What I expect will be the first outcome of Flynn's request for immunity...


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017
....Trump will very soon say/tweet something completely outlandish, something that defies all reason, and calls for even more willing suspension of disbelief than everything he's thus said.

I haven't any idea what it'll be, but the pattern is so pellucidly trenchant it's almost droll. "Big, bad news" about something-Trump surfaces, and the next day, if it even takes that long, Trump posts a chimeric tweet. I wish a bookie somewhere was giving odds on what he'll say and how long it'll take him to say it.
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Probably true.

Every time it gets a little too warm, he throws one of his TwitTantrums.

His fat, turkey neck is cooked.
Here is what Flynn thinks about situations like these:

"If you are asking for immunity you are probably guilty."
....Trump will very soon say/tweet something completely outlandish, something that defies all reason, and calls for even more willing suspension of disbelief that everything he's thus said.

I haven't any idea what it'll be, but the pattern is so pellucidly trenchant it's almost droll. "Big, bad news" about something-Trump surfaces, and the next day, if it even takes that long, Trump posts a chimeric tweet. I wish a bookie somewhere was giving odds on what he'll say and how long it'll take him to say it.
I wonder how long until he goes after Flynn.
His attorneys statement. He wants assurance that this witch hunt does not plan on prosecuting him. What every attorney would want, with the viciousness that has occurred over something Clintons team was even doing.
Here is what Flynn thinks about situations like these:

"If you are asking for immunity you are probably guilty."
If @MichaelFlyyn were a bigger pussy I'd grab him. He made a YUGE mistake...
His attorneys statement. He wants assurance that this witch hunt does not plan on prosecuting him. What every attorney would want, with the viciousness that has occurred over something Clintons team was even doing.
Here is what Flynn thinks about situations like these:

"If you are asking for immunity you are probably guilty."

I'm just quoting Flynn for you.

"When you are given immunity you've probably committed a crime"

Michael Flynn Full Interview: Trump is Opening 'Huge' Lead

....Trump will very soon say/tweet something completely outlandish, something that defies all reason, and calls for even more willing suspension of disbelief that everything he's thus said.

I haven't any idea what it'll be, but the pattern is so pellucidly trenchant it's almost droll. "Big, bad news" about something-Trump surfaces, and the next day, if it even takes that long, Trump posts a chimeric tweet. I wish a bookie somewhere was giving odds on what he'll say and how long it'll take him to say it.

Trump could always preemptively pardon him.

His supporters wouldn't give a shit.
Here is what Flynn thinks about situations like these:

"If you are asking for immunity you are probably guilty."
I would add "of something about which one is willing to speak" to your/Flynn's statement. I could be wrong, and I know that, but I know if I were offering to discuss things of the nature Flynn is, I'd ask for immunity regardless of my beliefs about the lawfulness or lawlessness of my actions.

I'd certainly ask for immunity before I -- for whatever reason -- opted instead to risk "falling on my sword" and share what I know. It may well be that "doing the right thing" ultimately calls me to sacrifice myself, but doing so isn't the course of action I'd first pursue.
....Trump will very soon say/tweet something completely outlandish, something that defies all reason, and calls for even more willing suspension of disbelief that everything he's thus said.

I haven't any idea what it'll be, but the pattern is so pellucidly trenchant it's almost droll. "Big, bad news" about something-Trump surfaces, and the next day, if it even takes that long, Trump posts a chimeric tweet. I wish a bookie somewhere was giving odds on what he'll say and how long it'll take him to say it.

Trump could always preemptively pardon him.

His supporters wouldn't give a shit.

His supporters wouldn't give a shit.

Sad but true.

I doubt Trump would preemptively pardon Flynn...He's the one who has the most to lose. What would be the point of that? It certainly doesn't stop Flynn from talking. Indeed, it gives him the ultimate and every reason to do so. Why not talk when one can suffer no criminal consequence for doing so?

Since Trump's the President and the progressives want his butt so much... If found guilty of something I wonder if he can get immunity for releasing all the information he has access to the people he works for.



I bet there's decades worth of information that can be released at the simple touch of a key on the keyboard.
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70 days in and we're talking about IMMUNITY already.
This has to be the DEPLORABLES worst night mare.
This is like the final days of the Nixon Administration but happening in the early days the pussy grabber's administration.
I predicted there would be massive incompetence, mounting failures and crazy shit happening. But never in my wildest dreams did I imagine the train running off the rails this quickly.
Shows how stupid Trump really is that he thought he'd get away scot free with his Russian connections.
Sure he knew he could sucker his base... but there are real professionals investigating, especially the Senate Intelligence Committee that will make sure no stone is unturned.
The fat fuck has to be sweating bullets in his lonely ivory tower.
His attorneys statement. He wants assurance that this witch hunt does not plan on prosecuting him. What every attorney would want, with the viciousness that has occurred over something Clintons team was even doing.
Here is what Flynn thinks about situations like these:

"If you are asking for immunity you are probably guilty."

I'm just quoting Flynn for you.

"When you are given immunity you've probably committed a crime"

Michael Flynn Full Interview: Trump is Opening 'Huge' Lead

Just like Sham Hannity when he said," It would be a constitutional crisis if the president was under an FBI investigation."
The Trump whores applauded wildly when he said that about Hillary.
They're not applauding anymore.
The first thing that should happen is for Trump's security clearance to be revoked.
I think it's a bit premature for that. I don't care for Trump, but the man has to be found having run afoul of something, or at least very plausibly so, before talk of revoking his security clearance -- which essentially means impeaching and convicting him -- is broached.
The first thing that should happen is for Trump's security clearance to be revoked.
I think it's a bit premature for that. I don't care for Trump, but the man has to be found having run afoul of something, or at least very plausibly so, before talk of revoking his security clearance -- which essentially means impeaching and convicting him -- is broached.
Fair enough. Maybe the third or fourth thing to happen then.
The irony of all of the Trumpsters attacks against Clinton coming back to haunt them:

This is what Trump said about 'immunity'- when it came to Clinton
Quoting Trump:
"The reason they get immunity is because they did something wrong, if they didn’t do anything wrong, they don’t think in terms of immunity," he said at a rally in Wisconsin last September.

At another rally in Florida the day before, Trump asked, "If you are not guilty of a crime, what do you need immunity for? Right."

He tweeted at Clinton in October, "ATTN: @HillaryClinton - Why did five of your staffers need FBI IMMUNITY?!

Then of course we have what Michael Flynn himself said:

For his part, Flynn told NBC's "Meet the Press" in September of the aides involved in the Clinton probe, “When you are given immunity, that means you probably committed a crime.”

Trump, Flynn once criticized Clinton aides for seeking immunity

So were Flynn and Trump lying then- or are they lying now?


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