use those misleading statistics to perpetuate the very myth you are expounding. The education of citizen children CANNOT BE COUNTED. That spending is for CITIZENS, it is not for illegal immigrants. The health care of citizen children, especially infants, CANNOT BE COUNTED. That spending is for CITIZENS, it is not for illegal immigrants. From your very link,

A large share of the welfare used by immigrant households with children is received on behalf of their U.S.-born children, who are American citizens

Come on, of course households with children, headed by immigrants, would use welfare services at a higher rate than those headed by a native. These are the low wage workers, remember? Well, except for the doctors from India. Hell, in your study if a family with an immigrant present had a child that got free or reduced lunch, BOOM--they are on welfare. First, well the child is a legal resident CITIZEN. Second--you know how much money you can make and still get reduced lunch? With two kids it is almost fifty grand. The average household income is little more than that.

To sum it up. Your study, and it is often used by others, openly admits that a "large share" of the expenses they are attributing to immigrants is, in fact, spending on the children who are American citizens. And they have constructed the criteria to such an extent than a family making the median income with three children, or just one on the way, would qualify as "dependent" on social services.

I don't decipher between legal or illegal, they are all a problem as far as I'm concerned, and if it were up to me, I would be closing off that border to anybody but perhaps a select few.

If over half of the immigrants are using some sort of welfare, WTF do we need them for? We are not gaining if you look at the entire picture, we are actually losing.

The immigrants, both legal and illegal, are NOT USING WELFARE. They are forbidden, BY LAW, from receiving any benefits outside a very select few in a couple of states. The benefits are being used by THEIR CHILDREN. The very people that will be funding my retirement. I believe an investment in their health care, their education, and even their nutritional well-being is money well spent. In fact, of all the places the government could send a dollar, sending it to this population is going to provide a better return than any other population I can think of, and that includes the wealthy.

You believe in a couple of myths that I am not buying. First, that immigrants take more than they give. Not buying it. When we take out the money spent on citizen children and add the tax money collected, just by Social Security, we come up positive.

Second, that they depress wages. Employers pay what they have to pay to get the job done. No amount of money is going to get native Americans to work in the fields. My oldest spent the summer in the fields. My youngest worked at Five Guys all year. Guess which one made more money? Now, on the other end of the spectrum, the LEGAL temporary workers program--that most certainly depresses wages. When we have open borders that depression at the top end disappears and any leverage employers had at the low end also evaporates.

Third, that sending money abroad is a problem. Truth is, anytime dollars disappear without a decline in production it is a good thing. Fewer dollars chasing the same amount of goods. Yippee
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

The video is fun and all, but I have lost about 8 contracts over a period of 10 years to this guy that has a crew of illegals because he underbids me by a bit each time. He can do that because he pays them $7 an hour. They get the job done, but it's not done right, and it takes food directly off my and my crew's table.

TY for your reply.

Just so I'm clear...
  • Are you saying the owner of the crew is an illegal immigrant and he is the person who deprived you of something?
It's not clear to me whom you think is the person(s) who deprived you of food.

(If your crew care to log on and individually respond with their own experiences, great. I welcome their doing so. I'm only asking you about how an illegal immigrant has deprived you -- not any other person on the planet, well, your spouse and children I'll count, for this purpose, as part of " you" -- of something.)

They get the job done, but it's not done right...

Off Topic:
This doesn't have a thing to do with the question I asked, but don't you think the conclusion about whether the job was done right is one that your competitor's customer should make rather than one you should make?
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For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

The video is fun and all, but I have lost about 8 contracts over a period of 10 years to this guy that has a crew of illegals because he underbids me by a bit each time. He can do that because he pays them $7 an hour. They get the job done, but it's not done right, and it takes food directly off my and my crew's table.

Can't you report him to ICE? That's illegal, you know. GrampaMurked claims the same thing happens to him. Why can't you guys stop these ILLEGAL EMPLOYERS?

Nothing gets done. I think I did in about 2009.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

The video is fun and all, but I have lost about 8 contracts over a period of 10 years to this guy that has a crew of illegals because he underbids me by a bit each time. He can do that because he pays them $7 an hour. They get the job done, but it's not done right, and it takes food directly off my and my crew's table.

Can't you report him to ICE? That's illegal, you know. GrampaMurked claims the same thing happens to him. Why can't you guys stop these ILLEGAL EMPLOYERS?

Nothing gets done. I think I did in about 2009.

I think you should keep trying. If they weren't getting hired, they wouldn't be here. End of story.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

The video is fun and all, but I have lost about 8 contracts over a period of 10 years to this guy that has a crew of illegals because he underbids me by a bit each time. He can do that because he pays them $7 an hour. They get the job done, but it's not done right, and it takes food directly off my and my crew's table.

Can't you report him to ICE? That's illegal, you know. GrampaMurked claims the same thing happens to him. Why can't you guys stop these ILLEGAL EMPLOYERS?

Nothing gets done. I think I did in about 2009.

I think you should keep trying. If they weren't getting hired, they wouldn't be here. End of story.

Yes. Fine companies $1MM for each illegal they employ. That will stop immigration dead. Why is it we can't get that passed immediately?
Come on Ray...it's "worked out pretty well" for anyone in law enforcement as the nations police departments have expanded over and over to run the pace of black and hispanic criminals. AND jails and prisons have had to expand to house the huge populations of blacks and hispanic convicts, surely jail and prison personnel has expanded as well. Think of all the new attorneys getting work as public defenders to represent the case loads coming through the system.
Border Patrol and ICE have had to expand their forces.
3.5 in 10 hispanics and nearly 4 in 10 blacks are on on welfare so think of all the new social workers that have jobs thanks to blacks and hispanics. The medical field has grown thanks to the never ending baby making. Diaper manufactures are blowing up due to the population boom.
The Democratic Party has gained strength and expanded voter support through governmental dependency.
Public schools have had to expand to give away more FREE schooling.
Anheuser-Busch is killing it with blacks and hispanics, drug cartels are thriving. Cell phone makers and telecommunication companies are booming thanks to all the free phones King Hussein gave all the blacks and hispanics.

WOW...I could just go on forever...in some bizarre Liberal kind of way and now that I really thinking about it...blacks and hispanics aren't just people...they are their own economy within an economy.
How would we ever make it without them? Imagine all the jobs that would vanish....HAHAHA...listen to how ignorant I sound. Hmmm, Do I sound like anyone on this board?

So many statistics, so few links......

A little tiny website can be found at www.google.com with all the data you need to yank you from your desperate state of denial.

Translation: I pulled all my statistics out of my ass. Trump has trained me well.

Could you check in there to find out what percentage of illegtal Latino immigrants are rapists? Enquiring minds want to know!

Lucky for you it's late, I'm bored, you're lazy and needy like a typical Liberal so I'll happily bitch-slap you with some data that may assist you in extracting your head from your anus. This is a free lesson but I'll invoice you for the next. Oh, and sorry I was off just a tad with my numbers giving 'your people' the benefit of the doubt. I guess 4.2 in 10 blacks and 3.6 in 10 hispanics suck the taxpayer tit.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
o The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific
Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
By the way are blacks and hispanics part of the Republican demographic?
So what now...where do you go with this?

We are talking about immigrants, legal and illegal, you racist prick. Not blacks, not hispanics--IMMIGRANTS.

“In one estimate, immigrants earn about $240 billion a year, pay about $90 billion a year in taxes, and use about $5 billion in public benefits,” a 2010 report by the Council found. “In another cut of the data, immigrant tax payments total $20 to $30 billion more than the amount of government services they use.” And a report by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in 2013 found that “more than half of undocumented immigrants have federal and state income, Social Security, and Medicare taxes automatically deducted from their paychecks.” Those immigrants are essentially helping to underwrite the welfare system, providing an enormous subsidy to it every year without being able to reap any of the benefits.

Immigrants Don't Drain Welfare. They Fund It.

Like I said, we don't subsidize illegal and legal immigrants, THEY SUBSIDIZE US.

Think about it. Someone comes here illegally. They use a fake Social Security number. They pay Social Security taxes and will never ever get to collect any benefits. And yet they don't bitch, not one little bit. Contrast that with ignorant redneck yahoos who bitch and moan that they are subsidizing those immigrants when they really aren't, and bitch and moan about how high their taxes are and need to be cut.

Looking at in from a business perspective and it is the same thing as an employer. I would hire an immigrant, legal or illegal, before I would hire some white redneck every time. The immigrant will come to work EVERY DAY, SOBER. while the white redneck is going to call in sick the day after he collects his paycheck. The immigrant will work harder and never complain. The white redneck will slack off every chance he gets and will complain incessantly over everything from the temperature of the break room to the type of toilet paper in the restroom. Funny, it is the same when it comes to being a resident. The citizens are lazy, complain incessantly, and blame anyone and everyone for their problems but themselves. The immigrants work hard, never complain, and blame no one. They put their head down and WORK.[/QUOTE]

Like I said, we don't subsidize illegal and legal immigrants, THEY SUBSIDIZE US.

Think about it. Someone comes here illegally. They use a fake Social Security number. They pay Social Security taxes and will never ever get to collect any benefits. And yet they don't bitch, not one little bit. Contrast that with ignorant redneck yahoos who bitch and moan that they are subsidizing those immigrants when they really aren't, and bitch and moan about how high their taxes are and need to be cut.

Thirteen years after welfare reform, the share of immigrant-headed households (legal and illegal) with a child (under age 18) using at least one welfare program continues to be very high. This is partly due to the large share of immigrants with low levels of education and their resulting low incomes — not their legal status or an unwillingness to work. The major welfare programs examined in this report include cash assistance, food assistance, Medicaid, and public and subsidized housing.

Among the findings:

  • In 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children.
Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children

You and Healthmyths have done it again. You are using the statistics for immigrant HOUSEHOLDS. That is inaccurate, dishonest, and misleading. Groups like FAIR and the Heritage foundation use those misleading statistics to perpetuate the very myth you are expounding. The education of citizen children CANNOT BE COUNTED. That spending is for CITIZENS, it is not for illegal immigrants. The health care of citizen children, especially infants, CANNOT BE COUNTED. That spending is for CITIZENS, it is not for illegal immigrants. From your very link,

A large share of the welfare used by immigrant households with children is received on behalf of their U.S.-born children, who are American citizens

Come on, of course households with children, headed by immigrants, would use welfare services at a higher rate than those headed by a native. These are the low wage workers, remember? Well, except for the doctors from India. Hell, in your study if a family with an immigrant present had a child that got free or reduced lunch, BOOM--they are on welfare. First, well the child is a legal resident CITIZEN. Second--you know how much money you can make and still get reduced lunch? With two kids it is almost fifty grand. The average household income is little more than that.

To sum it up. Your study, and it is often used by others, openly admits that a "large share" of the expenses they are attributing to immigrants is, in fact, spending on the children who are American citizens. And they have constructed the criteria to such an extent than a family making the median income with three children, or just one on the way, would qualify as "dependent" on social services.

"Illegals subsidize American's"...WOW...I've heard many debates here regarding illegal immigration and all have some ignorant whack-job on one side making bullshit claims...I think your bullshit claim takes the cake...CONGRATS!
Winston, what you're not able or willing to wrap your head around because you're illegal yourself is these children / anchors you speak of are here as the direct result of illegal migration and should be included in data when determining what illegal migration costs U.S. taxpayers...how does that not make sense in your tiny little tolerant mind?
Let me know if you're still too stupid to 'get it' and I will come up with some clever metaphor to help you connect the dots.
Also, the analytics do not include many hidden, indirect expenses related to illegals. How do you put a dollar amount on the social decay caused by millions of uneducated, uncivilized human cockroaches invading and destroying communities? How about infrastructure improvements required to accommodate the millions of cockroaches? How about the fact that REAL American's like myself have to spend $2,000 per month to send my three children to private schools because our public schools are full of filthy, unparented low-life's with no moral compass? What about all the uninsured and underinsured drivers on the roadways?
Pull your head from your ass and your lips from that uncircumcised wetback penis for a minute and come up for air...I think you'll find that your beloved beaner is a major, major burden for American's.

All studies assessing the impact of illegal aliens begin with estimates of the size of that population. We use a population of 13 million broken down by state.

In our cost estimates we also include the minor children of illegal aliens born in the United States. That adds another 3.4 million children to the 1.3 million children who are illegal aliens themselves. We include these U.S. citizen children of illegal aliens because the fiscal outlays for them are a direct result of the illegal migration that led to their U.S. birth. We do so as well in the assumption that if the parents leave voluntarily or involuntarily they will take these children with them. The birth of these children and their subsequent medical care represent a large share of the estimated Medicaid and Child Health Insurance Program expenditures associated with illegal aliens.

We use data collected by the federal and state governments on school expenses, Limited English Proficiency enrollment, school meal programs, university enrollment, and other public assistance programs administered at the federal and state level. Estimates of incarceration expenses are based on data collected in the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program in which state and local detention facilities seek federal compensation for the cost of detention of criminal and deportable aliens. Estimates for other administration of justice expenditures are based on data collected from the states by the U.S. Department of Justice. General government expenditures are estimated for other non-enumerated functions of government at both the federal and local level. An example would be the cost of fire departments or the cost of the legislature.

Medical costs that amount to 10 percent of overall state and local outlays on illegal aliens derive from our estimate of the childbirths to illegal alien mothers covered by Medicaid, the subsequent medical insurance and treatment of those children and an estimate of uncompensated cost of emergency medical treatment received by illegal aliens. The latter expenditure estimate is based on state and local government studies of uncompensated medical care.

The tax collections from illegal aliens assume eight million illegal alien workers, one-half of whom are in the underground economy. Those in the above-ground economy are assumed to have an average family income of $31,200 (60 hr. workweek @ $10/hr.) with two children.

The report notes that today’s debate over what to do about illegal aliens places the country at a crossroads. One choice is pursuing a strategy that discourages future illegal migration and increasingly diminishes the current illegal alien population through denial of job opportunities and deportations. The other choice would repeat the unfortunate decision made in 1986 to adopt an amnesty that invited continued illegal migration."
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For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

The video is fun and all, but I have lost about 8 contracts over a period of 10 years to this guy that has a crew of illegals because he underbids me by a bit each time. He can do that because he pays them $7 an hour. They get the job done, but it's not done right, and it takes food directly off my and my crew's table.

TY for your reply.

Just so I'm clear...
  • Are you saying the owner of the crew is an illegal immigrant and he is the person who deprived you of something?
It's not clear to me whom you think is the person(s) who deprived you of food.

(If your crew care to log on and individually, great. I welcome their doing so. I'm only asking you about how an illegal immigrant has deprived you -- not any other person on the planet, well, your spouse and children I'll count, for this purpose, as part of " you" -- of something.)

They get the job done, but it's not done right...

Off Topic:
This doesn't have a thing to do with the question I asked, but don't you think the conclusion about whether the job was done right is one that your competitor's customer should make rather than one you should make?

You make a piss poor argument. The owner is a white man who works illegals. Illegals cannot run businesses with a license here.

"If my crew care to log on" Ok asshat, have all your coworkers log on and chime in. :haha:

As for the "done right" part, there are repercussions for not doing the job correctly.

In some areas they would be fined thousands of dollars.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

The video is fun and all, but I have lost about 8 contracts over a period of 10 years to this guy that has a crew of illegals because he underbids me by a bit each time. He can do that because he pays them $7 an hour. They get the job done, but it's not done right, and it takes food directly off my and my crew's table.

Can't you report him to ICE? That's illegal, you know. GrampaMurked claims the same thing happens to him. Why can't you guys stop these ILLEGAL EMPLOYERS?

Nothing gets done. I think I did in about 2009.

I think you should keep trying. If they weren't getting hired, they wouldn't be here. End of story.

Yes. Fine companies $1MM for each illegal they employ. That will stop immigration dead. Why is it we can't get that passed immediately?

Do you know what the fine schedule is for employing illegals?

The fact of the matter is that Marion has multiple lines of recourse against his competitor who uses illegal immigrant labor, that is if the guy does indeed do so.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

The video is fun and all, but I have lost about 8 contracts over a period of 10 years to this guy that has a crew of illegals because he underbids me by a bit each time. He can do that because he pays them $7 an hour. They get the job done, but it's not done right, and it takes food directly off my and my crew's table.

TY for your reply.

Just so I'm clear...
  • Are you saying the owner of the crew is an illegal immigrant and he is the person who deprived you of something?
It's not clear to me whom you think is the person(s) who deprived you of food.

(If your crew care to log on and individually, great. I welcome their doing so. I'm only asking you about how an illegal immigrant has deprived you -- not any other person on the planet, well, your spouse and children I'll count, for this purpose, as part of " you" -- of something.)

They get the job done, but it's not done right...

Off Topic:
This doesn't have a thing to do with the question I asked, but don't you think the conclusion about whether the job was done right is one that your competitor's customer should make rather than one you should make?

You make a piss poor argument. The owner is a white man who works illegals. Illegals cannot run businesses with a license here.

"If my crew care to log on" Ok asshat, have all your coworkers log on and chime in. :haha:

As for the "done right" part, there are repercussions for not doing the job correctly.

In some areas they would be fined thousands of dollars.

What argument? I just asked you two questions, the first of which merely requests a clarification of your earlier statement. I didn't offer an argument.

Trust me on this. I were of a mind to make an argument, I'd make one. It would be a fully developed one that has premises, substantiated inferences, references, and conclusions.
The video is fun and all, but I have lost about 8 contracts over a period of 10 years to this guy that has a crew of illegals because he underbids me by a bit each time. He can do that because he pays them $7 an hour. They get the job done, but it's not done right, and it takes food directly off my and my crew's table.

Can't you report him to ICE? That's illegal, you know. GrampaMurked claims the same thing happens to him. Why can't you guys stop these ILLEGAL EMPLOYERS?

Nothing gets done. I think I did in about 2009.

I think you should keep trying. If they weren't getting hired, they wouldn't be here. End of story.

Yes. Fine companies $1MM for each illegal they employ. That will stop immigration dead. Why is it we can't get that passed immediately?

Do you know what the fine schedule is for employing illegals?

The fact of the matter is that Marion has multiple lines of recourse against his competitor who uses illegal immigrant labor, that is if the guy does indeed do so.

True enough. But I'm talking about a strict liability statute in which there is no prosecutorial discretion. An employee on a company's payroll is illegal? One million.
Can't you report him to ICE? That's illegal, you know. GrampaMurked claims the same thing happens to him. Why can't you guys stop these ILLEGAL EMPLOYERS?

Nothing gets done. I think I did in about 2009.
I think you should keep trying. If they weren't getting hired, they wouldn't be here. End of story.

Yes. Fine companies $1MM for each illegal they employ. That will stop immigration dead. Why is it we can't get that passed immediately?

Do you know what the fine schedule is for employing illegals?

The fact of the matter is that Marion has multiple lines of recourse against his competitor who uses illegal immigrant labor, that is if the guy does indeed do so.

True enough. But I'm talking about a strict liability statute in which there is no prosecutorial discretion. An employee on a company's payroll is illegal? One million.

Most likely impossible to prove when he pays cash under the table.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

The video is fun and all, but I have lost about 8 contracts over a period of 10 years to this guy that has a crew of illegals because he underbids me by a bit each time. He can do that because he pays them $7 an hour. They get the job done, but it's not done right, and it takes food directly off my and my crew's table.

TY for your reply.

Just so I'm clear...
  • Are you saying the owner of the crew is an illegal immigrant and he is the person who deprived you of something?
It's not clear to me whom you think is the person(s) who deprived you of food.

(If your crew care to log on and individually, great. I welcome their doing so. I'm only asking you about how an illegal immigrant has deprived you -- not any other person on the planet, well, your spouse and children I'll count, for this purpose, as part of " you" -- of something.)

They get the job done, but it's not done right...

Off Topic:
This doesn't have a thing to do with the question I asked, but don't you think the conclusion about whether the job was done right is one that your competitor's customer should make rather than one you should make?

You make a piss poor argument. The owner is a white man who works illegals. Illegals cannot run businesses with a license here.

"If my crew care to log on" Ok asshat, have all your coworkers log on and chime in. :haha:

As for the "done right" part, there are repercussions for not doing the job correctly.

In some areas they would be fined thousands of dollars.

What argument? I just asked you two questions, the first of which merely requests a clarification of your earlier statement. I didn't offer an argument.

Trust me on this. I were of a mind to make an argument, I'd make one. It would be a fully developed one that has premises, substantiated inferences, references, and conclusions.

Easy now, don't deviate from your grand quest for data compilation and turn this to a game of "I'm smarter than you"
Nobody ever wins an intellect contest in cyber-world.

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