What is the GOP doing?

The quantity does matter when you want to discuss intent. A few documents can easily be an oversight. The more documents we are dealing with, the harder it is to blame on a simple mistake. Last I checked, Biden had 30 classified documents, Trump had 300. Yes, they can be more pages per document which is equally true for Trump as it is with Biden. NARA said they recovered 100 documents with 700 pages from the first batch of stuff Trump turned over to them. Saying Trump had ten times more material is most likely very close to being accurate, if not a little generous.

If you think Trump was actually declassifying TS SCI documents, I've got some land to sell you.

The allegation is that the government would never misplace such highly classified documents, well it did with Trump so I really don't know how far that argument goes.

You are just repeating lies that the right wing media has perpetuated.

Trump was supposed to give everything back, he didn't. The FBI was there to take possession of documents which Trump was legally required to give back to them because they had a subpoena. Trump's lawyers gave the FBI the documents and signed a statement stating they'd searched everywhere and that they were turning over everything with classified markings on it. The FBI could not have just taken whatever they want and Trump's lawyers would not let them look through the boxes they left in the storage closet.

Last I checked, Biden had 30 classified documents, Trump had 300. Yes, they can be more pages per document which is equally true for Trump as it is with Biden. NARA said they recovered 100 documents with 700 pages from the first batch of stuff Trump turned over to them

So, we don’t know how many documents Biden actually had, since his personal lawyers were able to scour through them before returning the boxes.

If you think Trump was actually declassifying TS SCI documents, I've got some land to sell you.

Does the president not have ultimate declass authority?

The allegation is that the government would never misplace such highly classified documents, well it did with Trump so I really don't know how far that argument goes.

Trump didn’t misplace them, he took them, he never denied that, because he believes he had the authority to

Trump's lawyers would not let them look through the boxes they left in the storage closet.

Because trump wanted a special master to assist in weeding out documents so that fbi wasn’t taking privileged information.
So, we don’t know how many documents Biden actually had, since his personal lawyers were able to scour through them before returning the boxes.
If Biden's lawyers were interested in keeping his classified documents hidden from the government, they never would have notified the government of their discovery in the first place. It's not logical to think his lawyers would do such a thing.

On the other hand, we know that Trump's lawyers would keep classified documents hidden from the government because they did by failing to comply with the subpoena. Additionally, Trump has many houses, offices and storage locations. The FBI only searched Mar a Lago. You could just as easily (or easier) say that we don't know how many documents Trump actually had since they didn't search all his property.
Does the president not have ultimate declass authority?
Yes, but that's not the point. You don't actually think Trump wanted to declassify TS-SCI level information, do you? Do you think he doesn't care about national security? Just because he can doesn't mean he would.
Trump didn’t misplace them, he took them, he never denied that, because he believes he had the authority to
The government misplaced them, not Trump. If you're adamant that the government would never let Biden walk off with classified documents, why aren't you also adamant the government would never let Biden walk off with them?
Because trump wanted a special master to assist in weeding out documents so that fbi wasn’t taking privileged information.
You're confused. The issue about a special master wasn't until much later after the raid. When the FBI came to Mar a Lago to take custody of the documents that Trump's lawyers found, the FBI lawyers were forbidden from going through the documents to find any they might have "missed". So your assertion the raid was a farce is based on a lie. You believe that the FBI had full access to his property before the search warrant. They didn't.
You're confused. The issue about a special master wasn't until much later after the raid. When the FBI came to Mar a Lago to take custody of the documents that Trump's lawyers found, the FBI lawyers were forbidden from going through the documents to find any they might have "missed". So your assertion the raid was a farce is based on a lie. You believe that the FBI had full access to his property before the search warrant. They didn't.

The FBI went through everything Trump had. Trump told them they were welcome to come back if they were looking for something other than what they found. They later decided they wanted some documents Trump believed he didn't have to turn over, so Trump's lawyers were in negotiations with the FBI.

This was a legal issue that should have been settled by the courts. Instead, Biden (in fear of Trump running again like all Democrats) sent the FBI to put on a show with a raid. This was discovered in documents obtained by FOIA. They took folders and spread them all over the floor and took pictures to make it look like Trump mishandled the information. And all the boxes they allowed Trump to keep? They took with them so they could report how many they took.
If the government isn’t in charge of classified documents, who keeps track of where they are and who has them? You said they were all numbered and everything? Who do you think does that?

When did I say they were numbered? I said they were likely kept in the oval office or some place similar in a secured location. And I already answered your question. It's the President that's in charge of those files, nobody else.
Before Trump even took office in 2016, the DNC already had plans to impeach him once they took the House, which they did.

Now that the GOP has taken the House, why is the GOP not impeaching Biden? They have plenty with the Hunter lap top.

What's up with this?

This is how politics is done now, is it not, or is it just for the GOP?

Hell, DeSantis is not even running for President yet and they are already suing him.
I'm glad they are not and if the Republicans are smart they won't. They should stick to governing the country and following though on the promises that got them into office.. Come election time hammer the shit out of Biden and the other Democratic party politicians for failed policies and moving the US in the wrong direction. This is how you win elections not wasting tax payer money on revenge and endless investigations.
Hopefully the GOP is not like the corrupt Democrats who forget all about fair play, honor, due process etc. when they go after somebody and their surrogate MSM will not report the unfairness, dishonorable conduct, lack of due process.

And maybe the GOP is reluctant to do a futile impeachment when there is no way the Senate would convict and remove Biden, most especially when the MSM would paint it as political retaliation with no basis.

You have to remember the Democrats control most of the MSM and therefore most of the message however dishonest. The GOP does not have that.

The only corruption in government comes from the GOP

DNC good, GOP bad.

Besides, January 6th.

When did I say they were numbered? I said they were likely kept in the oval office or some place similar in a secured location. And I already answered your question. It's the President that's in charge of those files, nobody else.
So you think the president has a cache of highly classified documents that the government doesn’t know about?

Seems unlikely. Where do you get this from?
The FBI went through everything Trump had. Trump told them they were welcome to come back if they were looking for something other than what they found. They later decided they wanted some documents Trump believed he didn't have to turn over, so Trump's lawyers were in negotiations with the FBI.

This was a legal issue that should have been settled by the courts. Instead, Biden (in fear of Trump running again like all Democrats) sent the FBI to put on a show with a raid. This was discovered in documents obtained by FOIA. They took folders and spread them all over the floor and took pictures to make it look like Trump mishandled the information. And all the boxes they allowed Trump to keep? They took with them so they could report how many they took.
You know that basically none of that is true, right? Before the search warrant, the FBI didn’t go through everything Trump had. In fact, they didn’t go through anything. Trump’s lawyers wouldn’t let them. After the subpoena, there was no negotiation for extra documents. Trump was legally required to turn over every document with classified markings. He didn’t. Trump could have fought the subpoena in court. He didn’t.

Spreading evidence out on the floor and taking pictures is how the FBI does their searches. They find things, spread it out and take photos of it where they found it. It’s not a conspiracy.

Biden did not send the FBI. There’s no documents that show this to be true.

Where do you get your information?
You know that basically none of that is true, right? Before the search warrant, the FBI didn’t go through everything Trump had. In fact, they didn’t go through anything. Trump’s lawyers wouldn’t let them. After the subpoena, there was no negotiation for extra documents. Trump was legally required to turn over every document with classified markings. He didn’t. Trump could have fought the subpoena in court. He didn’t.

Spreading evidence out on the floor and taking pictures is how the FBI does their searches. They find things, spread it out and take photos of it where they found it. It’s not a conspiracy.

Biden did not send the FBI. There’s no documents that show this to be true.

Where do you get your information?

Really? So why didn't they do the same to the folders that Dementia had?

MAY 11, 2022

The Justice Department issued a subpoena for additional records.

JUNE 3, 2022

Three FBI agents and a DOJ attorney went to Mar-a-Lago to collect additional material offered by a Trump attorney in response to the subpoena. They were given “a single Redweld envelope, double-wrapped in tape, containing the documents,” according to an Aug. 30 filing.

JUNE 8, 2022

The Justice Department sent a letter to Trump’s lawyer requesting that the storage room be secured, and that “all of the boxes that were moved from the White House to Mar-a-Lago (along with any other items in that room) be preserved in that room in their current condition until farther notice.”

Really? So why didn't they do the same to the folders that Dementia had?
What do you mean by "do the same"?

The article about the WH involvement is nonsense. We all knew that the White House gave the FBI access to Trump's records after NARA discovered that Trump was hoarding classified documents. That has nothing to do with the decision to engage in a search of Mar a Lago.

NARA issued a statement to clarify. This supposed story comes from America First Legal which is a pro-Trump organization founded by Steven Miller, who was in Trump's administration. Fox News repeating their garbage without criticism or investigation is another demonstration at how worthless they are as a news agency.

MAY 11, 2022

The Justice Department issued a subpoena for additional records.

JUNE 3, 2022

Three FBI agents and a DOJ attorney went to Mar-a-Lago to collect additional material offered by a Trump attorney in response to the subpoena. They were given “a single Redweld envelope, double-wrapped in tape, containing the documents,” according to an Aug. 30 filing.

JUNE 8, 2022

The Justice Department sent a letter to Trump’s lawyer requesting that the storage room be secured, and that “all of the boxes that were moved from the White House to Mar-a-Lago (along with any other items in that room) be preserved in that room in their current condition until farther notice.”
Thanks for a source because it proves you were wrong. There's some parts that you forgot to copy/paste.

JUNE 3, 2022

Three FBI agents and a DOJ attorney went to Mar-a-Lago to collect additional material offered by a Trump attorney in response to the subpoena. They were given “a single Redweld envelope, double-wrapped in tape, containing the documents,” according to an Aug. 30 filing.

That envelope, it was later found, contained 38 documents with classification markings, including five documents marked confidential, 16 marked secret and 17 marked top secret.

During the visit, the filing said, “Counsel for the former President offered no explanation as to why boxes of government records, including 38 documents with classification markings, remained at the Premises nearly five months after the production of the Fifteen Boxes and nearly one-and-a-half years after the end of the Administration.”

Trump’s lawyers also told investigators that all of the records that had come from the White House were stored in one location — a Mar-a-Lago storage room. Investigators were permitted to visit the room, but were “explicitly prohibited” from opening or looking inside any of the boxes, they reported, “giving no opportunity for the government to confirm that no documents with classification markings remained.”

The Justice Department was also given a signed certification letter stating that a “diligent search” had been completed and that no documents remained.

You've clearly been lied to.
What do you mean by "do the same"?

The article about the WH involvement is nonsense. We all knew that the White House gave the FBI access to Trump's records after NARA discovered that Trump was hoarding classified documents. That has nothing to do with the decision to engage in a search of Mar a Lago.

NARA issued a statement to clarify. This supposed story comes from America First Legal which is a pro-Trump organization founded by Steven Miller, who was in Trump's administration. Fox News repeating their garbage without criticism or investigation is another demonstration at how worthless they are as a news agency.

Thanks for a source because it proves you were wrong. There's some parts that you forgot to copy/paste.

JUNE 3, 2022

Three FBI agents and a DOJ attorney went to Mar-a-Lago to collect additional material offered by a Trump attorney in response to the subpoena. They were given “a single Redweld envelope, double-wrapped in tape, containing the documents,” according to an Aug. 30 filing.

That envelope, it was later found, contained 38 documents with classification markings, including five documents marked confidential, 16 marked secret and 17 marked top secret.

During the visit, the filing said, “Counsel for the former President offered no explanation as to why boxes of government records, including 38 documents with classification markings, remained at the Premises nearly five months after the production of the Fifteen Boxes and nearly one-and-a-half years after the end of the Administration.”

Trump’s lawyers also told investigators that all of the records that had come from the White House were stored in one location — a Mar-a-Lago storage room. Investigators were permitted to visit the room, but were “explicitly prohibited” from opening or looking inside any of the boxes, they reported, “giving no opportunity for the government to confirm that no documents with classification markings remained.”

The Justice Department was also given a signed certification letter stating that a “diligent search” had been completed and that no documents remained.

You've clearly been lied to.

My source is the Associated Press, one of your very own. And I posted it to prove that Trump's lawyers did respond to that subpoena.
My source is the Associated Press, one of your very own. And I posted it to prove that Trump's lawyers did respond to that subpoena.
I have no problem with any of the information in the AP article. It's just clear you didn't understand or read all of it.
Trump's lawyers responded to the subpoena by giving the FBI some documents and swearing they had searched everywhere that there were no further documents. That turned out to be false, because if they had actually searched, they would have found all the documents the FBI located in the very room they said they had searched. It's kind of a big deal to lie about your response to a subpoena. That's what led to the search.

You claimed that Trump let the FBI search for any records before getting the search warrant. That's clearly a lie.
I have no problem with any of the information in the AP article. It's just clear you didn't understand or read all of it.
Trump's lawyers responded to the subpoena by giving the FBI some documents and swearing they had searched everywhere that there were no further documents. That turned out to be false, because if they had actually searched, they would have found all the documents the FBI located in the very room they said they had searched. It's kind of a big deal to lie about your response to a subpoena. That's what led to the search.

You claimed that Trump let the FBI search for any records before getting the search warrant. That's clearly a lie.

Read what I pasted. After the DOJ got the documents in response to the subpoena, they didn't request more. They simply requested that Trump keep the rest under lock and key, something the FBI agents told him when they last went there.
Nothing on political persecution of J6 victims.
Yeah! How dare we punish insurrectionists!

Nothing on 2020 or 2022 Election Fraud.
Yeah! How dare we not punish imaginary fraud!

Nothing on those using GOVT to setup phony Russian Collusion.
At least two of Trump's "best people" did in fact collude with Russia, and were convicted. And Trump Jr. attempted to, most likely with his dad's knowledge.

Nothing on DNC Collusion with filthy LW MSM.
Trump called in to Fox and Friends on a nearly daily basis. Is that not collusion under your standards?
Read what I pasted. After the DOJ got the documents in response to the subpoena, they didn't request more. They simply requested that Trump keep the rest under lock and key, something the FBI agents told him when they last went there.
Why would the DoJ request more documents when Trump’s lawyers said that they had turned over everything they had?

This is your lie.
The FBI went through everything Trump had.
Your own link proves this to be wrong.
Why would the DoJ request more documents when Trump’s lawyers said that they had turned over everything they had?

This is your lie.

Your own link proves this to be wrong.

Not really because it's likely they already seen those documents but didn't take them. It was the National Archives that wanted them.
Not really because it's likely they already seen those documents but didn't take them. It was the National Archives that wanted them.
The DoJ wanted the classified documents to investigate their handling.

How can you say they would have they already seen them but not taken them? Your own link says the FBI was not allowed to look at Trump’s papers.

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