What is Obama's plan to cut oil imports? does anyone know?

Good Morning to all
I guess this thread needed no debate from the left
still waiting for the how?
The Government has no Authority to "cut" legal importation from private Companies. Not even his oneness the Obama.
The Government has no Authority to "cut" legal importation from private Companies. Not even his oneness the Obama.

Is that not amazing the amount of people who vote in this country that do not realize what you said is true
I write many of my threads with that on my mind
Obama can only stop the import of oil by doing 2 things
taking the industry over (do not laugh)
giving the industry alternatives

Most people are very happy with there 20MPG SUV and have no problem spending 20 dollars a week in fuel
It cost me about 35-40, I drive about 30 miles a day for 5 and about 20 on the weekend. I own a heavy duty P.U.

Its about the jobs to me

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