What if Republicans hadn't destabilized the Middle East?

How does Iran not get found out and punished heavily. It's pure fantasy that they'd leave their fate in the hands of terrorists.
I suppose you think it's pure fantasy that Iran supports Islamic terrorists around the globe?
They are willing to support groups that slaughter innocent men, women and children in the name of Allah...but they wouldn't be willing to give those same groups a small nuke? What do you base that on exactly? Your belief that the Mullahs in Iran are really nice guys?
No, it's my belief that, like the Soviets, they're not suicidal.

Exactly, it's actually our 'Close Allies' like Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Pakistan who've supported Al Qaeda and ISIS. Iran and Russia are trying to kill them. We've only slowed that process down.
Would you on the left support a retaliatory nuclear strike against Iran if it was "suspected" that they were behind the detonation of a nuke in a Western city?
It would have to be more than suspicion, but with things like nukes there are signatures that can't be covered up.
Would you on the left support a retaliatory nuclear strike against Iran if it was "suspected" that they were behind the detonation of a nuke in a Western city?

No. But I would support an attack on saudi Arabia for suppying all those terrorists on 9/11.

And for supporting terrorism all over the world.

How about you? Wanna kick the shit out of some country that did attack us?

Or you just hate the Iranians?

Why would you attack the Saudis? The Saudis royal family are almost as nervous about Islamic terrorists as we are.

As for who I hate? I hate anyone that exports terror. That includes Iran.
Would you on the left support a retaliatory nuclear strike against Iran if it was "suspected" that they were behind the detonation of a nuke in a Western city?
It would have to be more than suspicion, but with things like nukes there are signatures that can't be covered up.

So if it were determined that the nuke very well might have come from Iran...would you authorize a retaliatory nuclear strike against Iran?
Obama would still have helped the Muslim Brotherhood take over Egypt and would have dragged the country to war on his own to help Al Qaeida take over Libya. Obama still would gave alliwed the Russians to take over Crimea and would have issued his stupid Red Line. He still would have armed Mexican Drug Cartels and added over $6 trillion in new debt in only 4 years...
Armed Mexican drug cartels????

Where the fuck did that come from? Don't tell me. Another ridiculous tarded RW conspiracy.
Would you on the left support a retaliatory nuclear strike against Iran if it was "suspected" that they were behind the detonation of a nuke in a Western city?

No. But I would support an attack on saudi Arabia for suppying all those terrorists on 9/11.

And for supporting terrorism all over the world.

How about you? Wanna kick the shit out of some country that did attack us?

Or you just hate the Iranians?

Why would you attack the Saudis? The Saudis royal family are almost as nervous about Islamic terrorists as we are.

As for who I hate? I hate anyone that exports terror. That includes Iran.

Let them be nervous enough to send their own troops into the so-called Levant, against ISIS.
I'm worried they will send many more young Americans to the Middle East to die for no apparent reason.
I could just be apathetic, but why even give a shit?

Because there's the possibility that sooner or later someone you care about might die needlessly in the ME.
Obviously they didn't think their intentions were meaningless if they joined the military. Risking your life in combat is more meaningful than 99% of the things we "civilians" do each day too.

I was never much of the overprotective parental type. Grown men don't need to be treated like children, especially when they are capable of independent decision making. I guess that's why you are a liberal and I am not though.
I'm worried they will send many more young Americans to the Middle East to die for no apparent reason.
I could just be apathetic, but why even give a shit?

Because there's the possibility that sooner or later someone you care about might die needlessly in the ME.
Obviously they didn't think their intentions were meaningless if they joined the military. Risking your life in combat is more meaningful than 99% of the things we "civilians" do each day too.

I was never much of the overprotective parental type. Grown men don't need to be treated like children, especially when they are capable of independent decision making. I guess that's why you are a liberal and I am not though.

I don't believe in throwing people's lives away in unnecessary wars. That's what makes me civilized compared to you.
I don't believe in throwing people's lives away in unnecessary wars. That's what makes me civilized compared to you.

So you believe in controlling the individual choices of others so the rest of society will perceive you as civilized? That seems to be why most people become liberals, so they can get attention for being viewed as "righteous" people.

If not, then I go back to asking you, why even care?
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Rderp, if democrats were so God damn smart why haven't they fixed what the GOP fucked up? In fact if they were so smart how did they manage to take a mostly stable middle east and turn in into a lawless region run by savages?
Would you on the left support a retaliatory nuclear strike against Iran if it was "suspected" that they were behind the detonation of a nuke in a Western city?

No. But I would support an attack on saudi Arabia for suppying all those terrorists on 9/11.

And for supporting terrorism all over the world.

How about you? Wanna kick the shit out of some country that did attack us?

Or you just hate the Iranians?

Why would you attack the Saudis? The Saudis royal family are almost as nervous about Islamic terrorists as we are.

As for who I hate? I hate anyone that exports terror. That includes Iran.

Let them be nervous enough to send their own troops into the so-called Levant, against ISIS.

Have you not figured out by now, Carbineer...that Arab troops are god awful and do terrible in combat? You think the Saudi armed forces are going to defeat ISIS? Don't make me laugh.
Here is a clue and when George W. Bush was President ( not his father ) we had 9-11 happen on his watch and Democrats tuck their damn tails between their legs and voted to support the Bush agenda, so where were they to stop the future nonsense?

They were worried about losing their seats so they wanted to act like Pro-Americans and not realists in the damn moment!

So what will happen if another GOP win the White House?

Simple, war and love it baby because both sides want it and not just one r the other!

Yea, why Democrats weren't against Bush?
Would you on the left support a retaliatory nuclear strike against Iran if it was "suspected" that they were behind the detonation of a nuke in a Western city?

No. But I would support an attack on saudi Arabia for suppying all those terrorists on 9/11.

And for supporting terrorism all over the world.

How about you? Wanna kick the shit out of some country that did attack us?

Or you just hate the Iranians?

Why would you attack the Saudis? The Saudis royal family are almost as nervous about Islamic terrorists as we are.

As for who I hate? I hate anyone that exports terror. That includes Iran.

Let them be nervous enough to send their own troops into the so-called Levant, against ISIS.

Have you not figured out by now, Carbineer...that Arab troops are god awful and do terrible in combat? You think the Saudi armed forces are going to defeat ISIS? Don't make me laugh.
I heard they were trying to sell American rifles on Amazon. "Never been fired and only dropped once".
The Middle East hasn't been stable for more than a heartbeat at any time in the past 7,000 years...

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