What is the best way to overcome White Privilege, Male Privilege, and Christian Privilege?

Question: what is the best way to overcome White Privilege, Male Privilege, and Christian Privilege?

In my opinion, one of many options would be to improve on the racism (Jesus said he was only here to help one racial/ethnic group in Mt 15:24), and male supremacism (First Corinthians 14:33–35), and Christian Supremacism (see below) in the Bible - the book most believed in by more Americans than any other.
Change the underlying assumptions about the world that the Bible teaches (racial, gender, and religious supremacism), and the world will become a better place in no time.

Your solution?

John 14:6: Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"
Acts 4:12, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-10, John 3:18, John 10:27-28, Matthew 10:32, Luke 12:8, John 5:2, John 3:36, John 6:47, Acts 16:31, Romans 10:9, Revelation 19:20, 20:10,14-15, 21:8, John 15:6: Jesus said “Unless a person remains united with me, he is thrown away like a branch and dries up. Such branches are gathered and thrown into the fire, where they are burned up."
Liar!!! Jesus said no such thing you claim.
Liar!!! Jesus said no such thing you claim.

Indeed. In fact one of his more radical teachings was the equality of women in God's eyes. Some scholars claim this was one of the major 'outrages' the Judges really wanted him crucified for.
I enjoy it when people give me things due to my male whiteness. That's why I dress and act like a white male.
Desperado's statement can't be taken seriously because Privilege is fact of every society and country in the world.

If you don't want to be part of African privilege in Africa or Muslim privilege in the ME or white, Christian privilege in the USA, then move, dimwits.
so you believe in the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy, what other figments of your imagination dance around in your head? Leprechauns and Unicorns per chance?
Leprechauns, yeah.
I enjoy it when people give me things due to my male whiteness. That's why I dress and act like a white male.


And, the white car dealer just called; our new free Lincolns are ready. Don't forget the requirement that we have to drive them by some black people on a bus, or you'll have to wait two weeks for your next one, now.
I enjoy it when people give me things due to my male whiteness. That's why I dress and act like a white male.


And, the white car dealer just called; our free weekly new Lincolns are ready.
I got one last week. Totally cool! I love being white. They had some black dude in there while I was there trying to get one, and they threw him out on the sidewalk! LOL!
I enjoy it when people give me things due to my male whiteness. That's why I dress and act like a white male.


And, the white car dealer just called; our free weekly new Lincolns are ready.
I got one last week. Totally cool! I love being white. They had some black dude in there while I was there trying to get one, and they threw him out on the sidewalk! LOL!

Yeah, always trying to horn in on our privileges, the losers.
I enjoy it when people give me things due to my male whiteness. That's why I dress and act like a white male.


And, the white car dealer just called; our free weekly new Lincolns are ready.
I got one last week. Totally cool! I love being white. They had some black dude in there while I was there trying to get one, and they threw him out on the sidewalk! LOL!

Yeah, always trying to horn in on our privileges, the losers.
Yeah, you'd think they'd be happy with all the ghettos the libtards give them.
I enjoy it when people give me things due to my male whiteness. That's why I dress and act like a white male.


And, the white car dealer just called; our new free Lincolns are ready. Don't forget the requirement that we have to drive them by some black people on a bus, or you'll have to wait two weeks for your next one, now.
Have to be careful when women and minorites are around though, we can't let them see us giving each other stuff for free.

Question: what is the best way to overcome White Privilege, Male Privilege, and Christian Privilege?

In my opinion, one of many options would be to improve on the racism (Jesus said he was only here to help one racial/ethnic group in Mt 15:24), and male supremacism (First Corinthians 14:33–35), and Christian Supremacism (see below) in the Bible - the book most believed in by more Americans than any other.
Change the underlying assumptions about the world that the Bible teaches (racial, gender, and religious supremacism), and the world will become a better place in no time.

Your solution?

John 14:6: Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"
Acts 4:12, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-10, John 3:18, John 10:27-28, Matthew 10:32, Luke 12:8, John 5:2, John 3:36, John 6:47, Acts 16:31, Romans 10:9, Revelation 19:20, 20:10,14-15, 21:8, John 15:6: Jesus said “Unless a person remains united with me, he is thrown away like a branch and dries up. Such branches are gathered and thrown into the fire, where they are burned up."
You can't overcome something that doesn't exist.

What people describe as "white privilege" is really democracy in action. Majority rule with a basic layer of Constitutional rights. Take an HOA meeting where 8 participants are white, one Hispanic and one black. They vote upon whether or not to host a fundraiser for a community center in the poorer part of town. The vote is 8-2 against and 8-2 for a fundraiser for the neighborhood pool house renovations. White privilege? No.

In a nation about 74% Christian, the same applies. As for men and women, that's a little more complicated.
People who believe in White Privilege, Male Privilege, and Christian Privilege also believe in The Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy so they cannot be taken seriously.
Or a magic invisible dead guy who died 2000 years ago who is watching over us and will take us up to his invisible exclusive gated community in the sky?
Ahhh, so you really don't care. You just seek to ridicule? Interesting.
well, I've said all along the 4th century christian bible should be rewritten to reflect the 1st century events and the underlying religion that made the events possible and whose spark despite the bible lives on in the hearts of most people.
Rewritten how and based upon what?

Do you have any examples of what changes you'd make? Which books you'd and which you'd eliminate?
well, I've said all along the 4th century christian bible should be rewritten to reflect the 1st century events and the underlying religion that made the events possible and whose spark despite the bible lives on in the hearts of most people.
Rewritten how and based upon what?

Do you have any examples of what changes you'd make? Which books you'd and which you'd eliminate?
Rewritten how and based upon what?

the spoken religion of the 1st century ... the religion of the Almighty is only 5 words - The Triumph of Good vs Evil - within a persons lifetime or perish. sin must be conquered, a state of purity must exist to be admitted to the Everlasting.

their 10,000 page book is a political document disguised as a religion - that fosters privilege for its errant, mindless followers. they got what they deserved, the great flood.
well, I've said all along the 4th century christian bible should be rewritten to reflect the 1st century events and the underlying religion that made the events possible and whose spark despite the bible lives on in the hearts of most people.
Rewritten how and based upon what?

Do you have any examples of what changes you'd make? Which books you'd and which you'd eliminate?
Rewritten how and based upon what?

the spoken religion of the 1st century ... the religion of the Almighty is only 5 words - The Triumph of Good vs Evil - within a persons lifetime or perish. sin must be conquered, a state of purity must exist to be admitted to the Everlasting.

their 10,000 page book is a political document disguised as a religion - that fosters privilege for its errant, mindless followers. they got what they deserved, the great flood.

lol what a load of nonsense. The books that prevailed were the oldest originals, and there is no question about that. The Conspiracy forum is way down below this one. They weren't 'rewritten' and none were 'lost'. Those claims that they were are among the most laughably stupid conspiracy theories ever.
...the religion of the Almighty is only 5 words - The Triumph of Good vs Evil - within a persons lifetime or perish. sin must be conquered, a state of purity must exist to be admitted to the Everlasting.

their 10,000 page book is a political document disguised as a religion - that fosters privilege for its errant, mindless followers. they got what they deserved, the great flood.
Interesting opinion. Please define both Good and Evil. In addition, please explain how you believe the world should be purified in the name of your religion.
Question: what is the best way to overcome White Privilege, Male Privilege, and Christian Privilege?
Pretty straightforward solution, I gotta admit.

Just have a competition. Create the NAAWMC (National Association for the Advancement of White Male Christians). Then just see which group has the most success. The winner gets bragging rights until the other group outdoes them. The success could be measured by an independent unbiased committee.

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