What has an illegal immigrant done to deprive you of something?

Wouldn't NEED to happen if the ESL programs had the goal to make kids FLUENT in English in a short time.

I have to wonder whether that goal is even achievable. Look at how many presumably native speakers of English post on here are are not fluent with the language. I don't write that snidely. There are varying degrees of language proficiency, however, what people consider "fluency" (not a term evaluators use when conducting formal evaluations) is as follows:
To illustrate my point, I point you to a post earlier in this thread in which a member construed the title question to this thread as meaning: "How are you affected by illegal immigration?" (post 192)

In post 234 of this thread, you'll see that another member thinks the primary aspect of clarification requested of him has to do with figure of speech.

Indeed, a
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.
Path not taken. Who knows what the true cost to society is. No one.
I agree it's the path I didn't pursue. I thus cannot say that I am impacted, which is why I did state I've not deprived of something by an illegal immigrant.

It's also worth noting that I don't know that I've ever encountered an illegal immigrant. That too forces me to say I haven't been deprived of something by an illegal immigrant.

I for a day was an illegal immigrant for part of a day while I waited to get a visa renewal for an Asian country. That was my own fault, but I didn't include myself in considering the title question.
I don't mean it is a path you didn't pursue. I mean that you can't know what the cost is of illegal immigration because we will never know what it would have been without it.

****Errantly posted in reply to ding *******
Right. You've now said the same thing twice and I'm in this post for the second time agreeing with you. In my first response to you I didn't use the word "agree" with regard to the "what's not knowable isn't knowable" aspect of your remarks, instead merely amplifying your comment and expounding a bit on the underpinnings of my OP statements.


Revised remarks for ding
I did not in my OP remark upon illegal immigration. I only answered the title question.

I'm sorry. I see now that you were talking about illegal immigration and my OP spoke only to whether I have been deprived of something by an illegal immigrant.
Yes, I am talking about the bigger picture.
I'm assuming if people had personal experiences they would have responded, as you did, or not have participated in the thread at all. It's a good thing, I think, that few of us, anyway, have been personally affected by mayhem or violence by illegal immigrants. The less the better, for our sakes, no one else's.
I disagree with you on the accuracy of posters posting their personal experience. I almost passed posting anything of personal knowledge on the matter. Too many assholes on here that sling shit if you give them that egde.
I'm always glad to get a word to the wise.
BrokeLoser seems to have bailed on me. So maybe the OP's motive is as transparent as I originally thought. Just maybe, the illegal immigrant problem is being amplified a bit? Not the great mayhem and threat to personal safety all over the country that is being blasted from the rooftops. I don't mean you, RodIshi, you've had direct experience, but for the rest in our bubbles just hearing all the news, maybe the OP just wants us to think about the illegal immigrant situation without a huge dose of hype and hate mixed in.

This is what we're getting:

For some crazy reason this is what some of you want to believe we're getting:
That covers a lot plus the special pony, dog and chicken shows that TJ's put on would drive the animals activist wild.
Thirteen years after welfare reform, the share of immigrant-headed households (legal and illegal) with a child (under age 18) using at least one welfare program continues to be very high. This is partly due to the large share of immigrants with low levels of education and their resulting low incomes — not their legal status or an unwillingness to work. The major welfare programs examined in this report include cash assistance, food assistance, Medicaid, and public and subsidized housing.

Among the findings:

  • In 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children.
Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children

You and Healthmyths have done it again. You are using the statistics for immigrant HOUSEHOLDS. That is inaccurate, dishonest, and misleading. Groups like FAIR and the Heritage foundation use those misleading statistics to perpetuate the very myth you are expounding. The education of citizen children CANNOT BE COUNTED. That spending is for CITIZENS, it is not for illegal immigrants. The health care of citizen children, especially infants, CANNOT BE COUNTED. That spending is for CITIZENS, it is not for illegal immigrants. From your very link,

A large share of the welfare used by immigrant households with children is received on behalf of their U.S.-born children, who are American citizens

Come on, of course households with children, headed by immigrants, would use welfare services at a higher rate than those headed by a native. These are the low wage workers, remember? Well, except for the doctors from India. Hell, in your study if a family with an immigrant present had a child that got free or reduced lunch, BOOM--they are on welfare. First, well the child is a legal resident CITIZEN. Second--you know how much money you can make and still get reduced lunch? With two kids it is almost fifty grand. The average household income is little more than that.

To sum it up. Your study, and it is often used by others, openly admits that a "large share" of the expenses they are attributing to immigrants is, in fact, spending on the children who are American citizens. And they have constructed the criteria to such an extent than a family making the median income with three children, or just one on the way, would qualify as "dependent" on social services.

I don't decipher between legal or illegal, they are all a problem as far as I'm concerned, and if it were up to me, I would be closing off that border to anybody but perhaps a select few.

If over half of the immigrants are using some sort of welfare, WTF do we need them for? We are not gaining if you look at the entire picture, we are actually losing.

The immigrants, both legal and illegal, are NOT USING WELFARE. They are forbidden, BY LAW, from receiving any benefits outside a very select few in a couple of states. The benefits are being used by THEIR CHILDREN. The very people that will be funding my retirement. I believe an investment in their health care, their education, and even their nutritional well-being is money well spent. In fact, of all the places the government could send a dollar, sending it to this population is going to provide a better return than any other population I can think of, and that includes the wealthy.

You believe in a couple of myths that I am not buying. First, that immigrants take more than they give. Not buying it. When we take out the money spent on citizen children and add the tax money collected, just by Social Security, we come up positive.

Second, that they depress wages. Employers pay what they have to pay to get the job done. No amount of money is going to get native Americans to work in the fields. My oldest spent the summer in the fields. My youngest worked at Five Guys all year. Guess which one made more money? Now, on the other end of the spectrum, the LEGAL temporary workers program--that most certainly depresses wages. When we have open borders that depression at the top end disappears and any leverage employers had at the low end also evaporates.

Third, that sending money abroad is a problem. Truth is, anytime dollars disappear without a decline in production it is a good thing. Fewer dollars chasing the same amount of goods. Yippee

Immigrants are in all labor fields, not just agriculture. My industry is flooded with them because companies that want to pay lower wages opt for immigrants legal and illegal to do the work instead of increasing their offer to attract American workers. Yes, that lowers our pay scale.

Right now, you have foreigners that are driving around in 70,000 lbs vehicles that can't read road signs. They are terrible drivers to boot, and they are driving right next to your family van. Half of them can't even back up a trailer to the dock.

As for welfare children, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Those children will likely grow up the way they were raised like most of our poor Americans do. We already have generational welfare for Americans, so we don't need generational welfare for foreigners.

So there is no advantage of these people being here, and then there is the crime (which costs us a lot of money) to consider:

Illegal immigrants responsible for almost three-fourths of federal drug possession sentences in 2014

I learn something every day. Foreigners don't know how to drive a truck, or back up to loading docks! It's a good thing that they can drive cars, since about 98% of cabs are driven by foreigners! I guess that there is something genetic involved here that makes it hard for them to drive a truck...sort of like women who can't throw a baseball overhand....

Well it's the truth. Every couple of months, some foreigner runs up to me sitting in line and says "Mister! Mister! You please back up truck for me. I no know how!" So in order to speed things up, I have to get out of the truck, go to his truck and teach him how to back in. Understandably, new drivers have difficulties in tough docks at first, but the docks Im talking about a blind man can back into.

Or there are times when I need to check in at the window, and I can't because the shipping clerk can't communicate with the foreign idiot in front of me. She's trying to use hand signals while she's talking to tell him what to do. He just stands there with that blank look on his face like he's deaf. So then she will ask me to please escort him outside and show him what she's asking. It's ridiculous already.

I've been doing this a long time now, and I can tell you just because somebody has a job driving doesn't mean they are good at it. Cab drivers are the worst. We have plenty of foreigners driving cabs over here.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.
Sleep and security, and why are Illegal aliens above the law, anyway? What makes them exempt from immigration laws, anyway? Because you are deluding yourself if you think allowing illegal aliens fights racism , particularly when rich white classist liberals exploit illeagals for profit, as if they are fighting FOR the poor and down trodden. How is supporting illegals fighting racism, anyway?
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

Ask yourself:
What is the difference between somone seeing your front gate's "do not enter sign" and asking permission to come in the gate before opening and entering or someone seeing the sign and disobeying it and waltzing in without permission?
Then ask yourself why the disobedient one won't let you just come into his yard unnanounced without permission?

Now, ask yourself; what is the difference between someone ringing your doorbell and asking permission to come in your house compared to someone unexpectingly just opening your door or window and coming in unnanounced? What do you call an unannounced home invader?
Then ask yourself what is the difference
when the home invader steals your S.S. number, personal info, credit cards and Identity-is there a difference and what do you call the invader I.D. thief?
Then ask yourself: "Why won't this invader let me come in and out of their house anytime with their I.D.?"

Then ask yourself: why should the future people who ask permission to come through the front gate or ring your bell asking permission be punished or held from access to reach you all because of those who don't follow simple fair guidlines.

Now you were saying about what is the difference, well are you completely ignoring that you literally know this answer and practice it at home, business, and places you frequent? Get real.
*Folds arms like Run of RunDMC
*Drops the Verizon mic and walks away
I disagree with you on the accuracy of posters posting their personal experience. I almost passed posting anything of personal knowledge on the matter. Too many assholes on here that sling shit if you give them that egde.
I'm always glad to get a word to the wise.
BrokeLoser seems to have bailed on me. So maybe the OP's motive is as transparent as I originally thought. Just maybe, the illegal immigrant problem is being amplified a bit? Not the great mayhem and threat to personal safety all over the country that is being blasted from the rooftops. I don't mean you, RodIshi, you've had direct experience, but for the rest in our bubbles just hearing all the news, maybe the OP just wants us to think about the illegal immigrant situation without a huge dose of hype and hate mixed in.

BINGO....there you have it and you bit hook line and sinker. And you knew it all along.
The motive was to establish hearsay in that the invasion of illegals and the negativity that comes with it isn't quite the magnitude it's played up to be which is absolute hands down BULLSHIT!
Visit any region where illegals are prevalent and you will find filth, thievery, domestic violence, unlicensed, uninsured drivers, drugs and alcohol, neglected and trashed property, graffiti, unparented children, animal abuse....the list goes on and on.
My primary residence is in Southern California in the mecca for illegals...believe me I know the magnitude. When I'm at my ranch in Montana I don't know anything about illegals nor would anyone else in the region.
Like you the OP wants to establish and believe that illegals blend in and cause no harm and that couldn't be further from the truth. Anywhere they're at in numbers there's problems and filth directly related to them...PERIOD!
It should be mandatory that deniers and those pushing any form of wanting legitimizing any of the illegals spend at least a few days and nights down there working, shopping each day and living among them.

I find it mind-blowing that people who seem half intelligent can't quite wrap their heads around exactly who and what we're dealing with. A quick trip down to Tijuana Mexico tells the tale. These people live in filth and squalor that is self created simply because they are low iQ third world minded humans. It's an inherit issue there and it is what it is. If we're willing to take these low grade Mexicans in we might as well fly giant airplanes around the world rounding up tribes from jungles and dropping them in the laps of American's as well.
It has been over forty years since I have been in TJ. It was full of creepy deviant peeps back then (some I know are born into it and its not their fault but bringing them in won't do anymore than degrade what's already here). You'd most likely get better quality people from the jungle tribes. Bleeding hearts need to take their brand of charity to those in need and quit pushing them onto people already somewhat civilized.

I'm assuming if people had personal experiences they would have responded, as you did, or not have participated in the thread at all. It's a good thing, I think, that few of us, anyway, have been personally affected by mayhem or violence by illegal immigrants. The less the better, for our sakes, no one else's.
I disagree with you on the accuracy of posters posting their personal experience. I almost passed posting anything of personal knowledge on the matter. Too many assholes on here that sling shit if you give them that egde.
I'm always glad to get a word to the wise.
BrokeLoser seems to have bailed on me. So maybe the OP's motive is as transparent as I originally thought. Just maybe, the illegal immigrant problem is being amplified a bit? Not the great mayhem and threat to personal safety all over the country that is being blasted from the rooftops. I don't mean you, RodIshi, you've had direct experience, but for the rest in our bubbles just hearing all the news, maybe the OP just wants us to think about the illegal immigrant situation without a huge dose of hype and hate mixed in.

This is what we're getting:

For some crazy reason this is what some of you want to believe we're getting:
That covers a lot plus the special pony, dog and chicken shows that TJ's put on would drive the animals activist wild.

I grew up going down there; partying in TJ, Rosarito and Ensenada because we could drink underage. I use to tow my ocean boat all the way down to the Sea of Cortez and spend two weeks there partying, fishing and having a blast with the locals. The place has changed dramatically and the quality of people has degraded BIG TIME.
I'm always glad to get a word to the wise.
BrokeLoser seems to have bailed on me. So maybe the OP's motive is as transparent as I originally thought. Just maybe, the illegal immigrant problem is being amplified a bit? Not the great mayhem and threat to personal safety all over the country that is being blasted from the rooftops. I don't mean you, RodIshi, you've had direct experience, but for the rest in our bubbles just hearing all the news, maybe the OP just wants us to think about the illegal immigrant situation without a huge dose of hype and hate mixed in.

BINGO....there you have it and you bit hook line and sinker. And you knew it all along.
The motive was to establish hearsay in that the invasion of illegals and the negativity that comes with it isn't quite the magnitude it's played up to be which is absolute hands down BULLSHIT!
Visit any region where illegals are prevalent and you will find filth, thievery, domestic violence, unlicensed, uninsured drivers, drugs and alcohol, neglected and trashed property, graffiti, unparented children, animal abuse....the list goes on and on.
My primary residence is in Southern California in the mecca for illegals...believe me I know the magnitude. When I'm at my ranch in Montana I don't know anything about illegals nor would anyone else in the region.
Like you the OP wants to establish and believe that illegals blend in and cause no harm and that couldn't be further from the truth. Anywhere they're at in numbers there's problems and filth directly related to them...PERIOD!
It should be mandatory that deniers and those pushing any form of wanting legitimizing any of the illegals spend at least a few days and nights down there working, shopping each day and living among them.

I find it mind-blowing that people who seem half intelligent can't quite wrap their heads around exactly who and what we're dealing with. A quick trip down to Tijuana Mexico tells the tale. These people live in filth and squalor that is self created simply because they are low iQ third world minded humans. It's an inherit issue there and it is what it is. If we're willing to take these low grade Mexicans in we might as well fly giant airplanes around the world rounding up tribes from jungles and dropping them in the laps of American's as well.
It has been over forty years since I have been in TJ. It was full of creepy deviant peeps back then (some I know are born into it and its not their fault but bringing them in won't do anymore than degrade what's already here). You'd most likely get better quality people from the jungle tribes. Bleeding hearts need to take their brand of charity to those in need and quit pushing them onto people already somewhat civilized.

I'm assuming if people had personal experiences they would have responded, as you did, or not have participated in the thread at all. It's a good thing, I think, that few of us, anyway, have been personally affected by mayhem or violence by illegal immigrants. The less the better, for our sakes, no one else's.
I disagree with you on the accuracy of posters posting their personal experience. I almost passed posting anything of personal knowledge on the matter. Too many assholes on here that sling shit if you give them that egde.
I'm always glad to get a word to the wise.
BrokeLoser seems to have bailed on me. So maybe the OP's motive is as transparent as I originally thought. Just maybe, the illegal immigrant problem is being amplified a bit? Not the great mayhem and threat to personal safety all over the country that is being blasted from the rooftops. I don't mean you, RodIshi, you've had direct experience, but for the rest in our bubbles just hearing all the news, maybe the OP just wants us to think about the illegal immigrant situation without a huge dose of hype and hate mixed in.

This is what we're getting:

For some crazy reason this is what some of you want to believe we're getting:
That covers a lot plus the special pony, dog and chicken shows that TJ's put on would drive the animals activist wild.

I grew up going down there; partying in TJ, Rosarito and Ensenada because we could drink underage. I use to tow my ocean boat all the way down to the Sea of Cortez and spend two weeks there partying, fishing and having a blast with the locals. The place has changed dramatically and the quality of people has degraded BIG TIME.
My brother and his buds used to go there frequently. My dad was ready to beat him to death for taking me with them on one of their excursion when they decided out of the blue to head down there. Those shanties, the street whores and lil' kids running around asking "hey mister I sell you an hour with my sister for a nickel" were there back then too.
Nobody is above the law, not even sneaky conniving Mexicans or their rich white American masters. What is wrong with enforcing immigration law, anyway? How is that hateful or racist? Fair is fair, after all.
Nobody is above the law, not even sneaky conniving Mexicans or their rich white American masters. ....


But victimary will shit a nugget when it is pointed out that she's a racist dimwit..... ^^^^^

Well it's the truth. Every couple of months, some foreigner runs up to me sitting in line and says "Mister! Mister! You please back up truck for me. I no know how!" So in order to speed things up, I have to get out of the truck, go to his truck and teach him how to back in. Understandably, new drivers have difficulties in tough docks at first, but the docks Im talking about a blind man can back into......

Then why don't you poke their eyes out?
What has a illegal immigrant deprived me of? Like I said, security and sleep, and a sense of unity. Mexicans have threatened me. With death, and that isn't a good thing. Mexicans bring with them squalor and poverty and the corruption that goes with Mexican culture. If you are a rich white liberal liberal you aren't affected by them, so what do you care?
Nobody is above the law, not even sneaky conniving Mexicans or their rich white American masters. ....


But victimary will shit a nugget when it is pointed out that she's a racist dimwit..... ^^^^^

That's funny....low-lifes have insisted on growing the divide, they've sort of forced our hand and caused the disconnect. Now said low-lifes are sensing and feeling the divisiveness and have started to cry RACISM again...haha...See how this all works?
Tread lightly and use caution...you may force people to become proud to be called a racist again.

Well it's the truth. Every couple of months, some foreigner runs up to me sitting in line and says "Mister! Mister! You please back up truck for me. I no know how!" So in order to speed things up, I have to get out of the truck, go to his truck and teach him how to back in. Understandably, new drivers have difficulties in tough docks at first, but the docks Im talking about a blind man can back into......

Then why don't you poke their eyes out?
I am not concerned with anything you post, you white classist swine. People like you are the problem, not the solution.
Wouldn't NEED to happen if the ESL programs had the goal to make kids FLUENT in English in a short time.

I have to wonder whether that goal is even achievable. Look at how many presumably native speakers of English post on here are are not fluent with the language. I don't write that snidely. There are varying degrees of language proficiency, however, what people consider "fluency" (not a term evaluators use when conducting formal evaluations) is as follows:
To illustrate my point, I point you to a post earlier in this thread in which a member construed the title question to this thread as meaning: "How are you affected by illegal immigration?" (post 192) Why that person thought I "must have meant 'immigration'" instead of "immigrant" is unknown to me, particularly given the answer I provided to it in the OP; I spoke only with regard to my own experiences.

In post 234 of this thread, you'll see that another member thinks the primary aspect of clarification requested of him has to do with a figure of speech. That same poster also thinks that a question somehow constitutes an argument. (post 214)

Indeed, quite a few posters in this thread seem to think the thread is about something it is not. One member asked me why it's important to me that members answer the actual question asked. I answered that question here and I expounded on that answer here.

Example from another thread: A member thinks a question is a lie (post 7). I explained why it isn't possible for a question to be a lie.

So you tell me...just how fluent need one be to directly answer the title question this thread poses?

As a side note, though I joined the forum with some awareness of the conversation that happens here, I didn't realize just how often it'd be that I'd encounter posters/posts that illustrate a profound lack of awareness about things like syntax, context, linguistic precision and its importance in written expression, and rhetorical nuance. Those are aspects of reading (listening) comprehension -- that is applying the grammar rules of a language so one accurately construes the messages communicated in that language -- and though I wouldn't (yet) go as far as to call it rampant here, I see it often enough that I've noticed it. It's potentially disconcerting, the only reason it's not expressly so is that I have no empirical awareness of how the USMB population's demonstrated English proficiency compares to that of the greater US population.
Illegal aliens from Mexico are NOT above the law. And pandering to them isn't a moral high ground. Especially by people that use and abuse them for profit, those rich white scum bags pretending to be moralists.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

This person is smoking wacky tobaccy I think. He obviously has no clue like most leftists, and so another incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial leftist bites the dust. Ignore.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
It's not that. It's that I've been accused of doing something I did not do. I didn't even want to do it.

Marion did offer a direct answer to the thread question. I thanked him for it. I've asked him to clarify it for me. I explained clearly the nature of clarification I would like to receive. Expand the quote and see for yourself.

Apparently you don't understand how "getting the job" can mean whether or not you can afford to eat steak for the night.

Look, if you'd read my damn questions, you'd know what two things I didn't/don't understand. I expressly asked you for clarification on one of them and I have yet to see it.

I read your questions and gave a real-life example of how illegals hurt Americans economically.

Apparently you choose to ignore that and proceed to act as if I didn't provide you enough information.

Ask me to have my crew log in individually, that was you, right? Silliness personified.

I bid you good day sir! Good day!

I read your questions and gave a real-life example of how illegals hurt Americans economically.

Apparently you choose to ignore that and proceed to act as if I didn't provide you enough information.

Ask me to have my crew log in individually, that was you, right? Silliness personified.

I only have ever in this thread asked about individuals' own experiences. I have not asked anyone to remark upon the impact of illegal immigrants on Americans in any general sense.

You wrote:

The video is fun and all, but I have lost about 8 contracts over a period of 10 years to this guy that has a crew of illegals because he underbids me by a bit each time. He can do that because he pays them $7 an hour. They get the job done, but it's not done right, and it takes food directly off my and my crew's table.
I replied:

TY for your reply.

Just so I'm clear...
  • Are you saying the owner of the crew is an illegal immigrant and he is the person who deprived you of something?
It's not clear to me whom you think is the person(s) who deprived you of food.
It's a figure of speech. One apparently you've never heard.

It's goes like this: If I don't get the job,the people that work with me can't work, therefore there is no money for food.

After reading some of your other posts I realize that you are being an intentionally obtuse asshat that has probably never worked a day in his life. A pox upon you!

The video is fun and all, but I have lost about 8 contracts over a period of 10 years to this guy that has a crew of illegals because he underbids me by a bit each time. He can do that because he pays them $7 an hour. They get the job done, but it's not done right, and it takes food directly off my and my crew's table.

Are you saying the man whom you identify as "this guy that has a crew of illegals" is an illegal immigrant?

Xelor, why must it be the boss who is affecting Marion? Why are the individual men on his crew not eligible for this exercise? You are losing me here.

It doesn't have to be. I requested the clarification so I'd understand just who it is that's deprived him of something. I asked the question so I'd understand that aspect of the context associated with the member's deprivation.

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