What is peace worth ?

Exactly Hollie, Israel is more than willing to make peace, but the Arab Muslim colonists seem happy to throw their lives away on a cause lost decades ago. I'm always surprised that palestinians parents will cheer on their own children as they die at ratios approaching 100 to 1 if not more, depends on how much they piss off the Israeli's.

Its a blood bath and these people seem to be happy to have their own kids killed in another failed PR campaign that is continually being exposed for what it is

Conclusive Proof Hamas Uses Palestinians as Human Shields

For example, several days ago, the Wall Street Journal published a photograph by Nick Casey of Hamas spokesman Mushir Al Masri using a local hospital as a backdrop to give interviews. The hospital and its patients served, in effect, as a shield for Masri to speak to reporters without being targeted by Israel. A few days after it was posted, the Journal had removed Casey’s photo from its website without explanation.
Meanwhile, a French journalist in Gaza, Radjaa Abu Dagga, published an article in the French newspaper Liberation, describing how when he was taken in for questioning by Hamas, the interrogators used a room in the Al Shifa hospital – proof that Hamas is using the hospital as a shield. But that article, too, was deleted from the Liberation web site after a short time.
But now the story is coming out, and there’s nothing that the Palestinian truth-deniers can do but yell “racist.”
End Quote

The co-writers of that propaganda piece are:

Moshe Phillips and Benyamin Korn are members of the board of the Religious Zionists of America.

You couldn't make this stuff up. Boston, you are great for a laugh.

So what, your an avid racist and bigot but you expect people to listen to your views.

and big deal if a zionist ( an idealist who supports the creation and protection of Israel ) Writes a piece exposing threats to Israel.

If you are really all that happy with the 100 to 1 kill ratio of Arab Muslim colonists to Israelis then fine, let the blood bath continue. Its your choice. In the end it only takes one to start a fight and sometimes that one insists on total defeat.

Israel will just fence the Arab Muslim colonialists in and wait them out. Which is a far cry better than how the Arab Muslim colonists have treated the Israeli's

You mean when Zionist propaganda is created. The only colonists are the Jews:
Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committ
July 25, 1926
London (Jul. 23)
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)
The various phases of the present situation in Palestine and in the Zionist movement throughout the world, and plans of Zionist leadership for the immediate future, were submitted for consideration at the Zionist Actions Committee which opened its session here yesterday.
The contemplated trip to the United States of Dr. Chaim Weizmann, president of the World Zionist Organization, the continuation of his efforts while in America to extend the Jewish Agency through his negotiations with the Marshall group, the possibilities of extending Jewish colonization work outside of the present Palestine frontiers, including. Transjordania and certain parts of Syria, were the main features around which the deliberations centered."

[FONT=PT Serif, Times New Roman]Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committ[/FONT]

Exactly Hollie, Israel is more than willing to make peace, but the Arab Muslim colonists seem happy to throw their lives away on a cause lost decades ago. I'm always surprised that palestinians parents will cheer on their own children as they die at ratios approaching 100 to 1 if not more, depends on how much they piss off the Israeli's.

Its a blood bath and these people seem to be happy to have their own kids killed in another failed PR campaign that is continually being exposed for what it is

Conclusive Proof Hamas Uses Palestinians as Human Shields

For example, several days ago, the Wall Street Journal published a photograph by Nick Casey of Hamas spokesman Mushir Al Masri using a local hospital as a backdrop to give interviews. The hospital and its patients served, in effect, as a shield for Masri to speak to reporters without being targeted by Israel. A few days after it was posted, the Journal had removed Casey’s photo from its website without explanation.
Meanwhile, a French journalist in Gaza, Radjaa Abu Dagga, published an article in the French newspaper Liberation, describing how when he was taken in for questioning by Hamas, the interrogators used a room in the Al Shifa hospital – proof that Hamas is using the hospital as a shield. But that article, too, was deleted from the Liberation web site after a short time.
But now the story is coming out, and there’s nothing that the Palestinian truth-deniers can do but yell “racist.”
End Quote

The co-writers of that propaganda piece are:

Moshe Phillips and Benyamin Korn are members of the board of the Religious Zionists of America.

You couldn't make this stuff up. Boston, you are great for a laugh.

So what, your an avid racist and bigot but you expect people to listen to your views.

and big deal if a zionist ( an idealist who supports the creation and protection of Israel ) Writes a piece exposing threats to Israel.

If you are really all that happy with the 100 to 1 kill ratio of Arab Muslim colonists to Israelis then fine, let the blood bath continue. Its your choice. In the end it only takes one to start a fight and sometimes that one insists on total defeat.

Israel will just fence the Arab Muslim colonialists in and wait them out. Which is a far cry better than how the Arab Muslim colonists have treated the Israeli's

I never link to propaganda sites, you only link to propaganda sites, because the facts repudiate the propaganda you are trying to promulgate. Not realizing that we've seen that crap before.
It is Israel's war. It can stop it any time it wants.

I would like you, Tinmore, and any of the other anti-Israelis to back this statement up. Please list for me exactly what Israel must do to stop the conflict. Tell me what will make the Palestinians stop attacking.

I know the standard response is "end the occupation and lift the blockade" but that is not specific enough. What territory, precisely, is occupied? What must be done so that the Palestinians consider it no longer occupied? What would Israel have to do for the Palestinians to consider the blockade over? Tell me everything you can think of. Be as specific as possible.

What will satisfy the Palestinians?
Out of my personal research the motives for the conflict can be divided into three core issues;
1.Historic - Tragic events and inadequate solutions that were implemented in the past.
2.Ethnic - Race, Religion, Nationality.
3.'De Facto' situation.
The most significant issue is the third one, everyday events pushes the common belief beyond natural reason due to the historic and ethnic issues, and it has its impact on important decisions, for instance, few days ago Abbas had his eleven year as the PA chairman in his four years cadence [LINK] (due to the elections of Hamas)
It is Israel's war. It can stop it any time it wants.

I would like you, Tinmore, and any of the other anti-Israelis to back this statement up. Please list for me exactly what Israel must do to stop the conflict. Tell me what will make the Palestinians stop attacking.

I know the standard response is "end the occupation and lift the blockade" but that is not specific enough. What territory, precisely, is occupied? What must be done so that the Palestinians consider it no longer occupied? What would Israel have to do for the Palestinians to consider the blockade over? Tell me everything you can think of. Be as specific as possible.

What will satisfy the Palestinians?
What territory, precisely, is occupied?​

All of it. Nobody has ever been able to prove otherwise.
It is Israel's war. It can stop it any time it wants.

I would like you, Tinmore, and any of the other anti-Israelis to back this statement up. Please list for me exactly what Israel must do to stop the conflict. Tell me what will make the Palestinians stop attacking.

I know the standard response is "end the occupation and lift the blockade" but that is not specific enough. What territory, precisely, is occupied? What must be done so that the Palestinians consider it no longer occupied? What would Israel have to do for the Palestinians to consider the blockade over? Tell me everything you can think of. Be as specific as possible.

What will satisfy the Palestinians?

My take on what the Palestinians would accept.

End the occupation. Which means, end the blockade of Gaza, free the air space of Gaza, free the territorial sea of Gaza, end the Israeli treaty with Egypt that limits Gaza's border with Egypt to personnel only (allow exports and imports to go through the Egyptian border crossing).

Free the air space of the West Bank, remove Israeli border guards from the Jordanian border with the West Bank, remove Israeli troops from the West Bank and East Jerusalem and remove the settlements from the West Bank.

Transfer the taxation of Palestinians from Israeli control to Palestinian control

In essence allow the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state.
All of it. ...

Okay, so when you say "end the occupation" you mean, what, exactly? That all the land must be under Palestinian Arab Muslim sovereignty? That all the Jewish people must be deported? What, exactly?
It is Israel's war. It can stop it any time it wants.

I would like you, Tinmore, and any of the other anti-Israelis to back this statement up. Please list for me exactly what Israel must do to stop the conflict. Tell me what will make the Palestinians stop attacking.

I know the standard response is "end the occupation and lift the blockade" but that is not specific enough. What territory, precisely, is occupied? What must be done so that the Palestinians consider it no longer occupied? What would Israel have to do for the Palestinians to consider the blockade over? Tell me everything you can think of. Be as specific as possible.

What will satisfy the Palestinians?

My take on what the Palestinians would accept.

End the occupation. Which means, end the blockade of Gaza, free the air space of Gaza, free the territorial sea of Gaza, end the Israeli treaty with Egypt that limits Gaza's border with Egypt to personnel only (allow exports and imports to go through the Egyptian border crossing).

Free the air space of the West Bank, remove Israeli border guards from the Jordanian border with the West Bank, remove Israeli troops from the West Bank and East Jerusalem and remove the settlements from the West Bank.

Transfer the taxation of Palestinians from Israeli control to Palestinian control

In essence allow the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state.

Point of clarification -- what territory, precisely, do you consider the "West Bank"?

And edited to add: what do you mean by "remove the settlements"?
Last edited:
It is Israel's war. It can stop it any time it wants.

I would like you, Tinmore, and any of the other anti-Israelis to back this statement up. Please list for me exactly what Israel must do to stop the conflict. Tell me what will make the Palestinians stop attacking.

I know the standard response is "end the occupation and lift the blockade" but that is not specific enough. What territory, precisely, is occupied? What must be done so that the Palestinians consider it no longer occupied? What would Israel have to do for the Palestinians to consider the blockade over? Tell me everything you can think of. Be as specific as possible.

What will satisfy the Palestinians?

My take on what the Palestinians would accept.

End the occupation. Which means, end the blockade of Gaza, free the air space of Gaza, free the territorial sea of Gaza, end the Israeli treaty with Egypt that limits Gaza's border with Egypt to personnel only (allow exports and imports to go through the Egyptian border crossing).

Free the air space of the West Bank, remove Israeli border guards from the Jordanian border with the West Bank, remove Israeli troops from the West Bank and East Jerusalem and remove the settlements from the West Bank.

Transfer the taxation of Palestinians from Israeli control to Palestinian control

In essence allow the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state.
You're simply asking that Pal'istanian islamic terrorists be given an unhindered opportunity to commit murder and mayhem, financed by their dedicated UN sponsored welfare agency.

You are clearly oblivious to the continuing failure of "Pal'istanian" Arabs to cobble together a functioning society, capable of operating as an independent entity. It is always invented excuses for ineptitude and incompetence relative to islamic terrorists' abilities to manage the civil affairs of government. There are consequences for hosting and maintaining Islamic terrorist organizations and the promotion of a fascist politico- religious ideology that defines Islamism.

What you won't acknowledge is that the best opportunity for the 'Pal'istanian' arabs to build a functioning society was when Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza. Instead of using that opportunity to demonstrate that they had the ability to establish a working society, the Palis chose instead to transform Gaza into an armed Islamic terrorist encampment.
It is Israel's war. It can stop it any time it wants.
Not true. You should read the Hamas Charter for an instructive lesson on why Islamic terrorism continues.

It is the Palestinians War. It can stop whenever it wants. Stop insisting that the Jews should no longer be a majority in their own State, and that the Palestinians have any rights to the " 67 Borders" we hear so much about for their own State. Stop insisting that Israel give in to ALL Demands
Only Israelis and Palestinians can tell what peace is worth. So unless you live the conflict, asking this question is quite arrogant.
Start with equal rights and equal justice, peace will follow

That is far too nebulous to be functional. I say that the rights and justice that is being denied is to the Jewish people. And you say the rights and justice that is being denied is to the Arab Muslim "Palestinians". You should create a list of exactly what you think would satisfy/appease the Palestinians so your idea of "equal rights and equal justice" has some context.

What Arab Muslim colonists? The only colonists are the Jews. Funny how the Zionists were clear about their intentions and Boston is in denial. The Zionists also knew that Trans-Jordania was not Palestine, something Boston denies.

Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committ
July 25, 1926
London (Jul. 23)
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

"the continuation of his efforts while in America to extend the Jewish Agency through his negotiations with the Marshall group, the possibilities of extending Jewish colonization work outside of the present Palestine frontiers, including. Transjordania and certain parts of Syria, were the main features around which the deliberations centered."
“Due to the success of our colonization work in Palestine proper, it is possible that eventually our colonization work will be extended beyond the frontiers of Transjordania. It is true that the Palestine government has not taken a clear stand in regard to its economic policy, but well founded demands have every prospect of being agreed to. A great deal has been achieved during the last months,” Dr. Weizmann said.

[FONT=PT Serif, Times New Roman]Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committ[/FONT]

What Arab Muslim colonists? The only colonists are the Jews. Funny how the Zionists were clear about their intentions and Boston is in denial. The Zionists also knew that Trans-Jordania was not Palestine, something Boston denies.

Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committ
July 25, 1926
London (Jul. 23)
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

"the continuation of his efforts while in America to extend the Jewish Agency through his negotiations with the Marshall group, the possibilities of extending Jewish colonization work outside of the present Palestine frontiers, including. Transjordania and certain parts of Syria, were the main features around which the deliberations centered."
“Due to the success of our colonization work in Palestine proper, it is possible that eventually our colonization work will be extended beyond the frontiers of Transjordania. It is true that the Palestine government has not taken a clear stand in regard to its economic policy, but well founded demands have every prospect of being agreed to. A great deal has been achieved during the last months,” Dr. Weizmann said.

[FONT=PT Serif, Times New Roman]Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committ[/FONT]
I take it you're just incensed that the Arab invaders / colonists met their comeuppance?
Start with equal rights and equal justice, peace will follow
Again, implying for a discrimination, while in fact there is no discrimination (except a favoring one) against Arabs in Israel, Palestinians are simply not Israelis, I'd repeat that a thousand times more.
Start with equal rights and equal justice, peace will follow
Again, implying for a discrimination, while in fact there is no discrimination (except a favoring one) against Arabs in Israel, Palestinians are simply not Israelis, I'd repeat that a thousand times more.

That's what the White South Africans would say about the non-white citizens of the Bantustans, they were not South Africans. Non-Jews do not have equal rights in Israel either. No amount of claiming that nonsense will convince anyone. Just consider "right-of return", only Jews have that right.
It is Israel's war. It can stop it any time it wants.

I would like you, Tinmore, and any of the other anti-Israelis to back this statement up. Please list for me exactly what Israel must do to stop the conflict. Tell me what will make the Palestinians stop attacking.

I know the standard response is "end the occupation and lift the blockade" but that is not specific enough. What territory, precisely, is occupied? What must be done so that the Palestinians consider it no longer occupied? What would Israel have to do for the Palestinians to consider the blockade over? Tell me everything you can think of. Be as specific as possible.

What will satisfy the Palestinians?

He will not respond. He expects Israel to agree to ALL demands including " Right of Return" which would eventually annex Israel to the " Palestinian state" When asked why Israel would agree to their own eventual destruction there is never a response

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