What if the next president of the United States was a Native American?

Would not this be the real revolution?

I think the real flag is not the stars and stripes, but this:


What do you think?

I think Liz Warren would make a great President
You are absolutely free to think of it as you wish, just as I am very free to consider such a term much more correct than that set out by another forumist.

You are free to choose to accept Orwellian quasi-Newspeak nonsense as being more credible than obvious truth, but others are equally free to point out what an ignorant, gullible idiot you are for so doing.
Yet the politically correct definition is this:

American native

/American native/

masculine noun

Descendant of the inhabitants of the American continent before the arrival of the Europeans; also adj ..
"a Native-American song"..

What she has posted is a definition that is biased and incorrect!
How convenient of them to point out before the arrival of the Europeans, because before the Native Americans(people born in America) there was no one there that we know of right? So they aren't really native but immigrants that came across from Asia.. So they aren't really Native either..
The fact of being born in America does not mean that you are descended from the Native Americans, in fact Trump is of Teutonic origin. His motherland is that, this is an incontrovertible fact.

Has the Corrupt Democratic Party devolved into just being about hating White Voters?
The fact of being born in America does not mean that you are descended from the Native Americans, in fact Trump is of Teutonic origin. His motherland is that, this is an incontrovertible fact.
Trump is ashamed of his German roots.

He said in his book his family came from Sweden.

That's why I call him Meatball.

And he dares to make fun of Warren!
You are absolutely free to think of it as you wish, just as I am very free to consider such a term much more correct than that set out by another forumist.

You are free to choose to accept Orwellian quasi-Newspeak nonsense as being more credible than obvious truth, but others are equally free to point out what an ignorant, gullible idiot you are for so doing.

If anything, you are the one who specifically ignores the fact that Native American refers to the one who descends from those populations who lived on that land long before the arrival from the European oppressor settlers.

This is an incontrovertible fact.

Anyway, I would see a white-haired native from the White House, after the Bush dynasty, and the Clinton presidencies - Obama and Trump / Putin.
Jeez I was born here in the us over 82 years ago to two Swedish parents. That makes me a native swede first American second. Can't fight dna

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