What Is A Campaign Contribution?


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2014
Is this it?

are the most common source of campaign support. A contribution is anything of value given, loaned or advanced to influence a federal election. ... Contributions count toward the threshold that determines whether an individual has qualified as a candidate under the Federal Election Campaign Act (the Act).

Anything of value.......Wow!
Couldn't most anything that benefits a candidate be considered a thing of value? So if president trump were to strike an agreement for nuclear disarmament with North Korea, could that be considered a campaign contribution? How 'bout Obama's Nobel Peace Prize? Anything of value seems to be a very loose definition of campaign contribution. Oh! I left off the part "to influence a federal election" Well, most everything a politician does is rooted in influencing the next election.

Maybe it has to do with the intentions of the giver that makes something a campaign contribution. If Ukraine investigates Biden because there is probable cause, then that's not a campaign contribution. If Ukraine investigates Biden to help Trump win reelection, then that's a campaign contribution.

So what should be done if there is probable cause for Ukraine to investigate Biden, but that investigation helps Trump with the election?

We are in very murky water here. Common sense needs to prevail.
Biden's candidacy is incidental....He's not going to get the nomination and he's still a crook.
Is this it?

are the most common source of campaign support. A contribution is anything of value given, loaned or advanced to influence a federal election. ... Contributions count toward the threshold that determines whether an individual has qualified as a candidate under the Federal Election Campaign Act (the Act).

Anything of value.......Wow!
Couldn't most anything that benefits a candidate be considered a thing of value? So if president trump were to strike an agreement for nuclear disarmament with North Korea, could that be considered a campaign contribution? How 'bout Obama's Nobel Peace Prize? Anything of value seems to be a very loose definition of campaign contribution. Oh! I left off the part "to influence a federal election" Well, most everything a politician does is rooted in influencing the next election.

Maybe it has to do with the intentions of the giver that makes something a campaign contribution. If Ukraine investigates Biden because there is probable cause, then that's not a campaign contribution. If Ukraine investigates Biden to help Trump win reelection, then that's a campaign contribution.

So what should be done if there is probable cause for Ukraine to investigate Biden, but that investigation helps Trump with the election?

We are in very murky water here. Common sense needs to prevail.
You're in Reality America, there is no sense, so sense cannot be common.

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