What has an illegal immigrant done to deprive you of something?

This was what us liberals were saying in 2006.
You were never saying that. Your side of the aisle was never saying that. You are a typical hatriot pathological liar.
Back when McCain and Republicans were telling us illegals were just here doing jobs Americans won't do.
Except that conservatives were never saying that. Left-wing hatriots were saying that. Don't point to McCain - he's as RINO as it gets. Especially after losing his run for the presidency. He's been butt-hurt ever since and continues to slide further and further left.
We all know now that's not true.
That's right - we do. And yet you left-wing hatriots continue to push that false narrative.
They were/are doing jobs we will do if we are paid a fair wage.
There has never been an "unfair" wage in the history of the free market. You want to know why? Because both parties mutually entered into the agreement of their own free will. The owner was willing to give up that money for that labor, the employee was willing to accept that money in exchange to perform that labor.
Don't tell me that wasn't the conservative argument before Trump.
It wasn't the argument before Trump. Ever. Like a typical left-wing hatriot pathological liar - you're attempting to rewrite history. It's all you people ever do.
They loved cheap walmart goods and cheap immigrant labor.
Inexpensive Walmart goods does not require illegal aliens, dumb-ass. Most of the good found at Walmart are manufactured overseas (because ignorant Dumbocrat economic policy made it too expensive to manufacture here in the U.S.).
USMB has archives I can go easily find and prove Republicans have basically flip flopped on this issue.
Do it. I dare you. The fact that you didn't proves you can't. Technology is a bitch for you patriots. You used to have quite a bit of success at rewriting history and passing off your propaganda. But now that everything is out there on the internet - you're fucked.
Trump was smart to jump on free trade. Republicans aren't anti free trade and Democrats basically got on board with free trade when Bill signed NAFTA.
Here is the bottom line - Dumbocrats know that they cannot win clean elections. After the Reagan revolution - they were dead in the water. So they decided to support citizens among the poorest nation in the world breaking our laws. Then they promised those people endless goodies - healthcare, education, housing, food, transportation, etc. And they did all of that in the hopes of making an 11 million to 20 million allegiance so that when they granted those people amnesty, they could start winning elections again.[/QUOTE]

I just showed you our position on illegals in 2006. Can you show me one article from one conservative back before 2008 that shows your position today is the same as it was back then? No you can not.

I'll do it for you stupid


You're obviously an intelligent guy with lots of good information yet continuously throughout this thread you have referenced micro percentages of things said or done by very few people. Applying your intelligence; why allow micro percentages of anything to influence an overall message or opinion of the masses?
No one would argue that just as the DNC has pussies within whom toe the line between right and left so does the GOP and no one walks the line better than McCain and everybody knows it. Using McCain as the poster child to describe where the GOP stands on issues is disingenuous, lacks credibility and is just plain crazy.
You post an editorial as a piece of evidence to sell your claims yet it's authored in 2006...how and why would an editorial from 11 years ago seem relevant for today's social and economical climate?
You talk about flip flopping on issues and you make it sound as if that's ALWAYS a negative. An intelligent person would admit that this world, society, the economy and humans are always changing and as the world evolves so should policy, law and standards.
You often times confuse me.
What do you do for a living? You never introduced yourself so we don't know anything about you. It's very important in understanding why you would defend people being here illegally

I don't know what makes you think the content of my OP constitutes a defense of anything. It's a statement that attests to my not having been deprived of something by an immigrant, and it is based on my knowledge about my own life. What's important now, however, is that I also don't care to find out what made you think that.

What do you do for a living? You never introduced yourself
My vocation is irrelevant to this thread's purpose and topic. I remind you that I created this thread for the purpose of discovering in what what other members here have personally been deprived of something by an illegal immigrant. I did not create it entreating for a general discussion about immigration. I don't have a problem with members wanting to have a general "impacts of immigration" conversation; I merely would see that discussion be in a thread purposed on that.

I don't know what shenanigans you are are up to or whether you merely dwell in a perpetual state of obliviousness. You asked me that same question yesterday, and I answered it. About 30 minutes or so after I answered it, you posted in the thread where I introduced myself to the USMB community.

You have exhibited one of the traits I find most unacceptable among people to whom I'd consider giving any of my attention. That trait is one's not knowing what one is talking about while in that state of ignorance also making unqualified statements about the topic in question. I simply don't engage with people who do that. I don't because people who do that don't much respect themselves, certainly not enough not to do that, and I know whatever modicum of respect that indicates they have for themselves, they must necessarily respect me and my efforts even less, for one must have a "full bucket" of chary self-respect to extend respect to others.

Though I've taken a few seconds to explain the point of the next sentence, my commitment to the promise found there is unwavering. This is the last thing I have to say to you.
What do you do for a living? You never introduced yourself so we don't know anything about you. It's very important in understanding why you would defend people being here illegally

I don't know what makes you think the content of my OP constitutes a defense of anything. It's a statement that attests to my not having been deprived of something by an immigrant, and it is based on my knowledge about my own life. What's important now, however, is that I also don't care to find out what made you think that.

What do you do for a living? You never introduced yourself
My vocation is irrelevant to this thread's purpose and topic. I remind you that I created this thread for the purpose of discovering in what what other members here have personally been deprived of something by an illegal immigrant. I did not create it entreating for a general discussion about immigration. I don't have a problem with members wanting to have a general "impacts of immigration" conversation; I merely would see that discussion be in a thread purposed on that.

I don't know what shenanigans you are are up to or whether you merely dwell in a perpetual state of obliviousness. You asked me that same question yesterday, and I answered it. About 30 minutes or so after I answered it, you posted in the thread where I introduced myself to the USMB community.

You have exhibited one of the traits I find most unacceptable among people to whom I'd consider giving any of my attention. That trait is one's not knowing what one is talking about while in that state of ignorance also making unqualified statements about the topic in question. I simply don't engage with people who do that. I don't because people who do that don't much respect themselves, certainly not enough not to do that, and I know whatever modicum of respect that indicates they have for themselves, they must necessarily respect me and my efforts even less, for one must have a "full bucket" of chary self-respect to extend respect to others.

Though I've taken a few seconds to explain the point of the next sentence, my commitment to the promise found there is unwavering. This is the last thing I have to say to you.

What you do makes all the difference. But I think you know that which is why you aren't saying. Bye bye little baby. I find your long wind bag replies a bore.
I'd say this has been quite a hot button topic, considering how much screaming there has been about the OP. 26 pages.
Almost as good as trannies in the bathroom last spring.
I'd say this has been quite a hot button topic, considering how much screaming there has been about the OP. 26 pages.
Almost as good as trannies in the bathroom last spring.

You will find that the fringe element in my liberal party that wants to protect illegals is very very small. Very small. So small that there is nothing they can do except maybe protest. The other day immigrants stayed home to make a point. I didn't even realize they weren't at work. In fact we should have all taken notice who was not at work that day and round those sons of bitches up and check their papers.

I'd say this has been quite a hot button topic, considering how much screaming there has been about the OP. 26 pages.
Almost as good as trannies in the bathroom last spring.

You will find that the fringe element in my liberal party that wants to protect illegals is very very small. Very small. So small that there is nothing they can do except maybe protest. The other day immigrants stayed home to make a point. I didn't even realize they weren't at work. In fact we should have all taken notice who was not at work that day and round those sons of bitches up and check their papers.

I'm a liberal opposed to illegal immigrants being here, as well. I don't know if it's a good idea to send them ALL home (shock to the economic system, some say), but the criminals can go yesterday, and good riddance.
I'd say this has been quite a hot button topic, considering how much screaming there has been about the OP. 26 pages.
Almost as good as trannies in the bathroom last spring.

You will find that the fringe element in my liberal party that wants to protect illegals is very very small. Very small. So small that there is nothing they can do except maybe protest. The other day immigrants stayed home to make a point. I didn't even realize they weren't at work. In fact we should have all taken notice who was not at work that day and round those sons of bitches up and check their papers.

I'm a liberal opposed to illegal immigrants being here, as well. I don't know if it's a good idea to send them ALL home (shock to the economic system, some say), but the criminals can go yesterday, and good riddance.

It doesn't have to happen all at once. And I would think we could fast track some of the ones who want to become citizens. But then cut back on all immigration

GOP senators aim to cut legal immigration by half - CNNPolitics.com
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.
You're a dick

How Much Does Illegal Immigration Cost You? - AMAC, Inc.
I'm assuming if people had personal experiences they would have responded, as you did, or not have participated in the thread at all. It's a good thing, I think, that few of us, anyway, have been personally affected by mayhem or violence by illegal immigrants. The less the better, for our sakes, no one else's.
I disagree with you on the accuracy of posters posting their personal experience. I almost passed posting anything of personal knowledge on the matter. Too many assholes on here that sling shit if you give them that egde.
I'm always glad to get a word to the wise.
BrokeLoser seems to have bailed on me. So maybe the OP's motive is as transparent as I originally thought. Just maybe, the illegal immigrant problem is being amplified a bit? Not the great mayhem and threat to personal safety all over the country that is being blasted from the rooftops. I don't mean you, RodIshi, you've had direct experience, but for the rest in our bubbles just hearing all the news, maybe the OP just wants us to think about the illegal immigrant situation without a huge dose of hype and hate mixed in.

BINGO....there you have it and you bit hook line and sinker. And you knew it all along.
The motive was to establish hearsay in that the invasion of illegals and the negativity that comes with it isn't quite the magnitude it's played up to be which is absolute hands down BULLSHIT!
Visit any region where illegals are prevalent and you will find filth, thievery, domestic violence, unlicensed, uninsured drivers, drugs and alcohol, neglected and trashed property, graffiti, unparented children, animal abuse....the list goes on and on.
My primary residence is in Southern California in the mecca for illegals...believe me I know the magnitude. When I'm at my ranch in Montana I don't know anything about illegals nor would anyone else in the region.
Like you the OP wants to establish and believe that illegals blend in and cause no harm and that couldn't be further from the truth. Anywhere they're at in numbers there's problems and filth directly related to them...PERIOD!
BINGO....there you have it and you bit hook line and sinker. And you knew it all along.
I didn't "bite" anything, except responding to your bait. There are some posters here who may have direct experience with illegal immigrants, but a lot don't. The majority of Americans probably don't. They just hear stories. People are confusing Illegals with legals, and they are buying negative stereotypes about both. You are viewing areas where migrant workers and immigrants are living and you are assuming they're illegal, when you seem to mean "poor" more than illegal. I'll semi take your word for it though; after years of working with drug addicts, I'm pretty good at spotting one, whether they admit it or not.

The premise of this whole thread is framed, silly, odd and based on blind ignorance which is why the original narrative has been changed by everyone engaged. Do you need to come in contact with a Lion in the jungle to know they are dangerous? Stop for a second and listen to how stupid that actually sounds.
Good quality REAL American's are fed up with self proclaimed do-gooders decriminalizing illegals out of pity (like you are trying so hard to do) and at the expense of others. The constant quest to feel good inside is bullshit if you expect to do it with someone else's check book and security....rescue a dog from a shelter or plant a tree to fulfill your weird emptiness and stop dropping third-world villagers in my lap.

"People are confusing Illegals with legals, and they are buying negative stereotypes about both."
There is no confusion between legal hispanics and illegal hispanics. Only people trying to stay blind to facts related to the issue will even say that.
I'm not real sure what stereotypes you're referencing but here are some FACTS about legal hispanics:
3.6 in 10 are taxpayer dependent
Hispanics make up 41% of the prison populations in CA
(More stats and links available if required)
Considering the data could one conclude that illegals could be stand-up productive citizens here since legals who supposedly speak the language and are supposedly acclimated to our system are thriving, successful positive contributors? (insert facetious chuckle)
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.
You're a dick

How Much Does Illegal Immigration Cost You? - AMAC, Inc.

I always turn to AMAC for unbiased blog validation of my xonopobian beliefs!
I'm assuming if people had personal experiences they would have responded, as you did, or not have participated in the thread at all. It's a good thing, I think, that few of us, anyway, have been personally affected by mayhem or violence by illegal immigrants. The less the better, for our sakes, no one else's.
I disagree with you on the accuracy of posters posting their personal experience. I almost passed posting anything of personal knowledge on the matter. Too many assholes on here that sling shit if you give them that egde.
I'm always glad to get a word to the wise.
BrokeLoser seems to have bailed on me. So maybe the OP's motive is as transparent as I originally thought. Just maybe, the illegal immigrant problem is being amplified a bit? Not the great mayhem and threat to personal safety all over the country that is being blasted from the rooftops. I don't mean you, RodIshi, you've had direct experience, but for the rest in our bubbles just hearing all the news, maybe the OP just wants us to think about the illegal immigrant situation without a huge dose of hype and hate mixed in.

BINGO....there you have it and you bit hook line and sinker. And you knew it all along.
The motive was to establish hearsay in that the invasion of illegals and the negativity that comes with it isn't quite the magnitude it's played up to be which is absolute hands down BULLSHIT!
Visit any region where illegals are prevalent and you will find filth, thievery, domestic violence, unlicensed, uninsured drivers, drugs and alcohol, neglected and trashed property, graffiti, unparented children, animal abuse....the list goes on and on.
My primary residence is in Southern California in the mecca for illegals...believe me I know the magnitude. When I'm at my ranch in Montana I don't know anything about illegals nor would anyone else in the region.
Like you the OP wants to establish and believe that illegals blend in and cause no harm and that couldn't be further from the truth. Anywhere they're at in numbers there's problems and filth directly related to them...PERIOD!
BINGO....there you have it and you bit hook line and sinker. And you knew it all along.
I didn't "bite" anything, except responding to your bait. There are some posters here who may have direct experience with illegal immigrants, but a lot don't. The majority of Americans probably don't. They just hear stories. People are confusing Illegals with legals, and they are buying negative stereotypes about both. You are viewing areas where migrant workers and immigrants are living and you are assuming they're illegal, when you seem to mean "poor" more than illegal. I'll semi take your word for it though; after years of working with drug addicts, I'm pretty good at spotting one, whether they admit it or not.

The premise of this whole thread is framed, silly, odd and based on blind ignorance which is why the original narrative has been changed by everyone engaged. Do you need to come in contact with a Lion in the jungle to know they are dangerous? Stop for a second and listen to how stupid that actually sounds.
Good quality REAL American's are fed up with self proclaimed do-gooders decriminalizing illegals out of pity (like you are trying so hard to do) and at the expense of others. The constant quest to feel good inside is bullshit if you expect to do it with someone else's check book and security....rescue a dog from a shelter or plant a tree to fulfill your weird emptiness and stop dropping third-world villagers in my lap.

"People are confusing Illegals with legals, and they are buying negative stereotypes about both."
There is no confusion between legal hispanics and illegal hispanics. Only people trying to stay blind to facts related to the issue will even say that.
I'm not real sure what stereotypes you're referencing but here are some FACTS about legal hispanics:
3.6 in 10 are taxpayer dependent
Hispanics make up 41% of the prison populations in CA

(More stats and links available if required)
Considering the data could one conclude that illegals could be stand-up productive citizens here since legals who supposedly speak the language and are supposedly acclimated to our system are thriving, successful positive contributors? (insert facetious chuckle)

I happen to know that only 2.97 in 10 are taxpayer dependent! I ought to know that my figure is correct, because I made it up myself!
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

Well Trumpers feel that they are breathing our air...Yup breathing OUR air...
They eat food and just the fact that they talk different and aren't white in most cases.
Well that makes Trumpers angry...

How can America be great again and have people like that living here...

Not to mention the hundreds and hundreds of millions of them that vote illegally
and vote Democrat....

Trumpers can't have that.
outside of the fact that you seem to be a total idiot,
How about the jobs that used to be held by our high school students that enabled them to save up over the summer in order to have some money for college? While we are at it, since the left likes to cry about low wages at fast food and other non technical jobs, the illegals are helping to keep the starting pay low for the rest of the workers, do you see that as a problem? or how about longer waits at the ER because the filthy illegals are flooding the hospital ERs for everything under the sun, Does higher insurance premiums for a given area because of all the uninsured illegals that are causing problems? how about those citizens that are on a waiting list for public housing, when there are now hundreds of illegals occupying accommodations that could be used to clear that backlog for the legal citizens.
I wonder if the government has to print things in spanish as well as English, does this cost the taxpayer more?
I think a better question might be, what do they do for us in a positive way that offsets the negatives that they bring with them.
I personally see no value in their being here.
I always turn to AMAC for unbiased blog validation of my xonopobian beliefs!
It's funny watching uneducated left-wing hatriots parrot their masters. Snowflake - if you're going to cling to the new Dumbocrat false narrative of crying "xonopobian" every time the facts embarrass you - at least take the fuck'n time to learn how to spell xenophobia you nitwit. We know you're intellectually lazy (that's how one becomes a hatriot). Stop being physically lazy as well. Take the extra few minutes to spell it right.
Hi everyone - I'm Vandalshandle! And I wants everyzone to thinks I'm smert. So when I sees other hatriots post big wordz - eyes copies 'dem. Eyes has nose idea what "xonopobian" means but it's a bigs word with a strangze letter so eyes tries to use it 2.

Do use thinks I'm smert? Eyes do now! I thinks I'm vury smert because eyes uses the werd "xonopobian".

Too bad it's not even a word you ignorant hatriot.
Do you need to come in contact with a Lion in the jungle to know they are dangerous?

Of course not. But one must come into contact with a lion to know how it lives, what experiences it has. Sure I can know the beast, for instance, defecates and copulates in the jungle, but I don't know what specific travails any specific one encounters. Do you?

We aren't here dealing with lions. I asked the question I did in my OP because it's the question one must ask to obtain the information I desire, and that information is not typically found as part of a general discussion about illegal immigration or illegal immigrants.

People here seem to have great difficulty sharing their own personal and specific experiences as requested. I can't say why, I just know they do. Some member asked me to share what I do for a living. I answered the question as asked. That's all I wanted in response to the title question for this thread.

Many posters in this thread have responded to the title question as though they know better than I what I wanted to know. WTF? People are discussing immigration in a general sense as though that is what the thread should be about. At best, that is merely what they want it to be about, what they want to make it become. And yet, according to a member above, I'm the prat for having chided individuals for not showing the simple respect of directly answering the title question as asked. I think not.
Last edited:
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.
You're a dick

How Much Does Illegal Immigration Cost You? - AMAC, Inc.

I always turn to AMAC for unbiased blog validation of my xonopobian beliefs!
Then pull your head out yo ass and read a libtard source. Then GFY.

Expensive Aliens: How Much Do Illegal Immigrants Really Cost?
I disagree with you on the accuracy of posters posting their personal experience. I almost passed posting anything of personal knowledge on the matter. Too many assholes on here that sling shit if you give them that egde.
I'm always glad to get a word to the wise.
BrokeLoser seems to have bailed on me. So maybe the OP's motive is as transparent as I originally thought. Just maybe, the illegal immigrant problem is being amplified a bit? Not the great mayhem and threat to personal safety all over the country that is being blasted from the rooftops. I don't mean you, RodIshi, you've had direct experience, but for the rest in our bubbles just hearing all the news, maybe the OP just wants us to think about the illegal immigrant situation without a huge dose of hype and hate mixed in.

BINGO....there you have it and you bit hook line and sinker. And you knew it all along.
The motive was to establish hearsay in that the invasion of illegals and the negativity that comes with it isn't quite the magnitude it's played up to be which is absolute hands down BULLSHIT!
Visit any region where illegals are prevalent and you will find filth, thievery, domestic violence, unlicensed, uninsured drivers, drugs and alcohol, neglected and trashed property, graffiti, unparented children, animal abuse....the list goes on and on.
My primary residence is in Southern California in the mecca for illegals...believe me I know the magnitude. When I'm at my ranch in Montana I don't know anything about illegals nor would anyone else in the region.
Like you the OP wants to establish and believe that illegals blend in and cause no harm and that couldn't be further from the truth. Anywhere they're at in numbers there's problems and filth directly related to them...PERIOD!
BINGO....there you have it and you bit hook line and sinker. And you knew it all along.
I didn't "bite" anything, except responding to your bait. There are some posters here who may have direct experience with illegal immigrants, but a lot don't. The majority of Americans probably don't. They just hear stories. People are confusing Illegals with legals, and they are buying negative stereotypes about both. You are viewing areas where migrant workers and immigrants are living and you are assuming they're illegal, when you seem to mean "poor" more than illegal. I'll semi take your word for it though; after years of working with drug addicts, I'm pretty good at spotting one, whether they admit it or not.

The premise of this whole thread is framed, silly, odd and based on blind ignorance which is why the original narrative has been changed by everyone engaged. Do you need to come in contact with a Lion in the jungle to know they are dangerous? Stop for a second and listen to how stupid that actually sounds.
Good quality REAL American's are fed up with self proclaimed do-gooders decriminalizing illegals out of pity (like you are trying so hard to do) and at the expense of others. The constant quest to feel good inside is bullshit if you expect to do it with someone else's check book and security....rescue a dog from a shelter or plant a tree to fulfill your weird emptiness and stop dropping third-world villagers in my lap.

"People are confusing Illegals with legals, and they are buying negative stereotypes about both."
There is no confusion between legal hispanics and illegal hispanics. Only people trying to stay blind to facts related to the issue will even say that.
I'm not real sure what stereotypes you're referencing but here are some FACTS about legal hispanics:
3.6 in 10 are taxpayer dependent
Hispanics make up 41% of the prison populations in CA

(More stats and links available if required)
Considering the data could one conclude that illegals could be stand-up productive citizens here since legals who supposedly speak the language and are supposedly acclimated to our system are thriving, successful positive contributors? (insert facetious chuckle)

I happen to know that only 2.97 in 10 are taxpayer dependent! I ought to know that my figure is correct, because I made it up myself!

Damnit...you caught me. I almost got away with making shit up. Hahaha...NOT!


21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
o The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific
Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.

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