What is reunification therapy?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Ask the government.

Apparently, this woman is in jail because she fought the courts forcing her children to "reunify in therapy" with their abusive father who was violent and molesting them.

Sheer insanity.
Reunifying with leftards would be approximately the same equation.

Leftards are abusive.

Ask the government.

Apparently, this woman is in jail because she fought the courts forcing her children to "reunify in therapy" with their abusive father who was violent and molesting them.

Sheer insanity.

Reading into this it's all part of a nasty divorce as well as a marriage that seems to have been troubled from the get go.

So far these are all accusations. So far only charges, no trail yet, no conviction yet.

Ask the government.

Apparently, this woman is in jail because she fought the courts forcing her children to "reunify in therapy" with their abusive father who was violent and molesting them.

Sheer insanity.

Are you encouraging refusal to obey the court orders? ... the mother spread her legs, and chose not to abort ... now she'll be in therapy with her children the rest of her life ... a common story all over the world ...

The "Parental Rights Termination" case I was involved in was about on-going and future abuse and molesting ... the parent refused to visit the child under the conditions of Child Welfare supervision, thus no visits at all for over a year ... so the State decided to put the infant up for adoption ... cocaine told the parent this was best ...

The children love their father very dearly ... and will never see him as abusive or molestitive ... they won't mind the nice Child Welfare lady coming along on the outing with dear old dad ... they love father that much ... it's better for them to have that relationship UNDER SUPERVISION than to not having the relationship at all ...

The risk is letting one parent weaponize the children ... "pay child support or I won't let you see the children" ... really really bad for the children ... thus the courts are quick to split visitation time 50/50 ... and trust the custodial parent to make sure the court order is obeyed by all ... that's the failure here, the Law says give the man another chance, I'm not saying this is right or wrong, this is just the way it is ...

The children are safe under supervised visitation ... it's only the mother's ego that's been bruised ... I was in the exact same position, except I trusted my children, and they turned out to be completely trustworthy ... I'm glad I never had to say bad things about their mother ... I didn't have to ... the children saw her faults themselves ... and they still love her ... as God intended ...
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What if the kids do not want to be around the monster anymore? What about their feelings? I don't blame their mother for trying to protect them! To me, she should sue the courts for having a brain train that can only travel so far!

God bless you and that lady and her kids always!!!

What if the kids do not want to be around the monster anymore? What about their feelings? I don't blame their mother for trying to protect them! To me, she should sue the courts for having a brain train that can only travel so far!

God bless you and that lady and her kids always!!!

I doubt the state cares.
What if the kids do not want to be around the monster anymore?

That's the therapy part ... children aren't allowed to choose their parents ...

I don't blame their mother for trying to protect them!

She's not protecting them sitting in jail ... the court RIGHT NOW is considering putting the children in the father's home ... is that what you want? ... do you have any experience with this ... I chose to stay out of jail and trust the Child Welfare worker ... the Child Welfare worker saw to it the children were not harmed ...

The children are safe around the father as long as there's police between ... or a cage if there's prison involved ... the courts have to follow written law, blame for all this lies with the state legislature ...

Funny how Evangelical States are the least forgiving ... never forget, but we do need to be forgiving ...

What could go wrong?:


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