What Is Causing Biden’s Cognitive Decline? Why Climate Change of Course!


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Just in time for the election ‘science’ gives us a ‘study’ that says climate change is behind the reduction of the “speech complexity and productivity of politicians”.


I don’t know about you, but I’m voting for Joe now, this is serious and Joe is the only one who can save us.

PURE SCIENCE. Don’t be a science denier and bring up the fact they never factor in age in their ‘scientific study’. Nor the fact that 99% of politicians hang out inside A/C buildings.

Climate change carries important effects on human wellbeing and performance, and increasingly research is documenting the negative impacts of out-of-comfort temperatures on workplace performance. In this study, we investigate the plausibly causal effect of extreme temperatures, i.e., out-of-comfort, on language complexity among politicians, leveraging a fixed effects strategy. We analyze language complexity in over seven million parliamentary speeches across eight countries, connecting them with precise daily meteorological information. We find hot days reduce politicians’ language complexity, but not cold days. Focusing on one country, we explore marginal effects by age and gender, suggesting high temperatures significantly impact older politicians at lower thresholds. The findings propose that political rhetoric is not only driven by political circumstances and strategic concerns but also by physiological responses to external environmental factors. Overall, the study holds important implications on how climate change could affect human cognitive performance and the quality of political discourse.

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Just in time for the election ‘science’ gives us a ‘study’ that says climate change is behind the reduction of the “speech complexity and productivity of politicians”.


I don’t know about you, but I’m voting for Joe now, this is serious and Joe is the only one who can save us.

PURE SCIENCE. Don’t be a science denier and bring up the fact they never factor in age in their ‘scientific study’.

Climate change carries important effects on human wellbeing and performance, and increasingly research is documenting the negative impacts of out-of-comfort temperatures on workplace performance. In this study, we investigate the plausibly causal effect of extreme temperatures, i.e., out-of-comfort, on language complexity among politicians, leveraging a fixed effects strategy. We analyze language complexity in over seven million parliamentary speeches across eight countries, connecting them with precise daily meteorological information. We find hot days reduce politicians’ language complexity, but not cold days. Focusing on one country, we explore marginal effects by age and gender, suggesting high temperatures significantly impact older politicians at lower thresholds. The findings propose that political rhetoric is not only driven by political circumstances and strategic concerns but also by physiological responses to external environmental factors. Overall, the study holds important implications on how climate change could affect human cognitive performance and the quality of political discourse.

Well there you have it: The official excuse for why Donald Trump will turn Joe into a blubbering idiot during the upcoming debate.

But one would think that a politician with 50 years experience wouldn't need 7 days to prepare for a simple debate. They must gonna be pumping some serious drugs into Shitshow Joe.
Well there you have it: The official excuse for why Donald Trump will turn Joe into a blubbering idiot during the upcoming debate.

But one would think that a politician with 50 years experience wouldn't need 7 days to prepare for a simple debate. They must gonna be pumping some serious drugs into Shitshow Joe.
Climate change is the biggest “scientific” fraud in human history

Articles like that are like a serial killers “Stop me before I kill again” letter to the police. They are desperate to get caught
Well there you have it: The official excuse for why Donald Trump will turn Joe into a blubbering idiot during the upcoming debate.

But one would think that a politician with 50 years experience wouldn't need 7 days to prepare for a simple debate. They must gonna be pumping some serious drugs into Shitshow Joe.
And giving him the answers to the questions that will be provided by Jake Crapper and the other creature from CNN. It was done for Hitlery so she could be Bernie, why not Joe Bribem to be the man with mean tweets. Of course the guy who was to incompetent to stand trial, must retain all this information for 90 minutes, but i think, when he starts to blather, they will cut his mic and move to President Trump, to cover for Mr. Potatohead.
Climate change is the biggest “scientific” fraud in human history

Articles like that are like a serial killers “Stop me before I kill again” letter to the police. They are desperate to get caught
It is all about raising revenue.

Before that, you had Prohibition. Before Prohibition, the Left tried to implement a Federal Income tax, but the MAGA SCOTUS shot it down are uncontitutional before the turn of the 20th century with the court case f Pollock v. Farmers' Loan and Trust Company.

So, the Left and President Wilson simply added it to the Constitution over a decade later.

But how did they do it? They sold it to Congress via Prohibition. For you see, half in Congress wanted Prohibition and half wanted an income tax, so they joined forces and agreed to help each other get both passed. But since the Federal government at that time was funded primarily with taxes from alcohol, they had to pass the Federal income tax first. So, they did, and the Left held up their end of the agreement as they passed Prohibition. The thing was though, the Left simply let Prohibition fail as members of Congress were having alcohol delivered directly to the chambers of Congress illegally. Then they stepped back, said it was impossible to continue to enforce Prohibition, and made alcohol legal again, along with the continued revenue of taxes on alcohol.

The scheme caused the revenue for the Federal government via taxes to more than double. The great part was, they then blamed evangelicals for the passage of Prohibition. I reckon Biden was right, Christians are the source of all ill in the world.

:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:

Some things never change.
Just in time for the election ‘science’ gives us a ‘study’ that says climate change is behind the reduction of the “speech complexity and productivity of politicians”.


I don’t know about you, but I’m voting for Joe now, this is serious and Joe is the only one who can save us.

PURE SCIENCE. Don’t be a science denier and bring up the fact they never factor in age in their ‘scientific study’. Nor the fact that 99% of politicians hang out inside A/C buildings.

Climate change carries important effects on human wellbeing and performance, and increasingly research is documenting the negative impacts of out-of-comfort temperatures on workplace performance. In this study, we investigate the plausibly causal effect of extreme temperatures, i.e., out-of-comfort, on language complexity among politicians, leveraging a fixed effects strategy. We analyze language complexity in over seven million parliamentary speeches across eight countries, connecting them with precise daily meteorological information. We find hot days reduce politicians’ language complexity, but not cold days. Focusing on one country, we explore marginal effects by age and gender, suggesting high temperatures significantly impact older politicians at lower thresholds. The findings propose that political rhetoric is not only driven by political circumstances and strategic concerns but also by physiological responses to external environmental factors. Overall, the study holds important implications on how climate change could affect human cognitive performance and the quality of political discourse.

I'm glad you asked this question.

The very COVID-19 vaccine Biden pushed off on others is the exact same dangerous and deadly vaccine that has torn him to bits and pieces both physically and mentally.

That vaccine turned many others onto frozen ice cycles. Stiff person syndrome/disease. That condition is linked to the COVID vaccine.
Well there you have it: The official excuse for why Donald Trump will turn Joe into a blubbering idiot during the upcoming debate.

But one would think that a politician with 50 years experience wouldn't need 7 days to prepare for a simple debate. They must gonna be pumping some serious drugs into Shitshow Joe.
I thought Trump demanded a drug test before the debate, which is a reasonable thing. After all, the Dems are controlling this “gotcha” debate by choosing two far-left, Trump-haters as moderators and disallowing an audience that would be to Trump’s favor.

Doesn’t Trump get to choose at least ONE parameter - being that the candidates must perform without being hyped up on speed?
Remember at the 80th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy France... after Biden froze in a squat, Jill walked him out embarrassingly, then Emmanuel Macron went over to shake the hands of the veterans who are the same age and older than Biden.

Those veterans whose hands Macron shook they were all in their right minds. Biden's condition is not age-related. It is 100% COVID-19 vaccine related. The poison he mandated on others is now taking him down for the whole world to see.
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I thought Trump demanded a drug test before the debate, which is a reasonable thing. After all, the Dems are controlling this “gotcha” debate by choosing two far-left, Trump-haters as moderators and disallowing an audience that would be to Trump’s favor.

Doesn’t Trump get to choose at least ONE parameter - being that the candidates must perform without being hyped up on speed?
Lisa they gone drug him up heavy for this debate. It will be like looking at a rapper on stage wearing a beanie, white tank top, and some baggy jeans holding a mic upside down. They might put Biden on nothing but Red Bull 24 hours before the debate.

What have the democrats been doing to Biden??? Exactly,
"Elder Abuse" and they could care less.

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