What Has Happened To Common Sense?

At the height of the pandemic.

Would you expect that now with a good portion of the country vaxxed? If so, maybe your faith in vaccines is misplaced.

And, save me the hystrionics. If you want a vax, get one. I've never said otherwise. Those that haven't have chosen not to, which is their choice to make, and I would think people in these areas might have seen that and has had it influence their calculus. See how that works?
Yeah... until your choice causes a healthcare crisis by occupying ICU and ER beds that would otherwise be empty.
Yeah... until your choice causes a healthcare crisis by occupying ICU and ER beds that would otherwise be empty.

Blah, blah, blah.

We've heard this from you fear mongering quacks for 19 months. Destroyed millions of businesses and lives, harmed children's development, seen an uptick in alcoholism, suicide and domestic abuse, run the country into a hole and made the rich richer. Those are the things people like you have accomplished with your hystrionic nuttery.

You do you. Anyone listening to you, with the data available is either, lazy, stupid, or has decided to live in perpetual fear of something that will always be here. No thanks.
Most fellow Americans, if they're being honest, will tell you—when asked—how throughout the past year and a few months of surviving the (supposed) pandemic, they never once saw, with their own eyes, people dropping dead or even dropping over at all (from COVID-19) in the streets, stores, other places of business, their own homes, or at work.

You're completely ignoring the preventative measures that took place and that people don't die on the spot instantly upon coming down with virus. Where's your common sense?
Blah, blah, blah.

We've heard this from you fear mongering quacks for 19 months. Destroyed millions of businesses and lives, harmed children's development, seen an uptick in alcoholism, suicide and domestic abuse, run the country into a hole and made the rich richer. Those are the things people like you have accomplished with your hystrionic nuttery.

You do you. Anyone listening to you, with the data available is either, lazy, stupid, or has decided to live in perpetual fear of something that will always be here. No thanks.

Everything you said was predictable....so sad; so tired. Which is why I always say, Conservatives are the most self-centered people on earth.
Everything you said was predictable....so sad; so tired. Which is why I always say, Conservatives are the most self-centered people on earth.

Every bit of of it true, but you don't like it, which is why you didn't respond to any of it and instead resorted to an ad hominem.

Pointing out the impact of all of this is not self-centered. Ignoring all of that to push an agenda is selfish.

You want others to give up their basic freedom to choose what is injected into their bodies because you think they should. THAT is selfish.
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Everything you said was predictable....so sad; so tired. Which is why I always say, Conservatives are the most self-centered people on earth.
It's self-centered to object to the destruction of our society and our entire way of life????

WTF is wrong with you?
With every life "saved" by the vaccine the gene pool grows weaker and weaker and weaker.

Without a cleansing plague every century or so humankind is doomed to extinction.

In nature the weak perish and don't get to reproduce and pass on their bad genes. Conclusion:
we're more stupid than any other surviving species.
This is where FACTS prove you wrong. Just compare mortality in the USA in 2019 with that in 2020. The difference being COVID

Number of deaths: 2,854,838

Heart disease: 659,041
Cancer: 599,601
Accidents (unintentional injuries): 173,040
Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 156,979
Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 150,005

In 2020, approximately 3,358,814 deaths† occurred in the United States

Heart Disease 690,000
Cancer 598,000
COVID 345,000

How many more deaths occurred in 2020 compared to 2019 (simple math)
Heart disease: 690,000-659,041=30,000
Cancer: 598,000-599,601=-1,600
Total 3,358,814-2,854,838=503,976
Perhaps if you took a moment to comprehend the things you read.

How many died from JUST COVID? Not 600k.

They lied to us, they admitted they lied to us, and people like you (people who would turn their children into the Nazis if they didn't tow the government line) refused to question them for their lies or hold them accountable for their lies.

When auto accidents are being counted as covid deaths, only a Koolaid drinker would accept that.
Millions and millions of vaccines administered...extremely rare fatal reactions, very few serious reactions.... Anyone with common sense would deem the vaccine safe, effective, and in the US it's free. Only a moron would refuse to get the jab.
No, it is not safe. To fast track this serum the FDA skipped over the gathering of and evalution of adverse reproductive toxicity reviews. The fetuses of the spontaneous miscarriages after the vaccine show oddities that Drs. are seeing for the first time. Deformities and especially brain bleeds are common in vaxed abortions.
No, it is not safe. To fast track this serum the FDA skipped over the gathering of and evalution of adverse reproductive toxicity reviews. The fetuses of the spontaneous miscarriages after the vaccine show oddities that Drs. are seeing for the first time. Deformities and especially brain bleeds are common in vaxed abortions.
About a billion doses worldwide; incredibly small numbers of adverse reactions... Its incredibly safe.
Not just what happened to the common sense of the average, local adult American one greets in passing in the execution of their daily travels, but what the hell happened to the common sense and basic reasoning ability of the masses of adults nationally and globally?

Most fellow Americans, if they're being honest, will tell you—when asked—how throughout the past year and a few months of surviving the (supposed) pandemic, they never once saw, with their own eyes, people dropping dead or even dropping over at all (from COVID-19) in the streets, stores, other places of business, their own homes, or at work. That simply never happened, anywhere . . . not ever, not once.

Regardless, and in spite of this truth, tens of millions of our fellow Americans are not just getting "the jab" but also strongly encouraging everyone they know to get it—even shunning family members who refuse. Meanwhile, they're doing this to the tune of ALL major media and journalistic outlets publishing non stop pro-vax propaganda; in today's news media there are NO meaningful or powerful voices dissenting from the official government/state push to vaccinate the entire nation. NONE, not even one.

No one else finds this the least bit suspicious? Really? Get outta here.

All journalistic and government entities, all "official" authorities possessed of the power to kill and/or detain fellow Americans, are united as one in their tireless crusade to convince and coerce every last one of us to get vaccinated.

And yet very, very, very few Americans are resisting this official line.

Is fucking dumber than a box of rocks the new dominate American genetic marker for all future generations?

Seems that way.

Stay tuned.
Public education happened.

About a billion doses worldwide; incredibly small numbers of adverse reactions... Its incredibly safe.
Israel has done extensive record keeping and evaluations. It's not safe, and their vaxed are ending up in the hospital because of it.

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