What is the better strategy when losing elections?

So what is the superior strategy when losing an election? Is it the democrat way of accusing the other side of voter suppression and/or Russian intervention, or the GOP way of accusing the other side of fraud?

Where there are signs of irregularites, possible fraud, criminal or treasonous activities, you fight to the death to expose the truth.

Where you lose fair and square and everything is legit, you accept the decision of the people.

Unless of course you're a narcissistic asshole who can't handle losing.

We aren't talking about hilary, we are talking about the democrat party stealing the election in swing states they control........
obama had mommy and daddy issues, since they both left him and he had to be raised by his grandparents.....
So what is the superior strategy when losing an election? Is it the democrat way of accusing the other side of voter suppression and/or Russian intervention, or the GOP way of accusing the other side of fraud?

Where there are signs of irregularites, possible fraud, criminal or treasonous activities, you fight to the death to expose the truth.

Where you lose fair and square and everything is legit, you accept the decision of the people.

Unless of course you're a narcissistic asshole who can't handle losing.

Yes, Trump has an ego. Never bothered me, because so did all those who came before him, he's just open about it.

I know this, for all of Trumps faults and "mean talk", I would much rather have him as President then say AOC or some of her crew. The closer they are to power and the more influence they wield, the less comfortable the West will feel.

EVERYBODY has an ego. No shit. What everybody doesn't have is toxic Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
As is being displayed for all the world in its shabby infamy, right now.
Name ONE national-level politician who is NOT a Narcissist Fuck. ONE!!!!

THEY ALL ARE!!!! Every cock sucking one of them. Those who hide it better make me the most nervous.

OK. Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Quincy Adams, Jackson (actually we're not sure about Jackson), van Buren, Harrison, Tyler, Polk, Taylor, Fillmore, Pierce, Buchanan, Lincoln, Johnson, Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Cleveland, Harrison, McKinley, Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson, Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush and O'bama. There's 44 of them right there.

*NONE* of them sulked in the White House spinning conspiracy theories because they fucking lost and couldn't handle it. *ALL* of them turned over the office with grace.

You see Sprinkles --- "Narcissist" actually has a specific meaning.
So what is the superior strategy when losing an election? Is it the democrat way of accusing the other side of voter suppression and/or Russian intervention, or the GOP way of accusing the other side of fraud?

Where there are signs of irregularites, possible fraud, criminal or treasonous activities, you fight to the death to expose the truth.

Where you lose fair and square and everything is legit, you accept the decision of the people.

Unless of course you're a narcissistic asshole who can't handle losing.

We aren't talking about hilary, we are talking about the democrat party stealing the election in swing states they control........

There is no such thing as "the democrat party". Perhaps you're an idiot.
So what is the superior strategy when losing an election? Is it the democrat way of accusing the other side of voter suppression and/or Russian intervention, or the GOP way of accusing the other side of fraud?
Why present a false choice? If you lose, as Trump did, concede and preserve what little dignity you have left.

Whining, bitching and falsely accusing the opposition shows no maturity, no regard for reality and a complete exposure of a corrupt character. Only the corrupt traffic in corruption.
Now back to reality

Why didn't Putin fix this election like you thought the last one was fixed by him?
The better strategy is the one that works. So far it looks like the Russiahoax wins. It successfully duped way more Americans.
True, because they won the election, but then you have the 24/7 media blitz on Trump for 4 long years saying what a horrible human being he was along with academia, etc.

Then you had Big Tech censor all conservatives speech and hid the scandals in the Ukraine and China that involved Hunter Biden

So it's hard to say how much people bought the Russia lie.
The better strategy is: Don't be an asshole and maybe you won't lose.
So why are you such an asshole?

I didn't lose by five million votes, did I....
You didn't expect Trump to get what he got.
Ds will always outnumber Rs because most people who vote D don't even graduate high school.
I mean, I'm sure you believe Hoods are occupied by Rs.
It has more to do with California. Get rid of that state and the R's would win the popular vote.

Specifially, LA and San Fran. The rest of the state is held hostage by those two radical left cities, as well as the nation.
So what is the superior strategy when losing an election? Is it the democrat way of accusing the other side of voter suppression and/or Russian intervention, or the GOP way of accusing the other side of fraud?

There is a difference...
Voter Suppression is real and Democrats went to court and won a number of judgements on it... There is also glaring examples of suppression like putting one mail in dropbox for millions of people in harris county. We also saw the major lines in black areas. But this has been verified in court, sometimes the court could step in but very few judges threw out the evidence.

Russian interference
This has been confirmed by 13 National intelligence agencies and the GOP led Intelligence Senate committee. To ignore it now is to be pro Russia, the evidence of Cozy Bear and Fancy Bear is over whelming. Witnesses, computer trails,..... It is all there...


Voter Fraud

Trump is accusing massive voter fraud in numerous states some of them GOP run. When asked for evidence in court they have failed to provide any that hasn't been thrown out almost immediately.
On top of that I can only see one 'Verified Complaint' filed. That is in PA. That can cause some massive problems for the Trump legal team.
There is 15 points to the compliant...
They have to get witnesses and/or proof for all those allegations.. Not to do so is Perjury and DONALD J. TRUMP is the first name on the compliant... All the other complaints seem to be non verified, which means you can say what you like but you likely to get thrown out...

They have to prove this:
"Democratic-heavy counties engaged in pre-canvass activities prior to November 3, 2020, by reviewing received mail-in ballots for deficiencies, such as lacking the inner secrecy envelope or lacking a signature of the elector on the outer declaration envelope. Those offending Counties then would - 4 - notify those voters in order to allow them to cure their ballot deficiencies by voting provisionally on Election Day or cancelling their previously mailed ballot and issuing a replacement."
I mean real proof...
So what is the superior strategy when losing an election? Is it the democrat way of accusing the other side of voter suppression and/or Russian intervention, or the GOP way of accusing the other side of fraud?
Well, first validate the vote count for reasons of maintaining trust and the election integrity in the mind of the public.

Then go with the results,
Best strategy; NEVER GIVE UP UNTIL IT'S OVER!!! Fight on the beaches, in teh Courts, in the streets; EVERYwhere until it is over and no inkling of a chance has been passed up!!

................just like Trump is doing.

In the military fighting a battle that is lost is foolish and is likely to result in condemnation from all sides. But and election is not a military battle, and Trump's fight is not likely to be condemned by his base. Trump is looking forward to what comes after he leaves office. Waging this battle may serve him well if he wants to stay politically active. He can use a PAC to fund candidates of his choosing and potentially pay for political travel and events he might want to do after leaving office or launch a 2024 presidential campaign. In addition to fundraising with an eye toward staying politically relevant after leaving office, he could try to launch himself back into the media world, either through a broadcasting deal with a news outlet or bringing investors together to start his own media company.
Trump TV might well find it's way to your TV set and Trump rallies to your city.

Trump's stubborn refusal to accept reality may seem foolhardy and a bit insane but it he plans to stay active politically, his fight to the bitter end is likely to appeal to his base and help him politically.
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So what is the superior strategy when losing an election? Is it the democrat way of accusing the other side of voter suppression and/or Russian intervention, or the GOP way of accusing the other side of fraud?
Even if Trump, the Populist, lost, the GOP won. Hell, did you see how well the Conservative Position swept even the CA propositions?

Featured image
Proposition 16 was rejected by the voters of California by a wide margin. Prop 16 was the left’s attempt to allow racial and other forms of discrimination by the State. Prop 16’s sponsors attribute the defeat to voter confusion. But Prop 16 didn’t lose because voters were confused. It lost because most people don’t favor a racial spoils system overseen by the Left. Not even in CA.

Prop 16’s sponsors tried to sell the snake oil of diversity and were bitch slapped by CA Libs who want the government to judge people by their character and their credentials, not by the color of their skin.

Gail Heriot, of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission:

The polls have been consistent for decades. Whenever the issue is stated fairly and clearly, opposition to race and sex preferences is overwhelming. For example, in 2003, 2006, 2013, and 2016, the Gallup has asked the following question of poll respondents:

“Which comes closer to your view about evaluating students for admission into college or university—applicants should be admitted solely on the basis of merit, even if that results in few minority students being admitted (or) an applicant’s racial or ethnic background should be considered to help promote diversity on college campuses, even if that means admitting some minority students who otherwise would not be admitted.”

The responses were consistent: The number of respondents choosing “solely on merit” is always at least twice as great as the number choosing “help promote diversity.” In 2016, it was 70% for “solely on merit” vs. 26% for considering racial or ethnic background.

Note that the question was posed so as to take account of the arguments on both sides. Respondents were alerted to the possibility that without considering race or ethnic background “few minority students” may be admitted.
Note also that, if anything, the question is unfair to the “NO on 16” campaign, since most “NO” voters are willing to take into consideration things other than academic achievement (such as low income); they simply oppose using race or ethnicity as the measure of disadvantage.

When it comes to parties, the American People like to switch back and forth. So we had GOP, then Dem, then a Populist, probably time to try a GOP president, next time.
So what is the superior strategy when losing an election? Is it the democrat way of accusing the other side of voter suppression and/or Russian intervention, or the GOP way of accusing the other side of fraud?
Why present a false choice? If you lose, as Trump did, concede and preserve what little dignity you have left.

Whining, bitching and falsely accusing the opposition shows no maturity, no regard for reality and a complete exposure of a corrupt character. Only the corrupt traffic in corruption.
Now back to reality

Why didn't Putin fix this election like you thought the last one was fixed by him?
If we must wait for Trump and his sycophants to recount every vote, I can wait to see what the FBI says about Russian interference in 2020,
Why present a false choice? If you lose, as Trump did, concede and preserve what little dignity you have left.
I'm sure you won't mind if we take a quick peek at all the results of each state and make sure, do you?
279 electoral votes and a popular vote lead of 5 million.

Knock yourself out.
Fake News.

First, the popular vote isn't the presidential electorate.

Biden/Harris 259 Trump/Pence 217
President Live Results 2018
So what is the superior strategy when losing an election? Is it the democrat way of accusing the other side of voter suppression and/or Russian intervention, or the GOP way of accusing the other side of fraud?
Why present a false choice? If you lose, as Trump did, concede and preserve what little dignity you have left.

Whining, bitching and falsely accusing the opposition shows no maturity, no regard for reality and a complete exposure of a corrupt character. Only the corrupt traffic in corruption.
Stuff "dignity"; Dems have ZERO!!! Fight to the death!!!

Why present a false choice? If you lose, as Trump did, concede and preserve what little dignity you have left.
I'm sure you won't mind if we take a quick peek at all the results of each state and make sure, do you?
279 electoral votes and a popular vote lead of 5 million.

Knock yourself out.
Fake News.

First, the popular vote isn't the presidential electorate.

Biden/Harris 259 Trump/Pence 217
President Live Results 2018
Early map! Show Pennsylvania! Show Arizona! Show Georgia!
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