What if the climate meme was in the other direction?


Gold Member
Sep 22, 2009
if warming and more plentiful CO2 was considered a good thing instead of the present fad of thinking it is bad what sort of media stories would we see?

-more cultivatable land leads to record food crops.

-warming has led to historical lows in hurricanes

-cheap energy leds to improved conditions everywhere but especially the third world

I could go on but my point is that almost all the evidence is equivical and can be spun in any direction. it just depends on who is telling the story.
This interview excerpt shows that the environment and "saving the planet" is the furthest thing from their minds, they are interested in controlling people and they will use any methods possible to get that control.

"TOWNSEND: I was making a speech to nearly 200
really hard core, deep environmentalists and I played
a little thought game on them. I said imagine I am the
carbon fairy and I wave a magic wand. We can get rid
of all the carbon in the atmosphere, take it down to
two hundred fifty parts per million and I will ensure
with my little magic wand that we do not go above
two degrees of global warming. However, by waving
my magic wand I will be interfering with the laws of
physics not with people – they will be as selfish, they
will be as desiring of status. The cars will get bigger,
the houses will get bigger, the planes will fly all over
the place but there will be no climate change. And I
asked them, would you ask the fairy to wave its
magic wand? And about 2 people of the 200 raised
their hands.

ROWLATT: That is quite shocking. I bet you were
shocked, weren’t you?

TOWNSEND: I was angry. I wasn’t shocked. I was
angry because it really showed that they wanted
more. They didn’t just want to prevent climate
change. They wanted to somehow change people, or
at very least for people to know that they had to
Read Here:
denying what the prevailing scientific belief merely to further your historically failed ideas is nothing but partisanship.
I agree that bad news is more newsworthy than good news. and that many people like to take positions that make them feel superior to others
denying what the prevailing scientific belief merely to further your historically failed ideas is nothing but partisanship.
Accepted and consensus climate science of the day told us we should go and plow up the great arid plains, this would make it rain. "Rain follows the Plow" it was called. This "science" like so much of what we see today, had a political agenda, at the time that agenda was called "manifest destiny" and of course the gullible public fell for it hook, line and sinker.

They moved west, plowed up the plains, but gee, the rain didn't come! The climate stayed the same as it had been for centuries and still is!

Rain Follows the Plow - Wikipedia

Your blind faith in science, no matter what it tells you, replaces religion in your life. Your total lack of any skepticism shows you're just a kool-aid drinking tool.
No the prevailing scientific postion on ANYTHING is our best knowledge and you refusse our best knowledge to hang onto your historically failed political ideas.

Denying science is a really stupid way to run anything let alone the most powerful country in the world.
No the prevailing scientific postion on ANYTHING is our best knowledge and you refusse our best knowledge to hang onto your historically failed political ideas.

Denying science is a really stupid way to run anything let alone the most powerful country in the world.
You didn't even read the post, or check the link.

Science has been WRONG before, sub-moron. Denying THAT is what is really stupid.
This interview excerpt shows that the environment and "saving the planet" is the furthest thing from their minds, they are interested in controlling people and they will use any methods possible to get that control.

"TOWNSEND: I was making a speech to nearly 200
really hard core, deep environmentalists and I played
a little thought game on them. I said imagine I am the
carbon fairy and I wave a magic wand. We can get rid
of all the carbon in the atmosphere, take it down to
two hundred fifty parts per million and I will ensure
with my little magic wand that we do not go above
two degrees of global warming. However, by waving
my magic wand I will be interfering with the laws of
physics not with people – they will be as selfish, they
will be as desiring of status. The cars will get bigger,
the houses will get bigger, the planes will fly all over
the place but there will be no climate change. And I
asked them, would you ask the fairy to wave its
magic wand? And about 2 people of the 200 raised
their hands.

ROWLATT: That is quite shocking. I bet you were
shocked, weren’t you?

TOWNSEND: I was angry. I wasn’t shocked. I was
angry because it really showed that they wanted
more. They didn’t just want to prevent climate
change. They wanted to somehow change people, or
at very least for people to know that they had to
Read Here:

Well, you know, Green IS the New Red.
if warming and more plentiful CO2 was considered a good thing instead of the present fad of thinking it is bad what sort of media stories would we see?

-more cultivatable land leads to record food crops.

-warming has led to historical lows in hurricanes

-cheap energy leds to improved conditions everywhere but especially the third world

I could go on but my point is that almost all the evidence is equivical and can be spun in any direction. it just depends on who is telling the story.

What you are describing is what happened during the Medieval Warming Period, which was great for humanity.
Why do you feel so proud spewing nonsense you do not comprehend?
How is it you think your smarter than the vast majority of our best sceintific minds all because Fox spews lies?
How is it you think your smarter than the vast majority of our best sceintific minds all because Fox spews lies?

I dont get Fox so I cant comment on that. But I have read a lot of articles on climate in the last coupla years and the evidence is not conclusive.

it would be easy to formulate a very strong case that warming and increased CO2 has improved agriculture and deceased natural disasters.

a recent trend is that of decreasing sea level rise. have we been inundated with that good news? no, if anything there is more schreeching about impending doom from imaginary floods. are the scientists lying? not really, they show the figures (often with arbitrary adjustments) and then proceed to voice what they think will happen even when the evidence doesnt support their conclusions
You really dont know how science works do you?

Should we always take the lesser idea to make our decisions on?

You know medicine is a science right?

When you go to get a second and third opinion on your health do you take the opinion of the desenting Dr as your choice of treatment?

When you have a building built do you take the advice of an architect and build what two other architects told you was an unsound design?

There is just NO way arrround the fact that you on the right insist on taking your sceince from the third tier sceintists.

There is ONLY one reason you act in this fact adverse manner.

You need to find an expert to agree with your historically failed political ideas.

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