What if the next president of the United States was a Native American?

Lots of Native Americans died fighting for the Stars and Stripes. Pima Indian Ira Hayes helped to raise the Flag on Iwo Jima where about 6,000 Marines died in a month. The notion of a "real flag" is insulting but sadly typical of the ignorant left these days.
Americans. born and bred, cant be native to anywhere, ya damn racists!

In American Indiana there are Lombard communities originating from the north of Italy who have lived there for a very long time, but since their descent is northern Italian they can not claim to be native Americans.

It is not a matter of racism but of a sense of belonging: In Italy there is a well-known Jewish community, they are in effect Italian citizens from several generations (not native), of extra-Italian descent, and they are aware of it.
Lots of Native Americans died fighting for the Stars and Stripes. Pima Indian Ira Hayes helped to raise the Flag on Iwo Jima where about 6,000 Marines died in a month. The notion of a "real flag" is insulting but sadly typical of the ignorant left these days.

This does not detract from the fact that by right, that land would belong to them, since they lived on American Indian soil for a long time before the European settlers arrived.

The fact is that the native Indians have always been marginalized - oppressed - persecuted and downgraded within the American society formed by European settlers (mainly)

The original Epitome of non-native Americans is certainly European, as Americans form a prolongation of Europe, as well as Africa.

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