What if Obama is exploiting the shooting for political gain?

I love seeing cons try to defend nut jobs having guns. No gun control makes such interesting evening news for them. Columbine massacre, Sandy Hook elementary massacre, Aurora theater massacre, South Carolina church massacre.

Here's a whole list of school shootings for you guys, have fun.

List of school shootings in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

All Obama has to do is enforce the laws already on the books (see link above for reference), and if he can't, then admit that criminals just like to break the law..... (That's why they're known as criminals!!!)....

Really, why do you think that laws (other than the ones that put violent felons that use guns away for an extended period of time), will work???? CRIMINALS DON'T FOLLOW THE LAWS!!!!!
I love seeing cons try to defend nut jobs having guns. No gun control makes such interesting evening news for them. Columbine massacre, Sandy Hook elementary massacre, Aurora theater massacre, South Carolina church massacre.

Here's a whole list of school shootings for you guys, have fun.

List of school shootings in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

All Obama has to do is enforce the laws already on the books (see link above for reference), and if he can't, then admit that criminals just like to break the law..... (That's why they're known as criminals!!!)....

Really, why do you think that laws (other than the ones that put violent felons that use guns away for an extended period of time), will work???? CRIMINALS DON'T FOLLOW THE LAWS!!!!!
Here's a clue....none of the perps were criminals until they did their massacres. If nut jobs couldn't go to any gun show and buy assault weapons, it wouldn't be so easy to do their crimes. If it wasn't so easy to go to Wal Mart and buy thousands of bullets, it wouldn't be so easy. If it was impossible to buy 30 round clips, or even 8 round clips, they'd have to reload a lot more. Logic isn't that hard if you're not a nut job.
I love seeing cons try to defend nut jobs having guns. No gun control makes such interesting evening news for them. Columbine massacre, Sandy Hook elementary massacre, Aurora theater massacre, South Carolina church massacre.

Here's a whole list of school shootings for you guys, have fun.

List of school shootings in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

All Obama has to do is enforce the laws already on the books (see link above for reference), and if he can't, then admit that criminals just like to break the law..... (That's why they're known as criminals!!!)....

Really, why do you think that laws (other than the ones that put violent felons that use guns away for an extended period of time), will work???? CRIMINALS DON'T FOLLOW THE LAWS!!!!!
Here's a clue....none of the perps were criminals until they did their massacres. If nut jobs couldn't go to any gun show and buy assault weapons, it wouldn't be so easy to do their crimes. If it wasn't so easy to go to Wal Mart and buy thousands of bullets, it wouldn't be so easy. If it was impossible to buy 30 round clips, or even 8 round clips, they'd have to reload a lot more. Logic isn't that hard if you're not a nut job.
Got you on the last example....

Roof already had a felony drug charge against him, and was ineligible to own a gun.....

Also, perps frequently have a mental health history, also disqualifying them from owning a gun under US law.... That law should be used too.....
I really don't think this is true because we know every single democrat genuinely cares when they say they care but what if Obama was exploiting the charleston shooting in order to advance a political agenda? It is so far from the realm of reality that he doesn't care about the victims aside from the fact this provides ammunition for every anti gun campaign in the world but consider the possibility that he doesn't. Wouldn't he be campaigning for gun control and his followers would be doing the same thing. Do we see any of that? Of course not. Obama cares...his tears are real....he loves us....
What do you mean "what if?"
There's not been a mass shooting that's NOT been used by the left as an excuse to push for more gun control.
I love seeing cons try to defend nut jobs having guns. No gun control makes such interesting evening news for them. Columbine massacre, Sandy Hook elementary massacre, Aurora theater massacre, South Carolina church massacre.

Here's a whole list of school shootings for you guys, have fun.

List of school shootings in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

All Obama has to do is enforce the laws already on the books (see link above for reference), and if he can't, then admit that criminals just like to break the law..... (That's why they're known as criminals!!!)....

Really, why do you think that laws (other than the ones that put violent felons that use guns away for an extended period of time), will work???? CRIMINALS DON'T FOLLOW THE LAWS!!!!!
Here's a clue....none of the perps were criminals until they did their massacres. If nut jobs couldn't go to any gun show and buy assault weapons, it wouldn't be so easy to do their crimes. If it wasn't so easy to go to Wal Mart and buy thousands of bullets, it wouldn't be so easy. If it was impossible to buy 30 round clips, or even 8 round clips, they'd have to reload a lot more. Logic isn't that hard if you're not a nut job.
Because a few people misuse the right to arms, we must treat everyone as if they will?
That makes sense to you?
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Hmm, below is from a post that I posted on Friday:
"I'll make a prediction, the NRA will produce another "they want your guns" campaign like they do after every mass killing, then a record number of guns will be sold. They do this every time and the gun manufactures love this and no one can have too many guns. Right? Mass murders are great business for gun manufactures, it's like Christmas for them."
I can see my prediction is starting to become true. The gun nuts are starting to panic. Gun manufacturers are running double shifts to make more guns after the NRA starting using the fear tool to generate another record run on guns.View attachment 42932

I don't need the NRA to do my thinking for me. so you can predict whatever you freaking feel like. And bury your head in the sand too you think you have all the answers

Shit Steph, you're a walking talking points echo chamber. My question, do you ever think for yourself? :confused-84:

I question if you ever do. Of just follow blindly what you are told

Steph, you ignorant slut, I do not follow anyone. My posts on this board attack the GOP and Dems and I have been that way since I joined USMB. Of late it's been more the GOP because they are fucking nuts, but I don't excuse Obama either, he sucks as prez.
On the other hand, you couldn't think out the tiny little box you live your life in because that would force you to think for yourself. Like I said, you are a walking talking points echo chamber who walks through life easily manipulated.

yes you do, she how you had to resort to vulgarity when it's pointed out that you do.
You have all the left talking points down to tee. and you think you don't live in a box. I'm sixty years old and you and no one else can manipulate me. but think whatever the hell you want if it makes you feel big and bad and above everyone.

Well, you posted two lies.
One, you sure the hell repeated far right wing talking points.
Two, I sure the hell have been critical the the Dems and Obama, all you have to do is check posts of mine. But you won't because you are too lazy.
I'll help you out. I have been against Obamacare from Day 1. Even though I doubt the Keystone Pipeline will provide all the jobs that are claimed it'll create, I'm for letting the pipeline being built. I'm pro-life (except in the cases of rape, incest and the mothers life being in danger). I'm not pro-gay marriages, but support civil unions. I'm against amnesty for illegal immigrants. I'm for welfare reform. I think Obama screwed up with ISIS and I put Obama, George W Bush and former Iraqi PM Maliki at fault for the ISIS becoming reality. Now is that tolling the line of the left? No.
Have YOU showed that you think objectively. Nope, you goose-step to whatever the far right says, everything. And you repeat talking points like a broken record.
You're not fooling anyone by claiming to think out of the tiny little box of your far right ideology. Everybody knows that, so why bother to lie about it?
Where as I support some conservative ideas, I support some ideas from the left and in most cases, I'm somewhere in between.

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