What have the poor done to deserve our support?

What have the poor done to deserve our support?

Don't talk to me. Talk to your "Jesus".

The only problem with your point is that you have not yet learned to distinguish between Charity and Forced Compliance. Learn to give voluntarily, from your Heart RD.

Now give me your wallet, with everything in it. :D Give me a big smile and a hug too. :D

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

Giving someone some old unwanted can of creamed corn rusting in the back of the pantry hardly competes with really giving someone a chance. The "let them die" crowd doesn't get it. What cold, hard hearts and tiny minds they have. Would Jesus be proud? I doubt it.

Dean....even Jesus would probably think your an Ass after talking to you......i like the way your all of a sudden.....Quoting a guy you constantly Ridiculed in the past....
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What have the poor done to deserve our support?

lol – well, for starters, they’re poor.

Many are employed…

Many are disabled…

Many are children…

Many are elderly.

Consequently the rightist argument of ‘dependency’ is a fallacy.

Many of the employed poor are working their way up the ladder. They are working to pay tuition and buy books. They will not be 'the poor' in 10 years. They will have achieved their educational and financial goals. Just think, when you stiff that waiter on a tip you could wake up in the ER in 5 years and find he is the MD standing over you.

There is an entire body of work on generational poverty which has been done by reputable scholars. You need to avail yourself of this work. It is reputable, and displays the problem for all the world to see.

Many of the disabled have been disabled by society. For if society provides everything for a person who is not disabled and makes him dependent, then society has disabled him.

Many of the adults were dependent children 40 years ago, and they learned the cycle of generational poverty. They are trapped in they cycle of generational poverty. But they could get out. Sadly those like yourself are only interested in keeping them poor and perpetuating the cycle.

The elderly have worked and paid into a system that promised to pay back what they paid in. They system took what they paid in and spent it. The system needs to cough it up. But beyond that, many of the elderly did not plan their lives. I am nearing retirment age and I see it every day. They have retired in debt, but their debt is unsustainable on their retirement income. That is not my fault. Their working lives were longer than mine. They had steady work and they had every opportunity to plan for retirement.
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And they have been paid appropriately for their labors...

If everyone on the fucking planet were not qualified to do the same exact thing, they could then probably demand more for their labor... if you do not improve yourself, what you can bring to the table in skills, etc, it is not up to society or government to make up for it

"And they have been paid appropriately for their labors..."

I think that proably our biggest problem is that that is very rarely true.
It would probably be at least as true to say that those who work the hardest are paid the least.

If you and every other human on Earth could perform the task... you're not going to be paid as much as you would if you had a specialized skill... sorry.. that's the way it is and why fry cooks don't get experienced welder pay

Then would you care to explain why so many people with degrees and other specialized skills are fry cooks and dishwashers? If noone needs a welder the special skill won't make you anything. Also there are many jobs that require a lot of trining and/or education, are very important to our society, and still don't pay much.
"And they have been paid appropriately for their labors..."

I think that proably our biggest problem is that that is very rarely true.
It would probably be at least as true to say that those who work the hardest are paid the least.

If you and every other human on Earth could perform the task... you're not going to be paid as much as you would if you had a specialized skill... sorry.. that's the way it is and why fry cooks don't get experienced welder pay

Then would you care to explain why so many people with degrees and other specialized skills are fry cooks and dishwashers? If noone needs a welder the special skill won't make you anything. Also there are many jobs that require a lot of trining and/or education, are very important to our society, and still don't pay much.

The world isn't dying of need for art and history majors. People, who fail to research the field of study they choose and the job prospects after graduation, wait for their ship to come in until the pier falls down. No one made them get shit degrees. So they need to stop their whining and change careers or suck it up. And I can tell you that many of them change careers. I went to school with many who were doing just that. But changing careers requires tuition and book money. So they flip burgers. Your pity is misplaced. Many of them will be out earning you in 5 years.
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They are the ones who clean up your shit, make your burger, and make sure Walmart has your favorite brand of Depends. You are douche bag Rabbi.

And they have been paid appropriately for their labors...

If everyone on the fucking planet were not qualified to do the same exact thing, they could then probably demand more for their labor... if you do not improve yourself, what you can bring to the table in skills, etc, it is not up to society or government to make up for it

"And they have been paid appropriately for their labors..."

I think that proably our biggest problem is that that is very rarely true.
It would probably be at least as true to say that those who work the hardest are paid the least.

And that was certainly a motivator for me to work my way up the career ladder of my profession. As one who finished the BSN at 41, I knew I would not really feel like thumping up and down the halls of a hospital for very many years. But, believe it or not, there are people who really like what they do even though you consider it to be menial. I know nurses who work the bedside, who have always worked the bedside, and will have to be carried off the job feet first if they ever leave the beside. People who work at hard labor are fit and healthy and live fairly long lives. When we were young, before my husband got an easier job, he did manual labor. He was tan and muscular and looked like a Greek god. I often wonder if he might have lived longer had he stayed with a more physically demanding job. I often wonder that about myself, although my arthritis usually answers the question for me. The big problem with people who have your attitude is that you demean honest forms of work. If they have made peace with their pay, then there is no reason you should not be at peace with their pay as well. When I was in the hospital about to die back in August, did I want a psych NP, a clone of myself? Oh HELL no! I wanted a good staff level nurse who knew how to take care of me because I couldn't take care of myself. And I wanted a good nursing assistant who would help me wash my hair, bathe, and feel like a human being again. They were there. And ya know what, almost to the person the CNAs were in nursing school and the nurses were in NP school. For I was hospitalized at Vanderbilt where employees can get their education for free if they contract to work there for a while.
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What have the poor done to deserve our support?

Don't talk to me. Talk to your "Jesus".

The only problem with your point is that you have not yet learned to distinguish between Charity and Forced Compliance. Learn to give voluntarily, from your Heart RD.

Now give me your wallet, with everything in it. :D Give me a big smile and a hug too. :D

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

Giving someone some old unwanted can of creamed corn rusting in the back of the pantry hardly competes with really giving someone a chance. The "let them die" crowd doesn't get it. What cold, hard hearts and tiny minds they have. Would Jesus be proud? I doubt it.

That would be Obamacare and IPAB...:eusa_whistle:
What have the poor done to deserve our support?

Don't talk to me. Talk to your "Jesus".

The only problem with your point is that you have not yet learned to distinguish between Charity and Forced Compliance. Learn to give voluntarily, from your Heart RD.

Now give me your wallet, with everything in it. :D Give me a big smile and a hug too. :D

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

Giving someone some old unwanted can of creamed corn rusting in the back of the pantry hardly competes with really giving someone a chance. The "let them die" crowd doesn't get it. What cold, hard hearts and tiny minds they have. Would Jesus be proud? I doubt it.

Jesus' was more like a drug rep in his philosophy of 'feeding' people. He fed the masses to get them to listen to his Sermon on the Mount. When Judas said the money spent on the expensive perfume the woman anointed Him with told him it would have been better spent on 'the poor.' Jesus replied that the poor would be with us always, but He would not.

I think it has been speculated that when He said, "if you love me, feed my sheep" he meant to feed them spiritually. But certainly if he meant it in the literal sense, he excluded those who were hot HIS 'sheep.'
It is not about unanimous consent or Consensus. New Powers, or Redefining Powers should be about Constitutional Amendment. 66% to bring to the floor for debate, 75% to Ratify. You know that.

How many years have its opponents had to get the food stamp program ruled unconstitutional?

You tell me. I'm not against Food Stamps. I'm not against a Safety Net. The Focus should be using these programs transitionally, there needs to be a time when the Dependent learn skills and move to the next level. There should be some form of exchange. Community Service, Volunteer Work, whatever. Build Character, rather than knock it down.
Sometimes I realize that people on this board have no idea how TANF really works. Outside of some fedederal guidelines, it is managed at the state level. in my state, recipients must meet a 30hr work requirement, be involved in job training or accept a community placement position in order to receive benefits. And as is true in all states, we are phasing in the 2 yr/5 yr caps that were part of the Clinton-era welfare reform bill that created TANF.
You tell me. I'm not against Food Stamps. I'm not against a Safety Net. The Focus should be using these programs transitionally, there needs to be a time when the Dependent learn skills and move to the next level. There should be some form of exchange. Community Service, Volunteer Work, whatever. Build Character, rather than knock it down.

And when military families qualify for food stamps, what then? Put them to work parttime?

Put them to work? Put them? No, but they can choose to. Lots of people do.

So you think an active duty member of the military whose family qualifies for food stamps should get a parttime job (is that even legal?!) so that he makes enough to not be qualified for food stamps?

You see, this is why I'm right when I say conservatism is dead.
How many years have its opponents had to get the food stamp program ruled unconstitutional?

You tell me. I'm not against Food Stamps. I'm not against a Safety Net. The Focus should be using these programs transitionally, there needs to be a time when the Dependent learn skills and move to the next level. There should be some form of exchange. Community Service, Volunteer Work, whatever. Build Character, rather than knock it down.

And when military families qualify for food stamps, what then? Put them to work parttime?

My personal position is that they should not have to be in a position where they need to. Better pay and benefits there is the obvious solution. Especially during deployment.
And when military families qualify for food stamps, what then? Put them to work parttime?

Put them to work? Put them? No, but they can choose to. Lots of people do.

So you think an active duty member of the military whose family qualifies for food stamps should get a parttime job (is that even legal?!) so that he makes enough to not be qualified for food stamps?

You see, this is why I'm right when I say conservatism is dead.

No. Your perception of Conservatism is what should be laid to rest. ;)
And when military families qualify for food stamps, what then? Put them to work parttime?

Put them to work? Put them? No, but they can choose to. Lots of people do.

So you think an active duty member of the military whose family qualifies for food stamps should get a parttime job (is that even legal?!) so that he makes enough to not be qualified for food stamps?

You see, this is why I'm right when I say conservatism is dead.

It is quite legal and many soldiers during my time did everything from bartend to deliver pizzas to work as bouncers.... Other than emergency calls to formation, etc... you were allowed to hold a second job as long as there were understandings and stipulations that they could be called on duty at any time and the secondary employers could not hinder that duty....

And IMHO, you stop giving handouts to the do-nothings that mainly receive it now, and you could possibly be paying soldiers, even at the lower ranks of e1-e4, more than is paid now
In frequent threads here the brain-dead leftists moan about how the "idle rich" (like there is such a thing) don't deserve their money. But look at the other side. The poor in this country enjoy a lifestyle envied by even middle class people in most of the world. What have they done to deserve this? The idlest of the idle rich invest money and help other hard working people get ahead. The poor simply absorb tax payer funding and have babies.

Some people are down and out despite their best efforts. Those are the ones that we seek to help and I've never heard anyone object to that, on either side. Liberals see victims everywhere and coddle anyone who might be willing to support them. Liberal politicians require as many dependents as possible to ensure their power and they are expert at creating government dependents. The premise seems to be that any person is entitled to everything by virtue of the fact that they were born. Liberals expect nothing from their dependents other than blind obedience and a vote. In exchange, the person will receive things for nothing.

I have a huge problem with the growing number of people who seek to scam the system and a government who is reticent to call them up on it. They see increased applications for welfare as a success. It means they have more people who are unlikely to bite the hand that feeds them.

We see illegal aliens getting disability checks, along with free housing, food, utilities and medical. Where is the incentive to work if politicians will support you just for the asking? I know there are needy who have no choice, but I also know there are people who have a choice and they have opted to take what they can even though they could do better for themselves if they were so inclined. Now that more jobs are gone forever, more have no choice but to turn to government. I believe this is by design.

Able bodied people have soaked the system for years and they no longer have the desire to do for themselves. I think this was the intent. Now, those who are hopelessy workshy have increased to the point where they can turn elections in their favor. We were warned by our forefathers that once the majority of the populace realized that they could vote to have the wealth from others passed to them, it was the beginning of the end for the country.

You bet.

Once the public has learned that they can draw from the public largesse then we are done.

We already have 47% of the folks in this country who pay no Fed taxes.

What happens when that number reaches 50%, 55% or 60%?

The takes will outnumber those providing.

Greece anyone??
"And they have been paid appropriately for their labors..."

I think that proably our biggest problem is that that is very rarely true.
It would probably be at least as true to say that those who work the hardest are paid the least.

If you and every other human on Earth could perform the task... you're not going to be paid as much as you would if you had a specialized skill... sorry.. that's the way it is and why fry cooks don't get experienced welder pay

Then would you care to explain why so many people with degrees and other specialized skills are fry cooks and dishwashers? If noone needs a welder the special skill won't make you anything. Also there are many jobs that require a lot of trining and/or education, are very important to our society, and still don't pay much.

Which jobs are important,competitive, and don't pay much? If you say math/science teachers, the reason is because of union rules, which forbid paying some area teachers more than others.
Almost every instance of extended shortage is the result of gov't policies.
What have the poor done to deserve our support?

Those of you who call yourselves Christians need not ask this question if you are a true follower of Christ.

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