What is a "settler"?

As opposed to those peace-loving flower children of Hamas?
Is it any wonder we saw Hamas attack like they did on Oct 7th? The Israelis permit widescale domestic terrorism against Palestinians for decades and then get all bent out of shape when some of them say "F**k this, lets teach them a lesson"?

If you and your family were forced out of your home by a bunch of unemployable entitled hippies with baseball bats all while the police and army stood by and watched, don't tell me you'd accept that and sympathize with those hippies, just don't, no, don't do it.

The Zionist glove puppets here parrot the Israelis and "condemn" Hamas and Oct 7th, yet not a single one of them condemns these violent home invasions year after year after year after year. That's both racist and cowardly.

If you feel compelled to condemn terrorism then do not do so selectively.
The Jewish Queen Who Resisted Arab Imperialism
Meet Dihya, the fierce Jewish queen who stood against Arab imperialism in North Africa.
Her story is one of courage and resistance.

Dihya, also known as al-Kahina from the Jewish priestly tribe, led her people in a valiant fight against the invading Arab forces in the 7th century. Her resistance is a powerful example of standing up against imperialism and protecting cultural identity.

While Dihya's bravery is celebrated, the true extent of Arab imperialism and its legacy of oppression remain largely unacknowledged. How can the world ignore the stories of those who fought against such tyranny and the ongoing impact of Arab domination?

Isn't it time we confront these historical and modern injustices,
and give voice to the many victims of Arab imperialism?

Is it any wonder we saw Hamas attack like they did on Oct 7th? The Israelis permit widescale domestic terrorism against Palestinians for decades and then get all bent out of shape when some of them say "F**k this, lets teach them a lesson"?

If you and your family were forced out of your home by a bunch of unemployable entitled hippies with baseball bats all while the police and army stood by and watched, don't tell me you'd accept that and sympathize with those hippies, just don't, no, don't do it.

The Zionist glove puppets here parrot the Israelis and "condemn" Hamas and Oct 7th, yet not a single one of them condemns these violent home invasions year after year after year after year. That's both racist and cowardly.
Yes, Hama's stupidity is indeed a wonder. WTF did they think was going to happen after they murdered 1300 Israelis? Hamas obviously doesn't give a Muzzie's ass about their own population. Netanyahu will be gone when the dust has settled, but Hamas will still be there.

Democracy and humanity is obviously lost on those who follow the "religion of peace".
No, it is called terrorism, there is no foreign occupation.
Yes, Hama's stupidity is indeed a wonder. WTF did they think was going to happen after they murdered 1300 Israelis? Hamas obviously doesn't give a Muzzie's ass about their own population. Netanyahu will be gone when the dust has settled, but Hamas will still be there.

Democracy and humanity is obviously lost on those who follow the "religion of peace".
I have no idea what "they" thought, no idea. I do know that they are not content to sit idly by and allow the foreign occupiers to do as they please, when they please to whom they please with impunity and a big US brother standing by that helps them.
I have no idea what "they" thought, no idea. I do know that they are not content to sit idly by and allow the foreign occupiers to do as they please, when they please to whom they please with impunity and a big US brother standing by that helps them.
Then you are indeed as stupid as Hama's leadership. If you bite a lion's ass, you'd better be sure that you're ready to deal with its claws and teeth.

In a nutshell.
Then you are indeed as stupid as Hama's leadership. If you bite a lion's ass, you'd better be sure that you're ready to deal with its claws and teeth.

In a nutshell.
That's hysterical, you really think the Zionists are supermen? Most that I've seen are primitive knuckle draggers, uncultured, slobs. They leech off the emasculated United States, seeking welfare and handouts from the US taxpayers, they can't defend themselves against what's coming.
That's hysterical, you really think the Zionists are supermen? Most that I've seen are primitive knuckle draggers, uncultured, slobs. They leech off the emasculated United States, seeking welfare and handouts from the US taxpayers, they can't defend themselves against what's coming.
Compared to the sub-human denizens of Gaza, they re indeed supermen. History has shown us that much.
Colonizing occupied territory is illegal.

You can't be a colonizer on your own indigenous land.
There is no occupation by Israel.
There is a treaty in place which places control of Area C with Israel.
Th land called Israel was once part of the British Empire, and it was given to the Jews after the WW2 and the holocaust, but the land never belong to Great Britain in the first place. What is now Somalia was offered first but declined.
Th land called Israel was once part of the British Empire, and it was given to the Jews after the WW2 and the holocaust, but the land never belong to Great Britain in the first place. What is now Somalia was offered first but declined.

Israel was never part of the British Empire, nor was it "given" to the Jews, nor was the legal framework for re-constitution of Israel post-WWII.

The Jewish people were one of many, many peoples whose right to self-determination was recognized.
The "settlers" are Likuds paramilitary wing for ethnic cleansing.

These "settlers" serve at least two functions for the right wing Netanyahu government.

1. Israel's criminal "Settlements" are intended to prevent any chance of a fair, equitable and durable peace. (1)

They serve as irrefutable proof that Israel's ruling right wing Zionists do not want peace because they know that they can continue to violate International Law, commit genocide, steal even more Palestinian land not only with impunity bur reward as AIPAC, the ZOA etc seem to extort $ Trillions from gullible Americans.

Israel is not only defended by the US while it commits genocide but given the ordinance to continue their "war" on starving, homeless, sick and traumatized refugees.
It is especially ironic that the International Holocaust Industry is still extorting countless $ Billions in frequently fraudulent Reparations money in order to fund the world's glut of grisly Holocaust theme parks.

2. For all the Zionist propaganda about Hamas' "Human Shields" it is now know that nothing or no one serves as a "shield" in the eyes of the IDFers:

- "Independent investigation details Israel’s deliberate targeting of civilians in Gaza"
Independent investigation details Israel’s deliberate targeting of civilians in Gaza

- “Video Shows IDF Snipers Shooting Palestinian Children For Fun, But Facebook Won’t Let You Share It”

- "'Not a normal war’: doctors say children have been targeted by Israeli snipers in Gaza"

I don't believe it's accurate to generalize about any group of people and individuals who have chosen to live in an area of contention are no different.

I only wonder what mindset leads one to believe that one is entitled to the land to which one has no legal claim.

When Israel was created by foreign governments, the more numerous Palestinians got less than half of what was promised to them under the McMahon Agreement.
The Jewish "Settlers" were already given over half of former Palestine, what's wrong with living in Israel, proper?

I cannot help but think that knowingly taking someone else land and knowingly violating International Law is hostile, antagonistic and immoral.

I can think of few other ways to confirm hostility, selfishness, and contempt for "God's gift" than to poison the wells, crops, livestock and ancient olive groves with raw sewage from "Settlement sprawl".

As expected, Israel's right wing element fully supports crimes that are known to make peace impossible and there's no shortage of funding for Israel's provocative and toxic "Human Shields" polluting the "Promised Land" with militant Zionists and raw sewage.

"The devastating environmental effects of Israeli settler-colonialism in the West Bank"

"Israeli settlement expansion is not only illegal, it is also destroying Palestine's environment through the urbanization of the West Bank."

EXCERPT "Israel dumps 80% of the waste products generated from Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank. This in turn, “[pollutes] the Palestinian earth and water supply, while Israeli settlers in the West Bank – who produce similar amounts of wastewater to the Palestinian population, despite being outnumbered more than six to one – deliberately poison the water, land and livestock of nearby Palestinian villages”. This means that every year over “2 million cubic metres of raw [untreated] sewage flow into the valleys of streams of the [Palestinian] West Bank…[causing] severe damage through the West Bank… " CONTINUED


EXCERPT “(*)Israeli settlements are illegally dumping wastewater onto Palestinian villages, farmlands and agricultural lands. This practice has devastating effects on the Palestinian lands, both reducing and preventing any agricultural production, livestock farming and infecting previously safe drinking water.

The accumulative effect of these issues has resulted in an economic downturn, increases in disease and health problems, an increase in poverty and often the slow migration of Palestinians to other areas where they have more potential for earning and farming which only further compounds the issue of internal displacement.”CONTINUED



(1). "Israel Does Not Want Peace"

EXCERPT "Rejectionism is embedded in Israel's most primal beliefs. There, at the deepest level, lies the concept that this land is destined for the Jews alone

Israel does not want peace. There is nothing I have ever written that I would be happier to be proved wrong about. But the evidence is piling up. In fact, it can be said that Israel has never wanted peace – a just peace, that is, one based on a just compromise for both sides.

The single most overwhelming item of evidence of Israel’s rejection of peace is, of course, the settlements project. From the dawn of its existence, there has never been a more reliable or more precise litmus test for Israel’s true intentions than this particular enterprise. In plain words: The builders of settlements want to consolidate the occupation, and those who want to consolidate the occupation do not want peace. That’s the whole story in a nutshell. "CONTINUED


EXCERPT "Federal prosecutors said Tuesday they have broken up a long-running scam in which people falsely claimed to be victims of the Nazi persecution so they could get money out of a fund that pays Holocaust reparations."CONTINUED


EXCERPT "For over a decade, a criminal ring within the organization embezzled tens of millions of dollars through false restitution claims.”CONTINUED
I only wonder what mindset leads one to believe that one is entitled to the land to which one has no legal claim.
The State of Israel has the only legal sovereign claim to that land. If you dispute this, name the other legal claimants and outline the time, manner, and documentation for their claims.
I cannot help but think that knowingly taking someone else land and knowingly violating International Law is hostile, antagonistic and immoral.
Except that is not what they are doing. Even if you think their beliefs are incorrect, the above is not what they believe. They don't believe they are taking "someone else's land" and they don't believe they are "violating international law". They believe they are asserting their rights to their own land to which they have an ancestral, historical, and legal claim. You are characterizing them incorrectly. Why is that?

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