What has happened to us?

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If we accept the idea things have changed, then does it not follow the political change comes from the party of change Progressives? There's your blame target, now fix it.

At the risk of shedding some light on the subject, perhaps a little more exact commentary?

Tsk...tsk...they are not responsible for anything.........ever.....

That team is the good guys.........and don't you forget that.
The MSM, HollyWeird, schools & big GOVT etc. have been shielding Letist scum for 50 years.

Enough People finally saw through it all and we have a slim shot to save America from ruin for future generations. the commeee are being exposed-removed, albeit slowly.

Don't bring a knife to a gun-fight.

Many Thanks to DJT & common horse sense.
"Leftist scum".......and yet...it's the Left that's doing all the name calling....:rolleyes:
What happened to us? MSM, social media, the crappy foods we eat and give to our kids, the polluted air we breathe. No more is the face to face socializing. Now we are bombarded 24/7 with opinions, demands, news (mostly BAD news) while shoving in our faces bad GMO foods breathing rotten air. Oh, and don't forget the dismissal of morals.

My own personal belief is backs were turned towards God.

Morals are gone, families don't exist and the world is upside down
View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?
started with talk radio but the hatred bloomed in to fruition with the Internet and Social media, and the spreading of lies created, as truth.

no one is turning their cheek, or walking an extra mile with their adversary, as Christ TAUGHT.

Absolute poppycock. It started with Progressive infiltration into our systems of education and government.
Such as?
Only for the partisan or ignorant.

For everyone else, it's an example of "blame enough to go around."

So which are you? Ignorant? Or partisan?
Intelligent enough to know bullshit when I smell it.

Whatever helps you sleep at night, pumpkin...
I love it when people try to copy me.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery you know.

I have no idea of what you speak. Link?
You gotta be fukin' kidding me.

Creepazoid, what do you think is causing this violence?

View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?
Social media happened. Been downhill since
Absolute poppycock. It started with Progressive infiltration into our systems of education and government.
How dare they teach us that homosexuals have rights to.

That's not what they taught, hun.

They have rewritten U.S. history to the point where high school students think the U.S. invented slavery - one small example.

If you really care about gay rights, then your ire would be better aimed at the Sharia Law that is heading this way.

Another one....Christians were the aggressors in the Crusades. A history teacher and I went to the mat on that BS

And all of the demonization towards the Founders because they lived in a society with different norms. The Progs fail to grok or acknowledge that the principles the Founders used as the basis of the Constitution enabled the end of Slavery in the U.S. (while slavery continues to exist across Asia, Africa and the Middle East).

Same with the Civil War....the left and public education are woefully ignorant of it.
I would disagree. As a child I was a Civil War buff as was my father (a died in the wool conservative). We learned about the Missouri compromise, and other legislative attempts to maintain equal numbers of slave and free states. We went to visit the battlefields and historical sites (where monuments rightfully belong). Never once did he claim it was primarily over states rights or that slavery was only a side issue. What I learned in school echoed that. He was in school in the forties and fifties and I in the sixties and seventies. This attempt to white wash it is relatively recent.
Intelligent enough to know bullshit when I smell it.

Whatever helps you sleep at night, pumpkin...
I love it when people try to copy me.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery you know.

I have no idea of what you speak. Link?
You gotta be fukin' kidding me.

Creepazoid, what do you think is causing this violence?

Idiots who try to change my are amusing to me.

Thank you.

The schools feeding kids that should have been fed by their families. Families that are actually related to each other, not a collection of young folk brought together by whatever arrangement their parents decided by divorce, borrowing sperm or whatever.
View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?
Indeed this is a very sad story when neither side will stop, listen and follow the laws of this country. The media is largely to blame because they inflame each side with their biased agendas.

One day we may see the headline: "WE USED OUR FREEDOM TO LOSE OUR FREEDOM"
started with talk radio but the hatred bloomed in to fruition with the Internet and Social media, and the spreading of lies created, as truth.

no one is turning their cheek, or walking an extra mile with their adversary, as Christ TAUGHT.

Absolute poppycock. It started with Progressive infiltration into our systems of education and government.
How dare they teach us that homosexuals have rights to.

That's not what they taught, hun.

They have rewritten U.S. history to the point where high school students think the U.S. invented slavery - one small example.

If you really care about gay rights, then your ire would be better aimed at the Sharia Law that is heading this way.

Another one....Christians were the aggressors in the Crusades. A history teacher and I went to the mat on that BS

And all of the demonization towards the Founders because they lived in a society with different norms. The Progs fail to grok or acknowledge that the principles the Founders used as the basis of the Constitution enabled the end of Slavery in the U.S. (while slavery continues to exist across Asia, Africa and the Middle East).
Ignorant nonsense.

Progressives have fought for decades in the courts against rightist hate and discrimination, armed with the principles the Founding Generation codified in the Constitution.

From Brown v. Board of Education and Hernandez v. Texas to Loving v. Virginia to Obergefell v. Hodges liberals and progressives have advocated for the rights and protected liberties of black Americans, Hispanic Americans, and gay Americans, consistent with the Constitution and the original understanding and intent of the Framers – opposed every step of the way by conservatives.
I would disagree. As a child I was a Civil War buff as was my father (a died in the wool conservative). We learned about the Missouri compromise, and other legislative attempts to maintain equal numbers of slave and free states. We went to visit the battlefields and historical sites (where monuments rightfully belong). Never once did he claim it was primarily over states rights or that slavery was only a side issue. What I learned in school echoed that. He was in school in the forties and fifties and I in the sixties and seventies. This attempt to white wash it is relatively recent.

Did you "learn" that Abraham Lincoln was a liberal democrat as the schools (skewls) today teach?
Intelligent enough to know bullshit when I smell it.

Whatever helps you sleep at night, pumpkin...
I love it when people try to copy me.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery you know.

I have no idea of what you speak. Link?
You gotta be fukin' kidding me.

Creepazoid, what do you think is causing this violence?


That is one of the things I really have problems with and I oppose encouraging or supporting harassing people like that. It isn’t right.

So do some Dems.

Top Democrats condemn harassment approach as Waters pushes back
How dare they teach us that homosexuals have rights to.

That's not what they taught, hun.

They have rewritten U.S. history to the point where high school students think the U.S. invented slavery - one small example.

If you really care about gay rights, then your ire would be better aimed at the Sharia Law that is heading this way.

Another one....Christians were the aggressors in the Crusades. A history teacher and I went to the mat on that BS

And all of the demonization towards the Founders because they lived in a society with different norms. The Progs fail to grok or acknowledge that the principles the Founders used as the basis of the Constitution enabled the end of Slavery in the U.S. (while slavery continues to exist across Asia, Africa and the Middle East).

Same with the Civil War....the left and public education are woefully ignorant of it.
I would disagree. As a child I was a Civil War buff as was my father (a died in the wool conservative). We learned about the Missouri compromise, and other legislative attempts to maintain equal numbers of slave and free states. We went to visit the battlefields and historical sites (where monuments rightfully belong). Never once did he claim it was primarily over states rights or that slavery was only a side issue. What I learned in school echoed that. He was in school in the forties and fifties and I in the sixties and seventies. This attempt to white wash it is relatively recent.

None the less it's being whitewashed. I'm not stupid and I listen to what our children say...really listen. It's why they are taught to question if they don't think something passes the smell test.

I've had teachers tell me they absolutely love when they are challenged. That's how education should work...not the this is right and it's my way or the highway crap
I would disagree. As a child I was a Civil War buff as was my father (a died in the wool conservative). We learned about the Missouri compromise, and other legislative attempts to maintain equal numbers of slave and free states. We went to visit the battlefields and historical sites (where monuments rightfully belong). Never once did he claim it was primarily over states rights or that slavery was only a side issue. What I learned in school echoed that. He was in school in the forties and fifties and I in the sixties and seventies. This attempt to white wash it is relatively recent.

Did you "learn" that Abraham Lincoln was a liberal democrat as the schools (skewls) today teach?

Whatever helps you sleep at night, pumpkin...
I love it when people try to copy me.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery you know.

I have no idea of what you speak. Link?
You gotta be fukin' kidding me.

Creepazoid, what do you think is causing this violence?

Idiots who try to change my are amusing to me.

Thank you.

So, you're too stupid to understand what the thread is? :thup:

That's not what they taught, hun.

They have rewritten U.S. history to the point where high school students think the U.S. invented slavery - one small example.

If you really care about gay rights, then your ire would be better aimed at the Sharia Law that is heading this way.

Another one....Christians were the aggressors in the Crusades. A history teacher and I went to the mat on that BS

And all of the demonization towards the Founders because they lived in a society with different norms. The Progs fail to grok or acknowledge that the principles the Founders used as the basis of the Constitution enabled the end of Slavery in the U.S. (while slavery continues to exist across Asia, Africa and the Middle East).

Same with the Civil War....the left and public education are woefully ignorant of it.
I would disagree. As a child I was a Civil War buff as was my father (a died in the wool conservative). We learned about the Missouri compromise, and other legislative attempts to maintain equal numbers of slave and free states. We went to visit the battlefields and historical sites (where monuments rightfully belong). Never once did he claim it was primarily over states rights or that slavery was only a side issue. What I learned in school echoed that. He was in school in the forties and fifties and I in the sixties and seventies. This attempt to white wash it is relatively recent.

None the less it's being whitewashed. I'm not stupid and I listen to what our children say...really listen. It's why they are taught to question if they don't think something passes the smell test.

I've had teachers tell me they absolutely love when they are challenged. That's how education should work...not the this is right and it's my way or the highway crap

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