What is peace worth ?

Start with equal rights and equal justice, peace will follow

Start with ending the war just like in any other conflict and sign a peace agreement. The Israeli's have offered countless conditional acceptances of surrender. But if the palestinians insist on continuing the war, then war it is, in which case, under the IV Geneva convention, combatants do NOT enjoy the rights afforded protected persons
Start with equal rights and equal justice, peace will follow

Start with ending the war just like in any other conflict and sign a peace agreement. The Israeli's have offered countless conditional acceptances of surrender. But if the palestinians insist on continuing the war, then war it is, in which case, under the IV Geneva convention, combatants do NOT enjoy the rights afforded protected persons

2 year olds are not combatants.
Start with equal rights and equal justice, peace will follow

Start with ending the war just like in any other conflict and sign a peace agreement. The Israeli's have offered countless conditional acceptances of surrender. But if the palestinians insist on continuing the war, then war it is, in which case, under the IV Geneva convention, combatants do NOT enjoy the rights afforded protected persons

2 year olds are not combatants.

They're not combatants, they're body armour.
Start with equal rights and equal justice, peace will follow

Start with ending the war just like in any other conflict and sign a peace agreement. The Israeli's have offered countless conditional acceptances of surrender. But if the palestinians insist on continuing the war, then war it is, in which case, under the IV Geneva convention, combatants do NOT enjoy the rights afforded protected persons

2 year olds are not combatants.

They're not combatants, they're body armour.

Start with equal rights and equal justice, peace will follow

Start with ending the war just like in any other conflict and sign a peace agreement. The Israeli's have offered countless conditional acceptances of surrender. But if the palestinians insist on continuing the war, then war it is, in which case, under the IV Geneva convention, combatants do NOT enjoy the rights afforded protected persons

2 year olds are not combatants.

They're not combatants, they're body armour.

View attachment 59719

Wow! An actual picture from CNN! I'm convinced!
demonstrably false

Go for it Holly.... Demonstrate that my opinion is false...

Whilst you are wracking your brain cell for more utter BS....

Peace is not on the Israeli government's agenda...

Remember Nut&yahoo's comment... "Not on my watch"?

Peace for Israel involves losing face to some degree so that will never happen.

You think that Israel 'evacuating' occupied territory will not be Israel "losing face"?

Also, peace does not work for Israel in their 'Greater Israel' plans!

You are aware of the 'Greater Israel' plans? A peace solution will NOT achieve that!
Israel has already demonstrated your opinion is false.

You confirmed your own falsehood with a rather pathetic move the goal posts and then drop ten and punt.

So there is peace in the ME is there?

Israel has evacuated the occupied territory have they?

What a schmuck!

No goal posts moved... Typical zionut tactic... The inability to read!
Start with equal rights and equal justice, peace will follow

Start with ending the war just like in any other conflict and sign a peace agreement. The Israeli's have offered countless conditional acceptances of surrender. But if the palestinians insist on continuing the war, then war it is, in which case, under the IV Geneva convention, combatants do NOT enjoy the rights afforded protected persons

2 year olds are not combatants.

Neither was the Fogel family
Start with equal rights and equal justice, peace will follow

Start with ending the war just like in any other conflict and sign a peace agreement. The Israeli's have offered countless conditional acceptances of surrender. But if the palestinians insist on continuing the war, then war it is, in which case, under the IV Geneva convention, combatants do NOT enjoy the rights afforded protected persons

2 year olds are not combatants.

They're not combatants, they're body armour.

View attachment 59719

See, I can bring cartoons too, with no actual connection to the subject.

Start with equal rights and equal justice, peace will follow

Start with ending the war just like in any other conflict and sign a peace agreement. The Israeli's have offered countless conditional acceptances of surrender. But if the palestinians insist on continuing the war, then war it is, in which case, under the IV Geneva convention, combatants do NOT enjoy the rights afforded protected persons
Good point, Remember, the fighting in the 1948 war ended when the UN Security Council called for an armistice.

An armistice agreement halts hostilities on both sides with neither side surrendering. This way a peace agreement can follow when people are not shooting at each other. This fosters a level of trust that cannot be achieve under the conditions of active war.
Start with equal rights and equal justice, peace will follow

Start with ending the war just like in any other conflict and sign a peace agreement. The Israeli's have offered countless conditional acceptances of surrender. But if the palestinians insist on continuing the war, then war it is, in which case, under the IV Geneva convention, combatants do NOT enjoy the rights afforded protected persons
Good point, Remember, the fighting in the 1948 war ended when the UN Security Council called for an armistice.

An armistice agreement halts hostilities on both sides with neither side surrendering. This way a peace agreement can follow when people are not shooting at each other. This fosters a level of trust that cannot be achieve under the conditions of active war.
There can be no trust in Death Cultists who live and die by the Hamas Charter.
Start with equal rights and equal justice, peace will follow

Start with ending the war just like in any other conflict and sign a peace agreement. The Israeli's have offered countless conditional acceptances of surrender. But if the palestinians insist on continuing the war, then war it is, in which case, under the IV Geneva convention, combatants do NOT enjoy the rights afforded protected persons
Good point, Remember, the fighting in the 1948 war ended when the UN Security Council called for an armistice.

An armistice agreement halts hostilities on both sides with neither side surrendering. This way a peace agreement can follow when people are not shooting at each other. This fosters a level of trust that cannot be achieve under the conditions of active war.
There can be no trust in Death Cultists who live and die by the Hamas Charter.
You are sooooooo full of shit.

Hamas is much better at keeping a cease fire than Israel. In fact, virtually all ceasefires have been broken by Israel.

So don't give me that Hamas boogyman crap.
Start with equal rights and equal justice, peace will follow

Start with ending the war just like in any other conflict and sign a peace agreement. The Israeli's have offered countless conditional acceptances of surrender. But if the palestinians insist on continuing the war, then war it is, in which case, under the IV Geneva convention, combatants do NOT enjoy the rights afforded protected persons
Good point, Remember, the fighting in the 1948 war ended when the UN Security Council called for an armistice.

An armistice agreement halts hostilities on both sides with neither side surrendering. This way a peace agreement can follow when people are not shooting at each other. This fosters a level of trust that cannot be achieve under the conditions of active war.
There can be no trust in Death Cultists who live and die by the Hamas Charter.
You are sooooooo full of shit.

Hamas is much better at keeping a cease fire than Israel. In fact, virtually all ceasefires have been broken by Israel.

So don't give me that Hamas boogyman crap.


You claim most of the peace treaties have been broken by Israel ?

Prove it. Show us your data and do try and include at least some credible sources.

The simple reality is that Israel has proven itself to be a viable peace partner, and has long term ongoing peace agreements with many of its neighbors. The palestinians on the other hand. Well we all know their main method of diplomacy.

So prove this latest wild claim if you would please. That Israel is breaking all the peace treaties ;--) or what was that, OK "most"

I'm dying to read your evidence

Israeli air strike in Gaza kills Palestinian militant

France debates Jewish skullcap after knife attack

Three Palestinians shot dead by Israelis during unrest

Looks to me like Israel is actively defending itself amid continued violence and yet still allows palestinians to run loose on Israeli streets.

Start with equal rights and equal justice, peace will follow

Start with ending the war just like in any other conflict and sign a peace agreement. The Israeli's have offered countless conditional acceptances of surrender. But if the palestinians insist on continuing the war, then war it is, in which case, under the IV Geneva convention, combatants do NOT enjoy the rights afforded protected persons
Good point, Remember, the fighting in the 1948 war ended when the UN Security Council called for an armistice.

An armistice agreement halts hostilities on both sides with neither side surrendering. This way a peace agreement can follow when people are not shooting at each other. This fosters a level of trust that cannot be achieve under the conditions of active war.
There can be no trust in Death Cultists who live and die by the Hamas Charter.
You are sooooooo full of shit.

Hamas is much better at keeping a cease fire than Israel. In fact, virtually all ceasefires have been broken by Israel.

So don't give me that Hamas boogyman crap.
You should learn your Islamist terrorist history. The Death Cult Charter makes explicit references to the islamo-waqf precept and gee-had to re-colonize lands that are presumed to be islamo-owned in perpetuity.

Ignorance and denial on your part regarding islamo-fascism is yours to remedy.
Start with equal rights and equal justice, peace will follow

Start with ending the war just like in any other conflict and sign a peace agreement. The Israeli's have offered countless conditional acceptances of surrender. But if the palestinians insist on continuing the war, then war it is, in which case, under the IV Geneva convention, combatants do NOT enjoy the rights afforded protected persons
Good point, Remember, the fighting in the 1948 war ended when the UN Security Council called for an armistice.

An armistice agreement halts hostilities on both sides with neither side surrendering. This way a peace agreement can follow when people are not shooting at each other. This fosters a level of trust that cannot be achieve under the conditions of active war.
There can be no trust in Death Cultists who live and die by the Hamas Charter.
You are sooooooo full of shit.

Hamas is much better at keeping a cease fire than Israel. In fact, virtually all ceasefires have been broken by Israel.

So don't give me that Hamas boogyman crap.


You claim most of the peace treaties have been broken by Israel ?

Prove it. Show us your data and do try and include at least some credible sources.

The simple reality is that Israel has proven itself to be a viable peace partner, and has long term ongoing peace agreements with many of its neighbors. The palestinians on the other hand. Well we all know their main method of diplomacy.

So prove this latest wild claim if you would please. That Israel is breaking all the peace treaties ;--) or what was that, OK "most"

I'm dying to read your evidence

Israeli air strike in Gaza kills Palestinian militant

France debates Jewish skullcap after knife attack

Three Palestinians shot dead by Israelis during unrest

Looks to me like Israel is actively defending itself amid continued violence and yet still allows palestinians to run loose on Israeli streets.


IE you don't have a shred of evidence to support your claims and these few propaganda piece and op eds are the best you can do.

Ok well I guess that settles that.

Your claims that Israel broke MOST of the peace treaties is indefensible
IE you don't have a shred of evidence to support your claims and these few propaganda piece and op eds are the best you can do.

Ok well I guess that settles that.

Your claims that Israel broke MOST of the peace treaties is indefensible
Beach strike shakes Hamas cease-fire

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- An Israeli navy gunboat fired shells onto a northern Gaza beach Friday, killing at least seven people and prompting the military wing of Hamas to call off a 16-month-old cease-fire with Israel.

CNN.com - Beach strike shakes Hamas cease-fire - Jun 9, 2006

Hamas is much better at keeping a cease fire than Israel. In fact, virtually all ceasefires have been broken by Israel.

Just to clarify your position -- you are claiming that the initial events which broke the ceasefires are virtually all committed by Israel?

There is a difference between the event which breaks the ceasefire and the response. Monte's table in his post, for example shows that Israel made MORE attacks but does not indicate who initially violated the ceasefire.

For example on the August 1 ceasefire in Operation Protective Edge, Israel was permitted to continue to dismantle the tunnels. One of those operations was attacked by Hamas militants, thus it was Hamas which broke the ceasefire. Though there was an exchange of fire on both sides due to that event the breaking of the ceasefire was caused by Hamas.

I think we need to clarify what we are talking about here. I also think it is important to acknowledge the willingness of each side to negotiate a ceasefire, an end of conflict agreement and to bring reasonable terms to the table.
Oh, and I have outstanding questions yet to be addressed by P F Tinmore and montelatici concerning what would appease the Palestinians. And, additionally, one of my direct questions to both will be how the Palestinians intend to address Israel's security concerns in an end of conflict agreement.

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