What if they were Republicans?


Silver Member
Sep 6, 2012
Time for America’s favorite game show, “What If They Were Republicans?”

Our first contestant is Robert Menendez. The NJ Senator is accused of taking trips to the Dominican Republic to meet with underaged prostitutes. To paraphrase former Sen. Howell Heflin’s quote on Teddy Kennedy, looks like Menendez has changed his position on “offshore drilling.” Strange, no comments yet from lady Dems & the “war on women” crowd.

Next we have Jesse Jackson Jr. The former IL Rep. is facing significant time in federal prison for campaign fraud. But friends are encouraging Jackson Jr. to run again, insisting Jesse in the slammer will still get 60% of the vote. It’s the Chicago way!

Finally we have Barack Obama. Despite shredding the Constitution & the worst economy in modern times, O’s love-struck media schoolgirls conned enough low-info voters into giving him four more years. Now we learn O likes playing “Whack-a-Mole” with Americans overseas.

Tune in next week to our new show, “What If The Press Ever Did Its Job?”
This ain't Nixon, this ain't Watergate. Killing of Americans on the say so of the CIA is now the norm.
Libtards sense of right and wrong are so screwed up they think they are correct in their psychosis.
Democrats can dirty sanchez Dora the Explorer and get away with it.

It is just different.
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Obamanation, you making up stupid crap about Obama does not make us hypocrites. It just makes you a liar.

Since no one on this board is supporting Jackson Jr., so you're being dishonest by pointing to some shadowy "Friends". If you're not being dishonest, just point to the Democrats here supporting Jackson Jr. If you can't, it will correctly be taken as your admission of guilt.

Menendez? The liberals are tearing into him for corruption. The skeevy panty-sniffing Republicans care solely about the prostitutes. Again, moral high ground to liberals.

Here's a thought. Instead of making crap up about Democrats, how about you try to make your party not suck ass so much? You know, adopt policies that the American people support. You know, like the Democrats do.
If they were republicans, the right wing goons would praise them as heroes, while slamming "da libs" for trying to make them look bad.

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