What Is The Democratic Platform?

Did they end the war? No.
Did they have fiscal restraint? No.
Was it open and honest or ridden with scandal? Yeah, the latter.
Look, another Rabbi thread where Nutjobber's alternative vision of reality is exposed for the lie it is.

I just want to point out that the current respective statuses of each "scandal" is "bullshit made up by partisan hacks."

Get us some concrete evidence or gtfo.
No evidence would satisfy a hack like you.
Needless to say the Democrats suffered scandal after scandal once they took power.
A scandal per week it seems, just to redirect the news to something else.

Because Republicans have nothing to offer the working class.
The working class is worse off now after 6 years of total Democratic domination of the political process. The GOP at least offers not to make things worse.

'total Democratic domination' The Koch boys tell you to say that?
The working class is worse off now after 6 years of total Democratic domination of the political process. The GOP at least offers not to make things worse.

Like what happened in Kansas where Republicans DO control the entire political process??? 2 Credit downgrades, a broken school system, hospitals on the verge of collapse, a GOP governor losing in a GOP favored year in a solid red state???

Yeah, I'm sure the GOP can make the country a whole hell of a lot worse.
Deflection is also not a river in Egypt.

I give objective comments with substance and you give blanket claims with nothing. You are utterly hopeless and frankly a clown.

He's a shill for the Koch brothers.
Did they end the war? No.
Did they have fiscal restraint? No.
Was it open and honest or ridden with scandal? Yeah, the latter.
Look, another Rabbi thread where Nutjobber's alternative vision of reality is exposed for the lie it is.

I just want to point out that the current respective statuses of each "scandal" is "bullshit made up by partisan hacks."

Get us some concrete evidence or gtfo.
No evidence would satisfy a hack like you.
Needless to say the Democrats suffered scandal after scandal once they took power.
A scandal per week it seems, just to redirect the news to something else.

Because Republicans have nothing to offer the working class.

"The working class" is a libturd euphemism meaning "union members." You are right, Republicans don't offer to plunder the rest of America for the benefit of union thugs.
The working class is worse off now after 6 years of total Democratic domination of the political process. The GOP at least offers not to make things worse.

Like what happened in Kansas where Republicans DO control the entire political process??? 2 Credit downgrades, a broken school system, hospitals on the verge of collapse, a GOP governor losing in a GOP favored year in a solid red state???

Yeah, I'm sure the GOP can make the country a whole hell of a lot worse.
Deflection is also not a river in Egypt.

I give objective comments with substance and you give blanket claims with nothing. You are utterly hopeless and frankly a clown.
Says the guy who thinks unsubtantiated statements are arguments. You're dismissed.
Ahead of the 2006 election that brought Democrats to power in Congress Nancy Pelosi laid out their program. It was anti war, fiscally responsible, the most open and ethical Congress in history.
OK, we saw how that worked out. Amazingly some people still believe them. But anyway...
This time what is the Democratic argument for why they deserve to control the House and Senate? They've had years of unfettered access to the legislative process. They've been in charge. And things are worse now than they were in 2006. So why didnt they succeed??

Thats and easy one.

Make everyone a freeloader so they will vote Dem.
When's Lois Lerner going to be arrested again?
When the IRS scandal broke, democrats were shocked along with everyone else. Since then, they've circled the wagons. It's what you do when protecting Obama's criminality.

Or they just realize that the IRS had been given a rather impossible task of dealing with an unprecedented level of fraud by rich people.
You keep repeating this over and over. No matter how many times you're called on it and cant defend it you repeat it again the next time like its fact.
What does that say about you?

I keep repeating it because it's still true. Citizen's United created the situation where Lerner did what she did.
When's Lois Lerner going to be arrested again?
When the IRS scandal broke, democrats were shocked along with everyone else. Since then, they've circled the wagons. It's what you do when protecting Obama's criminality.

Or they just realize that the IRS had been given a rather impossible task of dealing with an unprecedented level of fraud by rich people.
You keep repeating this over and over. No matter how many times you're called on it and cant defend it you repeat it again the next time like its fact.
What does that say about you?

I keep repeating it because it's still true. Citizen's United created the situation where Lerner did what she did.
No, it's actually not true. There was never any fraud uncovered at those organizations. Not one single allegation. How do we know? Because they were never denied status. They were deliberately kept in limbo.
BUt that's been posted over and over and despite having been shown that you persist in your narrative. It's almost like you're too stupid to learn any new information. Almost.
Import millions of illegals from foreign countries, give them amnesty and the right to vote in our elections to cancel out votes by Americans, that's the Dem long game.
Here is a Democrat Voter.....


Here is Obama when he thinks of the Democrat Voter......

Ahead of the 2006 election that brought Democrats to power in Congress Nancy Pelosi laid out their program. It was anti war, fiscally responsible, the most open and ethical Congress in history.
OK, we saw how that worked out. Amazingly some people still believe them. But anyway...
This time what is the Democratic argument for why they deserve to control the House and Senate? They've had years of unfettered access to the legislative process. They've been in charge. And things are worse now than they were in 2006. So why didnt they succeed??

Things are worse today, Republicans crashed the economy in 2008.

Republicans were in charge in the decade leading up to the great depression also. Anyone see a pattern here? The whackos can spend thousands of wasted hours being creative in spelling Obama's name wrong and repeating lies they just heard at fox central, but when push comes to shove, the adults in the room, the democrats, always have to fix the mess republicans put us in.
Gains in the Senate

PPE Platform Popular enough.

Biggest mid term loss in history.
Lowest presidential approval ratings ever.
Yeah, it's gonna happen. Maybe we should post a watch on you for when it does.

Flat out lie (imagine my shock)...Bush was much less popular than Obama for a time.
Obama's term is not over, sweetie.

You should give up predicting the future...remember who you picked for President last year Shirley? he he he...quick fire up the old excuse machine.
Gains in the Senate

PPE Platform Popular enough.

Biggest mid term loss in history.
Lowest presidential approval ratings ever.
Yeah, it's gonna happen. Maybe we should post a watch on you for when it does.

Flat out lie (imagine my shock)...Bush was much less popular than Obama for a time.
Obama's term is not over, sweetie.

You should give up predicting the future...remember who you picked for President last year Shirley? he he he...quick fire up the old excuse machine.
The elections was 2 years ago, dingbat.
Did they end the war? No.
Did they have fiscal restraint? No.
Was it open and honest or ridden with scandal? Yeah, the latter.
Look, another Rabbi thread where Nutjobber's alternative vision of reality is exposed for the lie it is.

I just want to point out that the current respective statuses of each "scandal" is "bullshit made up by partisan hacks."

Get us some concrete evidence or gtfo.
No evidence would satisfy a hack like you.
Needless to say the Democrats suffered scandal after scandal once they took power.
A scandal per week it seems, just to redirect the news to something else.

Because Republicans have nothing to offer the working class.

"The working class" is a libturd euphemism meaning "union members." You are right, Republicans don't offer to plunder the rest of America for the benefit of union thugs.

As a 'Ive got mine so fuck everyone else sociopath,' you use your self-righteousness and the Koch playbook to downplay the meaning of 'working class' Americans to make working people the enemy.

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