What Is The Democratic Platform?

As someone who feels entitled to take other people's stuff: go fuck yourself, asshole. Union thugs are my enemy. They are extortionist, pure and simple.

Liberal Dictionary:
The working class - union thugs.

That's the simple truth.

If you're middle class, Republicans, Corporate America, and wall street are your enemies, but being a brainwashed Koch shill you can't see that.
The average American is worse off today than the day Bush left office.
But Democrats are shouting "Look! Over there! That Republican wants to steal your money!"
If they do it loud enough morons like you buy it.
^^^ post of the week right there. Lazy deadbeats need to get off their fat asses get a job and stop mooching off me!

Last year WalMart took $7+ billion in subsidies and dumped their underpaid employees to the tune of $6+ billion on the taxpayer. Who's the lazy deadbeat?
1) Unfettered access to kill your unborn babies at any time during pregnancy
2) Immediate citizenship to anyone who wants it
3) Complete the destruction of our HC delivery system
4) Utter indulgence to those who have no working skills, higher wages for doing nothing more than flipping a burger
5) Higher taxes
Nope. Henry Ford is the person who made the 40 hour week possible. The data shows that workplace safety improved at a faster rate before the creation of OSHA or any government regulations were implemented. Unions earn higher pay at the expense of non-union members who earn lower pay.

All your theories about the benefits of unionism are utter bullshit.

Ford's 40 hour work week along with higher pay was due to pre-Union labor uprising.
Nope. Henry Ford is the person who made the 40 hour week possible. The data shows that workplace safety improved at a faster rate before the creation of OSHA or any government regulations were implemented. Unions earn higher pay at the expense of non-union members who earn lower pay.

All your theories about the benefits of unionism are utter bullshit.

Ford's 40 hour work week along with higher pay was due to pre-Union labor uprising.
Unions had their day and changed things for the better. The problem we have today I'd government unions which are corrupt. The workers are isolated from their employer, the American People. Look at all the money wasted trying to recall Governor Walker in Wisconsin. The government union threw a childish temper tantrum and wasted millions of taxpayer money.
The average American is worse off today than the day Bush left office.
But Democrats are shouting "Look! Over there! That Republican wants to steal your money!"
If they do it loud enough morons like you buy it.

Corporate America is making record profits. Where are the jobs? You Koch shills are something else....
Which party has consistently supported policies that have led to poverty, ignorance, and lack of opportunity? Yeah, that's the Dems. Dems ar the real racists.

The 2007-08 economic crash. Funneling public monies from public schools to private schools. The largest contributor to the Republican party is making record profits, but no jobs. Perhaps we should give them another tax cut.
The average American is worse off today than the day Bush left office.
But Democrats are shouting "Look! Over there! That Republican wants to steal your money!"
If they do it loud enough morons like you buy it.

Corporate America is making record profits. Where are the jobs? You Koch shills are something else....
You forgot to hiss and snarl..."Fox News".
Which party has consistently supported policies that have led to poverty, ignorance, and lack of opportunity? Yeah, that's the Dems. Dems ar the real racists.

The 2007-08 economic crash. Funneling public monies from public schools to private schools. The largest contributor to the Republican party is making record profits, but no jobs. Perhaps we should give them another tax cut.
You a George Soros fan?
Which party has consistently supported policies that have led to poverty, ignorance, and lack of opportunity? Yeah, that's the Dems. Dems ar the real racists.

The 2007-08 economic crash. Funneling public monies from public schools to private schools. The largest contributor to the Republican party is making record profits, but no jobs. Perhaps we should give them another tax cut.
Yes, the corect answer is the Democrats. Thank you. Eric Holder sueing poor black families in LA to keep them from sending kids to schools they want. High taxes. High levels of regulation. High min wage. Every place where blacks are poor and miserable has been run by Dems for generations.
1) Unfettered access to kill your unborn babies at any time during pregnancy

What's wrong with a woman's choice?

2) Immediate citizenship to anyone who wants it

Which is a lie.

3) Complete the destruction of our HC delivery system

Why are more people than ever insured?

4) Utter indulgence to those who have no working skills, higher wages for doing nothing more than flipping a burger

Smart idea. Pissing off the people that cook your food. How much do you pay the people that make you all of your money?

5) Higher taxes

Reagan is responsible for the largest tax increase on the middle class....ever.
I've got a tip for politicians in the democratic party who are anxious to scrape off the gay albatross [Hillary, are you listening?] and keep their jobs or chances at being elected....

Have polygamists right now, appeal a lawsuit, visibly, for the right to marry in California. March that crap right up to the 9th, sit back and watch the tonnage of rainbow barnacles fall off your sinking ship. Why? Because the votes in the middle that you're tearing out your hair trying to figure out why they won't come back will see the sudden democratic stalwart stance against the advance of weirdness into mainstream culture....that association....will be broken in their minds...finally allowing them to let their justified fears begin to slacken of losing any moorings to decency, and good old middle values. Assuming the dems are smart enough to say "this far and no farther" to polygamy.

It would force the rainbow crew to 'come out' about their true feelings on polgamy and make them look like bigots. So then the democrats would be able to distance themselves from that platform altogether and use their own rhetorical singsong as the tool to scrape them off.

It's a long shot. But it could work.
The average American is worse off today than the day Bush left office.
But Democrats are shouting "Look! Over there! That Republican wants to steal your money!"
If they do it loud enough morons like you buy it.

Corporate America is making record profits. Where are the jobs? You Koch shills are something else....
You forgot to hiss and snarl..."Fox News".

So where are the jobs? Why aren't Republicans pushing their contributors?
The average American is worse off today than the day Bush left office.
But Democrats are shouting "Look! Over there! That Republican wants to steal your money!"
If they do it loud enough morons like you buy it.

Corporate America is making record profits. Where are the jobs? You Koch shills are something else....
You forgot to hiss and snarl..."Fox News".

So where are the jobs? Why aren't Republicans pushing their contributors?
The jobs arent being created thanks to Democrat-passed policies. This has been explained to you many many times. Those jobs that are created are part time to comply with Obamacare regs. Blame your masters at DNC.
The average American is worse off today than the day Bush left office.
But Democrats are shouting "Look! Over there! That Republican wants to steal your money!"
If they do it loud enough morons like you buy it.

Corporate America is making record profits. Where are the jobs? You Koch shills are something else....
You forgot to hiss and snarl..."Fox News".

So where are the jobs? Why aren't Republicans pushing their contributors?
Obama promised jobs. Where are they? You believed this crap. Aren't you embarrassed?

3 Years Of Obama's Job Promises, Promises:
Nope. Henry Ford is the person who made the 40 hour week possible. The data shows that workplace safety improved at a faster rate before the creation of OSHA or any government regulations were implemented. Unions earn higher pay at the expense of non-union members who earn lower pay.

All your theories about the benefits of unionism are utter bullshit.

Ford's 40 hour work week along with higher pay was due to pre-Union labor uprising.

Wrong. Unions had nothing to do with it. Ford needed reliable workers for his production line. The work was also much more demanding than traditional manufacturing methods. In order to get the best workers who were willing to do what Ford wanted them to do, he had to offer them a much better deal. It's as simple as that.

Unions were not involved at all. During the 1930s there were major labor riots in Ford plants because for was openly hostile to organized labor.

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