What Important Issues Did Obama Really Solve While In Office?

ever since Obama was President, regular white people were afraid to ask for directions for "Certian Racially Charged" food items at their local grocers/wal-mart. so so sad, It sometimes took me 15 minutes to find the watermelons at any of my wal-marts.
ever since Obama was President, regular white people were afraid to ask for directions for "Certian Racially Charged" food items at their local grocers/wal-mart. so so sad, It sometimes took me 15 minutes to find the watermelons at any of my wal-marts.
I'd sure like to see you say that in public.
well, he brought the average price of watermelon and KFC meals down about 33%.
I never noticed, and I love my KFC...Obama did manage to piss of the white folks that in itself was an accomplishment to show how racist many of them upstanding, God fearing, self promoting fine folks we have in the USA..
well at least now, I wont feel as if I am backed into a corner when my waiter asks me if I prefer a white/vanilla or chocolate dessert !!!!
well, he brought the average price of watermelon and KFC meals down about 33%.
I never noticed, and I love my KFC...Obama did manage to piss of the white folks that in itself was an accomplishment to show how racist many of them upstanding, God fearing, self promoting fine folks we have in the USA..
well at least now, I wont feel as if I am backed into a corner when my waiter asks me if I prefer a white/vanilla or chocolate dessert !!!!
As long as Trumpet eats his curds and whey he'll never win at golf..Oblama was skinny enough to actually twist when he tee'd off..
well, he brought the average price of watermelon and KFC meals down about 33%.
I never noticed, and I love my KFC...Obama did manage to piss of the white folks that in itself was an accomplishment to show how racist many of them upstanding, God fearing, self promoting fine folks we have in the USA..
well at least now, I wont feel as if I am backed into a corner when my waiter asks me if I prefer a white/vanilla or chocolate dessert !!!!
As long as Trumpet eats his curds and whey he'll never win at golf..
well also, at least now, when I go to KFC, I can order what ever I want without being referred to as "White Cracker" by the counter help.
Let's see...

I guess you have to give him some credit for minimizing terrorist attacks on U.S. soil. The few that occurred during his Administration were lone-wolf whack jobs whom nobody could have stopped completely.

He accelerated the death of the coal industry, and did his best to prevent us from becoming energy-independent.

He provided utterly feckless "leadership" internationally, to the point that not one nation on earth took his commitments seriously.

He won a Nobel Peace Prize. (Says more about the committee than it does about him).

He managed to make race relations worse by weighing in inappropriately on just about every racial incident that gained national attention.

He got rich and laid the groundwork for Clintonesque cashing-in in the coming years.

He contributed to the current hateful relationship between Left and Right by continuing the Leftist narrative that the only reason why anyone would be on the political Right is either they are ignorant or evil.

In summary, good riddance. My fondest hope is that he is appointed to some high muckety-muck international position (UN, World Court), so that he can GTFO of the U.S.
well, he brought the average price of watermelon and KFC meals down about 33%.
I never noticed, and I love my KFC...Obama did manage to piss of the white folks that in itself was an accomplishment to show how racist many of them upstanding, God fearing, self promoting fine folks we have in the USA..
well at least now, I wont feel as if I am backed into a corner when my waiter asks me if I prefer a white/vanilla or chocolate dessert !!!!
As long as Trumpet eats his curds and whey he'll never win at golf..
well also, at least now, when I go to KFC, I can order what ever I want without being referred to as "White Cracker" by the counter help.
"White cracker"?

You stagger into the Redundancy Dept?
Let's see...

I guess you have to give him some credit for minimizing terrorist attacks on U.S. soil. The few that occurred during his Administration were lone-wolf whack jobs whom nobody could have stopped completely.

He accelerated the death of the coal industry, and did his best to prevent us from becoming energy-independent.

He provided utterly feckless "leadership" internationally, to the point that not one nation on earth took his commitments seriously.

He won a Nobel Peace Prize. (Says more about the committee than it does about him).

He managed to make race relations worse by weighing in inappropriately on just about every racial incident that gained national attention.

He got rich and laid the groundwork for Clintonesque cashing-in in the coming years.

He contributed to the current hateful relationship between Left and Right by continuing the Leftist narrative that the only reason why anyone would be on the political Right is either they are ignorant or evil.

In summary, good riddance. My fondest hope is that he is appointed to some high muckety-muck international position (UN, World Court), so that he can GTFO of the U.S.

A list of Bold Assertions.....

That's new....

what can you actually DEMONSTRATE?

(see if you can do so without relying on AltFacts media)
Important issues
1. Stopped a Depression
2. Passed Obamacare
3. Saved Auto Companies and Banks from collapsing
4. Got Iran to abandon its nuclear program
5. Recognized Cuba

1. Stopped a Depression

And doubled the debt with his shovel ready jobs that weren't shovel ready.

2. Passed Obamacare

It was a start. But Democrats needs to come to the realization that it was just that, a start. It will fail if both sides don't come together and fix it.

3. Saved Auto Companies and Banks from collapsing

He should have let the auto companies collapse.

4. Got Iran to abandon its nuclear program

Yea right. And I have beach front property in Florida to sell you.

5. Recognized Cuba

Who gives a shit?
Obama accomplished more in 10 minutes than your orange hero has done so far

you love a loser, tough shit
Yet you can't name anything.

All Obama did was give speeches. He never did anything other than give our cash away to terrorists and set drug dealers free.

One has to be willfully blind to miss the complete economic collapse which Obama dealt with when he came into office. He ended the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression.

He also saved the US auto industry, got the US out of Iraq, signed the anti-nuclear proliferation treaty with Iran, and war ended in the Western Hemisphere for the first time in over 100 years.

That you refuse to see Obama's many accomplishments, shows how biased, and bigoted you truly are.
Important issues
1. Stopped a Depression
2. Passed Obamacare
3. Saved Auto Companies and Banks from collapsing
4. Got Iran to abandon its nuclear program
5. Recognized Cuba

1. Stopped a Depression

And doubled the debt with his shovel ready jobs that weren't shovel ready.

2. Passed Obamacare

It was a start. But Democrats needs to come to the realization that it was just that, a start. It will fail if both sides don't come together and fix it.

3. Saved Auto Companies and Banks from collapsing

He should have let the auto companies collapse.

4. Got Iran to abandon its nuclear program

Yea right. And I have beach front property in Florida to sell you.

5. Recognized Cuba

Who gives a shit?

Yes President Obama saved us from an impending Depression. At a time when capitalists were bailing from our economy, pulling their money, firing their workforce....Obama stood up and said the US Government will stand behind the economy

Imagine if Obama did what Republicans urged him to do in early 2009

Let the banks fail
Let the auto industry fail
Balance the budget
Don't use public money to prop up the economy

It would have led to a Depression for which Republicans would have blamed Obama
Important issues
1. Stopped a Depression
2. Passed Obamacare
3. Saved Auto Companies and Banks from collapsing
4. Got Iran to abandon its nuclear program
5. Recognized Cuba
  1. There was no Depression
  2. Obamacare wasn’t a solution...it is part of the problem
  3. Didn’t save auto companies....simply bailed out the unions
  4. Iran is still working on their nuke program with UN's blessing
  5. Recognized Cuba? And what did that solve? Nothing. Now Cubans can't escape and come to America. They will automatically be deported without legal recourse, no thanks to president big-ears.
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Important issues
1. Stopped a Depression
2. Passed Obamacare
3. Saved Auto Companies and Banks from collapsing
4. Got Iran to abandon its nuclear program
5. Recognized Cuba

1. Stopped a Depression

And doubled the debt with his shovel ready jobs that weren't shovel ready.

2. Passed Obamacare

It was a start. But Democrats needs to come to the realization that it was just that, a start. It will fail if both sides don't come together and fix it.

3. Saved Auto Companies and Banks from collapsing

He should have let the auto companies collapse.

4. Got Iran to abandon its nuclear program

Yea right. And I have beach front property in Florida to sell you.

5. Recognized Cuba

Who gives a shit?

Yes President Obama saved us from an impending Depression. At a time when capitalists were bailing from our economy, pulling their money, firing their workforce....Obama stood up and said the US Government will stand behind the economy

Imagine if Obama did what Republicans urged him to do in early 2009

Let the banks fail
Let the auto industry fail
Balance the budget
Don't use public money to prop up the economy

It would have led to a Depression for which Republicans would have blamed Obama
Yet you can't even point out the law Obama signed that magically made this all happen? It was nothing but a fraud. The Shovel-Ready Jobs never existed.
Here's a list of problems that Obama said he would change:

  1. Rising health care costs
  2. Illegal immigration
  3. Race relations
  4. The debt
  5. Rising energy costs
  6. Terrorism
  7. Develop alternative energy
  8. End overseas oil dependency
  9. Fix Washington
Instead Obama left office with these problems in worse shape than when he entered office
  1. Health care costs have tripled
  2. Illegals are soaking up benefits and coming here in droves
  3. Race relations are worse than the last 50 years
  4. The debt has doubled
  5. Energy costs have skyrocketed
  6. Terrorism is a constant threat
  7. We have no alternative energy that is affordable
  8. We're still dependent on OPEC
  9. Washington is broken

What did Obama give us after 8 years of Hope & Change

Same-sex marriage.
Cop killings every week.
Illegals and non-citizens voting in our elections
$20 trillion in debt
A broken health care system

Obama left us with a mess. Now he's on some island attending some men's only club and the media is too busy trashing Bush (Trump) to even notice.

So what did Obama really do for us?
Missing Former President Obama already?
Not even remotely.
Important issues
1. Stopped a Depression
2. Passed Obamacare
3. Saved Auto Companies and Banks from collapsing
4. Got Iran to abandon its nuclear program
5. Recognized Cuba
  1. There was no Depression
  2. Obamacare wasn’t a solution...it is part of the problem
  3. Didn’t save auto companies....simply bailed out the unions
  4. Iran is still working on their nuke program with UN's blessing
  5. Recognized Cuba? And what did that solve? Nothing. Now Cubans can't escape and come to America. They will automatically be deported without legsl recourse.
It must confound you how Obama's last job approval rating was about 60% while Trump's is at 40%.
well, he brought the average price of watermelon and KFC meals down about 33%.
I never noticed, and I love my KFC...Obama did manage to piss of the white folks that in itself was an accomplishment to show how racist many of them upstanding, God fearing, self promoting fine folks we have in the USA..
well at least now, I wont feel as if I am backed into a corner when my waiter asks me if I prefer a white/vanilla or chocolate dessert !!!!
As long as Trumpet eats his curds and whey he'll never win at golf..Oblama was skinny enough to actually twist when he tee'd off..
He still sucked at it. People that have played Trump know he can really club the ball. This comes from playing it all your life. Obama never really played it till he became president.....when he all of the sudden had plenty of spare time,.....instead working for a living.
well, he brought the average price of watermelon and KFC meals down about 33%.
I never noticed, and I love my KFC...Obama did manage to piss of the white folks that in itself was an accomplishment to show how racist many of them upstanding, God fearing, self promoting fine folks we have in the USA..
well at least now, I wont feel as if I am backed into a corner when my waiter asks me if I prefer a white/vanilla or chocolate dessert !!!!
As long as Trumpet eats his curds and whey he'll never win at golf..Oblama was skinny enough to actually twist when he tee'd off..
He still sucked at it. People that have played Trump know he can really club the ball. This comes from playing it all your life. Obama never really played it till he became president.....when he all of the sudden had plenty of spare time,.....instead working for a living.
Did he beat Eisenhower's golf course time on the courses?

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