What is actually being revealed is our efforts and presence wasn't in vain and not a waste. Until now.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Fears for women under Taliban rule​

During the Taliban's rule from 1996 to 2001, women were not allowed to work or go to school, and had to be accompanied by a male guardian when outside. This week, the Taliban claimed they will give women more freedom as long as Islamic law is followed. That stance that has been met with widespread skepticism.

Speaking to the AP on Saturday, Mazari said "there will be no place for women" under Taliban rule.
"In the provinces controlled by the Taliban, no women exist there any more, not even in the cities. They are all imprisoned in their homes," she told AP.
On Saturday, Zarifa Ghafari, Afghanistan's first female mayor, had told UK media outlet iNews that she was just waiting for the Taliban to find her.
"I'm sitting here waiting for them to come," she said. "There is no one to help me or my family. I'm just sitting with them and my husband. And they will come for people like me and kill me. I can't leave my family. And anyway, where would I go?"

Just a story of what had been happening in Afghanistan for those who think it was all in vain. The country without the taliban in charge had freedoms. We had a legitimate Ally in the region where it was impossible for a terror organization to have true safe haven.

Now there is mass murder. Women are getting brutalized and terrorist organizations that are absolutely determined to see our destruction now have their place back. They will also be very emboldened in believing they won, which Biden made sure they did.

The American leftists are the absolute worst. Such an unreal threat to human liberty around the world.
Propaganda that plants the seed to get you compliant with their next BS war. Either way, not America's concern. We should not EVER risk our nations people, or tax dollars to save some Afghan woman from wearing a GD burqa.
We have drifted so far away from anything 'American' that we have no sense of internal protection. It's all globalist horseshit.
Propaganda that plants the seed to get you compliant with their next BS war. Either way, not America's concern. We should not EVER risk our nations people, or tax dollars to save some Afghan woman from wearing a GD burqa.
We have drifted so far away from anything 'American' that we have no sense of internal protection. It's all globalist horseshit.
Too bad so many including conservatives who don't understand the reality of the war we are ENGAGED IN.

We can pretend it will get better simply by withdrawing. Out of sight out of mind.

The truth is it puts us and our armed forces and the citizens of this country in great danger.

The withdrawal from Mogadishu in 1993, is what made al qaeda grow and bin laden used that as the rallying cry and thousands of Muslims joined that terror organization as a result.

It put the military and this country in grave danger and the fact that so many cannot see this is sad.

The democraps are an absolute danger to our way of life and anyone supporting them is a clear and present danger.

You all see how china is crowing about the US abandonment of Afghanistan? They are now telling Taiwan that the US has no stomach to uphold the freedoms we supposedly love so much.

What a disaster the left is to our world. What a danger they all are to our very eternal souls.

Wake up conservatives. When the left agree with you about anything, that is the very first indication that you should rethink your thoughts.

Just remember, this has a lot more ramifications than simply protecting women not wearing those things or protecting them and others from murderous barbarians. No, the implications are far deeper and wider than that, and our presence there was ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY.

Fears for women under Taliban rule​

During the Taliban's rule from 1996 to 2001, women were not allowed to work or go to school, and had to be accompanied by a male guardian when outside. This week, the Taliban claimed they will give women more freedom as long as Islamic law is followed. That stance that has been met with widespread skepticism.

Speaking to the AP on Saturday, Mazari said "there will be no place for women" under Taliban rule.
"In the provinces controlled by the Taliban, no women exist there any more, not even in the cities. They are all imprisoned in their homes," she told AP.
On Saturday, Zarifa Ghafari, Afghanistan's first female mayor, had told UK media outlet iNews that she was just waiting for the Taliban to find her.
"I'm sitting here waiting for them to come," she said. "There is no one to help me or my family. I'm just sitting with them and my husband. And they will come for people like me and kill me. I can't leave my family. And anyway, where would I go?"

Just a story of what had been happening in Afghanistan for those who think it was all in vain. The country without the taliban in charge had freedoms. We had a legitimate Ally in the region where it was impossible for a terror organization to have true safe haven.

Now there is mass murder. Women are getting brutalized and terrorist organizations that are absolutely determined to see our destruction now have their place back. They will also be very emboldened in believing they won, which Biden made sure they did.

The American leftists are the absolute worst. Such an unreal threat to human liberty around the world.
It's time for their countrymen to stand and fight for their women's rights.
We have drifted so far away from anything 'American' that we have no sense of internal protection. It's all globalist horseshit.
America tried isolationism after WWI and it led us to WWII

We have just given away an important strategic prize to our enemies in Russia, China and Iran
20 years, $2.2T, 2300 dead service members.

Fuck em all.

Oh...do you wanna know what REALLY puts out military 'in danger'?

Our government.
Read what I wrote in regards to Mogadishu. The wonderful clinton pulled our troops out in 1993 and people were cheering.

Well, the long term ramifications weren't clear then and it ought to be now, but our inability to learn from history, is historically sad.

That withdrawal, like this one, put our soldiers and our country in grave danger. Reason. In 1993 when that happened al qaeda was a relatively small terror organization and bin laden used that withdrawal to recruit thousands of Muslims to his cause.

You do not understand the logistical reality of war. It isn't simply about winning battles and then leaving. That is amateurish and not forward thinking.

You see, you think by abandoning allies that we are protecting ourselves and our troops. It isn't. It is doing the exact opposite. Mogadishu is one perfect example of how it plays out.

If a left winger gives you a thumbs up, you will know that perhaps you should rethink your thoughts. Good intentions, while often seems good, is not good in situations like this.
America tried isolationism after WWI and it led us to WWII

We have just given away an important strategic prize to our enemies in Russia, China and Iran
No...it was not isolationalism...that's the DPRK.

We were non-interventionalist. A very distinct and important different. Business is good.
Read what I wrote in regards to Mogadishu. The wonderful clinton pulled our troops out in 1993 and people were cheering.

Well, the long term ramifications weren't clear then and it ought to be now, but our inability to learn from history, is historically sad.

That withdrawal, like this one, put our soldiers and our country in grave danger. Reason. In 1993 when that happened al qaeda was a relatively small terror organization and bin laden used that withdrawal to recruit thousands of Muslims to his cause.

You do not understand the logistical reality of war. It isn't simply about winning battles and then leaving. That is amateurish and not forward thinking.

You see, you think by abandoning allies that we are protecting ourselves and our troops. It isn't. It is doing the exact opposite. Mogadishu is one perfect example of how it plays out.

If a left winger gives you a thumbs up, you will know that perhaps you should rethink your thoughts. Good intentions, while often seems good, is not good in situations like this.
You wanna know what created Al Qaeda, and ISIS? We did. We created them. Our wars in Iraq, and the Afghanistan. Our intervention in the Soviet/Afghan war. WE created ISIS , and Al Qaeda. No meddling no terrorism. You see how that goes?
No...it was not isolationalism...that's the DPRK.

We were non-interventionalist. A very distinct and important different. Business is good.
Just letting you know my brother, when the left like surada and crepitus are giving you thumbs up, you really ought to be concerned.

Just letting you know. You are not seeing the bigger picture and it is a mistake. It's a bad way of thinking. While it may seem like we are protecting our troops, we aren't. It is actually doing the opposite.

Please read information on the pull out from Mogadishu and how al qaeda grew as a result.

Learn history and see what the professionals are saying rather than listening to pot head hippies who claim to love peace but HATE TRUMP who happened to be the most peaceful President in 50 years.
Just letting you know my brother, when the left like surada and crepitus are giving you thumbs up, you really ought to be concerned.

Just letting you know. You are not seeing the bigger picture and it is a mistake. It's a bad way of thinking. While it may seem like we are protecting our troops, we aren't. It is actually doing the opposite.

Please read information on the pull out from Mogadishu and how al qaeda grew as a result.

Learn history and see what the professionals are saying rather than listening to pot head hippies who claim to love peace but HATE TRUMP who happened to be the most peaceful President in 50 years.
I am completely cognizant of them. However, I am of the belief that even an idiot can spot the glimmer of logic at times.

My thinking makes sense. You have to look at root cause. What caused groups like ISIS, and Al Qaeda to come into existence?

Think about it.

Introspection time.
She's a very brave woman, but I'm not buying the OP's finger pointing at leftist.

Trump left 2,500 US troops in the country while forcing the Afghan government to release 5,000 Taliban prisoners.
Actually it was isolationism

which is what the debate was at the time

Many people in America wanted nothing to do with the turmoil in europe and east asia
There was a debate because people like you wanted the US to run around the world solving all of its problems, fighting its wars, and curing its ills...and they succeeded.


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iso·la·tion·ism | \ ˌī-sə-ˈlā-shə-ˌni-zəm also ˌi- \

Definition of isolationism

: a policy of national isolation by abstention from alliances and other international political and economic relations


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non·in·ter·ven·tion | \ ˌnän-ˌin-tər-ˈven(t)-shən \

Definition of nonintervention

: the state or policy of not intervening nonintervention in the affairs of other countries

Pretty clear difference
America tried isolationism after WWI and it led us to WWII

We have just given away an important strategic prize to our enemies in Russia, China and Iran
It is not isolationism. But it is called that. By the end of the 19th Century we were economically richest nation in the world. Them most powerful in many ways. But we had people from the old country who were God fearing and with their faults leaving nations who their own problems. The United States was living with the tenets of the Constitution and a currency system based on gold and silver backing. The Founding Fathers gave us a Government that was a Republic and had a flaw or two in it. The flaws were used against the Constitution itself by globalists and others.
I am completely cognizant of them. However, I am of the belief that even an idiot can spot the glimmer of logic at times.

My thinking makes sense. You have to look at root cause. What caused groups like ISIS, and Al Qaeda to come into existence?

Think about it.

Introspection time.
I know it seems our meddling in the ME created these. No, these groups have been around for over a thousand years. The Iraq "invasion" was not an INVASION. It was deposing a tyrant. I get it, the wmds "weren't there." We can argue that another time, but the fact is our policy had changed immediately following 911. That policy being a pro active nation rather than simply reacting.

Our entire history is us reacting to military conflict. From the war of 1812, to Pearl Harbor and on and on.

Now, with the threat that we were facing and knowing that we could no longer afford to REACT we had to be pro active. The tyrant saddam hussein was a clear tyrant in the region.

We can go as far back if you want to battle of Gallipoli.

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