What Important Issues Did Obama Really Solve While In Office?

He go elected Twice as President of this fine nation, and that in itself is a real accomplishment.

As for your list, well let see after Trump four years and the Freedom Caucus blocking him what he get done, because as of now not a damn thing.
You seem to think that when a poor person gets free health care coverage from the government that "no one" pays for it, eh?
"It's free if the gov't pays for it", eh?
You just arrived and figured that out already?

I never said anything of the sort..

As you are new here, let me clue you in...

If you direct your fucking Idiocy at me, you'll spend some time picking it out of your 5 remaining teeth...

Ya follah?
Is that a threat????

Tough guy?

Keyboard badass?
Why don't you stand by with the tourniquet, Miss....
Losing the argument and reduced to posting a Non-squitur

Why not post amusing pics as a last resort?
It responds succinctly to the post it addressed.

Accordingly, it CANNOT be a " Non-squitur".
He solved the problem of millions of people not having health insurance.
He did it by TAXING us up the wazzu, but none the less he did provide millions of people with health insurance.
What extra tax did you pay?

Taxes I had to pay on my disability income went up. From $1100 to $1700 even there wasn't an increase in my annuity.

I'm not going to tell you what my annuity is, but I qualify for food stamps.

Thank you , Obama, for the tax reduction for the middle class.
He go elected Twice as President of this fine nation, and that in itself is a real accomplishment.

As for your list, well let see after Trump four years and the Freedom Caucus blocking him what he get done, because as of now not a damn thing.
I suppose all of those EOs were nothing.

Basically Obama lived off of them....and now they're nothing.

I guess if you pudgy fuckers don't like the rules you created you just change them when they backfire on you.
in 2009, I thought the days of blacks and whites calling one another the N word, cracker, spearchucker, whitey, honkey, sambo, shoe shine boy, slaveboy, KKK, etc. etc, were over.

He didn't really crank up the racism until his 2nd term. After he was firmly in place, The US experienced more riots within 4 years than it did in previous 40 combined.

He did accomplish that. Most riots ever for a president in 1 term.


No Problem.


1973: Dallas Disturbance, Dallas, TX.

1976: 1 riot. Anti-bussing riots, Boston,MA.

1980: 1 riot. McDuffie
riots, Miami,FL.

1982: 1 riot. Overtown riots, Miami,FL.

1992: 1 riot. Rodney King riots, Los Angeles,CA.

1996: 1 riot. St. Petersburg riots
,St. Petersburg,FL.

2001: 1 riot. Cincinnatti riots, Cincinnatti,OH.

2009 Oakland riots - In Obama's 2nd term.

Okay, so that's 7 in 40 years. One in Obama's 2nd term

2014 Ferguson riots

2015 Baltimore riots

Here's where it gets interesting and intensifies:

Trump rally Albequerque N.M. riots

Protesters at Trump rally riot, attack cops | New York Post

San Jose riots:

WATCH: Leftist Protesters Riot in San Jose: Assault Trump Supporters, Burn American Flag

Portland riots

Anti-Trump protests: Portland police call it 'riot' - CNN.com

Costa Mesa riots

Protests, unrest outside large Trump rally in Southern California

Oakland riots

2016 Oakland riots - Wikipedia

Washington, D.C. riots

Riots break out in Washington D.C. before Donald Trump’s inauguration

So that's 8 riots in Obama's second term

Source for older riots:

http://www.thechristianidentityforum.net/downloads/Race-Riots.pdf pp 64-66

Obama not once spoke out against rioting. Keep that in mind.

He solved the problem of millions of people not having health insurance.
He did it by TAXING us up the wazzu, but none the less he did provide millions of people with health insurance.
What extra tax did you pay?

Taxes I had to pay on my disability income went up. From $1100 to $1700 even there wasn't an increase in my annuity.

I'm not going to tell you what my annuity is, but I qualify for food stamps.

Thank you , Obama, for the tax reduction for the middle class.
Uh......what federal tax applies to your "disability"?
You just arrived and figured that out already?

I never said anything of the sort..

As you are new here, let me clue you in...

If you direct your fucking Idiocy at me, you'll spend some time picking it out of your 5 remaining teeth...

Ya follah?
Is that a threat????

Tough guy?

Keyboard badass?
Why don't you stand by with the tourniquet, Miss....
Losing the argument and reduced to posting a Non-squitur

Why not post amusing pics as a last resort?
It responds succinctly to the post it addressed.

Accordingly, it CANNOT be a " Non-squitur".
He solved the problem of millions of people not having health insurance.
He did it by TAXING us up the wazzu, but none the less he did provide millions of people with health insurance.
What extra tax did you pay?
Anyone who bought prescriptions, anyone who received treatment, anyone who paid 3 times as much in premiums, anyone who had their tax refund confiscated, anyone who paid cash for treatment that used to be covered, anyone that paid higher deductibles.

The only tax I see here is the penalty tax for not purchasing health insurance. You don't even know what a tax is. If you have any proof of someone having their tax refund confiscated, prove it.

BTW Obama, yes did not sign as many bills as Bush he signed 60 into law, but look at the congress he had to work with. Much the same as Trump has to work with and they have already blown trump off. Of course you know that because you were 5th in line.

Oh and ISIS was formed under Bush.

Obama raised taxes on drugs and reduced tax writeoffs. Also you could call the withholding of covered procedures another implicit tax. You have less coverage because the ACA changed what could be covered under your insurance.
Obamacare: Seven New Taxes on Citizens Earning Less than $250,000 - Breitbart
Is that a threat????

Tough guy?

Keyboard badass?
Why don't you stand by with the tourniquet, Miss....
Losing the argument and reduced to posting a Non-squitur

Why not post amusing pics as a last resort?
It responds succinctly to the post it addressed.

Accordingly, it CANNOT be a " Non-squitur".
Bold-faced lies more like.
Following the string back says as much.
He solved the problem of millions of people not having health insurance.
He did it by TAXING us up the wazzu, but none the less he did provide millions of people with health insurance.
What extra tax did you pay?

Taxes I had to pay on my disability income went up. From $1100 to $1700 even there wasn't an increase in my annuity.

I'm not going to tell you what my annuity is, but I qualify for food stamps.

Thank you , Obama, for the tax reduction for the middle class.
Uh......what federal tax applies to your "disability"?

Federal income tax and payroll tax, just like everybody. My annuity is not federal. It's from a private retirement association, so therefore taxed as "working income".
He solved the problem of millions of people not having health insurance.
He did it by TAXING us up the wazzu, but none the less he did provide millions of people with health insurance.
What extra tax did you pay?

Taxes I had to pay on my disability income went up. From $1100 to $1700 even there wasn't an increase in my annuity.

I'm not going to tell you what my annuity is, but I qualify for food stamps.

Thank you , Obama, for the tax reduction for the middle class.
And the $2500 cost reduction.....don't forget that.
He solved the problem of millions of people not having health insurance.
He did it by TAXING us up the wazzu, but none the less he did provide millions of people with health insurance.
What extra tax did you pay?

Taxes I had to pay on my disability income went up. From $1100 to $1700 even there wasn't an increase in my annuity.

I'm not going to tell you what my annuity is, but I qualify for food stamps.

Thank you , Obama, for the tax reduction for the middle class.
And the $2500 cost reduction.....don't forget that.

Doesn't apply to me. My medical is from my retirement retirement association (rolled over from my employer). They pay $200 towards my $900/mo premium. I will very soon (weeks) have to go on Medicare, so that will all change. I will utilize their supplement so my premiums will drop dramatically.
He solved the problem of millions of people not having health insurance.
He did it by TAXING us up the wazzu, but none the less he did provide millions of people with health insurance.
What extra tax did you pay?

Taxes I had to pay on my disability income went up. From $1100 to $1700 even there wasn't an increase in my annuity.

I'm not going to tell you what my annuity is, but I qualify for food stamps.

Thank you , Obama, for the tax reduction for the middle class.
Uh......what federal tax applies to your "disability"?

Federal income tax and payroll tax, just like everybody. My annuity is not federal. It's from a private retirement association, so therefore taxed as "working income".
But if you qualify for food stamps, no federal tax rate applying to you has changed....
He solved the problem of millions of people not having health insurance.
He did it by TAXING us up the wazzu, but none the less he did provide millions of people with health insurance.
What extra tax did you pay?
Anyone who bought prescriptions, anyone who received treatment, anyone who paid 3 times as much in premiums, anyone who had their tax refund confiscated, anyone who paid cash for treatment that used to be covered, anyone that paid higher deductibles.

The only tax I see here is the penalty tax for not purchasing health insurance. You don't even know what a tax is. If you have any proof of someone having their tax refund confiscated, prove it.

BTW Obama, yes did not sign as many bills as Bush he signed 60 into law, but look at the congress he had to work with. Much the same as Trump has to work with and they have already blown trump off. Of course you know that because you were 5th in line.

Oh and ISIS was formed under Bush.

Obama raised taxes on drugs and reduced tax writeoffs. Also you could call the withholding of covered procedures another implicit tax. You have less coverage because the ACA changed what could be covered under your insurance.
Obamacare: Seven New Taxes on Citizens Earning Less than $250,000 - Breitbart

He solved the problem of millions of people not having health insurance.
He did it by TAXING us up the wazzu, but none the less he did provide millions of people with health insurance.
What extra tax did you pay?
Anyone who bought prescriptions, anyone who received treatment, anyone who paid 3 times as much in premiums, anyone who had their tax refund confiscated, anyone who paid cash for treatment that used to be covered, anyone that paid higher deductibles.

The only tax I see here is the penalty tax for not purchasing health insurance. You don't even know what a tax is. If you have any proof of someone having their tax refund confiscated, prove it.

BTW Obama, yes did not sign as many bills as Bush he signed 60 into law, but look at the congress he had to work with. Much the same as Trump has to work with and they have already blown trump off. Of course you know that because you were 5th in line.

Oh and ISIS was formed under Bush.

Obama raised taxes on drugs and reduced tax writeoffs. Also you could call the withholding of covered procedures another implicit tax. You have less coverage because the ACA changed what could be covered under your insurance.
Obamacare: Seven New Taxes on Citizens Earning Less than $250,000 - Breitbart
This clown calls EVERYTHING a tax.... why don't you keep that Breitbart crap to yourself....the poster to whom my question was directed is starting to work the rope.
He solved the problem of millions of people not having health insurance.
He did it by TAXING us up the wazzu, but none the less he did provide millions of people with health insurance.
What extra tax did you pay?
Anyone who bought prescriptions, anyone who received treatment, anyone who paid 3 times as much in premiums, anyone who had their tax refund confiscated, anyone who paid cash for treatment that used to be covered, anyone that paid higher deductibles.

The only tax I see here is the penalty tax for not purchasing health insurance. You don't even know what a tax is. If you have any proof of someone having their tax refund confiscated, prove it.

BTW Obama, yes did not sign as many bills as Bush he signed 60 into law, but look at the congress he had to work with. Much the same as Trump has to work with and they have already blown trump off. Of course you know that because you were 5th in line.

Oh and ISIS was formed under Bush.

Obama raised taxes on drugs and reduced tax writeoffs. Also you could call the withholding of covered procedures another implicit tax. You have less coverage because the ACA changed what could be covered under your insurance.
Obamacare: Seven New Taxes on Citizens Earning Less than $250,000 - Breitbart

He solved the problem of millions of people not having health insurance.
He did it by TAXING us up the wazzu, but none the less he did provide millions of people with health insurance.
What extra tax did you pay?
Anyone who bought prescriptions, anyone who received treatment, anyone who paid 3 times as much in premiums, anyone who had their tax refund confiscated, anyone who paid cash for treatment that used to be covered, anyone that paid higher deductibles.

The only tax I see here is the penalty tax for not purchasing health insurance. You don't even know what a tax is. If you have any proof of someone having their tax refund confiscated, prove it.

BTW Obama, yes did not sign as many bills as Bush he signed 60 into law, but look at the congress he had to work with. Much the same as Trump has to work with and they have already blown trump off. Of course you know that because you were 5th in line.

Oh and ISIS was formed under Bush.

Obama raised taxes on drugs and reduced tax writeoffs. Also you could call the withholding of covered procedures another implicit tax. You have less coverage because the ACA changed what could be covered under your insurance.
Obamacare: Seven New Taxes on Citizens Earning Less than $250,000 - Breitbart
This clown calls EVERYTHING a tax.... why don't you keep that Breitbart crap to yourself....the poster to whom my question was directed is starting to work the rope.
According to the SCOTUS they are a tax. I don't give a shit what the writers of the ACA want to call them. Anything else is unconstitutional.

End of story.
I could show you IRS paperwork that contradicts you. But I am not going to post my 1040's.
You stated that you qualify for food stamps.....

That suggests that your income falls well below the threshold for the ACA surtax.

There has been no change to any federal tax bracket applying to you.

Would you like to insist that you are a tanning salon habitué?
What extra tax did you pay?
Anyone who bought prescriptions, anyone who received treatment, anyone who paid 3 times as much in premiums, anyone who had their tax refund confiscated, anyone who paid cash for treatment that used to be covered, anyone that paid higher deductibles.

The only tax I see here is the penalty tax for not purchasing health insurance. You don't even know what a tax is. If you have any proof of someone having their tax refund confiscated, prove it.

BTW Obama, yes did not sign as many bills as Bush he signed 60 into law, but look at the congress he had to work with. Much the same as Trump has to work with and they have already blown trump off. Of course you know that because you were 5th in line.

Oh and ISIS was formed under Bush.

Obama raised taxes on drugs and reduced tax writeoffs. Also you could call the withholding of covered procedures another implicit tax. You have less coverage because the ACA changed what could be covered under your insurance.
Obamacare: Seven New Taxes on Citizens Earning Less than $250,000 - Breitbart

What extra tax did you pay?
Anyone who bought prescriptions, anyone who received treatment, anyone who paid 3 times as much in premiums, anyone who had their tax refund confiscated, anyone who paid cash for treatment that used to be covered, anyone that paid higher deductibles.

The only tax I see here is the penalty tax for not purchasing health insurance. You don't even know what a tax is. If you have any proof of someone having their tax refund confiscated, prove it.

BTW Obama, yes did not sign as many bills as Bush he signed 60 into law, but look at the congress he had to work with. Much the same as Trump has to work with and they have already blown trump off. Of course you know that because you were 5th in line.

Oh and ISIS was formed under Bush.

Obama raised taxes on drugs and reduced tax writeoffs. Also you could call the withholding of covered procedures another implicit tax. You have less coverage because the ACA changed what could be covered under your insurance.
Obamacare: Seven New Taxes on Citizens Earning Less than $250,000 - Breitbart
This clown calls EVERYTHING a tax.... why don't you keep that Breitbart crap to yourself....the poster to whom my question was directed is starting to work the rope.
According to the SCOTUS they are a tax.

End of story.
No...SCOTUS weighed in on the matter of the penalty.
Well, the IRS says different, but you're a Democrat and KNOW what's correct.

I'm on a fixed income, yet my taxes went up $600.00. I didn't tell you what my state taxes are.

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