What is the goal of capitalism?

Productive enough to justify moving a factory from the US to that other country.

Or cheaper enough.

Your claim that those workers aren't productive is based on what?

I didn't say that.

Moreover, again I remind you, that if we were to go by your assumption that 'productivity' is the only determinant of wages,

I didn't say that.

For instance, a garment worker in Bangladesh or a fruit picker in Mexico might work incredibly long hours under strenuous conditions

I already told you the farmer planting seeds with a sharp stick works very hard.

How so?

The handout goes into the hands of the worker.

So why are you saying that the poor are unproductive? By what metric are they "unproductive", which supposedly, makes them poor? You were justifying their impoverished condition on the basis of them being "unproductive". In what way exactly are they lacking productivity?

Working hard but supposedly unproductive, I got that. You still haven't answered the question. How are these workers unproductive? Answer the question and stop playing silly word games. Unapplicable generalities, that have no bearing on what is being discussed. Define exactly within the context of employment, how these people are being "unproductive" and stop beating around the bush.

What exactly are you identifying as a "handout"?
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You think it's stupid because you're naive.

The plane you are on crashes and you end up on a desert island. Please explain your right to free speech, your right to bear arms etc.. When a predator comes along to eat you, why didn't it respect your "alleged" rights?

A right is what you want with no government interference, nothing more, nothing less. These "allowances" vary from country to country.
dear god that is about the dumbest thing I have ever read,,,
dear god that is about the dumbest thing I have ever read,,,

What is good and evil, is self-evident to most rational human beings. Due to evolutionary biology and millions of years of natural selection, we've evolved an instinctual sense of what is right and wrong. What is correct from the perspective of the vast majority of sentient life (especially intelligent organisms with a sense of self and identity), are those patterns of thought and behavior that our conducive for survival. What is "moral" or ethical is simply that which contributes to our ability to avoid death. Empathy, our ability to see ourselves in others and imagine, what they're experiencing, if not feeling it for ourselves to a certain degree, is what allows us to peacefully co-exist with others in a collaborative environment.

That community requires a type of "social contract" which includes "rights" and the means to protect and enforce them. It logically follows, that when a community grows, it needs a social apparatus to enforce law and order, including protecting people's rights. Another name for that "social apparatus" is "government" or the state. Without it, we would still be living in caves, eating mammoth meat. That would be the extent of our accomplishments as a species. Stone-tipped spears, furr skin apparel, and making campfires.


Civilization requires government-state authority, with all of its resources.
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So why are you saying that the poor are unproductive? By what metric are they "unproductive", which supposedly, makes them poor? You were justifying their impoverished condition on the basis of them being "unproductive". In what way exactly are they lacking productivity?

Working hard but supposedly unproductive, I got that. You still haven't answered the question. How are these workers unproductive? Answer the question and stop playing silly word games. Unapplicable generalities, that have no bearing on what is being discussed. Define exactly within the context of employment, how these people are being "unproductive" and stop beating around the bush.

What exactly are you identifying as a "handout"?

So why are you saying that the poor are unproductive?

People with low productivity are more likely to be poor. That's simply a fact.

By what metric are they "unproductive"

I already posted the definition of productivity.

You were justifying their impoverished condition on the basis of them being "unproductive".

Justifying? LOL!

Working hard but supposedly unproductive,

Did I say unproductive? Where?

Define exactly within the context of employment, how these people are being "unproductive" and stop beating around the bush.

If you take 1 hour to turn $5 worth of inputs into $6 of output, you've added $1 of value/hr.
Does that make you rich or poor? If people in your village typically add $0.05 of value/hr, you're
probably a big stud in your village.

If you do the same thing in America, you're probably going to be pretty poor.

What exactly are you identifying as a "handout"?

The welfare that you were whining about.
So why are you saying that the poor are unproductive?

People with low productivity are more likely to be poor. That's simply a fact.

By what metric are they "unproductive"

I already posted the definition of productivity.

You were justifying their impoverished condition on the basis of them being "unproductive".

Justifying? LOL!

Working hard but supposedly unproductive,

Did I say unproductive? Where?

Define exactly within the context of employment, how these people are being "unproductive" and stop beating around the bush.

If you take 1 hour to turn $5 worth of inputs into $6 of output, you've added $1 of value/hr.
Does that make you rich or poor? If people in your village typically add $0.05 of value/hr, you're
probably a big stud in your village.

If you do the same thing in America, you're probably going to be pretty poor.

What exactly are you identifying as a "handout"?

The welfare that you were whining about.

People with low productivity are more likely to be poor. That's simply a fact.

What's the point of you saying that low productivity is more likely to result in poverty when discussing the employees of capitalist employers? And again, within the context of employment, how do you define lack of productivity? How does this apply to the employees of American capitalist employers in the third world, and here at home? Stop beating around the bush and finally answer the question.

I already posted the definition of productivity.

So again, how are the employees of these American capitalist employers, being unproductive? Just answer the question.

Justifying? LOL!

Yes, justifying poverty on the grounds of lack of productivity. Pretending that the reason people are poor is due to lack of productivity as if it's their fault and there are no other factors in their impoverished condition. You justify your indifference and sociopathic contempt for the poor on the grounds that they are supposedly "lazy" when the fact is that the poor are often the ones working the hardest and producing everything in this world, including the clothing on your back.

Did I say unproductive? Where?

You're now backtracking and claiming you never said the poor are in that condition due to lack of production or being unproductive? Make up your mind.

If you take 1 hour to turn $5 worth of inputs into $6 of output, you've added $1 of value/hr. Does that make you rich or poor? If people in your village typically add $0.05 of value/hr, you're probably a big stud in your village.

You mean five dollars worth of materials, along with the employee's labor ($5.00 worth of overhead/input), is turned into six dollars worth of product output (retail market value/gross earnings), with a few cents of net profits (surplus value). Is that what you were trying to say? Assuming that's what you said, do you actually believe American capitalists are outsourcing their manufacturing abroad to the third world, for such pathetic margins? You're out of touch with reality if you believe American capitalists are actually making such a meager ROI. The return on their investment is orders of magnitude greater than that.

Where is the evidence that American companies are actually making such pathetic profits from their factories located in the third world? Go ahead. That's absolute nonsense. Rubbish.

If you do the same thing in America, you're probably going to be pretty poor.

If employers have a product that has a retail value of $6.00 and costs five bucks in raw materials and labor to manufacture, that means that the seller is making a couple of cents net profit, if anything. They might be losing money. So how do you figure that the worker hired by the factory is to blame for the company's decision to sell a crapy product? This has nothing to do with the worker being non-productive, but rather with his or her employer being an idiot. Only a stupid capitalist would be trying to make a profit off of a product like that.

The welfare that you were whining about.

Walmart isn't giving anyone a "handout", it's the government that is subsidizing Walmart's workforce. And in a way, the American workforce is allowing capitalists to continue owning the means of production, when it doesn't have to. That in and of itself is a "handout" to Walmart from the working class.


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What's the point of you saying that low productivity is more likely to result in poverty when discussing the employees of capitalist employers? And again, within the context of employment, how do you define lack of productivity? How does this apply to the employees of American capitalist employers in the third world, and here at home? Stop beating around the bush and finally answer the question.

So again, how are the employees of these American capitalist employers, being unproductive? Just answer the question.

Yes, justifying poverty on the grounds of lack of productivity. Pretending that the reason people are poor is due to lack of productivity as if it's their fault and there are no other factors in their impoverished condition. You justify your indifference and sociopathic contempt for the poor on the grounds that they are supposedly "lazy" when the fact is that the poor are often the ones working the hardest and producing everything in this world, including the clothing on your back.

You're now backtracking and claiming you never said the poor are in that condition due to lack of production or being unproductive? Make up your mind.

You mean five dollars worth of materials, along with the employee's labor ($5.00 worth of overhead/input), is turned into six dollars worth of product output (retail market value/gross earnings), with a few cents of net profits (surplus value). Is that what you were trying to say? Assuming that's what you said, do you actually believe American capitalists are outsourcing their manufacturing abroad to the third world, for such pathetic margins? You're out of touch with reality if you believe American capitalists are actually making such a meager ROI. The return on their investment is orders of magnitude greater than that.

Where is the evidence that American companies are actually making such pathetic profits from their factories located in the third world? Go ahead. That's absolute nonsense. Rubbish.

If employers have a product that has a retail value of $6.00 and costs five bucks in raw materials and labor to manufacture, that means that the seller is making a couple of cents net profit, if anything. They might be losing money. So how do you figure that the worker hired by the factory is to blame for the company's decision to sell a crapy product? This has nothing to do with the worker being non-productive, but rather with his or her employer being an idiot. Only a stupid capitalist would be trying to make a profit off of a product like that.

Walmart isn't giving anyone a "handout", it's the government that is subsidizing Walmart's workforce. And in a way, the American workforce is allowing capitalists to continue owning the means of production, when it doesn't have to. That in and of itself is a "handout" to Walmart from the working class.

What's the point of you saying that low productivity is more likely to result in poverty when discussing the employees of capitalist employers?

The WalMart employees you keep whining about have low productivity.
That's why they need food stamps to supplement their wages.

And again, within the context of employment, how do you define lack of productivity?

Again: Productivity is a measure of economic performance that compares the amount of goods and services produced (output) with the amount of inputs used to produce those goods and services.

How does this apply to the employees of American capitalist employers in the third world, and here at home?

Again: Productivity is a measure of economic performance that compares the amount of goods and services produced (output) with the amount of inputs used to produce those goods and services.

So again, how are the employees of these American capitalist employers, being unproductive?

Who said unproductive? Link?

Yes, justifying poverty on the grounds of lack of productivity.

I'm not justifying anything. I'm just explaining one reason for it.

Pretending that the reason people are poor is due to lack of productivity as if it's their fault and there are no other factors in their impoverished condition.

Where did I do any such thing?

You justify your indifference and sociopathic contempt for the poor on the grounds that they are supposedly "lazy"

Where did I say lazy?

You mean five dollars worth of materials, along with the employee's labor ($5.00 worth of overhead/input), is turned into six dollars worth of product output (retail market value/gross earnings), with a few cents of net profits (surplus value). Is that what you were trying to say?

Yes, inputs plus labor equals output. The difference is the value added.
The employees get a portion, but not all, as their salary.

Was my explanation too complex? Do you have difficulty translating from English to commie?

Assuming that's what you said, do you actually believe American capitalists are outsourcing their manufacturing abroad to the third world, for such pathetic margins?

Do you imagine my simple examples are indicative of a real-world company?
Get your head out of your ass.

Walmart isn't giving anyone a "handout"

It's the government giving the employee a handout.

And in a way, the American workforce is allowing capitalists to continue owning the means of production, when it doesn't have to.

I know the workforce should seize the means of production. You first.

Post your success stories here.
They're not taking anything that the 90% aren't giving them willingly. All the 90% has to do is say no.
The primary principle of the free market is that no one is a slave to anyone else. Employees aren't slaves to their employers - they can quit at any time. Businesses aren't slaves to their customers. Employers aren't slaves to their employees. And, most of all, no one is a slave to the government. In each and every case everyone has, or in my view should have, the right to say "no".
What's the point of you saying that low productivity is more likely to result in poverty when discussing the employees of capitalist employers?

The WalMart employees you keep whining about have low productivity.
That's why they need food stamps to supplement their wages.

And again, within the context of employment, how do you define lack of productivity?

Again: Productivity is a measure of economic performance that compares the amount of goods and services produced (output) with the amount of inputs used to produce those goods and services.

How does this apply to the employees of American capitalist employers in the third world, and here at home?

Again: Productivity is a measure of economic performance that compares the amount of goods and services produced (output) with the amount of inputs used to produce those goods and services.

So again, how are the employees of these American capitalist employers, being unproductive?

Who said unproductive? Link?

Yes, justifying poverty on the grounds of lack of productivity.

I'm not justifying anything. I'm just explaining one reason for it.

Pretending that the reason people are poor is due to lack of productivity as if it's their fault and there are no other factors in their impoverished condition.

Where did I do any such thing?

You justify your indifference and sociopathic contempt for the poor on the grounds that they are supposedly "lazy"

Where did I say lazy?

You mean five dollars worth of materials, along with the employee's labor ($5.00 worth of overhead/input), is turned into six dollars worth of product output (retail market value/gross earnings), with a few cents of net profits (surplus value). Is that what you were trying to say?

Yes, inputs plus labor equals output. The difference is the value added.
The employees get a portion, but not all, as their salary.

Was my explanation too complex? Do you have difficulty translating from English to commie?

Assuming that's what you said, do you actually believe American capitalists are outsourcing their manufacturing abroad to the third world, for such pathetic margins?

Do you imagine my simple examples are indicative of a real-world company?
Get your head out of your ass.

Walmart isn't giving anyone a "handout"

It's the government giving the employee a handout.

And in a way, the American workforce is allowing capitalists to continue owning the means of production, when it doesn't have to.

I know the workforce should seize the means of production. You first.

Post your success stories here.

The WalMart employees you keep whining about have low productivity.
That's why they need food stamps to supplement their wages.

Exactly in what way do they have "low productivity" at Walmart? If capitalists refuse to pay their workers enough money to meet their basic needs, then the government should offer them employment. Capitalists will have to compete with the government to attract workers, requiring them to pay their employees a living wage. Starvation wages will no longer exist in America.

Again: Productivity is a measure of economic performance that compares the amount of goods and services produced (output) with the amount of inputs used to produce those goods and services.

Based upon what you said in your last post about a worker producing a unit of product at $5.00 an hour, and only having a market retail value of $6.00, how does that translate in your mind to the employee under-producing? What type of product is that? Complete rubish.

Again: Productivity is a measure of economic performance that compares the amount of goods and services produced (output) with the amount of inputs used to produce those goods and services.

What type of product costs five bucks to make and retails for $6.00? You're speaking gibberish. If a capitalist hires someone full-time, that person should earn a living wage. Period. If you can't afford that, you shouldn't be in a business requiring you to hire human labor. Start a business that doesn't need hired help. I'm in business and I don't have or need employees. With all of the technology we have today, you can make money online. Easy peasy.

Who said unproductive? Link?


In your last post, you said that the cashier at Walmart who is getting paid poverty wages is unproductive or "under-producing", hence must remain on government food stamps and cash assistance. Poverty according to you is due to low productivity. So how is that cashier, who is working the machine for eight, ten+ hours daily, "under-producing"? They were hired to do a job full-time, interacting face-to-face with customers (even in the middle of a deadly pandemic), ringing up or scanning what they're going to buy...
  1. Handling cash, credit, or check transactions with customers.
  2. Scanning goods, collecting payments, and ensuring pricing are correct.
  3. Issuing receipts, refunds, credits, or change to customers.
  4. Counting money in cash drawers at the beginning and end of shifts.
  5. Maintaining a clean and tidy checkout area.
  6. Providing great customer service, which may include resolving customer complaints.
A few days ago you told me these employees are stupid and that's why they don't get paid enough to meet their basic needs, requiring to be on government food stamps and cash assistance. Cashiers perform an important job, interacting with the public, face to face, while handling large sums of cash, which comes with its own set of potential hazards:

You completely, flippantly shit on them, claiming that they're worthless and "unemployable" due to being paid starvation wages. You assert that if the government was to hire them, these stupid, unproductive, "unemployables" would be untrainable and of no use to anyone.





Yeah, Walmart could always fire them and society (the community, the American people) can hire them through their government. They can be trained, right here:

Job Corps | Careers Begin Here

Job Corps is the largest free residential education and job training program for young adults ages 16-24. We connect you with the skills and education you need to get the career you want!

And put them to work. We have plenty of money to invest in people's success. You throw them away, we build them up.

Graduate Story Lydia | Job Corps

Lydia and other graduate success stories. Achieve your career dreams like alumni before.

Graduate Story Michael | Job Corps

Michael and other graduate success stories. Achieve your career dreams like alumni before.

Graduate Story Rashaan | Job Corps

Rashaan and other graduate success stories. Achieve your career dreams like alumni before.

Graduate Story Sara | Job Corps

Sara and other graduate success stories. Achieve your career dreams like alumni before.


So Walmart and other stingy multibillion-dollar companies that pay their employees poverty wages would have to pay workers more in order to attract and keep them. Cashiers, which you laugh at because they're supposedly "unemployable" and "not that bright", fill an important role in retail, and if you and your ilk (capitalist pigs) fail to grasp that, these people will have a job with the government. No one is going to want to work for you as a cashier, getting paid such low wages.

That's better than forcing Walmart to pay a living wage or extracting more taxes out of them to mitigate the destructive social ills that accompany poverty wages. Just have the US government, recognize that every human being, especially if you're an American, has a right to employment. I ask again, how are those Walmart cashiers unemployable and underproducing? How?

Yes, justifying poverty on the grounds of lack of productivity.

How are those Walmart employees "lacking productivity", justifying their poverty wages? In what way are they not producing for Walmart? There's no justification for poverty in a nation with so many resources capable of eliminating it. The destructive, social ills that accompany poverty are more expensive than simply eliminating it. A job guarantee for all Americans will go a long way in mitigating the negative effects of greedy, indifferent capitalists who refuse to pay their workers a living wage.

I'm not justifying anything. I'm just explaining one reason for it.

You're no longer justifying it, so you're condemning it now. Right? Walmart should pay their full-time employees enough to cover, at least, their basic needs. Are you going to flippantly Laugh Out Loud, at that too? Walmart the multibillion-dollar company, should pay all of its full-time employees, at least enough to pay for their basic needs. They shouldn't have to rely on the government to survive. But hey, if you LOL at that, well then maybe we should have a job guarantee for all Americans and do this to your beloved rich capitalist buddies at Walmart:


Pay your workers enough to eat and have a roof over their heads if they work for you full-time. If you refuse to do that then capitalism is dysfunctional and we need the government to step in and employ these people. Train them and put them to work, earning a decent wage. That costs less than the social ills that arise from poverty. Capitalists want to keep the labor market desperate for work, that way they accept anything they're offered, even starvation wages. Short-circuit their scheme, with guaranteed employment in the public sector.

Where did I do any such thing?

Anyone can read what you said Todd. So what else is the cause of poverty, besides "underproduction" ? According to what you said, these people are "unemployable", hence Walmart is giving them a handout by hiring them, and paying them poverty wages. That's what you said. How are these people "unemployable" and receiving handouts from Walmart, when they're working full-time for Walmart?

Where did I say lazy?

Read what you said. These people are supposedly unemployable, dim, or "not bright", and don't produce enough to deserve a wage that allows them to meet their basic needs, even if they work full-time for Walmart as cashiers. You Laughed At Loud - LOL, when I said that Walmart should pay them a living wage. At least to meet their basic needs, like food, housing, clothing..and a few other important things like internet, a phone. At least that way they don't have to depend on government food stamps and cash assistance. If a person is employed full-time they shouldn't have to be on government welfare.

Yes, inputs plus labor equals output. The difference is the value added.
The employees get a portion, but not all, as their salary.

So how does that apply to factory workers in the third world, with respect to them supposedly being unproductive? You're arguing that they're not producing enough products and hence get paid peanuts. As if their wages directly correlate with their hourly production capacity. Mexicans who work for American companies like Carrier, make about $5.00 hourly, which is considered quite good for Latin America.

The cost of living in Mexico is dirt cheap, so if you're making five bucks hourly, you're definitely not starving. You're doing quite well.

The factory closed anyways and moved to Mexico.

The lowest salary at the Indiana, Carrier plant was:

Warehouse Worker
1 Salaries submitted

That's about $18 hourly.

The Mexican makes five bucks hourly working for Carrier in Mexico, and the American makes $18, that's more than three times the salary. Todd, was the American producing three times more products than the Mexican?
American supermen and superwomen, produce three times the output of a Mexican. Really?

Are they all lazy in Latin America Todd? What's wrong with them? American capitalists move their factories to Mexico because Mexicans are lazy and produce fewer air conditioning units per hour. Really? What's wrong with these Mexicans Todd? What makes them so "unproductive" that they should get paid three times less than an American doing the same job? Where is the evidence that poor Mexican laborers working for Carrier or other American companies are less productive than American workers and hence worthy of lower wages? Present your evidence.

Was my explanation too complex? Do you have difficulty translating from English to commie?

There's nothing sophisticated about your disingenuous antics and silly games.

Do you imagine my simple examples are indicative of a real-world company? Get your head out of your ass.

Completely irrelevant, stupid examples.

It's the government giving the employee a handout.

The government is giving Walmart, a multibillion-dollar company, a handout or their full-time employees will starve under a bridge.

The magical "invisible hand" of the "free market" might take years to adjust the market, causing irreparable harm to society. Your form of capitalism is too costly. If the government has to mitigate the destructive consequences of your pigish greed, by subsidizing your labor force with food stamps and cash assistance, among other services, then it should simply grant an employment guarantee in the public sector for all Americans.

The alternative is to allow the destructive effects of your magical invisible hand to run its course, or force companies to pay a living wage. A government job guarantee is better than both of those options.

I know the workforce should seize the means of production. You first.
Post your success stories here.

With the rise of the cost of living in America and your crap wages, we commies don't have to fire a shot. You're doing the "Work Of The Lord" for us, with your cold, sociopathic laissez-faire capitalism.


Poor Family.png




The commies are just watching you, do your thing. Thanks for your valuable service.

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You completely, flippantly shit on them, claiming that they're worthless and "unemployable" due to being paid starvation wages. You assert that if the government was to hire them, these stupid, unproductive, "unemployables" would be untrainable and of no use to anyone.

You're lying. Again.
I not brainwashed enough to think I dont have a right to defend myself from a wild animal or a human,,,
It's called survival . You do this by obtaining shelter, food, and warmth. You defend yourself from threats. Humans have been doing this from day one. Americans are so OBSESSED with this Rights word crap, the rest of the planet calls it living.
It's called survival . You do this by obtaining shelter, food, and warmth. You defend yourself from threats. Humans have been doing this from day one. Americans are so OBSESSED with this Rights word crap, the rest of the planet calls it living.
youre a bigger fucking idiot than I thought,,,

when the government wont let you LIVE is when the word rights are important,,,
How high is their productivity at Walmart? Show me.
You're the one making the claim that Walmart is giving these cashiers a "handout" or poverty wages because they're not producing enough. How are they not producing? You call them unemployable clowns, who don't produce enough to warrant a living wage, hence they should get paid less than what it costs to live. You justify those low wages and them receiving government food stamps and cash assistance.

How are they not employable or producing for Walmart when they are employed full-time by Walmart and doing their job?

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