The Chief of the Boat of the USS Manchester currently deployed in the South China Sea installed an illegal Starlink antenna and secret wifi network

Actually, Chamberlain took the sensible approach at Munich, and then foolishly wrote the Polish Colonels a blank check he couldn't cash.

Fortunately, Hitler was stupid, like most malignant narcissists, and screwed up by invading the USSR without having defeated the UK, and then doubled down by declaring war on the US when he wasn't obligated to.
Ah right, Chamberlain was sensible. I presume you.want the West to replicate this sensible approach in confronting China.
Ah right, Chamberlain was sensible. I presume you.want the West to replicate this sensible approach in confronting China.

Um, when it comes to Taiwan and the Islands in the South China Sea, absolutely. these are Chinese territories.

So let's review what happened at Munich. There was a territory of Czechoslovakia called the Sudetenland, which was ethnically German and didn't like being ruled by the Czechs. In fact, no one liked being ruled by the Czechs. The Germans didn't, The Slovaks didn't. The Hungarians didn't. The problem with drawing the borders in 1919 was that it wasn't based on who lived there, it was based on 'How do we screw Germany and Austria-Hungary?"

The only thing Germany got from Munich was the Sudetenland. Hungary reclaimed its territory, and Slovakia declared independence under Fr. Tizo. None of that happened at Munich, but it was more or less a fire sale. The Germans declared Bohemia a protectorate, but it was already surrounded by Germany at that point.

Embarrassed that he couldn't save Czechoslovakia from reality, old Neville wrote the Polish Colonels a blank check that he couldn't cash. He just hoped the fear of Soviet intervention would keep Hitler from doing anything stupid. Instead, Hitler outmaneuvered him and made a deal with Stalin to divide Poland. Able to get all the natural resources he needed by trading with the USSR, Hitler was able to supply his war machine and turn west.

Now, imagine this. Instead of writing the Polish Colonels a blank check, he told them to return the Danzig corridor (which was ethnically German at that point). Instead of treating Stalin as a threat, they made a deal with him. Hitler would have been stopped in his tracks with a valid fear of a two-front war.

None of this really applies to China, which isn't Nazi Germany by any stretch. They aren't even putting claims to territories like Mongolia and Outer Manchuria. They are letting Hong Kong keep their own system. They allow Tibet to have some autonomy and even appoint their own religious leaders.
Um, when it comes to Taiwan and the Islands in the South China Sea, absolutely. these are Chinese territories.

So let's review what happened at Munich. There was a territory of Czechoslovakia called the Sudetenland, which was ethnically German and didn't like being ruled by the Czechs. In fact, no one liked being ruled by the Czechs. The Germans didn't, The Slovaks didn't. The Hungarians didn't. The problem with drawing the borders in 1919 was that it wasn't based on who lived there, it was based on 'How do we screw Germany and Austria-Hungary?"

The only thing Germany got from Munich was the Sudetenland. Hungary reclaimed its territory, and Slovakia declared independence under Fr. Tizo. None of that happened at Munich, but it was more or less a fire sale. The Germans declared Bohemia a protectorate, but it was already surrounded by Germany at that point.

Embarrassed that he couldn't save Czechoslovakia from reality, old Neville wrote the Polish Colonels a blank check that he couldn't cash. He just hoped the fear of Soviet intervention would keep Hitler from doing anything stupid. Instead, Hitler outmaneuvered him and made a deal with Stalin to divide Poland. Able to get all the natural resources he needed by trading with the USSR, Hitler was able to supply his war machine and turn west.

Now, imagine this. Instead of writing the Polish Colonels a blank check, he told them to return the Danzig corridor (which was ethnically German at that point). Instead of treating Stalin as a threat, they made a deal with him. Hitler would have been stopped in his tracks with a valid fear of a two-front war.

None of this really applies to China, which isn't Nazi Germany by any stretch. They aren't even putting claims to territories like Mongolia and Outer Manchuria. They are letting Hong Kong keep their own system. They allow Tibet to have some autonomy and even appoint their own religious leaders.
You prove you are a traitor with your history lesson and support for China
You prove you are a traitor with your history lesson and support for China

If you are reading history to feel good, you aren't reading history, you are reading propaganda.

World War II happened because of miscalculations by nearly ALL the leaders involved. 70 million dead people later, we realize how badly they all fucked up.

China has never done anything bad to me.

Don't make enemies where they don't exist.
If you are reading history to feel good, you aren't reading history, you are reading propaganda.

World War II happened because of miscalculations by nearly ALL the leaders involved. 70 million dead people later, we realize how badly they all fucked up.

China has never done anything bad to me.

Don't make enemies where they don't exist.
Hitler could have been stopped in 36 if France and Britain hadn't been cowards, claiming they should have just given Germany everything they demanded proves you are a fool,
Not if Trump is president.

China is going to win.

You can delay it but you have some of the least impressive in government circles. How many Democrats have been targeted by the CCP over the last decade alone? It's frightening.

China knows before most presidents do what is going to happen. It's the greatest global influence campaign perhaps of all time due to the globalized world and speed of information travel.
This is DEI.

This is DEI at work in the military.

This is DEI wrecking the military.

DIE: The Chief of the Boat of the USS Manchester currently deployed in the South China Sea installed an illegal Starlink antenna and secret wifi network so she could watch her favorite telenovelas. When she was caught she lied to her commanding officer and the admiral not once but three times forcing an official NCIS investigation to be conducted. The antenna and network potentially allowed the Chinese Navy to track the ship and penetrate its classified Combat Information Systems.
Despite putting the entire crew of the Manchester at risk AND lying to her commanding officer Command Senior Chief Petty Officer Grisel Marrero was not given any prison time nor was she separated from the Navy - instead she was demoted to Chief Petty Officer and reassigned. Marrero was recruited and promoted BECAUSE of her racial and cultural identity to meet the diversity, equity, and inclusion goals of the Navy. As a result, her command did not believe they could separate her from the Navy much less sentence her to prison.
Like, reply, and subscribe if you’re as concerned as I am about DEI recruiting and promotion in the US Armed Forces.

Oh, she's Boriqua.

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