What Is The Democratic Platform?

Both party's platforms in recent years have been "We aren't the other guys." That's one of the worst problems in politics today. It's not about workable solutions. It's about not being the other guy.
Not being the Democrats is a compelling reason to vote Republican this time around. Bruce Braley (D) is going to lose to Joni Ernst (R) in Iowa for the Senate.
When's Lois Lerner going to be arrested again?
When the IRS scandal broke, democrats were shocked along with everyone else. Since then, they've circled the wagons. It's what you do when protecting Obama's criminality.

Or they just realize that the IRS had been given a rather impossible task of dealing with an unprecedented level of fraud by rich people.
We hate men
Let's force all successful men to quit and replace them with women and non-whites!
Let's kill all the babies
Let's praise people that stay single. Doesn't matter if they have a child or not. We don't give a damn how it hurts the childs chances in life!.
Let's scare off the father as he's a pig!
Let's whine about how the tax payer should pay for the birth control
Let's have open borders and invite the world in!!!! No borders!!!
Let's let certain racial groups do as they please. Murder, ok...Rape, ok. Looting and violence is a'ok!!! Let's blame the white man for causing it!!!!
Let's let that llittle brat as ong as he's the right color cause trouble in our class rooms.
Let's screw up math to force whites to fail as the brat above can't make it.
Let's blame the police for doing their job!
Let's silence people that voice their opinions of violent, stupid and lazy fucking people.
Let's force them to bake us a cake....We're only going against our relgious beliefs for doing so!
Let's lay down and die when a bad guy breaks into our house!

The platform of the democratic party!
Both party's platforms in recent years have been "We aren't the other guys." That's one of the worst problems in politics today. It's not about workable solutions. It's about not being the other guy.
Not being the Democrats is a compelling reason to vote Republican this time around. Bruce Braley (D) is going to lose to Joni Ernst (R) in Iowa for the Senate.

"All three major election forecasting models saw an uptick in the likelihood of Republicans winning the six seats they need to retake the Senate majority over the past week, movement largely due to the party's strengthened chances in Alaska, Colorado and Iowa."
The odds of Republicans winning the Senate are growing - The Washington Post
When's Lois Lerner going to be arrested again?
When the IRS scandal broke, democrats were shocked along with everyone else. Since then, they've circled the wagons. It's what you do when protecting Obama's criminality.

Or they just realize that the IRS had been given a rather impossible task of dealing with an unprecedented level of fraud by rich people.
You keep repeating this over and over. No matter how many times you're called on it and cant defend it you repeat it again the next time like its fact.
What does that say about you?
Both party's platforms in recent years have been "We aren't the other guys." That's one of the worst problems in politics today. It's not about workable solutions. It's about not being the other guy.
Not being the Democrats is a compelling reason to vote Republican this time around. Bruce Braley (D) is going to lose to Joni Ernst (R) in Iowa for the Senate.

"All three major election forecasting models saw an uptick in the likelihood of Republicans winning the six seats they need to retake the Senate majority over the past week, movement largely due to the party's strengthened chances in Alaska, Colorado and Iowa."
The odds of Republicans winning the Senate are growing - The Washington Post
The GOP taking the Senate doesnt mean anything. That's the latest talking point.
The "democrat platform" ?? Easy - the bullshit "War on Women" that's it...that's what they have.....funny, our incompetent slob of a so-called "president" can't be bothered to call the action against ISIS a "War" - but he has no trouble whatsoever using the term "War" against Republicans. What a joke....
I'm a lifelong democrat. Middle dem. And that should worry you because there are millions like me viscerally opposed, but silently so, to gay marriage at such a degree that it will cause many of us to crossover vote this Fall and perhaps even two from it..

Your a democrat???? GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY PARTY!!!

Go! Do it CROSSOVER! Vote republican the rest of your pathetic life. It's the best thing you can do for the Democrat party you piece of shit! GET OUT!
You just told millions of voters to leave the democratic party. Are you aware of that? You should be unless you're pathologically stupid.

Millions of Democrats hate gay people? Only Republicans gain voters through hate. And do they ever hate.
When's Lois Lerner going to be arrested again?
When the IRS scandal broke, democrats were shocked along with everyone else. Since then, they've circled the wagons. It's what you do when protecting Obama's criminality.

The IRS scandal? Do you mean when the guy Bush appointed to head the IRS was in charge or back when Bush and the GOP used the IRS to attack the NAACP?

Republican George W. Bush, oversaw a great deal of IRS political harassment of left-leaning groups that criticized the administration. Progressive churches were targeted for their “political” sermons against the Iraq War while conservative pro-Bush churches were left alone under the same rules. Bush’s IRS also deliberately targeted Greenpeace, the NAACP, and other progressive NGOs.

During the Bush era, Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC) was one of the very few Republicans to call for an investigation into the fishy auditing practices of the IRS (leaving Ron Paul aside as the obvious example, given his belief in abolishing the agency altogether). Only now that their own organizations have been targeted during the Obama era, it seems as though the rest of the conservative movement has come around to sensing the urgency about the easily-abusive practices of an ever-expansive agency.

IRS Scandal Just Tip Of Iceberg Agency 8217 s Been Politically Targeting For Decades Under Both Parties Mediaite

When Republicans think that Obama did what they have been doing for years, it suddenly becomes a "crime".
The "democrat platform" ?? Easy - the bullshit "War on Women" that's it...that's what they have.....funny, our incompetent slob of a so-called "president" can't be bothered to call the action against ISIS a "War" - but he has no trouble whatsoever using the term "War" against Republicans. What a joke....

Isis with only a few thousand easily defeated the Military Republicans put together costing this country trillions. I can't even guess the GOP's biggest failures because there are so many.
Ahead of the 2006 election that brought Democrats to power in Congress Nancy Pelosi laid out their program. It was anti war, fiscally responsible, the most open and ethical Congress in history.
OK, we saw how that worked out. Amazingly some people still believe them. But anyway...
This time what is the Democratic argument for why they deserve to control the House and Senate? They've had years of unfettered access to the legislative process. They've been in charge. And things are worse now than they were in 2006. So why didnt they succeed??

Why? Boooooosssshhhh!!!! Koch Brothers!!!!!!! Racist Haters!!!!!!! Global Warming!!!!!!!

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