What If the Tea Party Wins?

The American people LOVED FDR.

You spit on the very people who worked us out of a great depression and worked us into being well armed enough to fight and win WWII.

Dont forget just how many Americans you have to call idiots to hold your partisan veiws of FDRs success.
It'll remain exactly as it is but with guys in different suits.Letter D=letter R. You morons only think your vote counts.
Do you post to read yourself? Do you know how to direct a post? Why does everything with your thought process involve assumptions?
The failure in public and in private life thus to treat each man on his own merits, the recognition of this government as being either for the poor as such or for the rich as such, would prove fatal to our Republic, as such failure and such recognition have always proved fatal in the past to other republics. A healthy republican government must rest upon individuals, not upon classes or sections. As soon as it becomes government by a class or by a section, it departs from the old American ideal.
Many qualities are needed by a people which would preserve the power of self- government in fact as well as in name. Among these qualities are forethought, shrewdness, self-restraint, the courage which refuses to abandon one's own rights, and the disinterested and kindly good sense which enables one to do justice to the rights of others. Lack of strength and lack of courage and unfit men for self-government on the one hand; and on the other, brutal arrogance, envy- in short, any manifestation of the spirit of selfish disregard, whether of one's own duties or of the rights of others, are equally fatal.
In the history of mankind many republics have risen, have flourished for a less or greater time, and then have fallen because their citizens lost the power of governing themselves and thereby of governing their state; and in no way has this loss of power been so often and so clearly shown as in the tendency to turn the government into a government primarily for the benefit of one class instead of a government for the benefit of the people as a whole. Again and again in the republics of ancient Greece, in those of medieval Italy and medieval Flanders, this tendency was shown, and wherever the tendency became a habit it invariably and inevitably proved fatal to the state. In the final result, it mattered not one whit whether the movement was in favor of one class or of another.
The outcome was equally fatal, whether the country fell into the hands of a wealthy oligarchy which exploited the poor or whether it fell under the domination of a turbulent mob which plundered the rich. In both cases there resulted violent alternations between tyranny and disorder, and a final complete loss of liberty to all citizens--destruction in the end overtaking the class which had for the moment been victorious as well as that which had momentarily been defeated. The death-knell of the Republic had rung as soon as the active power became lodged in the hands of those who sought, not to do justice to all citizens, rich and poor alike, but to stand for one special class and for its interests as opposed to the interests of others.
The reason why our future is assured lies in the fact that our people are genuinely skilled in and fitted for self-government and therefore will spurn the leadership of those who seek to excite this ferocious and foolish class antagonism. The average American knows not only that he himself intends to do what is right, but that his average fellow countryman has the same intention and the same power to make his intention effective. He knows, whether he be business man, professional man, farmer, mechanic, employer, or wage-worker, that the welfare of each of these men is bound up with the welfare of all the others; that each is neighbor to the other, is actuated by the same hopes and fears, has fundamentally the same ideals, and that all alike have much the same virtues and the same faults. Our average fellow citizen is a sane and healthy man who believes in decency and has a wholesome mind. He therefore feels an equal scorn alike for the man of wealth guilty of the mean and base spirit of arrogance toward those who are less well off, and for the man of small means who in his turn either feels, or seeks to excite in others the feeling of mean and base envy for those who are better off. The two feelings, envy and arrogance, are but opposite sides of the same shield, but different developments of the same spirit....
The line of cleavage between good citizenship and bad citizenship separates the rich man who does well from the rich man who does ill, the poor man of good conduct from the poor man of bad conduct. This line of cleavage lies at right angles to any such arbitrary line of division as that separating one class from another, one locality from another, or men with a certain degree of property from those of a less degree of property.

Ok tell us what a tea party government would do?

Government by the consent of the governed? OMG!!! Holy Shit!!! :eek:

Then why do they BLOCK against the consent of the government right now?

I don't see that at all TM.

I do see that you have your own unique style of spin. The day that Truth does matter yo you, you should start by seeking perspective before coming to unsubstantiated conclusions. Those conclusions serve neither side, when they are manufactured from false premise.
Today many of Richard Nixon's accomplishments would lead to him being characterized as a RINO.

Today's Republicans are reactionaries, they hope to return to the policies and values of the Gilded Age, a time of labor unrest, great disparity between the wealthy and the working man (and Woman), where regulations were nonexistent, children labored six days a week in unheated factories and workers injured on the job were fired and forgotten.

The Tea Party and the Republican Party are no longer separate entities; the TP has moved the former GOP far to the right and even former moderates have been cowed by their rhetoric. Forgotten by many and rewritten by their leadership the history of our nation no longer guides these extremists who have adopted an ideology devoid of compassion, framed by ignorance and fueled by hate and fear and greed.

Asked to explain a comprehensive solution to the myriad problems facing our nation these callous conservatives respond with talking points - believed by them to be immutable truths - and by blaming every Democratic President & Congress of the 20th Century. They are unable to offer a credible, critical analysis of where the policies of their supposed leaders will take our country - and for the most part jump from one false prophet to another more often then they change their socks.

It the problems weren't so serious this entire circus would be hilarious.
Today many of Richard Nixon's accomplishments would lead to him being characterized as a RINO.

Today's Republicans are reactionaries, they hope to return to the policies and values of the Gilded Age, a time of labor unrest, great disparity between the wealthy and the working man (and Woman), where regulations were nonexistent, children labored six days a week in unheated factories and workers injured on the job were fired and forgotten.

The Tea Party and the Republican Party are no longer separate entities; the TP has moved the former GOP far to the right and even former moderates have been cowed by their rhetoric. Forgotten by many and rewritten by their leadership the history of our nation no longer guides these extremists who have adopted an ideology devoid of compassion, framed by ignorance and fueled by hate and fear and greed.

Asked to explain a comprehensive solution to the myriad problems facing our nation these callous conservatives respond with talking points - believed by them to be immutable truths - and by blaming every Democratic President & Congress of the 20th Century. They are unable to offer a credible, critical analysis of where the policies of their supposed leaders will take our country - and for the most part jump from one false prophet to another more often then they change their socks.

It the problems weren't so serious this entire circus would be hilarious.

Yeah I guess Totalitarianism is just so much easier on the brain than Self Government. No indecision, no hard choices. Just you remember you are always free to agree with Centralized Government and that one size truly fits all. If there is a problem with that, know that the problem's on your end, not Government's, and that you aren't trying hard enough, Comrade. :lol:
Ok tell us what a tea party government would do?

considering tea partiers are just neo cons/dittoheads/conservatives/republicans in disguise etc., the same thing they always do. support corporate america over everyday citizens! defend corporate america's buyout of our government at every turn.:tongue:
Today many of Richard Nixon's accomplishments would lead to him being characterized as a RINO.

Today's Republicans are reactionaries, they hope to return to the policies and values of the Gilded Age, a time of labor unrest, great disparity between the wealthy and the working man (and Woman), where regulations were nonexistent, children labored six days a week in unheated factories and workers injured on the job were fired and forgotten.

The Tea Party and the Republican Party are no longer separate entities; the TP has moved the former GOP far to the right and even former moderates have been cowed by their rhetoric. Forgotten by many and rewritten by their leadership the history of our nation no longer guides these extremists who have adopted an ideology devoid of compassion, framed by ignorance and fueled by hate and fear and greed.

Asked to explain a comprehensive solution to the myriad problems facing our nation these callous conservatives respond with talking points - believed by them to be immutable truths - and by blaming every Democratic President & Congress of the 20th Century. They are unable to offer a credible, critical analysis of where the policies of their supposed leaders will take our country - and for the most part jump from one false prophet to another more often then they change their socks.

It the problems weren't so serious this entire circus would be hilarious.

Yeah I guess Totalitarianism is just so much easier on the brain than Self Government. No indecision, no hard choices. Just you remember you are always free to agree with Centralized Government and that one size truly fits all. If there is a problem with that, know that the problem's on your end, not Government's, and that you aren't trying hard enough, Comrade. :lol:

Your inane (or insane) comment is noted for what it is, an idiotgram. Maybe that's too harsh, maybe you're extremely ignorant or so patisan dishonesty is your only play. In any case your response isn't a counterpoint to anything I posted above.
It's not IF; it's WHEN. This administration has amply demonstrated the utter intellectual and moral bankruptcy of the tired, failed Marxist dogma that has come to characterize "modern liberalism" (or as they like to style it, "progressivism"). Now, we are going to restore our republic; restore the constitution and the rule of law (not cults of personality) to their rightful place. We are going to put government on a diet, and remind it that government works for the people here, not the people for the government. We are going to dismantle the bureaucracy, reducing it to essential functions, and taking power away from the unaccountable, and put that power back in the hands of the people and their elected representatives. We are going to stop the abuse of the judicial process to obtain by judicial fiat, what cannot be obtained through legislation, and the will of the American people. We are going to have a government that, just like the rest of us, lives within its means, and intrudes as little as possible into the private lives and the pocketbooks of the citizenry it is supposed to serve. In short. we are going to restore the sort of government that reflects the ordinary common sense of the majority of the American people, not the pseudo-intellectual posturing of an impudent corps of effete snobs who characterize themselves as intellectuals. Get ready, because there is a new wind blowing, and it it will sweep away the stench of liberal pomposity and arrogance, and replace it with the sweet smell of integrity and common sense!

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