What HAS 'Religion' done for Monkeys?


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
What has religion ever done for mankind? Anything positive?


Religion is a necessary step in Sentient evolution. It teaches Monkeys the power of organized Monkey business.

Religion is a necessary evil on an evolutionary road to the stars.

WYGD? :dunno:
What has religion ever done for mankind? Anything positive?


Religion is a necessary step in Sentient evolution. It teaches Monkeys the power of organized Monkey business.

Religion is a necessary evil on an evolutionary road to the stars.

WYGD? :dunno:

Spot on, AG.

Religion used to be the most powerful central organizing system of a society. Most ancient society organized based on a system that used RELIGION as the glue to create societal IDENTITY.

That is why religion is often correctly accused of being the motivation for more wars than any other.

But not every war between peoples of different religions was primarily motivated by the religion.

Religion is sometimes a handy excuse to go to war, but it was seldom the sole reason for war.

Probably the greatest conquering people of all history was the Mongolian invasions that took over most of the Eurasia.

Their motive was NOT religion, and they made no bones about it, either.

They came for the wealth and power of their nations they invaded.
True. Religion may be a rallying point to raise and motivate an army, but more often than not it's the acquiring of resources that's the real reason for violence.

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