What Important Issues Did Obama Really Solve While In Office?

Important issues
1. Stopped a Depression
2. Passed Obamacare
3. Saved Auto Companies and Banks from collapsing
4. Got Iran to abandon its nuclear program
5. Recognized Cuba

1. Stopped a Depression

And doubled the debt with his shovel ready jobs that weren't shovel ready.

2. Passed Obamacare

It was a start. But Democrats needs to come to the realization that it was just that, a start. It will fail if both sides don't come together and fix it.

3. Saved Auto Companies and Banks from collapsing

He should have let the auto companies collapse.

4. Got Iran to abandon its nuclear program

Yea right. And I have beach front property in Florida to sell you.

5. Recognized Cuba

Who gives a shit?

Yes President Obama saved us from an impending Depression. At a time when capitalists were bailing from our economy, pulling their money, firing their workforce....Obama stood up and said the US Government will stand behind the economy

Imagine if Obama did what Republicans urged him to do in early 2009

Let the banks fail
Let the auto industry fail
Balance the budget
Don't use public money to prop up the economy

It would have led to a Depression for which Republicans would have blamed Obama

But didn't St. Ronnie pump the market during Black Monday...

I didn't agree with alot of Reagan's policies but he wasn't totally clueless like the crazies are today....
Here's a list of problems that Obama said he would change:

  1. Rising health care costs
  2. Illegal immigration
  3. Race relations
  4. The debt
  5. Rising energy costs
  6. Terrorism
  7. Develop alternative energy
  8. End overseas oil dependency
  9. Fix Washington
Instead Obama left office with these problems in worse shape than when he entered office
  1. Health care costs have tripled
  2. Illegals are soaking up benefits and coming here in droves
  3. Race relations are worse than the last 50 years
  4. The debt has doubled
  5. Energy costs have skyrocketed
  6. Terrorism is a constant threat
  7. We have no alternative energy that is affordable
  8. We're still dependent on OPEC
  9. Washington is broken

What did Obama give us after 8 years of Hope & Change

Same-sex marriage.
Cop killings every week.
Illegals and non-citizens voting in our elections
$20 trillion in debt
A broken health care system

Obama left us with a mess. Now he's on some island attending some men's only club and the media is too busy trashing Bush (Trump) to even notice.

So what did Obama really do for us?

He's not President anymore. The Orange Buffoon is. And he's somehow worse than Booooooooosh, who was a cross-eyed war monkey.
in 2009, I thought the days of blacks and whites calling one another the N word, cracker, spearchucker, whitey, honkey, sambo, shoe shine boy, slaveboy, KKK, etc. etc, were over.

He didn't really crank up the racism until his 2nd term. After he was firmly in place, The US experienced more riots within 4 years than it did in previous 40 combined.

He did accomplish that. Most riots ever for a president in 1 term.

Important issues
1. Stopped a Depression
2. Passed Obamacare
3. Saved Auto Companies and Banks from collapsing
4. Got Iran to abandon its nuclear program
5. Recognized Cuba
  1. There was no Depression
  2. Obamacare wasn’t a solution...it is part of the problem
  3. Didn’t save auto companies....simply bailed out the unions
  4. Iran is still working on their nuke program with UN's blessing
  5. Recognized Cuba? And what did that solve? Nothing. Now Cubans can't escape and come to America. They will automatically be deported without legal recourse, no thanks to president big-ears.

Yes...Thanks to President Obama, there was no Depression

If he listened to Republicans and allowed the banks and auto companies to fail, tried to balance the budget and provided no stimulus.....there would have been
It takes 18 months for a president's policies to take full effect. So why did the Great Recession end on June of 2009? Could it be that the left stopped fucking up the economy?

Obviously you don't know a thing about economics.
Please be quiet.....and I will teach you something.

Here is an article referring to an AEI conclusion about ARRA..

AEI Says Stimulus Boosted Economy By 4%

Note the hyperlink to the source piece.......click on it....

AEI was clearly bumming that the world was citing its economist on the role of The Stimulus in reversing The Great Recession....

So they tried to Lavrenti Beria (look it up....it's totes mot juste) the thing.....but you can pierce the veil and still find it....

Here's the heresy...

. Absent temporary fiscal stimulus and inventory rebuilding, which taken together added about 4 percentage points to U.S. growth, the economy would have contracted at about a 1 percent annual rate during the second half of 2009.

According to AEI's economist, the Stimulus was the difference between Recession and NotRecession.
Important issues
1. Stopped a Depression
2. Passed Obamacare
3. Saved Auto Companies and Banks from collapsing
4. Got Iran to abandon its nuclear program
5. Recognized Cuba
  1. There was no Depression
  2. Obamacare wasn’t a solution...it is part of the problem
  3. Didn’t save auto companies....simply bailed out the unions
  4. Iran is still working on their nuke program with UN's blessing
  5. Recognized Cuba? And what did that solve? Nothing. Now Cubans can't escape and come to America. They will automatically be deported without legal recourse, no thanks to president big-ears.

Yes...Thanks to President Obama, there was no Depression

If he listened to Republicans and allowed the banks and auto companies to fail, tried to balance the budget and provided no stimulus.....there would have been
It takes 18 months for a president's policies to take full effect. So why did the Great Recession end on June of 2009? Could it be that the left stopped fucking up the economy?

Obviously you don't know a thing about economics.
Please be quiet.....and I will teach you something.

Here is an article referring to an AEI conclusion about ARRA..

AEI Says Stimulus Boosted Economy By 4%

Note the hyperlink to the source piece.......click on it....

AEI was clearly bumming that the world was citing its economist on the role of The Stimulus in reversing The Great Recession....

So they tried to Lavrenti Beria (look it up....it's totes mot juste) the thing.....but you can pierce the veil and still find it....

Here's the heresy...

. Absent temporary fiscal stimulus and inventory rebuilding, which taken together added about 4 percentage points to U.S. growth, the economy would have contracted at about a 1 percent annual rate during the second half of 2009.

According to AEI's economist, the Stimulus was the difference between Recession and NotRecession.
Shirley you're not suggesting AEI is more astute than mudwhistle's musings?
Here's a list of problems that Obama said he would change:

  1. Rising health care costs
  2. Illegal immigration
  3. Race relations
  4. The debt
  5. Rising energy costs
  6. Terrorism
  7. Develop alternative energy
  8. End overseas oil dependency
  9. Fix Washington
Instead Obama left office with these problems in worse shape than when he entered office
  1. Health care costs have tripled
  2. Illegals are soaking up benefits and coming here in droves
  3. Race relations are worse than the last 50 years
  4. The debt has doubled
  5. Energy costs have skyrocketed
  6. Terrorism is a constant threat
  7. We have no alternative energy that is affordable
  8. We're still dependent on OPEC
  9. Washington is broken

What did Obama give us after 8 years of Hope & Change

Same-sex marriage.
Cop killings every week.
Illegals and non-citizens voting in our elections
$20 trillion in debt
A broken health care system

Obama left us with a mess. Now he's on some island attending some men's only club and the media is too busy trashing Bush (Trump) to even notice.

So what did Obama really do for us?
Don't forget that the seas were going to stop rising.
in 2009, I thought the days of blacks and whites calling one another the N word, cracker, spearchucker, whitey, honkey, sambo, shoe shine boy, slaveboy, KKK, etc. etc, were over.

He didn't really crank up the racism until his 2nd term. After he was firmly in place, The US experienced more riots within 4 years than it did in previous 40 combined.

He did accomplish that. Most riots ever for a president in 1 term.

Why did we have riots?

Was it because:

1. Obama was a black President
2. Police were killing black men and there was no prosecution
Here's a list of problems that Obama said he would change:

  1. Rising health care costs
  2. Illegal immigration
  3. Race relations
  4. The debt
  5. Rising energy costs
  6. Terrorism
  7. Develop alternative energy
  8. End overseas oil dependency
  9. Fix Washington
Instead Obama left office with these problems in worse shape than when he entered office
  1. Health care costs have tripled
  2. Illegals are soaking up benefits and coming here in droves
  3. Race relations are worse than the last 50 years
  4. The debt has doubled
  5. Energy costs have skyrocketed
  6. Terrorism is a constant threat
  7. We have no alternative energy that is affordable
  8. We're still dependent on OPEC
  9. Washington is broken

What did Obama give us after 8 years of Hope & Change

Same-sex marriage.
Cop killings every week.
Illegals and non-citizens voting in our elections
$20 trillion in debt
A broken health care system

Obama left us with a mess. Now he's on some island attending some men's only club and the media is too busy trashing Bush (Trump) to even notice.

So what did Obama really do for us?

Stock market went up from March 6 2009 to Jan 19 2017 210%
Important issues
1. Stopped a Depression
2. Passed Obamacare
3. Saved Auto Companies and Banks from collapsing
4. Got Iran to abandon its nuclear program
5. Recognized Cuba
  1. There was no Depression
  2. Obamacare wasn’t a solution...it is part of the problem
  3. Didn’t save auto companies....simply bailed out the unions
  4. Iran is still working on their nuke program with UN's blessing
  5. Recognized Cuba? And what did that solve? Nothing. Now Cubans can't escape and come to America. They will automatically be deported without legal recourse, no thanks to president big-ears.

Yes...Thanks to President Obama, there was no Depression

If he listened to Republicans and allowed the banks and auto companies to fail, tried to balance the budget and provided no stimulus.....there would have been
It takes 18 months for a president's policies to take full effect. So why did the Great Recession end on June of 2009? Could it be that the left stopped fucking up the economy?

Obviously you don't know a thing about economics.

No it doesn't take 18 months...there is no one size fits all for economic policies

Obama's economic policies took effect immediately because there was a panic among investors. The economy was going to collapse and they wanted to take their money out before it did. Employees were let go in anticipation of a Depression

Obama stood up and proclaimed the US Government would stand behind the banks, prevent the auto companies from collapsing and infuse $800 billion into the economy

At that point the panic subsided. Investors started to put money back into the economy....there were some good buys to be had
Employers stopped the layoffs and eventually started hiring again

The stock market reversed, employment and GDP went positive

Thanks to President Obama....he prevented a Depression
And he also lowered sea-level at the same time.

The recession was caused by negativity in the markets. Once a new president was elected it caused a more positive outlook to prevail, but it was shortlived which resulted in a weak economy and little or zero growth. Unemployment slowly recovered not in reality but statistically. People stopped looking and as the unemployed ran out of benefits they dropped from the stats. At the same time labor participation tanked to a level close to the Great Depression. The rich got richer and the poor got on government assistance. All Obama had to do to improve the economy was do nothing, but instead he made it worse with massive tax increases and intrusive regulations jacking up the costs of everything from Cigarettes to meat products. The cost of a steak went from $3 to $10. A Hostess apple pie went from 50 cents to $1.50. in a few months.
Obama got a participatory Nobel Prize, considering the fact that he caused unrest in the Middle East which caused a massive flood of refugees to invade Europe. Sexual-assaults have skyrocketed in European countries. An explosion of terrorist acts in Paris, London, and the US is the result of Obama and his Arab Spring. Race relations in America is in the toilet and getting worse. Gays are suing bakeries, pizza restaurants or anyone else who refuses to participate in same-sex marriages.
Here's a list of problems that Obama said he would change:

  1. Rising health care costs
  2. Illegal immigration
  3. Race relations
  4. The debt
  5. Rising energy costs
  6. Terrorism
  7. Develop alternative energy
  8. End overseas oil dependency
  9. Fix Washington
Instead Obama left office with these problems in worse shape than when he entered office
  1. Health care costs have tripled
  2. Illegals are soaking up benefits and coming here in droves
  3. Race relations are worse than the last 50 years
  4. The debt has doubled
  5. Energy costs have skyrocketed
  6. Terrorism is a constant threat
  7. We have no alternative energy that is affordable
  8. We're still dependent on OPEC
  9. Washington is broken

What did Obama give us after 8 years of Hope & Change

Same-sex marriage.
Cop killings every week.
Illegals and non-citizens voting in our elections
$20 trillion in debt
A broken health care system

Obama left us with a mess. Now he's on some island attending some men's only club and the media is too busy trashing Bush (Trump) to even notice.

So what did Obama really do for us?

Stock market went up from March 6 2009 to Jan 19 2017 210%
And what bill did Obama sign to.cause this???
A list of Bold Assertions.....

That's new....

what can you actually DEMONSTRATE?

(see if you can do so without relying on AltFacts media)
Sorry, but the facts can't be found in his fawning state-run media. N.Korea has their tinhorn dictator and we had ours.
So these "facts" reside exclusively between your ears?

You know what we call that in the Reality Based Universe?
That's rich. You actually think your ideology is reality based. That's hilarious.
If asked to demonstrate the truth of what I tell you, you will never see me insisting that the evidence is hidden exclusively between my ears...

I get it.....Reality has treated your feels with an insouciant disregard bordering on contempt. Who could blame you for abandoning her?
My feels??
Yeah.....those bruised things driving you to lash out irrationally... You're gonna want to put some ice on them.
Here's a list of problems that Obama said he would change:

  1. Rising health care costs
  2. Illegal immigration
  3. Race relations
  4. The debt
  5. Rising energy costs
  6. Terrorism
  7. Develop alternative energy
  8. End overseas oil dependency
  9. Fix Washington
Instead Obama left office with these problems in worse shape than when he entered office
  1. Health care costs have tripled
  2. Illegals are soaking up benefits and coming here in droves
  3. Race relations are worse than the last 50 years
  4. The debt has doubled
  5. Energy costs have skyrocketed
  6. Terrorism is a constant threat
  7. We have no alternative energy that is affordable
  8. We're still dependent on OPEC
  9. Washington is broken

What did Obama give us after 8 years of Hope & Change

Same-sex marriage.
Cop killings every week.
Illegals and non-citizens voting in our elections
$20 trillion in debt
A broken health care system

Obama left us with a mess. Now he's on some island attending some men's only club and the media is too busy trashing Bush (Trump) to even notice.

So what did Obama really do for us?

Stock market went up from March 6 2009 to Jan 19 2017 210%

Winner, winner...Chicken Dinner
Important issues
1. Stopped a Depression
2. Passed Obamacare
3. Saved Auto Companies and Banks from collapsing
4. Got Iran to abandon its nuclear program
5. Recognized Cuba
  1. There was no Depression
  2. Obamacare wasn’t a solution...it is part of the problem
  3. Didn’t save auto companies....simply bailed out the unions
  4. Iran is still working on their nuke program with UN's blessing
  5. Recognized Cuba? And what did that solve? Nothing. Now Cubans can't escape and come to America. They will automatically be deported without legal recourse, no thanks to president big-ears.

Yes...Thanks to President Obama, there was no Depression

If he listened to Republicans and allowed the banks and auto companies to fail, tried to balance the budget and provided no stimulus.....there would have been
It takes 18 months for a president's policies to take full effect. So why did the Great Recession end on June of 2009? Could it be that the left stopped fucking up the economy?

Obviously you don't know a thing about economics.

No it doesn't take 18 months...there is no one size fits all for economic policies

Obama's economic policies took effect immediately because there was a panic among investors. The economy was going to collapse and they wanted to take their money out before it did. Employees were let go in anticipation of a Depression

Obama stood up and proclaimed the US Government would stand behind the banks, prevent the auto companies from collapsing and infuse $800 billion into the economy

At that point the panic subsided. Investors started to put money back into the economy....there were some good buys to be had
Employers stopped the layoffs and eventually started hiring again

The stock market reversed, employment and GDP went positive

Thanks to President Obama....he prevented a Depression
And he also lowered sea-level at the same time.

The recession was caused by negativity in the markets. Once a new president was elected it caused a more positive outlook to prevail, but it was shortlived which resulted in a weak economy and little or zero growth. Unemployment slowly recovered not in reality but statistically. People stopped looking and as the unemployed ran out of benefits they dropped from the stats. At the same time labor participation tanked to a level close to the Great Depression. The rich got richer and the poor got on government assistance. All Obama had to do to improve the economy was do nothing, but instead he made it worse with massive tax increases and intrusive regulations jacking up the costs of everything from Cigarettes to meat products. The cost of a steak went from $3 to $10. A Hostess apple pie went from 50 cents to $1.50. in a few months.
Obama got a participatory Nobel Prize, considering the fact that he caused unrest in the Middle East which cause a massive flood of refugees to invade Europe. Sex-assaults have skyrocketed in European countries. An explosion of terrorist acts in Paris, London, and the US is the result of Obama and his Arab Spring. Race relations in America is in the toilet and getting worse. Gays are suing bakeries, pizza restaurants or anyone else who refuses to participate in same-sex marriages.
Never in a million years would I have thought that you would go to The Narrative this early...

You really don't have anything except indignation, do you?
Important issues
1. Stopped a Depression
2. Passed Obamacare
3. Saved Auto Companies and Banks from collapsing
4. Got Iran to abandon its nuclear program
5. Recognized Cuba
  1. There was no Depression
  2. Obamacare wasn’t a solution...it is part of the problem
  3. Didn’t save auto companies....simply bailed out the unions
  4. Iran is still working on their nuke program with UN's blessing
  5. Recognized Cuba? And what did that solve? Nothing. Now Cubans can't escape and come to America. They will automatically be deported without legal recourse, no thanks to president big-ears.

Yes...Thanks to President Obama, there was no Depression

If he listened to Republicans and allowed the banks and auto companies to fail, tried to balance the budget and provided no stimulus.....there would have been
It takes 18 months for a president's policies to take full effect. So why did the Great Recession end on June of 2009? Could it be that the left stopped fucking up the economy?

Obviously you don't know a thing about economics.
Please be quiet.....and I will teach you something.

Here is an article referring to an AEI conclusion about ARRA..

AEI Says Stimulus Boosted Economy By 4%

Note the hyperlink to the source piece.......click on it....

AEI was clearly bumming that the world was citing its economist on the role of The Stimulus in reversing The Great Recession....

So they tried to Lavrenti Beria (look it up....it's totes mot juste) the thing.....but you can pierce the veil and still find it....

Here's the heresy...

. Absent temporary fiscal stimulus and inventory rebuilding, which taken together added about 4 percentage points to U.S. growth, the economy would have contracted at about a 1 percent annual rate during the second half of 2009.

According to AEI's economist, the Stimulus was the difference between Recession and NotRecession.
I imagine if you flood the economy with $700 billion dollars it will have some effect.
Also if you monitized the debt by selling it to the Fed thru Quantitative Easing by the billions, you can stave off some of the effects of your destructive economic policies. But it's all a paper shuffle and a sham that is set to blow up if anyone tries to address it.

Obama set off mines in health care, immigration, and in the economy. Meanwhile the media totally ignored it.
Important issues
1. Stopped a Depression
2. Passed Obamacare
3. Saved Auto Companies and Banks from collapsing
4. Got Iran to abandon its nuclear program
5. Recognized Cuba
  1. There was no Depression
  2. Obamacare wasn’t a solution...it is part of the problem
  3. Didn’t save auto companies....simply bailed out the unions
  4. Iran is still working on their nuke program with UN's blessing
  5. Recognized Cuba? And what did that solve? Nothing. Now Cubans can't escape and come to America. They will automatically be deported without legal recourse, no thanks to president big-ears.

Yes...Thanks to President Obama, there was no Depression

If he listened to Republicans and allowed the banks and auto companies to fail, tried to balance the budget and provided no stimulus.....there would have been
It takes 18 months for a president's policies to take full effect. So why did the Great Recession end on June of 2009? Could it be that the left stopped fucking up the economy?

Obviously you don't know a thing about economics.

No it doesn't take 18 months...there is no one size fits all for economic policies

Obama's economic policies took effect immediately because there was a panic among investors. The economy was going to collapse and they wanted to take their money out before it did. Employees were let go in anticipation of a Depression

Obama stood up and proclaimed the US Government would stand behind the banks, prevent the auto companies from collapsing and infuse $800 billion into the economy

At that point the panic subsided. Investors started to put money back into the economy....there were some good buys to be had
Employers stopped the layoffs and eventually started hiring again

The stock market reversed, employment and GDP went positive

Thanks to President Obama....he prevented a Depression
And he also lowered sea-level at the same time.

The recession was caused by negativity in the markets. Once a new president was elected it caused a more positive outlook to prevail, but it was shortlived which resulted in a weak economy and little or zero growth. Unemployment slowly recovered not in reality but statistically. People stopped looking and as the unemployed ran out of benefits they dropped from the stats. At the same time labor participation tanked to a level close to the Great Depression. The rich got richer and the poor got on government assistance. All Obama had to do to improve the economy was do nothing, but instead he made it worse with massive tax increases and intrusive regulations jacking up the costs of everything from Cigarettes to meat products. The cost of a steak went from $3 to $10. A Hostess apple pie went from 50 cents to $1.50. in a few months.
Obama got a participatory Nobel Prize, considering the fact that he caused unrest in the Middle East which caused a massive flood of refugees to invade Europe. Sexual-assaults have skyrocketed in European countries. An explosion of terrorist acts in Paris, London, and the US is the result of Obama and his Arab Spring. Race relations in America is in the toilet and getting worse. Gays are suing bakeries, pizza restaurants or anyone else who refuses to participate in same-sex marriages.

We are not talking about negative economic pressure
We are talking about economic panic that caused investors to bail on the market and caused employers to lay off hundreds of thousand of workers in expectation of an economic collapse

Yes...we know Republicans urged Obama to do nothing and let the economy work itself out. We saw what happened when Bush did exactly that. The economy turned from a minor recession to full blown collapse as Bush stood by and did nothing

What if Obama had done what Republicans urged him to do?
Allow the banks to continue to collapse
Allow the auto companies to collapse
Don't put any money into the economy
Balance your budget

Republicans would have led us into a Depression and then blamed Obama
the last administration ALREADY BAILED OUT corporate America.

Barack Obama: King Of Corporate Welfare | The Huffington Post

NOW they want MORE in the form of MORE tax breaks on the backs of the average worker...

the dollar has been WEAK for decades but now that we are on par, the donald whines about his corrupt pals who need MORE loans.

Trump says business friends 'can't get loans' because of Dodd-Frank

trump wants to drive the economy back into that ditch ^ NO INCOME, NO CREDIT, NO PROBLEM!
Sorry, but the facts can't be found in his fawning state-run media. N.Korea has their tinhorn dictator and we had ours.
So these "facts" reside exclusively between your ears?

You know what we call that in the Reality Based Universe?
That's rich. You actually think your ideology is reality based. That's hilarious.
If asked to demonstrate the truth of what I tell you, you will never see me insisting that the evidence is hidden exclusively between my ears...

I get it.....Reality has treated your feels with an insouciant disregard bordering on contempt. Who could blame you for abandoning her?
My feels??
Yeah.....those bruised things driving you to lash out irrationally... You're gonna want to put some ice on them.
Says the butthurt little Snowflake.
  1. There was no Depression
  2. Obamacare wasn’t a solution...it is part of the problem
  3. Didn’t save auto companies....simply bailed out the unions
  4. Iran is still working on their nuke program with UN's blessing
  5. Recognized Cuba? And what did that solve? Nothing. Now Cubans can't escape and come to America. They will automatically be deported without legal recourse, no thanks to president big-ears.

Yes...Thanks to President Obama, there was no Depression

If he listened to Republicans and allowed the banks and auto companies to fail, tried to balance the budget and provided no stimulus.....there would have been
It takes 18 months for a president's policies to take full effect. So why did the Great Recession end on June of 2009? Could it be that the left stopped fucking up the economy?

Obviously you don't know a thing about economics.

No it doesn't take 18 months...there is no one size fits all for economic policies

Obama's economic policies took effect immediately because there was a panic among investors. The economy was going to collapse and they wanted to take their money out before it did. Employees were let go in anticipation of a Depression

Obama stood up and proclaimed the US Government would stand behind the banks, prevent the auto companies from collapsing and infuse $800 billion into the economy

At that point the panic subsided. Investors started to put money back into the economy....there were some good buys to be had
Employers stopped the layoffs and eventually started hiring again

The stock market reversed, employment and GDP went positive

Thanks to President Obama....he prevented a Depression
And he also lowered sea-level at the same time.

The recession was caused by negativity in the markets. Once a new president was elected it caused a more positive outlook to prevail, but it was shortlived which resulted in a weak economy and little or zero growth. Unemployment slowly recovered not in reality but statistically. People stopped looking and as the unemployed ran out of benefits they dropped from the stats. At the same time labor participation tanked to a level close to the Great Depression. The rich got richer and the poor got on government assistance. All Obama had to do to improve the economy was do nothing, but instead he made it worse with massive tax increases and intrusive regulations jacking up the costs of everything from Cigarettes to meat products. The cost of a steak went from $3 to $10. A Hostess apple pie went from 50 cents to $1.50. in a few months.
Obama got a participatory Nobel Prize, considering the fact that he caused unrest in the Middle East which caused a massive flood of refugees to invade Europe. Sexual-assaults have skyrocketed in European countries. An explosion of terrorist acts in Paris, London, and the US is the result of Obama and his Arab Spring. Race relations in America is in the toilet and getting worse. Gays are suing bakeries, pizza restaurants or anyone else who refuses to participate in same-sex marriages.

We are not talking about negative economic pressure
We are talking about economic panic that caused investors to bail on the market and caused employers to lay off hundreds of thousand of workers in expectation of an economic collapse

Yes...we know Republicans urged Obama to do nothing and let the economy work itself out. We saw what happened when Bush did exactly that. The economy turned from a minor recession to full blown collapse as Bush stood by and did nothing

What if Obama had done what Republicans urged him to do?
Allow the banks to continue to collapse
Allow the auto companies to collapse
Don't put any money into the economy
Balance your budget

Republicans would have led us into a Depression and then blamed Obama
So in effect, Obama pushed it down the road while he played golf.....leaving us with massive debt.

Next, Congress will simply take our savings to pay off that debt.....because we can fuck Americans but we can't screw over foreign investors.
Important issues
1. Stopped a Depression
2. Passed Obamacare
3. Saved Auto Companies and Banks from collapsing
4. Got Iran to abandon its nuclear program
5. Recognized Cuba
  1. There was no Depression
  2. Obamacare wasn’t a solution...it is part of the problem
  3. Didn’t save auto companies....simply bailed out the unions
  4. Iran is still working on their nuke program with UN's blessing
  5. Recognized Cuba? And what did that solve? Nothing. Now Cubans can't escape and come to America. They will automatically be deported without legal recourse, no thanks to president big-ears.

Yes...Thanks to President Obama, there was no Depression

If he listened to Republicans and allowed the banks and auto companies to fail, tried to balance the budget and provided no stimulus.....there would have been
It takes 18 months for a president's policies to take full effect. So why did the Great Recession end on June of 2009? Could it be that the left stopped fucking up the economy?

Obviously you don't know a thing about economics.
Please be quiet.....and I will teach you something.

Here is an article referring to an AEI conclusion about ARRA..

AEI Says Stimulus Boosted Economy By 4%

Note the hyperlink to the source piece.......click on it....

AEI was clearly bumming that the world was citing its economist on the role of The Stimulus in reversing The Great Recession....

So they tried to Lavrenti Beria (look it up....it's totes mot juste) the thing.....but you can pierce the veil and still find it....

Here's the heresy...

. Absent temporary fiscal stimulus and inventory rebuilding, which taken together added about 4 percentage points to U.S. growth, the economy would have contracted at about a 1 percent annual rate during the second half of 2009.

According to AEI's economist, the Stimulus was the difference between Recession and NotRecession.
I imagine if you flood the economy with $700 billion dollars it will have some effect.
Also if you monitized the debt by selling it to the Fed thru Quantitative Easing by the billions, you can stave off some of the effects of your destructive economic policies. But it's all a paper shuffle and a sham that is set to blow up if anyone tries to address it.

Obama set off mines in health care, immigration, and in the economy. Meanwhile the media totally ignored it.
I guess these would be "mines" apparent only to people with Decoder Specs....

The Fed was obliged to carry more than reasonable, because Congress was anxious to sabotage the US economy.

And that, as everything else I assert, can be demonstrated objectively.

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