Zone1 What is an angel? what is the difference?


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Jan 29, 2022
In Hebrews 1:4-14 (KJV) Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.

Hebrews 1: 5 For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son?

Hebrews 1: 6 And again, when he bringeth in the first begotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him.

7Hebrews 1: 7 And of the angels he saith, Who created his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire.

Hebrews 1: 8 But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is forever and ever: a scepters of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom.

Hebrews 1: 9 Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.

Hebrews 1: 10 And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands:

Hebrews 1: 11 They shall perish; but thou remain; and they all shall wax old as doth a garment;

Hebrews 1: 12 And as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, and they shall be changed: but thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail.

Hebrews 1: 13 But to which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool?

Hebrews 1: 14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?
They're messengers. They do God's light work and menial tasks.

But unlike us, those angels that followed Satan in the war against heaven have no chance of being forgiven.
They're messengers. They do God's light work and menial tasks.

But unlike us, those angels that followed Satan in the war against heaven have no chance of being forgiven.
some are messager, some are evil.
how about education?
But unlike John 8:44
All angels can be immediately identified by the wings on their backs.

Can anybody say if the wings are attached to the same shoulder blades as the arms.

The Catholic church grants everybody to be a literal believer in their bibles. There is no reason to feel shame.
Angels are the Anunnaki.
Our creators.

The Aunnaki


Ancient Mesopotamia is a historical region of Western Asia situated within the Tigris-Euphrates river system, in northern parts of the Fertile Crescent, in modern days roughly corresponding to most of Iraq, Kuwait, the eastern parts of Syria, Southeastern Turkey, and regions along the Turkish-Syrian and Iran-Iraq borders.

Mesopotamia literally means “between the rivers” in Ancient Greek.

The Oldest known occurrence of the name Mesopotamia dates to the 4th century BC, when used to designate the land east of the Euphrates in north Syria.
Angel's Intelligence and knowledge

The devil as we know is a fallen Angel and the same is true with all demons but at the end of the day an Angel is a being, a spirit that has a spiritual body, each Angel is a person, they have no gender, because they cannot appropriate as humans do, they a person without a physical body.

For instance, neutrinos are abundant subatomic particles that have no physical limitations are famous for passing through anything and everything, or only very rarely interacting with matter.

Ghost particles pass through your body, these itty-bitty particles are neutrinos.

An Angel its DNA is like atomic particles with constant regeneration, abundant subatomic particles.
Ghost particles Or Hydrogen atoms are the simplest of all atoms or electrons and protons, it doesn't contain any neutrons.

An angel is celestial, there are no physical limitations upon them are in constant motion, they never have to rest, they move through space and time at will.

It's like a door, they can be on one side of the door and could be a point in time, like our time, go through the door without traveling and they're at their destiny instantly, now you see them, now you don’t.

An Angel doesn't travel because it has no need to travel, therefore angels are not limited by space and time, like you and I, the first thing we need to do to understand the angelic reality and by extension the demonic reality is to get rid of physicality, physicality, travel that they have a physicality to them they don't and when we say a demon possess a human host because an Angel have extraordinary abilities, he's not literally inside because that would imply that he is contained within a body that the body would somehow limit him, and it does in a manner of speaking he will have to give up extraordinary ability and cannot maintain that which his ability inside a human host, to do so he pushes away the human consciousness to possess the human host, and that's not the case what exorcists mean by that is that the demon has somehow gained a legal jurisdiction to manipulate that particular body to manipulate this person to push his or her consciousness and begin inhabiting that's what the exorcist saying a demon is well angels were created with incredible intellects right they are not limited by any physicality so they don't have to.

Intelligence and knowledge

They don't learn the way that we learn, they learn all the knowledge instantly; they gain through intuition.

We must reason things outright. We’ll take two pieces of information and if they are connected, we can deduce using syllogistic thinking using reasoning we can derive.

A conclusion they don't have to engage in that process they have whatever information they possess or whatever information that we normally would need to calculate they have instantly at their disposal so when we look at the clear blue sky in the summer, we see immediately know the sky is blue we don't have to reason that it's immediate know.

angels have all of they can contain knowledge of a person, they don't have to know us to determine the thousandth digit of π the relationship between a circle the diameter, and its circumference we have to calculate that an Angel knows that instantly, it's not even the fact that they calculate, he doesn't have to go, he knows immediately this is the power of an angelic intellect an angelic intellect has a perfect memory he can know everything about you, your personal life. the angels witness anything observable anything external they know that they know everything about, they've spent your whole life studying you they have phenomenal information about life, and This is why they can exercise a temptation that's going to hit you right in between the eyes, they can produce something that is maximally that is attractive the individual, based on your makeup and your composition. All different assigned types of angels function in the same manner as a demon’s function.
Michael's angels: Defenders of Israel.
Gabriel's angels: Heralds, or messengers, the eyes of God.
Lucifer/Satan's angels: Rebellious demons.
Angel's Intelligence and knowledge

The devil as we know is a fallen Angel and the same is true with all demons but at the end of the day an Angel is a being, a spirit that has a spiritual body, each Angel is a person, they have no gender, because they cannot appropriate as humans do, they a person without a physical body.

For instance, neutrinos are abundant subatomic particles that have no physical limitations are famous for passing through anything and everything, or only very rarely interacting with matter.

Ghost particles pass through your body, these itty-bitty particles are neutrinos.

An Angel its DNA is like atomic particles with constant regeneration, abundant subatomic particles.
Ghost particles Or Hydrogen atoms are the simplest of all atoms or electrons and protons, it doesn't contain any neutrons.

An angel is celestial, there are no physical limitations upon them are in constant motion, they never have to rest, they move through space and time at will.

It's like a door, they can be on one side of the door and could be a point in time, like our time, go through the door without traveling and they're at their destiny instantly, now you see them, now you don’t.

An Angel doesn't travel because it has no need to travel, therefore angels are not limited by space and time, like you and I, the first thing we need to do to understand the angelic reality and by extension the demonic reality is to get rid of physicality, physicality, travel that they have a physicality to them they don't and when we say a demon possess a human host because an Angel have extraordinary abilities, he's not literally inside because that would imply that he is contained within a body that the body would somehow limit him, and it does in a manner of speaking he will have to give up extraordinary ability and cannot maintain that which his ability inside a human host, to do so he pushes away the human consciousness to possess the human host, and that's not the case what exorcists mean by that is that the demon has somehow gained a legal jurisdiction to manipulate that particular body to manipulate this person to push his or her consciousness and begin inhabiting that's what the exorcist saying a demon is well angels were created with incredible intellects right they are not limited by any physicality so they don't have to.

Intelligence and knowledge

They don't learn the way that we learn, they learn all the knowledge instantly; they gain through intuition.

We must reason things outright. We’ll take two pieces of information and if they are connected, we can deduce using syllogistic thinking using reasoning we can derive.

A conclusion they don't have to engage in that process they have whatever information they possess or whatever information that we normally would need to calculate they have instantly at their disposal so when we look at the clear blue sky in the summer, we see immediately know the sky is blue we don't have to reason that it's immediate know.

angels have all of they can contain knowledge of a person, they don't have to know us to determine the thousandth digit of π the relationship between a circle the diameter, and its circumference we have to calculate that an Angel knows that instantly, it's not even the fact that they calculate, he doesn't have to go, he knows immediately this is the power of an angelic intellect an angelic intellect has a perfect memory he can know everything about you, your personal life. the angels witness anything observable anything external they know that they know everything about, they've spent your whole life studying you they have phenomenal information about life, and This is why they can exercise a temptation that's going to hit you right in between the eyes, they can produce something that is maximally that is attractive the individual, based on your makeup and your composition. All different assigned types of angels function in the same manner as a demon’s function.
So, where are you getting all this from?


There are two kinds of beings in heaven who are called angels: those who are spirits and those who have bodies of flesh and bone. Angels who are spirits have not yet obtained a body of flesh and bone, or they are spirits who have once had a mortal body and are awaiting resurrection. Angels who have bodies of flesh and bone have either been resurrected from the dead or translated.
There are many references in scripture to the work of angels. Sometimes angels speak with a voice of thunder as they deliver God’s messages (Mosiah 27:11–16). Righteous mortal men may also be called angels (JST, Gen. 19:15 [Appendix]). Some angels serve around the throne of God in heaven (Alma 36:22).
The scriptures also speak of the devil’s angels. These are those spirits who followed Lucifer and were thrust out of God’s presence in the premortal life and cast down to the earth (Rev. 12:1–9; 2 Ne. 9:9, 16; D&C 29:36–37).
  • Jacob saw angels of God ascending and descending, Gen. 28:12.
  • Angels of God met Jacob, Gen. 32:1–2.
  • Gideon saw an angel of the Lord face to face, Judg. 6:22.
  • An angel stretched out his hand upon Jerusalem to destroy it, 2 Sam. 24:16.
  • An angel touched Elijah and said to him, Arise and eat, 1 Kgs. 19:5–7.
  • Daniel saw the angel Gabriel in a vision, Dan. 8:15–16.
  • The angel Michael helped Daniel, Dan. 10:13.
  • The angel Gabriel was sent from God, Luke 1:19, 26–27.
  • The devil’s angels will be reserved in chains unto the judgment, Jude 1:6 (2 Pet. 2:4).
  • People saw angels descending out of heaven, 3 Ne. 17:24.
  • Moroni wrote about the ministering of angels, Moro. 7:25–32.
  • The Aaronic Priesthood holds the keys of the ministering of angels, D&C 13.
  • Moroni, John the Baptist, Peter, James, John, Moses, Elijah, and Elias all ministered to Joseph Smith as angels, D&C 27:5–12.
  • Ye are not able to abide the ministering of angels, D&C 67:13.
  • Michael, the archangel, is Adam, D&C 107:54.
  • Angels are resurrected personages, having bodies of flesh and bones, D&C 129.
  • There are no angels who minister to this earth but those who belong to it, D&C 130:5.
  • Men who do not obey God’s law of eternal marriage neither marry nor are given in marriage but are appointed angels in heaven, D&C 132:16–17.
Angels obey God. An angel delivered a message to Mary the mother of Jesus.
They're messengers. They do God's light work and menial tasks.

But unlike us, those angels that followed Satan in the war against heaven have no chance of being forgiven.

Unfortunately the invented name of Satan appeared only very recently .
Your twisted narrative ought to be about Lucifer the Archangel Prince of Light .

For the label "messenger", substitute the term, Enforcer , and accept that you are unwittingly an Elohim Worship Cultist, because your ideas have nothing to say about a single source Universe Creator.

Just my Tip of the day .
There is nothing about angels in this.
don't worry it's not for you!
Read Matthew 13: 13; Matthew 13: 22
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Read this, read that. If you only had current day prophets to explain the mysteries of God and the heavens. But, you don’t. I do.
Getting Warm

I don't have to justify myself to you or anyone
but if you are changing me beware


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