What has the Devil done that is really that bad?

Going by what is in the Bible, what has the Devil done that is so horrible?

God destroyed almost every living creature on earth
God killed the first born children of Egypt

What has the Devil done of that magnitude ?

This has been discussed before, but clearly you were sleeping. The devil lied and tricked Adam and Eve to disobey God. They were banished and brought death and sin into the world. The first murder was when Cain killed his brother Abel. The rest of the evil multiplied which led to Noah's Flood. Afterward, the devil created evolution which he handed down to Nimrod which led to Darwin and social Darwinism, the Holocaust, genocide, Planned Parenthood, racism, mass shootings, Hollywood values and so on.
Going by what is in the Bible, what has the Devil done that is so horrible?

God destroyed almost every living creature on earth
God killed the first born children of Egypt

What has the Devil done of that magnitude ?

This has been discussed before, but clearly you were sleeping. The devil lied and tricked Adam and Eve to disobey God. They were banished and brought death and sin into the world. The first murder was when Cain killed his brother Abel. The rest of the evil multiplied which led to Noah's Flood. Afterward, the devil created evolution which he handed down to Nimrod which led to Darwin and social Darwinism, the Holocaust, genocide, Planned Parenthood, racism, mass shootings, Hollywood values and so on.

God acted on his own volition when he killed almost every living thing on the planet. Same as when he killed the first born of Egypt. Those are actual acts

It seems the Devil gets blamed for tempting. Adam had a choice, Cain had a choice.......babies in Egypt did not have a choice
Going by what is in the Bible, what has the Devil done that is so horrible?

God destroyed almost every living creature on earth
God killed the first born children of Egypt

What has the Devil done of that magnitude ?

Well, there was this verse in the book of Mathew:

"And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."

maybe there are some natural laws in place we do not understand, who knows? All the first born of Egypt and al those animals would be dead today anyway. In their physical being that is. From what i understand, the "Real Death" is having your spirit being separated from god after your physical body dies.
Now perhaps it was not this way in the begining, but maybe the "devil" figured out a way to make this separation happen. Now, if that was the case, all those stories of people being smitten down by God would pale in comparison. They would all be dead today anyway. The real enemy of your physical body is TIME itself. Anyone who thinks otherwise are completely fooling themselves.... as long as the spirit inside resides in a good place after you leave this earth is really the message of the bible I think. Reconciliation towards the next life.

Now maybe the Devil is like that high school friend who talks you into having the party at your house when your parents are out of town. He'll convince you all that matters is having a great time, and making it lively for all your friends, I mean, whats better than being popular and cool to all your buddies,.. he'll make sure to set you up with the booze and meth and whatever else.. even hire some hookers... why not? because enjoying today ..which will never be here again.... that is the most important thing. And that friend? He's the greatest guy in the whole world.... definately way cooler than your uptight old man with all those rules. It only makes sense when your feeling high.
Now, when the next day comes and your dads car is crashed into a tree around the block, your moms china set is broken, the coin collection is missing, there's a 20 sq foot hole cut out of the living room carpet , someone repainted the kitchen with paisley art, shaved the cat, put the goldfish in the freezer and you came down with syphilis from the hookers..... you can bet your friend will be nowhere to be found, and when your dad gets home there will be hell to pay. your friend (aka the devil) may not seem like such a cool guy then.
(theoreticaly speaking )))
All the first born of Egypt and al those animals would be dead today anyway.

Isn’t that an excuse for all murders?

Well, there is something to be said about that especialy looking at it from the human perspective. But what if God is an eternal being who can actually see beyond what we can see, and then from god's perspective if he can see that life on this earth is only a passing phase into something else ... it may not be murder at all. Theoretically speaking, this life could be some sort of training ground.
Of course if it WAS true that the devil somehow played a part in separating humans from god in the next life, then yes he may be the one jumping up and down, pointing a finger at god and saying "Yeah see.... That god is much worse than me, I only want you to have a good time, but he's the real monster here, he's the murderer"
Basicaly as described in the bible... the Devil is somewhat of a deceiver and pretty much uses a lot of your arguments.
If we can excuse the excesses of God as.....humans just can’t understand

Why can’t we do the same for the Devil......we are incapable of understanding

I still do t see what he did that was so horrible in the Bible

OK I'm no expert either, but for the sake of argument, he is to have quietly subverted man kind away from God. I suppose that would appear to be subtle and one might say, "well what has the Devil done?" But the after effects of that may not be so subtle in this world and the next. I dont know. I have to think about it more.
Going by what is in the Bible, what has the Devil done that is so horrible?

God destroyed almost every living creature on earth
God killed the first born children of Egypt

What has the Devil done of that magnitude ?

This has been discussed before, but clearly you were sleeping. The devil lied and tricked Adam and Eve to disobey God. They were banished and brought death and sin into the world. The first murder was when Cain killed his brother Abel. The rest of the evil multiplied which led to Noah's Flood. Afterward, the devil created evolution which he handed down to Nimrod which led to Darwin and social Darwinism, the Holocaust, genocide, Planned Parenthood, racism, mass shootings, Hollywood values and so on.

God acted on his own volition when he killed almost every living thing on the planet. Same as when he killed the first born of Egypt. Those are actual acts

It seems the Devil gets blamed for tempting. Adam had a choice, Cain had a choice.......babies in Egypt did not have a choice
Behavior and consequence.
Those generations felt their spiritual essence and chose to misuse it.
Sort of like people driving a car at 90mph and thinking nothing could ever go wrong.
Going by what is in the Bible, what has the Devil done that is so horrible?

God destroyed almost every living creature on earth
God killed the first born children of Egypt

What has the Devil done of that magnitude ?

This has been discussed before, but clearly you were sleeping. The devil lied and tricked Adam and Eve to disobey God. They were banished and brought death and sin into the world. The first murder was when Cain killed his brother Abel. The rest of the evil multiplied which led to Noah's Flood. Afterward, the devil created evolution which he handed down to Nimrod which led to Darwin and social Darwinism, the Holocaust, genocide, Planned Parenthood, racism, mass shootings, Hollywood values and so on.

God acted on his own volition when he killed almost every living thing on the planet. Same as when he killed the first born of Egypt. Those are actual acts

It seems the Devil gets blamed for tempting. Adam had a choice, Cain had a choice.......babies in Egypt did not have a choice
Behavior and consequence.
Those generations felt their spiritual essence and chose to misuse it.
Sort of like people driving a car at 90mph and thinking nothing could ever go wrong.
That is the problem with the biblical depiction of the Devil

It is not the Devil destroying the world, it is God
It is not the Devil killing innocent children, it is God

The Devil stands on the sidelines and offers temptation. But man is able to accept or decline ....part of being human
That is the problem with the biblical depiction of the Devil

It is not the Devil destroying the world, it is God
It is not the Devil killing innocent children, it is God

The Devil stands on the sidelines and offers temptation. But man is able to accept or decline ....part of being human

Maybe it was the devil that made God do all those horrible things.
Why did god make the devil in the first place?
Going by what is in the Bible, what has the Devil done that is so horrible?

God destroyed almost every living creature on earth
God killed the first born children of Egypt

What has the Devil done of that magnitude ?

This has been discussed before, but clearly you were sleeping. The devil lied and tricked Adam and Eve to disobey God. They were banished and brought death and sin into the world. The first murder was when Cain killed his brother Abel. The rest of the evil multiplied which led to Noah's Flood. Afterward, the devil created evolution which he handed down to Nimrod which led to Darwin and social Darwinism, the Holocaust, genocide, Planned Parenthood, racism, mass shootings, Hollywood values and so on.

God acted on his own volition when he killed almost every living thing on the planet. Same as when he killed the first born of Egypt. Those are actual acts

It seems the Devil gets blamed for tempting. Adam had a choice, Cain had a choice.......babies in Egypt did not have a choice
Behavior and consequence.
Those generations felt their spiritual essence and chose to misuse it.
Sort of like people driving a car at 90mph and thinking nothing could ever go wrong.
That is the problem with the biblical depiction of the Devil

It is not the Devil destroying the world, it is God
It is not the Devil killing innocent children, it is God

The Devil stands on the sidelines and offers temptation. But man is able to accept or decline ....part of being human
It’s not God, it’s people.
Would you blame a parent for punishing a child who has gone too far?
Going by what is in the Bible, what has the Devil done that is so horrible?

God destroyed almost every living creature on earth
God killed the first born children of Egypt

What has the Devil done of that magnitude ?

This has been discussed before, but clearly you were sleeping. The devil lied and tricked Adam and Eve to disobey God. They were banished and brought death and sin into the world. The first murder was when Cain killed his brother Abel. The rest of the evil multiplied which led to Noah's Flood. Afterward, the devil created evolution which he handed down to Nimrod which led to Darwin and social Darwinism, the Holocaust, genocide, Planned Parenthood, racism, mass shootings, Hollywood values and so on.

God acted on his own volition when he killed almost every living thing on the planet. Same as when he killed the first born of Egypt. Those are actual acts

It seems the Devil gets blamed for tempting. Adam had a choice, Cain had a choice.......babies in Egypt did not have a choice
Behavior and consequence.
Those generations felt their spiritual essence and chose to misuse it.
Sort of like people driving a car at 90mph and thinking nothing could ever go wrong.
That is the problem with the biblical depiction of the Devil

It is not the Devil destroying the world, it is God
It is not the Devil killing innocent children, it is God

The Devil stands on the sidelines and offers temptation. But man is able to accept or decline ....part of being human
It’s not God, it’s people.
Would you blame a parent for punishing a child who has gone too far?
The Devil is people

To set up a creature like Satan that you can blame for your own poor decisions and shortcomings is a work of man

Ya know, I never claim to know everything so let me put it to you this way...….

If you're right and there is no God, Angels, Heaven or Hell.....then when we die, we just become worm food

But if I'm right and there is...…..then I'll spend eternity laying around on fluffy white clouds with no pain or worries and full of joy and peace praising the Almighty's goodness.....not so for unbelievers who will suffer the fires of hell & damnation for eternity.
If Muslims are right they'll be eating plenty and having 72 virgins. While you and I rot.
If Vikings are right, they'll be drinking mead in Valhalla, while we end up in Hades.
I believe in the soul. I believe when this body dies I'll rise up. The real me. And join all the others in space. Whether it's a friendly greeting, one froth with competition, or horror, I don't know yet.

Okay, you've dismissed Christianity and Islam. You're write to base the Viking myths but that's another story.

On what basis do you believe your own story? What are the facts in evidence for your belief?
Anecdotal. Nothing that would convince you I'm right so I won't bother trying.

So there are no facts and evidence in support of your worldview other than maybe some "personal experiences". You just believe it, and that's enough.

Listen, you do you--I mean that. You have every right to believe what you want as long as you're not hurting anyone. But your assertion here would have been entirely ignored, not offensive to anyone, while when Christians make assertions backed up by PLENTY of facts and evidence, it's scoffed at and mocked.

Just pointing out that difference.
There are a lot of religions who think they are the one truth and that their facts and evidence is better than yours.
I don't know the answers. I plan on dying with an open mind.
Going by what is in the Bible, what has the Devil done that is so horrible?

God destroyed almost every living creature on earth
God killed the first born children of Egypt

What has the Devil done of that magnitude ?

This has been discussed before, but clearly you were sleeping. The devil lied and tricked Adam and Eve to disobey God. They were banished and brought death and sin into the world. The first murder was when Cain killed his brother Abel. The rest of the evil multiplied which led to Noah's Flood. Afterward, the devil created evolution which he handed down to Nimrod which led to Darwin and social Darwinism, the Holocaust, genocide, Planned Parenthood, racism, mass shootings, Hollywood values and so on.

God acted on his own volition when he killed almost every living thing on the planet. Same as when he killed the first born of Egypt. Those are actual acts

It seems the Devil gets blamed for tempting. Adam had a choice, Cain had a choice.......babies in Egypt did not have a choice
In God's defense when he kills someone they don't cease to exist, he simply takes them into his bosom early. So there is no evil there. It's a blessing to go to heaven early.
Why did god make the devil in the first place?
God made Angels. One of them went bad. Not God's fault.
But then the way they went bad is they exercised free will. In God's universe everything is God's way or the evil way.
Going by what is in the Bible, what has the Devil done that is so horrible?

God destroyed almost every living creature on earth
God killed the first born children of Egypt

What has the Devil done of that magnitude ?

He made you.

And that's a pretty nasty piece of work.
Why did god make the devil in the first place?
God made Angels. One of them went bad. Not God's fault.
But then the way they went bad is they exercised free will. In God's universe everything is God's way or the evil way.
But god made everything in the universe, so he made the ability for an angel to go bad. Why? Surely he anticipated the devil coming into being?
Why did god make the devil in the first place?
God made Angels. One of them went bad. Not God's fault.
But then the way they went bad is they exercised free will. In God's universe everything is God's way or the evil way.
But god made everything in the universe, so he made the ability for an angel to go bad. Why? Surely he anticipated the devil coming into being?
I believe God wanted everyone to freely choose God's way, but then consider it evil when you choose other ways.
Why did god make the devil in the first place?
God made Angels. One of them went bad. Not God's fault.
But then the way they went bad is they exercised free will. In God's universe everything is God's way or the evil way.
But god made everything in the universe, so he made the ability for an angel to go bad. Why? Surely he anticipated the devil coming into being?
I believe God wanted everyone to freely choose God's way, but then consider it evil when you choose other ways.
So you're saying that god couldn't anticipate what free will was going to do? And now he gets upset if we don't worship him? Sounds like a doucher.
Ya know, I never claim to know everything so let me put it to you this way...….

If you're right and there is no God, Angels, Heaven or Hell.....then when we die, we just become worm food

But if I'm right and there is...…..then I'll spend eternity laying around on fluffy white clouds with no pain or worries and full of joy and peace praising the Almighty's goodness.....not so for unbelievers who will suffer the fires of hell & damnation for eternity.
If Muslims are right they'll be eating plenty and having 72 virgins. While you and I rot.
If Vikings are right, they'll be drinking mead in Valhalla, while we end up in Hades.
I believe in the soul. I believe when this body dies I'll rise up. The real me. And join all the others in space. Whether it's a friendly greeting, one froth with competition, or horror, I don't know yet.

Okay, you've dismissed Christianity and Islam. You're write to base the Viking myths but that's another story.

On what basis do you believe your own story? What are the facts in evidence for your belief?
Anecdotal. Nothing that would convince you I'm right so I won't bother trying.

So there are no facts and evidence in support of your worldview other than maybe some "personal experiences". You just believe it, and that's enough.

Listen, you do you--I mean that. You have every right to believe what you want as long as you're not hurting anyone. But your assertion here would have been entirely ignored, not offensive to anyone, while when Christians make assertions backed up by PLENTY of facts and evidence, it's scoffed at and mocked.

Just pointing out that difference.
There are a lot of religions who think they are the one truth and that their facts and evidence is better than yours.
I don't know the answers. I plan on dying with an open mind.

That seems silly, doesn't it? I mean let's say you get a serious fatal disease. Doctor says, here your your treatment options, you can weigh them out. And you say, meh, I'm just going to go in with an 'open mind'.

If you've actually spent the time investigating the claims of the major religions, then okay--that's your choice. But if you haven't even investigated, that's exactly what "blind faith" is.
Ya know, I never claim to know everything so let me put it to you this way...….

If you're right and there is no God, Angels, Heaven or Hell.....then when we die, we just become worm food

But if I'm right and there is...…..then I'll spend eternity laying around on fluffy white clouds with no pain or worries and full of joy and peace praising the Almighty's goodness.....not so for unbelievers who will suffer the fires of hell & damnation for eternity.
If Muslims are right they'll be eating plenty and having 72 virgins. While you and I rot.
If Vikings are right, they'll be drinking mead in Valhalla, while we end up in Hades.
I believe in the soul. I believe when this body dies I'll rise up. The real me. And join all the others in space. Whether it's a friendly greeting, one froth with competition, or horror, I don't know yet.

Okay, you've dismissed Christianity and Islam. You're write to base the Viking myths but that's another story.

On what basis do you believe your own story? What are the facts in evidence for your belief?
Anecdotal. Nothing that would convince you I'm right so I won't bother trying.

So there are no facts and evidence in support of your worldview other than maybe some "personal experiences". You just believe it, and that's enough.

Listen, you do you--I mean that. You have every right to believe what you want as long as you're not hurting anyone. But your assertion here would have been entirely ignored, not offensive to anyone, while when Christians make assertions backed up by PLENTY of facts and evidence, it's scoffed at and mocked.

Just pointing out that difference.
There are a lot of religions who think they are the one truth and that their facts and evidence is better than yours.
I don't know the answers. I plan on dying with an open mind.

Another thing: there is a world religion with texts as historically valid over time as the Holy Bible?

Going by what is in the Bible, what has the Devil done that is so horrible?

God destroyed almost every living creature on earth
God killed the first born children of Egypt

What has the Devil done of that magnitude ?

This has been discussed before, but clearly you were sleeping. The devil lied and tricked Adam and Eve to disobey God. They were banished and brought death and sin into the world. The first murder was when Cain killed his brother Abel. The rest of the evil multiplied which led to Noah's Flood. Afterward, the devil created evolution which he handed down to Nimrod which led to Darwin and social Darwinism, the Holocaust, genocide, Planned Parenthood, racism, mass shootings, Hollywood values and so on.

God acted on his own volition when he killed almost every living thing on the planet. Same as when he killed the first born of Egypt. Those are actual acts

It seems the Devil gets blamed for tempting. Adam had a choice, Cain had a choice.......babies in Egypt did not have a choice

Sure, God killed/kills, but he's not a murderer. The difference between murder and kill is the former is unlawful. God has reasons for his wrath and why they hit Hades. They were predestined because they thought like you did and also committed evil and sins as listed in my previous post.

You have a choice, too, but you chose to label God a murderer while Satan is not evil. It means that you have broken God's doctrine, i.e. seen as unlawful in his eyes.
Going by what is in the Bible, what has the Devil done that is so horrible?

God destroyed almost every living creature on earth
God killed the first born children of Egypt

What has the Devil done of that magnitude ?

This has been discussed before, but clearly you were sleeping. The devil lied and tricked Adam and Eve to disobey God. They were banished and brought death and sin into the world. The first murder was when Cain killed his brother Abel. The rest of the evil multiplied which led to Noah's Flood. Afterward, the devil created evolution which he handed down to Nimrod which led to Darwin and social Darwinism, the Holocaust, genocide, Planned Parenthood, racism, mass shootings, Hollywood values and so on.

God acted on his own volition when he killed almost every living thing on the planet. Same as when he killed the first born of Egypt. Those are actual acts

It seems the Devil gets blamed for tempting. Adam had a choice, Cain had a choice.......babies in Egypt did not have a choice

Sure, God killed/kills, but he's not a murderer. The difference between murder and kill is the former is unlawful. God has reasons for his wrath and why they hit Hades. They were predestined because they thought like you did and also committed evil and sins as listed in my previous post.

You have a choice, too, but you chose to label God a murderer while Satan is not evil. It means that you have broken God's doctrine, i.e. seen as unlawful in his eyes.

It is scary you would believe that

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