What if Donald Trump is removed from office??

The fact that Jeff Sessions, Rob Rosenstein, Robert Mueller and a number of Mueller's prosecutors are registered Republicans and appointed by Republicans, most Trump supporters are still convinced this entire Russia probe is all the work of "Angry Democrats" and the whole thing is a partisan witch hunt, this despite a number of felony guilty pleas and convictions after only 14 months of investigations. So....With Robert Mueller's investigation closing in on Donald Trump (not to mention the southern district of NY and the State of NY) what will Trump supporters do if Donald Trump is convicted of the crimes he is suspected of (conspiracy, financial crimes, and obstruction of justice) and removed from office? Riots? Violence? or simply continued legal action?

Frankly I don't think Trump supporters understand how very real this possibility is, this despite being shielded in part by congressional Republicans. Maybe it's time for Trump supporters to think on this...hard. :bye1:

It's very difficult for some to admit that they supported and voted for the Russian Manchurian candidate. They're biggest problem today, is they're still watching state run media--(aka the Trump media network--FOX NEWS.) They haven't heard the truth now for over 2 years, and they believe they're watching the "cough cough" truth tellers of all time--:auiqs.jpg: FOX NEWS and right wing web sites are going to cover for Trump. After all they're the ones that promoted him throughout the campaign season, while ignoring all 16 other GOP candidates.

But if Trump supporters want to clear the FOG--it's right here. Here they can read one article that was confirmed under sworn testimony by James Clapper over a year ago, watch 2 FOX NEWS video's and another video of Trump admitting to Obstruction on National T.V. Click this link to redirect to another post on this board.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election


Do Trump supporters believe this? Oh heck yeah they do, but it's just because they are wholly misinformed,, or grossly underinformed.

The probabilty of Trump being removed from office? This November mid term election cycle will determine that.

Republicans retain both houses of congress--possibility of impeachment = ZERO
Democrats win one or both houses of congress--probability of impeachment = !00%
Republicans warn Trump could be impeached if Democrats win the midterm elections

Riots in the street? Possibly from the white supremacists & Neo Nazi's that are entrenched in Trump's base.
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To answer the OP question: If Trump is removed, then all of that butt hurt salve and late nights crying will not have been in vain. YOU WIN YAY! Say hello to your new President.......
President Trump isn't going nowhere.

The people like the booming Trump economy, they don't want to go back to Obamunistic Malaise.

I really don't care what Mueller says in his report, Congress isn't going to tell millions of people their votes don't matter , and forget America returning to greatness.

Its fantasyland to suggest that Donald J Trump is going to go anywhere.

One quick question....

When you say "I really don't care what Mueller says in his report", is it because you are happy with the economy or is it because you won't trust what is in the report; be it no findings or very serious findings?
The fact that Jeff Sessions, Rob Rosenstein, Robert Mueller and a number of Mueller's prosecutors are registered Republicans and appointed by Republicans, most Trump supporters are still convinced this entire Russia probe is all the work of "Angry Democrats" and the whole thing is a partisan witch hunt, this despite a number of felony guilty pleas and convictions after only 14 months of investigations. So....With Robert Mueller's investigation closing in on Donald Trump (not to mention the southern district of NY and the State of NY) what will Trump supporters do if Donald Trump is convicted of the crimes he is suspected of (conspiracy, financial crimes, and obstruction of justice) and removed from office? Riots? Violence? or simply continued legal action?

Frankly I don't think Trump supporters understand how very real this possibility is, this despite being shielded in part by congressional Republicans. Maybe it's time for Trump supporters to think on this...hard. :bye1:
Dumb poster. Sucked in by the machine.

Which congressional Republicans are you supporting?
IF they can find hard evidence of a crime or crimes.....then of course the law should be carried out

and the same for anyone else.....including Comey, Clinton(s), and all those involved with the mishandling of previous Clinton *investigations*
The fact that Jeff Sessions, Rob Rosenstein, Robert Mueller and a number of Mueller's prosecutors are registered Republicans and appointed by Republicans, most Trump supporters are still convinced this entire Russia probe is all the work of "Angry Democrats" and the whole thing is a partisan witch hunt...

The old republican-democrat partisan bull$hit doesn't really apply anymore these days, the Mueller inquisition isn't the work of "angry democrats", it's the work of the angry bi-partisan deep state
..Frankly I don't think Trump supporters understand how very real this possibility is...

But the possibility of removing Trump from the oval office isn't real, the deep state just wants to sabotage the orange agenda and divert attention from the corruption of the FBI/CIA/DNC and their attempts to get the psycho princess her rightful crown. Indicting a pretzeldent would set a very bad precedent, even if it's an insane orange clown and the deep state does't want to destroy the system, they just want to go back to business as usual...

removing Goldilocks from office will end up just like his damn wall - it'll never happen.

meanwhile, he can kiss my Texas butt.
removing Goldilocks from office will end up just like his damn wall - it'll never happen.

meanwhile, he can kiss my Texas butt.
Such hurt.............A butt in Texas is a terrible thing to Hurt..........

This I can assure you all of. In about six years after President Trump moves out of the White house he won't be caught stealing the fucking sterling silver sets and furniture like the Clintons were.
Trump will be re-elected for a second term. :)

Not with an average approval rating to date of 39%. Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania are not going to vote for Trump again. States that did not vote for Trump in 2016 are certainly not going to vote for him in 2020. There for, Trump loses!
Trump will likely be impeached but not removed from office. You need 2/3s of the Senate to remove him from office. I think the Democrats will fall just short of of the Republican Senators they need to remove him from office. Trump will either not run for re-election or will lose the 2020 election, possibly by a landslide.
Trump will be re-elected for a second term. :)

Not with an average approval rating to date of 39%. Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania are not going to vote for Trump again. States that did not vote for Trump in 2016 are certainly not going to vote for him in 2020. There for, Trump loses!

Yeah OK, and Hillary in a landslide!!!

Trump won Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania by very tiny margins in 2016. What makes you think Trump would have even a remote chance of winning those states in 2020 given that he is less popular now than in 2016? Trump can't get re-elected without those 3 states.
Trump will be re-elected for a second term. :)

Not with an average approval rating to date of 39%. Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania are not going to vote for Trump again. States that did not vote for Trump in 2016 are certainly not going to vote for him in 2020. There for, Trump loses!

Yeah OK, and Hillary in a landslide!!!

Trump won Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania by very tiny margins in 2016. What makes you think Trump would have even a remote chance of winning those states in 2020 given that he is less popular now than in 2016? Trump can't get re-elected without those 3 states.

yup, voters will remove his sorry ass ......
Trump will be re-elected for a second term. :)

Not with an average approval rating to date of 39%. Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania are not going to vote for Trump again. States that did not vote for Trump in 2016 are certainly not going to vote for him in 2020. There for, Trump loses!

Yeah OK, and Hillary in a landslide!!!

Trump won Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania by very tiny margins in 2016. What makes you think Trump would have even a remote chance of winning those states in 2020 given that he is less popular now than in 2016? Trump can't get re-elected without those 3 states.

Why wouldn't he? Because he's attacked by the crazies on the left 24/7/365?


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