What is Amnesty?

Here's my 2cents.....

Based upon current US Law - If you' are in the US illegally, whether by sneaking across the border, or simply overstaying a Visa, you are in violation of US law and must be deported to your country of origin. There is no "middle ground". It's a cut and dry issue. Anything less than deportation is a form of "amnesty".
Thank you for answering the question Zander!

Your position is the position I believed the Republicans that support Donald have taken in the past....but I guess it is a little confusing when listening to Trump recently on his immigration stance....yes in the beginning of his speech he implied that all illegal immigrants had to go...yadahdahdahdah....but then, he ended with, and after a few years, of those that are left we will decide then on what to do and we will do so humanely yadadah....

Who are the illegal immigrants that will be left? Who was he talking about...the ones that have American born children or others or both?

You bring up a good point. Although the actual "law" is black and white, in reality the issue is not. It's thorny and complicated. We really do have to be humane about it. Do we really want to go door to door breaking up families? Some of these people have been here for decades and have children that are US Citizens. We have to have a process.

Start with this...Build a wall now.

At the same time go for the low hanging fruit- criminals, rapists, drug addicts, the bad apples.....they get the boot immediately and on a continuing basis. No quarter for these people.

Then we move to people that are here on expired visas. Get them kicked out. Then restrict them from ever entering again. We must let people know that we have a zero tolerance policy on expired visas- you get caught once and you can NEVER EVER, EVER, COME BACK FOR ANY REASON.

Finally we go for the deeply entrenched illegals, the ones who had anchor babies and have been living in "sanctuary" cities. We will need a fully transparent process for dealing with them. Maybe we have to allow a time period where they can voluntarily come forward? They admit they broke the law then plead their case before a judge that can decide their fate. The "good ones" (that have jobs, own property, have children, are not indigent, etc..) may be able to pay a fine, pay back taxes, or do community service .... In exchange we allow them to stay in the country as "guests". Whatever we do, we must put a time limit on the program and if you do not turn yourself in during the reporting period and are caught for any reason- you can NEVER EVER COME BACK FOR ANY REASON. No Soup for you!!

It's going to be very dicey and I do not envy the people that have to clean this horrific mess up..... nor the families that will be impacted. But it must be done. Without borders we do not have a country.

I blame the feckless government for allowing it to go too far.....it's a goddamn mess!
I am not certain about how you guys feel and think about sanctuary cities.
As far as the one case you spoke about in another post, I believe those are isolated situations, it is not some kind of Sanctuary Rule or Reg.

Sanctuary Cities, are simply cities who do not ask a person, if they are citizens or do not in their every day lives, if they are walking down the Street kind of thing or reporting a crime that they were witness to kind of thing, no State official or policeman will ask if they are legal or not....except under limited circumstances...as example, if they are applying for Welfare (TANF) federal law does not permit illegal immigrants to ever receive Federal funds for it, and if a LEGAL alien, then they have to have lived here for over 5 years before they can qualify....so the clerks at the welfare office have to discern this.... but I believe with food stamps, immigrants, can get this....and in these offices they may not ask the person applying at all, what their immigrant status is....

And other small things, that give these illegal immigrants a slightly less stressful life, but in no way do these city governments break Federal Law, from my understanding?

The Feds by law have a certain amount of time to pick up the illegals that may be arrested for a crime in that city, if the Feds don't arrive before the two weeks or whatever allowed to pick up the illegal are up, then the Sanctuary City will treat the perp like all other perps, for the crime...anywhere from allowing out on bail, to keeping them in jail until a trial...however they would treat a citizen if they committed the same crime....

Also, I would imagine that most illegal immigrants living throughout the United States don't live in one of these Sanctuary cities, but I am not certain on that, (and it would be nice to know the figure)

And besides that, Sanctuary cities ARE Biblical....And don't ask me the verse because this is just from memory....I can research it later and give you the passage....but it was about a person that was accused of a crime and he was on the run and made it to a Sanctuary City, but God basically told him he should high tail his rear end there....not because he did not kill this other person or harm another person, because he did....but he did so with no malice, it was an accident or a result of something, that was not all his fault...the Law required this man to be killed, but God didn't think so....this is all very general, but it is the gist of the verses...and God specifically mentions for him to go to a Sanctuary City....

And you are right, it is a very very very complicated situation with illegals and so many aspects to what ever our Congress decides to do with immigration reform.

Even if we just gave the parents of American children a temporary visa to live here and say we never reward them with citizenship as some sort of punishment, when their child is 18 they can petition for their parents and brothers and sisters to become citizens, even the ones left in Mexico, and they can get visas to do this....

And things like, if we allow them or basically as many as who wants to live and work here on these temporary visas that The Republican establishment mentioned a little while back, and make them pay taxes and stuff, are they all going to be eligible for Social Security after 10 years? If they are forced to pay back taxes, aren't they then going to get Earned income Credits if they made below a certain income? Will they be able to get Obamacare or Medicaid if they are eligible and get federal help, if we make them legally here via these temp visas? Or will they just continue to go to the very expensive emergency rooms?

These all involve a humane yet forceful solution....but so many things are tied in to other things, it's not going to be easy....that's for certain.

And how does allowing even more immigrants in on these legal temporary work visas help the job situation for blacks or teenagers and other Americans needing jobs....as this immigration problem has been touted as hurting Americans?

And then the whole reason we have so many illegals might be because we do not have enough legal visa quotas to allow these people in....

And then finally, there is the "if I were in their shoes" what would I do thoughts....

If I were a man and a husband with a starving family back in Mexico because there are no jobs there, would I take the risk, and sneak in to America to get a job and work my ass off to give a better life to my family because when I applied the legal way I was told it would take ten years before I could enter the US that way?

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