What Important Issues Did Obama Really Solve While In Office?

We are not talking about negative economic pressure
We are talking about economic panic that caused investors to bail on the market and caused employers to lay off hundreds of thousand of workers in expectation of an economic collapse

Yes...we know Republicans urged Obama to do nothing and let the economy work itself out. We saw what happened when Bush did exactly that. The economy turned from a minor recession to full blown collapse as Bush stood by and did nothing

What if Obama had done what Republicans urged him to do?
Allow the banks to continue to collapse
Allow the auto companies to collapse
Don't put any money into the economy
Balance your budget

Republicans would have led us into a Depression and then blamed Obama
So in effect, Obama pushed it down the road while he played golf.....leaving us with massive debt.

Next, Congress will simply take our savings to pay off that debt.....because we can fuck Americans but we can't screw over foreign investors.
No...Obama presided over the lowest rate of growth of Federal spending since the 1950s.

Again, this is demonstrable.
Lowest rate you may be able to demonstrate with "Fuzzy Math" thanks to baseline budgeting scams, but still the debt nearly doubled. I wonder what the total spent by Obama to his last fiscal year will be. He's still responsible till October of this year.

You've gone 100% Bold Assertion..... The amount spent for FY 2017 has already been set by appropriations.....

If you're gonna be promiscuous with your opinions you owe it to your correspondents to make them informed.
FY 2017 is Obama's baby.
Obama blamed his first year on Bush, along with TARP, so nigga please. Trump's first budget hasn't even been voted on yet.
You don't understand how the process works.....FY2009 was the last under Scrub..... FY 2017 is the last under Obama....ain't nothin' to blame, niggie....
We are not talking about negative economic pressure
We are talking about economic panic that caused investors to bail on the market and caused employers to lay off hundreds of thousand of workers in expectation of an economic collapse

Yes...we know Republicans urged Obama to do nothing and let the economy work itself out. We saw what happened when Bush did exactly that. The economy turned from a minor recession to full blown collapse as Bush stood by and did nothing

What if Obama had done what Republicans urged him to do?
Allow the banks to continue to collapse
Allow the auto companies to collapse
Don't put any money into the economy
Balance your budget

Republicans would have led us into a Depression and then blamed Obama
So in effect, Obama pushed it down the road while he played golf.....leaving us with massive debt.

Next, Congress will simply take our savings to pay off that debt.....because we can fuck Americans but we can't screw over foreign investors.
No...Obama presided over the lowest rate of growth of Federal spending since the 1950s.

Again, this is demonstrable.
Lowest rate you may be able to demonstrate with "Fuzzy Math" thanks to baseline budgeting scams, but still the debt nearly doubled. I wonder what the total spent by Obama to his last fiscal year will be. He's still responsible till October of this year.

You've gone 100% Bold Assertion..... The amount spent for FY 2017 has already been set by appropriations.....

If you're gonna be promiscuous with your opinions you owe it to your correspondents to make them informed.
FY 2017 is Obama's baby.
Obama blamed his first year on Bush, along with TARP, so nigga please. Trump's first budget hasn't even been voted on yet.
So by that logic the record-high stock market is OBAMA'S too, then?
From Wiki:

Obama's accomplishments after the first 100 days included signing the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 relaxing the statute of limitations for equal-pay lawsuits[7]; signing into law the expanded State Children's Health Insurance Program (S-CHIP), which the White House said provided benefits to 4 million additional working families; winning approval of a congressional budget resolution that put Congress on record as dedicated to dealing with major health care reform legislation in 2009; implementing new ethics guidelines designed to significantly curtail the influence of lobbyists on the executive branch; breaking from the Bush administration on a number of policy fronts, except for Iraq, in which he followed through on Bush's Iraq withdrawal of U.S. troops;[8] supporting the UN declaration on sexual orientation and gender identity; and lifting the 7½-year ban on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research.[9] He also ordered the closure of the Guantanamo Bay detention camp, in Cuba, though it remains open, as well as lifted some travel and money restrictions to the island.[8]

Over halfway through the Gropenfuherer's first 100 days. What has he done to benefit Americans like Obama's first 100?

So far his actions seem aimed at hurting or punishing as many as he can.
The Recovery Act Obama pushed through Congress less than a month after taking office was roundly and repeatedly mocked by Republicans as a failure. But a majority of economists surveyed by the University of Chicago agree that the stimulus cushioned the blow from the recession. The Federal Reserve also took dramatic action to shore up the sagging economy. And the president's controversial auto rescue (along with a bridge loan from the Bush administration) saved an industry that rebounded to enjoy record sales.

"Income gains were actually larger for households at the bottom and the middle [in 2015] than those at the top," Obama notes. "We've actually begun the long task of reversing inequality."

That could change, however, in a Trump administration. The president-elect has promised a tax overhaul that would give the biggest tax breaks to those at the top of the income ladder. He's also likely to unwind an Obama administration rule designed to make millions more low-wage workers eligible for overtime pay.

Scorecard For A Departing President: Assessing Obama's Successes And Shortcomings

Here's a list of problems that Obama said he would change:

  1. Rising health care costs
  2. Illegal immigration
  3. Race relations
  4. The debt
  5. Rising energy costs
  6. Terrorism
  7. Develop alternative energy
  8. End overseas oil dependency
  9. Fix Washington
Instead Obama left office with these problems in worse shape than when he entered office
  1. Health care costs have tripled
  2. Illegals are soaking up benefits and coming here in droves
  3. Race relations are worse than the last 50 years
  4. The debt has doubled
  5. Energy costs have skyrocketed
  6. Terrorism is a constant threat
  7. We have no alternative energy that is affordable
  8. We're still dependent on OPEC
  9. Washington is broken

What did Obama give us after 8 years of Hope & Change

Same-sex marriage.
Cop killings every week.
Illegals and non-citizens voting in our elections
$20 trillion in debt
A broken health care system

Obama left us with a mess. Now he's on some island attending some men's only club and the media is too busy trashing Bush (Trump) to even notice.

So what did Obama really do for us?
He made ISIS a household name everyone recognizes.

We're you born this fucking stupid?

ISIS is AQI (yet another jewel in the Legacy of the worst POTUS of the modern era) rebranded.....

You remember AQI, right?
He solved the problem of millions of people not having health insurance.
He did it by TAXING us up the wazzu, but none the less he did provide millions of people with health insurance.
What extra tax did you pay?
Anyone who bought prescriptions, anyone who received treatment, anyone who paid 3 times as much in premiums, anyone who had their tax refund confiscated, anyone who paid cash for treatment that used to be covered, anyone that paid higher deductibles.

The only tax I see here is the penalty tax for not purchasing health insurance. You don't even know what a tax is. If you have any proof of someone having their tax refund confiscated, prove it.

BTW Obama, yes did not sign as many bills as Bush he signed 60 into law, but look at the congress he had to work with. Much the same as Trump has to work with and they have already blown trump off. Of course you know that because you were 5th in line.

Oh and ISIS was formed under Bush.
Here's a list of problems that Obama said he would change:

  1. Rising health care costs
  2. Illegal immigration
  3. Race relations
  4. The debt
  5. Rising energy costs
  6. Terrorism
  7. Develop alternative energy
  8. End overseas oil dependency
  9. Fix Washington
Instead Obama left office with these problems in worse shape than when he entered office
  1. Health care costs have tripled
  2. Illegals are soaking up benefits and coming here in droves
  3. Race relations are worse than the last 50 years
  4. The debt has doubled
  5. Energy costs have skyrocketed
  6. Terrorism is a constant threat
  7. We have no alternative energy that is affordable
  8. We're still dependent on OPEC
  9. Washington is broken

What did Obama give us after 8 years of Hope & Change

Same-sex marriage.
Cop killings every week.
Illegals and non-citizens voting in our elections
$20 trillion in debt
A broken health care system

Obama left us with a mess. Now he's on some island attending some men's only club and the media is too busy trashing Bush (Trump) to even notice.

So what did Obama really do for us?
He made ISIS a household name everyone recognizes.

We're you born this fucking stupid?

ISIS is AQI (yet another jewel in the Legacy of the worst POTUS of the modern era) rebranded.....

You remember AQI, right?
Even dumbass Obama knows you are full of shit.
He solved the problem of millions of people not having health insurance.
He did it by TAXING us up the wazzu, but none the less he did provide millions of people with health insurance.
What extra tax did you pay?
You seem to think that when a poor person gets free health care coverage from the government that "no one" pays for it, eh?
"It's free if the gov't pays for it", eh?
You just arrived and figured that out already?

I never said anything of the sort..

As you are new here, let me clue you in...

If you direct your fucking Idiocy at me, you'll spend some time picking it out of your 5 remaining teeth...

Ya follah?
Here's a list of problems that Obama said he would change:

  1. Rising health care costs
  2. Illegal immigration
  3. Race relations
  4. The debt
  5. Rising energy costs
  6. Terrorism
  7. Develop alternative energy
  8. End overseas oil dependency
  9. Fix Washington
Instead Obama left office with these problems in worse shape than when he entered office
  1. Health care costs have tripled
  2. Illegals are soaking up benefits and coming here in droves
  3. Race relations are worse than the last 50 years
  4. The debt has doubled
  5. Energy costs have skyrocketed
  6. Terrorism is a constant threat
  7. We have no alternative energy that is affordable
  8. We're still dependent on OPEC
  9. Washington is broken

What did Obama give us after 8 years of Hope & Change

Same-sex marriage.
Cop killings every week.
Illegals and non-citizens voting in our elections
$20 trillion in debt
A broken health care system

Obama left us with a mess. Now he's on some island attending some men's only club and the media is too busy trashing Bush (Trump) to even notice.

So what did Obama really do for us?
He made ISIS a household name everyone recognizes.

We're you born this fucking stupid?

ISIS is AQI (yet another jewel in the Legacy of the worst POTUS of the modern era) rebranded.....

You remember AQI, right?
Even dumbass Obama knows you are full of shit.

Why don't you tell me why you believe ISIS is NOT AQI rebranded, Dub.....
It takes 18 months for a president's policies to take full effect. So why did the Great Recession end on June of 2009? Could it be that the left stopped fucking up the economy?

Obviously you don't know a thing about economics.
Please be quiet.....and I will teach you something.

Here is an article referring to an AEI conclusion about ARRA..

AEI Says Stimulus Boosted Economy By 4%

Note the hyperlink to the source piece.......click on it....

AEI was clearly bumming that the world was citing its economist on the role of The Stimulus in reversing The Great Recession....

So they tried to Lavrenti Beria (look it up....it's totes mot juste) the thing.....but you can pierce the veil and still find it....

Here's the heresy...

. Absent temporary fiscal stimulus and inventory rebuilding, which taken together added about 4 percentage points to U.S. growth, the economy would have contracted at about a 1 percent annual rate during the second half of 2009.

According to AEI's economist, the Stimulus was the difference between Recession and NotRecession.
I imagine if you flood the economy with $700 billion dollars it will have some effect.
Also if you monitized the debt by selling it to the Fed thru Quantitative Easing by the billions, you can stave off some of the effects of your destructive economic policies. But it's all a paper shuffle and a sham that is set to blow up if anyone tries to address it.

Obama set off mines in health care, immigration, and in the economy. Meanwhile the media totally ignored it.
I guess these would be "mines" apparent only to people with Decoder Specs....

The Fed was obliged to carry more than reasonable, because Congress was anxious to sabotage the US economy.

And that, as everything else I assert, can be demonstrated objectively.
So the Fed, which is packed with friends of Obama, decides it's time to cause another Recession by repeatedly jacking up interest rates, which will increase the debt. They held off on any increases despite the fact that the media was claiming we had a strong economy. Now that a Republican is in office, it's time to torpedo the economy once again and blame it on Trump.
So the Fed, which is packed with friends of Obama

Please stop...you have no idea what you are yammering about....Obma kept on Scrubby's nominee as Fed Chair......The Bernank would still be there had he not grown weary from his Herculean labors.
Please, you're prattling along like some garden variety journalista.
Bernake's not there, shitforbrains, is he. Janet Yellen is. And who says Bernanke didn't help cause the recession in the first place.

You left out 'normalized pussy groping and fantasy incest'.
He solved the problem of millions of people not having health insurance.
He did it by TAXING us up the wazzu, but none the less he did provide millions of people with health insurance.
What extra tax did you pay?
You seem to think that when a poor person gets free health care coverage from the government that "no one" pays for it, eh?
"It's free if the gov't pays for it", eh?
You just arrived and figured that out already?

I never said anything of the sort..

As you are new here, let me clue you in...

If you direct your fucking Idiocy at me, you'll spend some time picking it out of your 5 remaining teeth...

Ya follah?
Is that a threat????

Tough guy?

Keyboard badass?
He solved the problem of millions of people not having health insurance.
He did it by TAXING us up the wazzu, but none the less he did provide millions of people with health insurance.
What extra tax did you pay?
You seem to think that when a poor person gets free health care coverage from the government that "no one" pays for it, eh?
"It's free if the gov't pays for it", eh?
Well the best things in life are free....
Please be quiet.....and I will teach you something.

Here is an article referring to an AEI conclusion about ARRA..

AEI Says Stimulus Boosted Economy By 4%

Note the hyperlink to the source piece.......click on it....

AEI was clearly bumming that the world was citing its economist on the role of The Stimulus in reversing The Great Recession....

So they tried to Lavrenti Beria (look it up....it's totes mot juste) the thing.....but you can pierce the veil and still find it....

Here's the heresy...

. Absent temporary fiscal stimulus and inventory rebuilding, which taken together added about 4 percentage points to U.S. growth, the economy would have contracted at about a 1 percent annual rate during the second half of 2009.

According to AEI's economist, the Stimulus was the difference between Recession and NotRecession.
I imagine if you flood the economy with $700 billion dollars it will have some effect.
Also if you monitized the debt by selling it to the Fed thru Quantitative Easing by the billions, you can stave off some of the effects of your destructive economic policies. But it's all a paper shuffle and a sham that is set to blow up if anyone tries to address it.

Obama set off mines in health care, immigration, and in the economy. Meanwhile the media totally ignored it.
I guess these would be "mines" apparent only to people with Decoder Specs....

The Fed was obliged to carry more than reasonable, because Congress was anxious to sabotage the US economy.

And that, as everything else I assert, can be demonstrated objectively.
So the Fed, which is packed with friends of Obama, decides it's time to cause another Recession by repeatedly jacking up interest rates, which will increase the debt. They held off on any increases despite the fact that the media was claiming we had a strong economy. Now that a Republican is in office, it's time to torpedo the economy once again and blame it on Trump.
So the Fed, which is packed with friends of Obama

Please stop...you have no idea what you are yammering about....Obma kept on Scrubby's nominee as Fed Chair......The Bernank would still be there had he not grown weary from his Herculean labors.
Please, you're prattling along like some garden variety journalista.
Bernake's not there, shitforbrains, is he. Janet Yellen is. And who says Bernanke didn't help cause the recession in the first place.
No....I'm responding to your random chin dribble with facts....

Who says Donald Trump is NOT Kim Jong Il's bastard?
He solved the problem of millions of people not having health insurance.
He did it by TAXING us up the wazzu, but none the less he did provide millions of people with health insurance.
What extra tax did you pay?
You seem to think that when a poor person gets free health care coverage from the government that "no one" pays for it, eh?
"It's free if the gov't pays for it", eh?
You just arrived and figured that out already?

I never said anything of the sort..

As you are new here, let me clue you in...

If you direct your fucking Idiocy at me, you'll spend some time picking it out of your 5 remaining teeth...

Ya follah?
Is that a threat????

Tough guy?

Keyboard badass?
Why don't you stand by with the tourniquet, Miss....
So in effect, Obama pushed it down the road while he played golf.....leaving us with massive debt.

Next, Congress will simply take our savings to pay off that debt.....because we can fuck Americans but we can't screw over foreign investors.
No...Obama presided over the lowest rate of growth of Federal spending since the 1950s.

Again, this is demonstrable.
Lowest rate you may be able to demonstrate with "Fuzzy Math" thanks to baseline budgeting scams, but still the debt nearly doubled. I wonder what the total spent by Obama to his last fiscal year will be. He's still responsible till October of this year.

You've gone 100% Bold Assertion..... The amount spent for FY 2017 has already been set by appropriations.....

If you're gonna be promiscuous with your opinions you owe it to your correspondents to make them informed.
FY 2017 is Obama's baby.
Obama blamed his first year on Bush, along with TARP, so nigga please. Trump's first budget hasn't even been voted on yet.
You don't understand how the process works.....FY2009 was the last under Scrub..... FY 2017 is the last under Obama....ain't nothin' to blame, niggie....
And yet your English comprehension is so bad that you failed to see that I said this was the case.
He solved the problem of millions of people not having health insurance.
He did it by TAXING us up the wazzu, but none the less he did provide millions of people with health insurance.
What extra tax did you pay?
You seem to think that when a poor person gets free health care coverage from the government that "no one" pays for it, eh?
"It's free if the gov't pays for it", eh?
Well the best things in life are free....
Iraqnam - unfunded

Medicare Part D - unfunded

ACA - fully funded...

Any questions?
No...Obama presided over the lowest rate of growth of Federal spending since the 1950s.

Again, this is demonstrable.
Lowest rate you may be able to demonstrate with "Fuzzy Math" thanks to baseline budgeting scams, but still the debt nearly doubled. I wonder what the total spent by Obama to his last fiscal year will be. He's still responsible till October of this year.

You've gone 100% Bold Assertion..... The amount spent for FY 2017 has already been set by appropriations.....

If you're gonna be promiscuous with your opinions you owe it to your correspondents to make them informed.
FY 2017 is Obama's baby.
Obama blamed his first year on Bush, along with TARP, so nigga please. Trump's first budget hasn't even been voted on yet.
You don't understand how the process works.....FY2009 was the last under Scrub..... FY 2017 is the last under Obama....ain't nothin' to blame, niggie....
And yet your English comprehension is so bad that you failed to see that I said this was the case.
Obama blamed his first year on Bush, along with TARP, s

To what calendar year are you referring?
He solved the problem of millions of people not having health insurance.
He did it by TAXING us up the wazzu, but none the less he did provide millions of people with health insurance.
What extra tax did you pay?
You seem to think that when a poor person gets free health care coverage from the government that "no one" pays for it, eh?
"It's free if the gov't pays for it", eh?
You just arrived and figured that out already?

I never said anything of the sort..

As you are new here, let me clue you in...

If you direct your fucking Idiocy at me, you'll spend some time picking it out of your 5 remaining teeth...

Ya follah?
Is that a threat????

Tough guy?

Keyboard badass?
Why don't you stand by with the tourniquet, Miss....
Losing the argument and reduced to posting a Non-squitur

Why not post amusing pics as a last resort?
What extra tax did you pay?
You seem to think that when a poor person gets free health care coverage from the government that "no one" pays for it, eh?
"It's free if the gov't pays for it", eh?
You just arrived and figured that out already?

I never said anything of the sort..

As you are new here, let me clue you in...

If you direct your fucking Idiocy at me, you'll spend some time picking it out of your 5 remaining teeth...

Ya follah?
Is that a threat????

Tough guy?

Keyboard badass?
Why don't you stand by with the tourniquet, Miss....
Losing the argument and reduced to posting a Non-squitur

Why not post amusing pics as a last resort?
It responds succinctly to the post it addressed.

Accordingly, it CANNOT be a " Non-squitur".

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