What Is The Best Way To Deal With Street Protesters That Hold Up Traffic?

How would you deal with a street protest that was keeping you from getting to work?

  • Stop and wait for the cops

  • Drive over them

  • Tackle and body-slam them and take their pants off

  • Roll over them with a steam roller

  • Break out my softball bat and go to town

  • Other

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I wouldn't do it any differently. But again, if there is no choice to avoid the conflict and I am in fear of my life, I drive through them and take my chances on injuring or killing somebody. I fully support and defend any law abiding citizen's right to defend himself or herself and his/her passengers.
That would be my exact reaction.
The only reason you would fear for your life is because this is America, where the protestors are protected by police.
But in Peru some schmuck pulled something like this and they literally tore him limb from limb.
That's the way America used to be.
I remember when if you pulled a stunt like this, the only thing beating you to the hospital would be the headlights of the ambulance that takes you there. We'd beat the crap out of you. But the left has the police protecting these degenerates.
Old fuckers, longing for the violent days of their youth that they were too big of a pussy to engage in when they were young fuckers.
Take a different route to work. It's not that hard, or hard to figure out.

If you came upon a wreck of 12 vehicles you would find another way around it, knowing that otherwise emergency vehicles would have you sitting there for 45 minutes. This is no different, other than your impotent rage.

And how do you take a different route when you are stopped bumper to bumper on a one way highway? Do you ever think before you post?
If they are demonstrating physical restraint that they are trying to impose, then that is a threat and if outnumbered then use the vehicle as a method of defense.
The Police have to come in on the other direction or behind them. It takes a long time to drag them off one by one.

Even on a weekend in CA they cause hell on eatrh. They know some good choke points HWY 1 Seaside to Carmel.

101S before Prunedale on a weekend.
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Tell us another story grandpa!

View attachment 780768
You can only point to your fake false-flag operation. The fake insurrection that had to be created by letting people in and then set upon by the cops which is classic entrapment.

That's the only incident you can bring up.

One example, that you Democrats caused in the first place.

Compare that to the hundreds of examples you motherfuckers have been guilty of murdering and beating us. BLM & ANTIFA burning and destroying. Transexuals shooting up schools and murdering children. Blacks destroying Walmarts and Targets in San Francisco and Philly. Gangs of blacks beating Christians and Trump supporters just trying to live their lives.

F**k You.
Well if they handle things like that in that way in Peru, I can't condone that. :)

And yes there used to be some serious altercations between opposing groups in America but those were usually labor disputes, strike breakers and such. But from the Watts riots and onward, usually the violence has been pretty one sided with the protesters committing most of it.

The few demonstrations I have joined though were organized and managed by people who did not provoke violence, did not allow hateful signs or behavior. We were careful not to interfere with pedestrian or vehicle traffic, did not block entrances to businesses, were pleasant and courteous and not threatening in any way. I will defend that anytime, anywhere.

But I don't care which side is doing it. Those who harm, endanger, threaten or interfere with innocent bystanders going about their lives are wrong and should be subject to penalty of law.
Ask yourself who is responsible for all destruction going on in food producing plants.
18,000 cattle were destroyed a couple of weeks ago. Hundreds of thousands of chickens.
What's next. Pigs.
The left is trying to starve us to death.
And who is responsible?
These types have murdered millions of their own people throughout history.
Ask yourself who is responsible for all destruction going on in food producing plants.
18,000 cattle were destroyed a couple of weeks ago. Hundreds of thousands of chickens.
What's next. Pigs.
The left is trying to starve us to death.
And who is responsible?
These types have murdered millions of their own people throughout history.
Yes they have. It is socialism/Marxism/totalitarianism that has made life miserable and/or murdered more people over the course of recorded history than any other event/occurrences on Earth. The only thing more destructive would be impact from a huge asteroid of the type that took out the dinosaurs.

I can't quite get into the theories about them trying to destroy the food supply or whatever though I do strongly feel those occurrences should be thoroughly investigated. But I do believe leftists for the most part completely despise the letter and intent of our Constitution and the thinking that went into it. They cannot appreciate what America was intended to be and also embrace the Marxist ideologies that they support.
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