What is Mueller Hiding? Mueller Asks Judge to Waive Lawyer’s FOIA Requests in Russia Witch Hunt

How about that - Mueller is asking for permission to legally commit the crime Hillary perpetrated over 15,000 times, crimes for which Obama, his DOJ, and FBI protected Hillary from Indictment...

More proof Mueller is Deep State trying to prevent his and Obama's misdeeds from going public.

What is Mueller Hiding? Mueller Asks Judge to Waive Lawyer's Right to File FOIA Requests in Russia Witch Hunt

The problem with this investigation is that unlike other special investigations, there is no evidence of a crime on which to base it. While other special investigations went about fleshing out the extent of the crime, Mueller is merely charged with trying to determine IF there was a crime. This is akin to the FBI kicking in your door and searching your house for no reason other than they didn't like your address, and this is exactly the case with Trump-- -- -- -- they don't like Trump's address: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Hiding ??

Mueller is slowly and methodically building his case against Crooked Donnie
Mueller has become concerned that his flailings are not providing enough cover for Hills and Barry's actual misdeeds

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