What I learned from "Star Talk with Neil deGrasse Tyson"


Gold Member
Nov 28, 2012
What I learned from "Star Talk with Nei deGrasse Tyson", from the world-famous astrophysicist and comedian, on climate change:

We've doubled the CO2 levels in less than 200 years- 100x faster than by nature.

1 degree celsius would power hundreds more hurricanes, floods, tornados, and blizzards every year.

The mayors of citeis around the world... have been getting together and forming networks and signing on pacts with each other to set targets and timetables for greenhouse gas emissions.

The temperature might go up 1 to 5 degrees in a hundred years, and there is still a lot of debate about how long it would take to reach the tipping point... I don't think we need to go drastic right away.

Pope Francis worked as a chemical technician.

Even if we depleted all our non-renewable resources we still don't know if it would turn out like Venus, but we would push earth easily beyond the point where we could live.

Conclusion: I personally am somewhat relieved and not as scared about it than I was before.
What I learned from "Star Talk with Nei deGrasse Tyson", from the world-famous astrophysicist and comedian, on climate change:

We've doubled the CO2 levels in less than 200 years- 100x faster than by nature.

1 degree celsius would power hundreds more hurricanes, floods, tornados, and blizzards every year.

The mayors of citeis around the world... have been getting together and forming networks and signing on pacts with each other to set targets and timetables for greenhouse gas emissions.

The temperature might go up 1 to 5 degrees in a hundred years, and there is still a lot of debate about how long it would take to reach the tipping point... I don't think we need to go drastic right away.

Pope Francis worked as a chemical technician.

Even if we depleted all our non-renewable resources we still don't know if it would turn out like Venus, but we would push earth easily beyond the point where we could live.

Conclusion: I personally am somewhat relieved and not as scared about it than I was before.
We will run out of water and food before we burn up. But then, we can fix shortages with wars.
What I learned from "Star Talk with Nei deGrasse Tyson", from the world-famous astrophysicist and comedian, on climate change:

We've doubled the CO2 levels in less than 200 years- 100x faster than by nature.

1 degree celsius would power hundreds more hurricanes, floods, tornados, and blizzards every year.

The mayors of citeis around the world... have been getting together and forming networks and signing on pacts with each other to set targets and timetables for greenhouse gas emissions.

The temperature might go up 1 to 5 degrees in a hundred years, and there is still a lot of debate about how long it would take to reach the tipping point... I don't think we need to go drastic right away.

Pope Francis worked as a chemical technician.

Even if we depleted all our non-renewable resources we still don't know if it would turn out like Venus, but we would push earth easily beyond the point where we could live.

Conclusion: I personally am somewhat relieved and not as scared about it than I was before.
HE is full of shit... There are many instances of CO2 rise faster than our current rise in the short term geological history, our current interglacial and previous ones in the last 650 thousand years for instance.

The spinning desperation from the left is stunning...


Changes in past atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations can be determined by measuring the composition of air trapped in ice cores from Antarctica. So far, the Antarctic Vostok and EPICA Dome C ice cores have provided a composite record of atmospheric carbon dioxide levels over the past 650,000 years. Here we present results of the lowest 200 m of the Dome C ice core, extending the record of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration by two complete glacial cycles to 800,000 yr before present. From previously published data and the present work, we find that atmospheric carbon dioxide is strongly correlated with Antarctic temperature throughout eight glacial cycles but with significantly lower concentrations between 650,000 and 750,000 yr before present. Carbon dioxide levels are below 180 parts per million by volume (p.p.m.v.) for a period of 3,000 yr during Marine Isotope Stage 16, possibly reflecting more pronounced oceanic carbon storage. We report the lowest carbon dioxide concentration measured in an ice core, which extends the pre-industrial range of carbon dioxide concentrations during the late Quaternary by about 10 p.p.m.v. to 172-300 p.p.m.v."

100x faster than by nature hmm...
and why should I trust you?
Because I just gave you empirically observed evidence by real scientists that disproves the hyperbole being propagated by liars.
It didn't even look in the graphs like it moved up that fast, and the reason I'm asking why I should trust you is you haven't told me how often it goes 200x faster than normal.
I don't trust you because you've lied to me before Billy Bob. It's like crying wolf.
100x faster than by nature hmm...
and why should I trust you?
Because I just gave you empirically observed evidence by real scientists that disproves the hyperbole being propagated by liars.
It didn't even look in the graphs like it moved up that fast, and the reason I'm asking why I should trust you is you haven't told me how often it goes 200x faster than normal.
The report shows that these perturbations, far faster than today, come and go FOLLOWING TEMPERATURE CHANGE. They are spouting that man is making this change, without evidence, as we have been warming naturally for 250 years from the LIA (Little Ice Age) even before the industrial age. How much can you actually say is caused by man? We don't even know the answer to that question at this point, becasue all modeling fails without exception. When you can't model the system correctly, it tells us we do not have sufficient understanding of the system.
OK I don't want to talk to you anymore Billy Bod until you get a spine and tell me how often 200x the usual rate of CO2 increase happens.
So what does the lab work show?

If we double CO2 from 280 to 560 PPM does the temperature double, go up 10%, 1F, anything at all?
100x faster than by nature hmm...
and why should I trust you?
Because I just gave you empirically observed evidence by real scientists that disproves the hyperbole being propagated by liars.
It didn't even look in the graphs like it moved up that fast, and the reason I'm asking why I should trust you is you haven't told me how often it goes 200x faster than normal.

What happened to 100x?
100x faster than by nature hmm...
and why should I trust you?

How do you know it's 100 x faster than by nature?
From the book,

"On Earth, levels of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide change naturally over many thousands of years. Humans, though, have managed to double the carbon dioxide level in less than two centuries-a hundred times faster than it would happen in nature without humanity's help."
100x faster than by nature hmm...
and why should I trust you?

How do you know it's 100 x faster than by nature?
From the book,

"On Earth, levels of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide change naturally over many thousands of years. Humans, though, have managed to double the carbon dioxide level in less than two centuries-a hundred times faster than it would happen in nature without humanity's help."

I just showed you physical evidence that this is a lie, yet you persist... That is the mark of someone who is a useful idiot.
100x faster than by nature hmm...
and why should I trust you?

How do you know it's 100 x faster than by nature?
From the book,

"On Earth, levels of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide change naturally over many thousands of years. Humans, though, have managed to double the carbon dioxide level in less than two centuries-a hundred times faster than it would happen in nature without humanity's help."

From the book eh....?:auiqs.jpg::eusa_pray:
OK when I get 5 posts for some topic that was supposed to be normal and nobody answers my reasonable question and I get accused of being a liberal,

it's time to say goodbye again to this stupid forum.

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