What Is The Democratic Platform?

I just want to point out that the current respective statuses of each "scandal" is "bullshit made up by partisan hacks."

Get us some concrete evidence or gtfo.
No evidence would satisfy a hack like you.
Needless to say the Democrats suffered scandal after scandal once they took power.
A scandal per week it seems, just to redirect the news to something else.

Because Republicans have nothing to offer the working class.

"The working class" is a libturd euphemism meaning "union members." You are right, Republicans don't offer to plunder the rest of America for the benefit of union thugs.

As a 'Ive got mine so fuck everyone else sociopath,' you use your self-righteousness and the Koch playbook to downplay the meaning of 'working class' Americans to make working people the enemy.

As someone who feels entitled to take other people's stuff: go fuck yourself, asshole. Union thugs are my enemy. They are extortionist, pure and simple.

Liberal Dictionary:
The working class - union thugs.

That's the simple truth.
So far democrats intend to run on their successes. Ebola and beheading in one week. They are on a roll.
No, it's actually not true. There was never any fraud uncovered at those organizations. Not one single allegation. How do we know? Because they were never denied status. They were deliberately kept in limbo.
BUt that's been posted over and over and despite having been shown that you persist in your narrative. It's almost like you're too stupid to learn any new information. Almost.

That's like saying that John Gotti was not the godfather because he was always acquitted.

Karl Rove is not a Social Welfare Agency.

As someone who feels entitled to take other people's stuff: go fuck yourself, asshole. Union thugs are my enemy. They are extortionist, pure and simple.

Liberal Dictionary:
The working class - union thugs.

That's the simple truth.

Somehow I doubt you're rich.

"Damn, those Union thugs are fighting to get me better pay and safer working conditions. THOSE BASTARDS!"
No, it's actually not true. There was never any fraud uncovered at those organizations. Not one single allegation. How do we know? Because they were never denied status. They were deliberately kept in limbo.
BUt that's been posted over and over and despite having been shown that you persist in your narrative. It's almost like you're too stupid to learn any new information. Almost.

That's like saying that John Gotti was not the godfather because he was always acquitted.

Karl Rove is not a Social Welfare Agency.
Its actually nothing like that.
You've defaulted to nonsense because you've got nothing. The facts are what they are: There was never any finding that any application was fraudulent. The applications were held up and subjected to scrutiny based solely on the viewpoints expressed by the organization. Which is illegal.

As someone who feels entitled to take other people's stuff: go fuck yourself, asshole. Union thugs are my enemy. They are extortionist, pure and simple.

Liberal Dictionary:
The working class - union thugs.

That's the simple truth.

Somehow I doubt you're rich.

"Damn, those Union thugs are fighting to get me better pay and safer working conditions. THOSE BASTARDS!"
How did union membership work out for you, again?
Its actually nothing like that.
You've defaulted to nonsense because you've got nothing. The facts are what they are: There was never any finding that any application was fraudulent. The applications were held up and subjected to scrutiny based solely on the viewpoints expressed by the organization. Which is illegal.

Not really. granting of exemptions is completely at the discretion of the IRS.

You guys have been going on about this for two years, and guess what, still no charges against Lerner or anyone else.
Its actually nothing like that.
You've defaulted to nonsense because you've got nothing. The facts are what they are: There was never any finding that any application was fraudulent. The applications were held up and subjected to scrutiny based solely on the viewpoints expressed by the organization. Which is illegal.

Not really. granting of exemptions is completely at the discretion of the IRS.

You guys have been going on about this for two years, and guess what, still no charges against Lerner or anyone else.
Thats actually not true but carry on, comrade.
No evidence would satisfy a hack like you.
Needless to say the Democrats suffered scandal after scandal once they took power.
A scandal per week it seems, just to redirect the news to something else.

Because Republicans have nothing to offer the working class.

"The working class" is a libturd euphemism meaning "union members." You are right, Republicans don't offer to plunder the rest of America for the benefit of union thugs.

As a 'Ive got mine so fuck everyone else sociopath,' you use your self-righteousness and the Koch playbook to downplay the meaning of 'working class' Americans to make working people the enemy.

As someone who feels entitled to take other people's stuff: go fuck yourself, asshole. Union thugs are my enemy. They are extortionist, pure and simple.

Liberal Dictionary:
The working class - union thugs.

That's the simple truth.

^^^ post of the week right there. Lazy deadbeats need to get off their fat asses get a job and stop mooching off me!
What Is The Democratic Platform?

with a lot of rotten crumbling balsa wood, there really isn't much left for them to stand on, the Tea Party and American Conservatives built their platform with cement, rebar and granite this type of concrete platform will be Americas savior. :up:
How did union membership work out for you, again?

Never belonged to a union. BUt here's the thing. Because we have unions, we have weekends, we have safer working conditions, we have higher rates of pay.

The Plutocrats wouldn't have given those out of the goodness of their hearts.


Nope. Henry Ford is the person who made the 40 hour week possible. The data shows that workplace safety improved at a faster rate before the creation of OSHA or any government regulations were implemented. Unions earn higher pay at the expense of non-union members who earn lower pay.

All your theories about the benefits of unionism are utter bullshit.

As someone who feels entitled to take other people's stuff: go fuck yourself, asshole. Union thugs are my enemy. They are extortionist, pure and simple.

Liberal Dictionary:
The working class - union thugs.

That's the simple truth.

Somehow I doubt you're rich.

"Damn, those Union thugs are fighting to get me better pay and safer working conditions. THOSE BASTARDS!"

They aren't working to get me better pay. I am an independent consultant. All unions do for me is drive up the cost of goods and services I consume.
Nope. Henry Ford is the person who made the 40 hour week possible. The data shows that workplace safety improved at a faster rate before the creation of OSHA or any government regulations were implemented. Unions earn higher pay at the expense of non-union members who earn lower pay.

All your theories about the benefits of unionism are utter bullshit.

In a culture of malignant capitalism you cannot rely upon the main beneficiaries of the religion of blind greed and bottom lines to self-police and think of the poor working thugs. Well, maybe you could if those people had a modicum of common sense about demand and profits. But they don't care. They'll gut this country and sell wherever they can. The "Henry Fords" of today no longer care whether or not their workers can afford to buy the products they make.

And our country is paying for that BIG TIME.
"The working class" is a libturd euphemism meaning "union members." You are right, Republicans don't offer to plunder the rest of America for the benefit of union thugs.

No, the working class are Americans that work. Republicans ARE plundering American worker to make Corporate America wealthier.
As someone who feels entitled to take other people's stuff: go fuck yourself, asshole. Union thugs are my enemy. They are extortionist, pure and simple.

Liberal Dictionary:
The working class - union thugs.

That's the simple truth.

If you're middle class, Republicans, Corporate America, and wall street are your enemies, but being a brainwashed Koch shill you can't see that.

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