What if NO ONE voted?

What do you think the MSM would do, if NO ONE showed up to cast a vote in the next general election?

Would CNN and its clones report the standard 42% support for the liberal candidate, and split the 58% conservative vote among two or more candidates, so that the liberal obviously wins?

Would they be HONEST and say that the poling places all across America are ghost towns?

Would Congress and the Senate continue to do as they please without the slightest concern for the citizens they represent?

Wow, what a silly question!

It's true that the election returns never represent the true sentiment of the American people because a HUGE percentage don't vote. That's not covered much by anyone.

If 3 people voted in the entire country, the candidate that got 2 votes would declare a mandate!

In the Soviet Union they only had 1 candidate, BUT they had a 'NYET' option for people who objected to that candidate.

We should have a 'NYET' option in this country....

Except that the political elites sure wouldn't like the results!
What do you think the MSM would do, if NO ONE showed up to cast a vote in the next general election?

Would CNN and its clones report the standard 42% support for the liberal candidate, and split the 58% conservative vote among two or more candidates, so that the liberal obviously wins?

Would they be HONEST and say that the poling places all across America are ghost towns?

Would Congress and the Senate continue to do as they please without the slightest concern for the citizens they represent?
I encourage everyone to boycott all elections. Since I'll vote, I'll get to pick the gov't and this country would be a much better place.
The EC is the only thing that has saved this country thus far. Without it, we would get what the Hillarybitch wants, and CommieFornia and the East coast bastions of Liberalism would decide ALL elections.

And tramp wanted to get rid of it, at one time, now he loves it. Go figure.

Wild bill wanted to get rid of term limits.

Clinton wants third term in office
Wow! Clever! The Guardian does NOT quote Bubba as making a statement that he wants to get rid of term limits for the Presidency. It quotes him as saying he probably would run again, in the form of an answer, which is a strong indication he was asked a question about the subject by Rolling Stone and replied.

The whole premise of this December 2000 article is a sham, a twist into a statement as opposed to an answer to a question someone else brought up.

Puck was right..."What fools these mortals be!"

No sham. Wild bill wanted a third term.
Reagan wanted a third term as well.

His Alzheimer's would have been in full bloom by then. And he STILL would have been a better President than Trump or Obama or Dubya.

Even if we prop up his dead corpse and elect him, he'd be better than Trump.
The EC is the only thing that has saved this country thus far. Without it, we would get what the Hillarybitch wants, and CommieFornia and the East coast bastions of Liberalism would decide ALL elections.

And tramp wanted to get rid of it, at one time, now he loves it. Go figure.

Wild bill wanted to get rid of term limits.

Clinton wants third term in office
Wow! Clever! The Guardian does NOT quote Bubba as making a statement that he wants to get rid of term limits for the Presidency. It quotes him as saying he probably would run again, in the form of an answer, which is a strong indication he was asked a question about the subject by Rolling Stone and replied.

The whole premise of this December 2000 article is a sham, a twist into a statement as opposed to an answer to a question someone else brought up.

Puck was right..."What fools these mortals be!"

No sham. Wild bill wanted a third term.
Reagan wanted a third term as well.

His Alzheimer's would have been in full bloom by then. And he STILL would have been a better President than Trump or Obama or Dubya.

They all do. Theyre all egotistical miscreants.
What do you think the MSM would do, if NO ONE showed up to cast a vote in the next general election?

Would CNN and its clones report the standard 42% support for the liberal candidate, and split the 58% conservative vote among two or more candidates, so that the liberal obviously wins?

Would they be HONEST and say that the poling places all across America are ghost towns?

Would Congress and the Senate continue to do as they please without the slightest concern for the citizens they represent?

Wow, what a silly question!

It's true that the election returns never represent the true sentiment of the American people because a HUGE percentage don't vote. That's not covered much by anyone.

If 3 people voted in the entire country, the candidate that got 2 votes would declare a mandate!

In the Soviet Union they only had 1 candidate, BUT they had a 'NYET' option for people who objected to that candidate.

We should have a 'NYET' option in this country....

Except that the political elites sure wouldn't like the results!
Our elections are decided in the primaries, and primaries have a lower turnout than the general.

Crazy people and hack partisans have more energy than most people and they show up way out of proportion to vote in primaries. That's why we end up with turds like Clinton and Trump to choose from. Because only real whackjobs would choose those two over the far better candidates who were in the running.

We get the politicians we deserve.
Great Idea. The OP and all his friends, if he has any should just stay home.

Be careful what you wish for!

If ALL conservatives stayed home, it would be SO EASY to identify the liberals who slither among us at our feet. In fact, it would probably be quite dangerous to walk into a polling place where ONLY liberals vote, because you wouldn't be able to hide behind voter anonymity as you do now. I suspect there couldn't be an easier way to weed out the traitors among us.

What you gonna do from behind that keyboard fat boy?
I love how liberals try to raise themselves up by insulting others. Here, we have a personality named 'Bulldog.' this could be a male or a female, or a male who thinks he is a female, or a male who wants to be a female, or a female who formerly WAS a male. It could also be the reverse of any of those possibilities. This person could be an old truck driver, or some prepubescent teenager who likes to pretend it has a grasp on reality and a clear understanding of how the world works. It could be some skinny guy with a man bun and a thin scruffy beard sitting in his mother's basement in his Sponge Bob full body jammies with the plastic feet sewn in, or it might even be someone who is bedridden due to some horrible disease or illness, and this forum allows 'Bulldog' to come here and bark.

Whatever is behind this alias, I think it is fair to say that on anonymous social platforms such as this one, people can let their hair down, unbuckle their belts, and release the stresses in their miserable lives vicariously through anonymous alias identities without much concern for real consequences.

Like so many others on these public forums, it doesn't take long to detect a serious lack of reading comprehension skills that any particular user may have. It is a sure sign of a person who came through the public indoctrination system, and was handed a diploma or a G.E.D. Certificate and sent out to tackle life.

I write:

Be careful what you wish for!

If ALL conservatives stayed home, it would be SO EASY to identify the liberals who slither among us at our feet. In fact, it would probably be quite dangerous to walk into a polling place where ONLY liberals vote, because you wouldn't be able to hide behind voter anonymity as you do now. I suspect there couldn't be an easier way to weed out the traitors among us.

and he / she / it responds,

What you gonna do from behind that keyboard fat boy?

Outside of the obvious need to feel superior to me by tossing out the label "fat boy" without ANY knowledge of my stature, 'Bulldog' fails miserably at being able to read simple sentences and understand the message that was conveyed.

NOWHERE in my comment can any intelligent person honestly find ANY indication on my part that I intend to take any action, or perform any public service to the community by ferreting out liberals in a scenario where ONLY liberals show up at the polls. I merely pointed out the obvious advantage such a voting stunt would give to those who are less than fond of liberals.

Now we all KNOW that liberals employ this tactic. You Tube is replete with videos of "ANTIFA" pussies attacking citizens who wear MAGA hats or anything that indicates they might have a different opinion about ... virtually anything. The physical attacks are no different than 'Bulldog's' comment above. He / She / It had a little fun knocking the virtual MAGA hat off of my head, and pouring water down my back.

So now you think I am a "fat boy." Do you feel better now, punkin?

Rather than some INTELLIGENT response, you default to throwing mud at me from the other side of the sandbox. VERY predictable, ineffective, and immature.
I love how liberals try to raise themselves up by insulting others. Here, we have a personality named 'Bulldog.' this could be a male or a female, or a male who thinks he is a female, or a male who wants to be a female, or a female who formerly WAS a male. It could also be the reverse of any of those possibilities. This person could be an old truck driver, or some prepubescent teenager who likes to pretend it has a grasp on reality and a clear understanding of how the world works. It could be some skinny guy with a man bun and a thin scruffy beard sitting in his mother's basement in his Sponge Bob full body jammies with the plastic feet sewn in, or it might even be someone who is bedridden due to some horrible disease or illness, and this forum allows 'Bulldog' to come here and bark.

Whatever is behind this alias, I think it is fair to say that on anonymous social platforms such as this one, people can let their hair down, unbuckle their belts, and release the stresses in their miserable lives vicariously through anonymous alias identities without much concern for real consequences.

Like so many others on these public forums, it doesn't take long to detect a serious lack of reading comprehension skills that any particular user may have. It is a sure sign of a person who came through the public indoctrination system, and was handed a diploma or a G.E.D. Certificate and sent out to tackle life.

I write:

Be careful what you wish for!

If ALL conservatives stayed home, it would be SO EASY to identify the liberals who slither among us at our feet. In fact, it would probably be quite dangerous to walk into a polling place where ONLY liberals vote, because you wouldn't be able to hide behind voter anonymity as you do now. I suspect there couldn't be an easier way to weed out the traitors among us.

and he / she / it responds,

What you gonna do from behind that keyboard fat boy?

Outside of the obvious need to feel superior to me by tossing out the label "fat boy" without ANY knowledge of my stature, 'Bulldog' fails miserably at being able to read simple sentences and understand the message that was conveyed.

NOWHERE in my comment can any intelligent person honestly find ANY indication on my part that I intend to take any action, or perform any public service to the community by ferreting out liberals in a scenario where ONLY liberals show up at the polls. I merely pointed out the obvious advantage such a voting stunt would give to those who are less than fond of liberals.

Now we all KNOW that liberals employ this tactic. You Tube is replete with videos of "ANTIFA" pussies attacking citizens who wear MAGA hats or anything that indicates they might have a different opinion about ... virtually anything. The physical attacks are no different than 'Bulldog's' comment above. He / She / It had a little fun knocking the virtual MAGA hat off of my head, and pouring water down my back.

So now you think I am a "fat boy." Do you feel better now, punkin?

Rather than some INTELLIGENT response, you default to throwing mud at me from the other side of the sandbox. VERY predictable, ineffective, and immature.

I'm honored and humbled by such a loquacious depiction given of me by a person who is regularly impressed by such eloquent prose as "Puppet? No Puppet! You're the Puppet!". Someone should set such moving words to music.
What do you think the MSM would do, if NO ONE showed up to cast a vote in the next general election?

Would CNN and its clones report the standard 42% support for the liberal candidate, and split the 58% conservative vote among two or more candidates, so that the liberal obviously wins?

Would they be HONEST and say that the poling places all across America are ghost towns?

Would Congress and the Senate continue to do as they please without the slightest concern for the citizens they represent?

Wow, what a silly question!

It's true that the election returns never represent the true sentiment of the American people because a HUGE percentage don't vote. That's not covered much by anyone.

If 3 people voted in the entire country, the candidate that got 2 votes would declare a mandate!

In the Soviet Union they only had 1 candidate, BUT they had a 'NYET' option for people who objected to that candidate.

We should have a 'NYET' option in this country....

Except that the political elites sure wouldn't like the results!
Our elections are decided in the primaries, and primaries have a lower turnout than the general.

Crazy people and hack partisans have more energy than most people and they show up way out of proportion to vote in primaries. That's why we end up with turds like Clinton and Trump to choose from. Because only real whackjobs would choose those two over the far better candidates who were in the running.

We get the politicians we deserve.

That's implying that the candidate selection process is somehow controlled by whoever commandeers the primary puppet show. That's just not accurate.

I distinctly recall watching Hawaii primary early returns last round and seeing where Hillary already had delegates before votes were counted. That's an illustration that political parties will simply pick whoever they want, primaries or no primaries. Ask Teddy Roosevelt how he was swept into the Republican candidacy in 1912.
What do you think the MSM would do, if NO ONE showed up to cast a vote in the next general election?

Would CNN and its clones report the standard 42% support for the liberal candidate, and split the 58% conservative vote among two or more candidates, so that the liberal obviously wins?

Would they be HONEST and say that the poling places all across America are ghost towns?

Would Congress and the Senate continue to do as they please without the slightest concern for the citizens they represent?

Wow, what a silly question!

It's true that the election returns never represent the true sentiment of the American people because a HUGE percentage don't vote. That's not covered much by anyone.

If 3 people voted in the entire country, the candidate that got 2 votes would declare a mandate!

In the Soviet Union they only had 1 candidate, BUT they had a 'NYET' option for people who objected to that candidate.

We should have a 'NYET' option in this country....

Except that the political elites sure wouldn't like the results!
Our elections are decided in the primaries, and primaries have a lower turnout than the general.

Crazy people and hack partisans have more energy than most people and they show up way out of proportion to vote in primaries. That's why we end up with turds like Clinton and Trump to choose from. Because only real whackjobs would choose those two over the far better candidates who were in the running.

We get the politicians we deserve.

That's implying that the candidate selection process is somehow controlled by whoever commandeers the primary puppet show. That's just not accurate.

I distinctly recall watching Hawaii primary early returns last round and seeing where Hillary already had delegates before votes were counted. That's an illustration that political parties will simply pick whoever they want, primaries or no primaries. Ask Teddy Roosevelt how he was swept into the Republican candidacy in 1912.
Those prelimary delegates Hillary had were superdelegates. She cultivated them. Any politician can go out and cultivate them. Hillary was better at it.

Both parties have superdelegates, not just the Democrats.

But even with superdelegates, if the American people decided they wanted a sane, clean candidate, there would be nothing the party bosses could do to stop them.

However, this forum is a massive database of evidence that the American people line up to be lied to. They BEG to be lied to. They don't know the truth when it is bitch slapping them in their mouth breathing faces.

So long as this is the case, we will never have honest government.

We get the politicians we deserve. It's our own fault, no one else.

That's another thing. We like to blame "those guys" for our problems, when the cause of most of our problems is looking back at us in the mirror.
What do you think the MSM would do, if NO ONE showed up to cast a vote in the next general election?

Would CNN and its clones report the standard 42% support for the liberal candidate, and split the 58% conservative vote among two or more candidates, so that the liberal obviously wins?

Would they be HONEST and say that the poling places all across America are ghost towns?

Would Congress and the Senate continue to do as they please without the slightest concern for the citizens they represent?

Wow, what a silly question!

It's true that the election returns never represent the true sentiment of the American people because a HUGE percentage don't vote. That's not covered much by anyone.

If 3 people voted in the entire country, the candidate that got 2 votes would declare a mandate!

In the Soviet Union they only had 1 candidate, BUT they had a 'NYET' option for people who objected to that candidate.

We should have a 'NYET' option in this country....

Except that the political elites sure wouldn't like the results!
Our elections are decided in the primaries, and primaries have a lower turnout than the general.

Crazy people and hack partisans have more energy than most people and they show up way out of proportion to vote in primaries. That's why we end up with turds like Clinton and Trump to choose from. Because only real whackjobs would choose those two over the far better candidates who were in the running.

We get the politicians we deserve.

That's implying that the candidate selection process is somehow controlled by whoever commandeers the primary puppet show. That's just not accurate.

I distinctly recall watching Hawaii primary early returns last round and seeing where Hillary already had delegates before votes were counted. That's an illustration that political parties will simply pick whoever they want, primaries or no primaries. Ask Teddy Roosevelt how he was swept into the Republican candidacy in 1912.
Those prelimary delegates Hillary had were superdelegates. She cultivated them. Any politician can go out and cultivate them. Hillary was better at it.

Both parties have superdelegates, not just the Democrats.

But even with superdelegates, if the American people decided they wanted a sane, clean candidate, there would be nothing the party bosses could do to stop them.

However, this forum is a massive database of evidence that the American people line up to be lied to. They BEG to be lied to. They don't know the truth when it is bitch slapping them in their mouth breathing faces.

So long as this is the case, we will never have honest government.

We get the politicians we deserve. It's our own fault, no one else.

That's another thing. We like to blame "those guys" for our problems, when the cause of most of our problems is looking back at us in the mirror.

We arrive at the same conclusion but the first part of your post just reaffirms what I already noted -- that the whole "primary" song and dance is bread and circus for the unwashed impotent. Ergo I don't think of that system as an "us" unless we're an actual part of it. And a primary election is not being a part of it. It's just dancing puppets.

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