What have the poor done to deserve our support?

There have been times in the past, perhaps to this day, when some military families qualified for food stamps, and perhaps other government 'handouts'.

During Reagan's terms, I frequently had to help my sailors with families apply for food stamps. Anyone E-5 or below with spouse and 2 kids minimum qualified. I remember it shocking me.
If you and every other human on Earth could perform the task... you're not going to be paid as much as you would if you had a specialized skill... sorry.. that's the way it is and why fry cooks don't get experienced welder pay

Then would you care to explain why so many people with degrees and other specialized skills are fry cooks and dishwashers? If noone needs a welder the special skill won't make you anything. Also there are many jobs that require a lot of trining and/or education, are very important to our society, and still don't pay much.

Which jobs are important,competitive, and don't pay much? If you say math/science teachers, the reason is because of union rules, which forbid paying some area teachers more than others.
Almost every instance of extended shortage is the result of gov't policies.

They just don't understand or accept that the demand for certain skills CHANGES.. and like in all other aspects of life, you have to adapt and overcome... not just sit there crying and waiting for someone to hand you what you need..

In ancient times.. these were the ones pouting that their old way of making spears was not working in the newer land with different animals.. and while sitting in the field pouting, the smilodon pounced and had them for lunch
OH, so you are talking about the Welfare Queen that Reagan talked about that didn't really exist. Are we going to talk about unicorns next? Lepruchauns?

The Unemployment rate isn't that important. a 5% unemployment rate where everyone has McJobs isn't an improvement. I would much rather have the Clinton UE of 3.9% where you could throw out a resume and get a better paying job in a month that you barely qualified for than the 6.3% UE of Bush where you couldn't get a job you totally qualified for because you were competing against 40 other guys who were just as qualifed.

Offshoring replaced good paying manufacturing jobs with service McJobs. That was NOT an improvement, guy. Bloodletting is not a valid medical treatment, either. We send out 500 billion in wealth every year to other countries, that's not a good thing.

I am talking about generations of unemployed and unemployable people. Don't tell me they dont exist. You ought to know better.
Your comparison of the Bush years with the Clinton years is a joke. But I have effectively refuted your point: off shoring was going like crazy during hte Bush years and there was more manufacturing going on here and less unemployment.
I am sorry you cannot compete against guys more qualified than you. Night school maybe?

Vocational School. Trade School. Charter Schools work Miracles in some of the most impoverished areas of NYC. Unfortunately the Teachers Union's work to discredit them. Bottom line good study habits happen best when the kids are reached earlier on.

Really? How so?
What have the poor done to deserve our support?

Those of you who call yourselves Christians need not ask this question if you are a true follower of Christ.

Anyone who is a true follower of christ knows you give personally and from your own heart... not having it raped from you whether you have the calling to give it or not

And in a country based on freedom... you have the freedom to be a miserly prick too, even if ones like you don't like it and want to be generous with someone else's money
What have the poor done to deserve our support?

Those of you who call yourselves Christians need not ask this question if you are a true follower of Christ.

Anyone who is a true follower of christ knows you give personally and from your own heart... not having it raped from you whether you have the calling to give it or not

And in a country based on freedom... you have the freedom to be a miserly prick too, even if ones like you don't like it and want to be generous with someone else's money

“If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn’t help the poor, either we have to pretend that Jesus is just as selfish as we are or we’ve got to acknowledge that he commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition. And then admit that we just don’t want to do it.”

– Stephen Colbert

An interesting thought he makes.
What have the poor done to deserve our support?

Those of you who call yourselves Christians need not ask this question if you are a true follower of Christ.

Anyone who is a true follower of christ knows you give personally and from your own heart... not having it raped from you whether you have the calling to give it or not

And in a country based on freedom... you have the freedom to be a miserly prick too, even if ones like you don't like it and want to be generous with someone else's money

“If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn’t help the poor, either we have to pretend that Jesus is just as selfish as we are or we’ve got to acknowledge that he commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition. And then admit that we just don’t want to do it.”

– Stephen Colbert

An interesting thought he makes.

Personally.. I don't care about the thoughts of a comedian
As soon as liberals explain how Christ differentiated between the needy and the indolent and lazy, they will have an argument. Our world of equality doesn't. The crippled 80 year old widow is the same as the 20 something drunk. They are both poor, but only one is needy.
And when military families qualify for food stamps, what then? Put them to work parttime?

Put them to work? Put them? No, but they can choose to. Lots of people do.

So you think an active duty member of the military whose family qualifies for food stamps should get a parttime job (is that even legal?!) so that he makes enough to not be qualified for food stamps?

You see, this is why I'm right when I say conservatism is dead.

The only active duty personnel I ever saw in 23yrs that needed food stamps were the ones that enlisted with a family all ready or got married too young and started a family. If a man or woman enlists at 18 and waits 3 or 4 years until they are at least E-4 or E-5 when they qualify for military housing, they can raise a family with no problem on military pay.
As soon as liberals explain how Christ differentiated between the needy and the indolent and lazy, they will have an argument. Our world of equality doesn't. The crippled 80 year old widow is the same as the 20 something drunk. They are both poor, but only one is needy.

is their not a saying in the Bible....."God helps those who help themselves".....
The only problem with your point is that you have not yet learned to distinguish between Charity and Forced Compliance. Learn to give voluntarily, from your Heart RD.

Now give me your wallet, with everything in it. :D Give me a big smile and a hug too. :D

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

Giving someone some old unwanted can of creamed corn rusting in the back of the pantry hardly competes with really giving someone a chance. The "let them die" crowd doesn't get it. What cold, hard hearts and tiny minds they have. Would Jesus be proud? I doubt it.

You are such a gullible little guppie asswipe!

That he is.

Kinda funny how none of these gung ho, lets take care of everybody types, think there might be some who don't want to assume that burden. It also might be nice if we taxpayers had a say in the charity business of Uncle Sam.

Amazing how they assume that every taxpayer want to foot the bills for those who can't or won't take care of themselves. They assume that all taxpayers want to assume fiscal responsibility for these folks.

Deany and all likeminded need to start their own charity. Whip out their wallets and checkbooks and put THEIR money where their mouths are.

Of course its always easier to spend everyones money. Not just your own.

In frequent threads here the brain-dead leftists moan about how the "idle rich" (like there is such a thing) don't deserve their money. But look at the other side. The poor in this country enjoy a lifestyle envied by even middle class people in most of the world. What have they done to deserve this? The idlest of the idle rich invest money and help other hard working people get ahead. The poor simply absorb tax payer funding and have babies.
Multiple Absolutes; no facts to back-them-up.

(aka Teabagger-logic)

What have the poor done to deserve our support?

Those of you who call yourselves Christians need not ask this question if you are a true follower of Christ.

Anyone who is a true follower of christ knows you give personally and from your own heart... not having it raped from you whether you have the calling to give it or not

And in a country based on freedom... you have the freedom to be a miserly prick too, even if ones like you don't like it and want to be generous with someone else's money

It's amazing the people who push this crap think if you aren't paying taxes to the gov't then no charitable acts wil ever take place.
The truth is that the govt is the least efficient method of distributing anything that might actually help people. But in general gov't programs increase poverty and dependence. Which is probably the idea.
And they have been paid appropriately for their labors...

If everyone on the fucking planet were not qualified to do the same exact thing, they could then probably demand more for their labor... if you do not improve yourself, what you can bring to the table in skills, etc, it is not up to society or government to make up for it

"And they have been paid appropriately for their labors..."

I think that proably our biggest problem is that that is very rarely true.
It would probably be at least as true to say that those who work the hardest are paid the least.

And that was certainly a motivator for me to work my way up the career ladder of my profession. As one who finished the BSN at 41, I knew I would not really feel like thumping up and down the halls of a hospital for very many years. But, believe it or not, there are people who really like what they do even though you consider it to be menial. I know nurses who work the bedside, who have always worked the bedside, and will have to be carried off the job feet first if they ever leave the beside. People who work at hard labor are fit and healthy and live fairly long lives. When we were young, before my husband got an easier job, he did manual labor. He was tan and muscular and looked like a Greek god. I often wonder if he might have lived longer had he stayed with a more physically demanding job. I often wonder that about myself, although my arthritis usually answers the question for me. The big problem with people who have your attitude is that you demean honest forms of work. If they have made peace with their pay, then there is no reason you should not be at peace with their pay as well. When I was in the hospital about to die back in August, did I want a psych NP, a clone of myself? Oh HELL no! I wanted a good staff level nurse who knew how to take care of me because I couldn't take care of myself. And I wanted a good nursing assistant who would help me wash my hair, bathe, and feel like a human being again. They were there. And ya know what, almost to the person the CNAs were in nursing school and the nurses were in NP school. For I was hospitalized at Vanderbilt where employees can get their education for free if they contract to work there for a while.

"The big problem with people who have your attitude is that you demean honest forms of work. "

On the contrary my purpose in responding to this thread has been to point out that there is nothing shameful in having priorities other than making the maximum possible amount money and that simply having money does not mean you are more intelligent or industrious than anyone else. By the same token not having a great deal of money doesn't mean someone expects, wants or needs some kind of handout. And it most certainly does NOT follow that a lack money indicates a lazy welfare cheat and/or drug dealer.

"I know nurses who work the bedside, who have always worked the bedside, and will have to be carried off the job feet first if they ever leave the beside."

That would be me for 40+ years (except for the feet first part). And I could only dream of the pay and benifits a union welder gets.

I have also worked at Vanderbuilt. The average nurse there impressed me as being more interested in finding a doctor to marry than in their patients.
"And they have been paid appropriately for their labors..."

I think that proably our biggest problem is that that is very rarely true.
It would probably be at least as true to say that those who work the hardest are paid the least.

And that was certainly a motivator for me to work my way up the career ladder of my profession. As one who finished the BSN at 41, I knew I would not really feel like thumping up and down the halls of a hospital for very many years. But, believe it or not, there are people who really like what they do even though you consider it to be menial. I know nurses who work the bedside, who have always worked the bedside, and will have to be carried off the job feet first if they ever leave the beside. People who work at hard labor are fit and healthy and live fairly long lives. When we were young, before my husband got an easier job, he did manual labor. He was tan and muscular and looked like a Greek god. I often wonder if he might have lived longer had he stayed with a more physically demanding job. I often wonder that about myself, although my arthritis usually answers the question for me. The big problem with people who have your attitude is that you demean honest forms of work. If they have made peace with their pay, then there is no reason you should not be at peace with their pay as well. When I was in the hospital about to die back in August, did I want a psych NP, a clone of myself? Oh HELL no! I wanted a good staff level nurse who knew how to take care of me because I couldn't take care of myself. And I wanted a good nursing assistant who would help me wash my hair, bathe, and feel like a human being again. They were there. And ya know what, almost to the person the CNAs were in nursing school and the nurses were in NP school. For I was hospitalized at Vanderbilt where employees can get their education for free if they contract to work there for a while.

"The big problem with people who have your attitude is that you demean honest forms of work. "

On the contrary my purpose in responding to this thread has been to point out that there is nothing shameful in having priorities other than making the maximum possible amount money and that simply having money does not mean you are more intelligent or industrious than anyone else. By the same token not having a great deal of money doesn't mean someone expects, wants or needs some kind of handout. And it most certainly does NOT follow that a lack money indicates a lazy welfare cheat and/or drug dealer.

"I know nurses who work the bedside, who have always worked the bedside, and will have to be carried off the job feet first if they ever leave the beside."

That would be me for 40+ years (except for the feet first part). And I could only dream of the pay and benifits a union welder gets.

I have also worked at Vanderbuilt. The average nurse there impressed me as being more interested in finding a doctor to marry than in their patients.

All thsoe things are fine and dandy, but not what the thread is about. If someone isnt interested in making the max amt of money he can, fine. I'm not. I have other priorities. But I'm not sitting around expecting the state to pay my rent and food bill either. But lots of people are. And they are the problem, simply because they cause a demand on other people's resources.
Vanderbilt (not Vanderbuilt--I doubt you worked there) is a teaching hospital. So nursing care isn't wonderful.
In frequent threads here the brain-dead leftists moan about how the "idle rich" (like there is such a thing) don't deserve their money. But look at the other side. The poor in this country enjoy a lifestyle envied by even middle class people in most of the world. What have they done to deserve this? The idlest of the idle rich invest money and help other hard working people get ahead. The poor simply absorb tax payer funding and have babies.

Has anyone else noticed the recent concerted effort by the GOP to paint being poor in America as desirable and good?

Just another indicator of how out of touch the party is.
In frequent threads here the brain-dead leftists moan about how the "idle rich" (like there is such a thing) don't deserve their money. But look at the other side. The poor in this country enjoy a lifestyle envied by even middle class people in most of the world. What have they done to deserve this? The idlest of the idle rich invest money and help other hard working people get ahead. The poor simply absorb tax payer funding and have babies.

negged for being an asshole.

You fuck wads need to separate the poor from people on welfare.

The poor are not thriving in an EU party land. We work and get by. we aint chillin all day tippin back 40's.

My sore legs and tired back would like you to go fuck yourself.

Hey now, I work and knock back 40's when I clock out.:cool:

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